initial commit for UILayer, based on GameSurfaceLayer -- compiles, but has no java (will crash on run)

This commit is contained in:
amwatson 2024-02-08 18:10:06 -06:00
parent fe72be3d03
commit 431ae64dd8
3 changed files with 351 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ add_library(citra-android SHARED

View file

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
Filename : UILayer.cpp
Content : Handles the projection of the "Game Surface" panels into XR.
Includes the "top" panel (stereo game screen) and the "bottom"
panel (mono touchpad).
Authors : Amanda M. Watson
License : Licensed under GPLv3 or any later version.
Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include "UILayer.h"
#include "../vr_settings.h"
#include "../utils/JniUtils.h"
#include "../utils/LogUtils.h"
#include "../utils/SyspropUtils.h"
#include "../utils/XrMath.h"
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <GLES3/gl3.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace {
/** Used to translate texture coordinates into the corresponding coordinates
* on the Android Activity Window.
* EmulationActivity still thinks its window
* (invisible) shows the game surface, so when we forward touch events to
* corresponding coordinates on the window, it will be as if the user touched
* the game surface.
class AndroidWindowSpace {
AndroidWindowSpace(const float widthInDp, const float heightInDp)
: leftInDp_(0.0f), rightInDp_(widthInDp), topInDp_(0.0f), bottomInDp_(heightInDp) {}
float Width() const {
return rightInDp_ - leftInDp_;
float Height() const {
return bottomInDp_ - topInDp_;
// "DP" refers to display pixels, which are the same as Android's
// "density-independent pixels" (dp).
float leftInDp_ = 0;
float rightInDp_ = 0;
float topInDp_ = 0;
float bottomInDp_ = 0;
// given a 2D point in worldspace 'point2d', returns the transformed
// coordinate in DP, written to 'result'
void Transform(const XrVector2f& point2d, XrVector2f& result) const {
const float left = leftInDp_;
const float top = topInDp_;
const float width = Width();
const float height = Height();
result.x = (point2d.x * width) + left + (width / 2.0);
// Android has a flipped vertical axis from OpenXR
result.y = ((1.0 - point2d.y) * height) + top - (height / 2.0);
// Local sysprops
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds kMinTimeBetweenChecks(500);
// Get density on an interval
float GetDensitySysprop() {
const float kDefaultDensity = 1200;
static float lastDensity = kDefaultDensity;
static std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> lastTime = {};
// Only check the sysprop every 500ms
if ((std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - lastTime) >= kMinTimeBetweenChecks) {
lastTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
lastDensity = SyspropUtils::GetSysPropAsFloat("debug.citra.density", kDefaultDensity);
return lastDensity;
// Panel math
bool GetRayIntersectionWithPanel(const XrPosef& panelFromWorld, const uint32_t panelWidth,
const uint32_t panelHeight, const XrVector2f& scaleFactor,
const XrVector3f& start, const XrVector3f& end,
XrVector2f& result2d, XrPosef& result3d)
const XrPosef worldFromPanel = XrMath::Posef::Inverted(panelFromWorld);
const XrVector3f localStart = XrMath::Posef::Transform(worldFromPanel, start);
const XrVector3f localEnd = XrMath::Posef::Transform(worldFromPanel, end);
// Note: assumes layer lies in the XZ plane
const float tan = localStart.z / (localStart.z - localEnd.z);
// Check for backwards controller
if (tan < 0) {
ALOGD("Backwards controller");
return false;
result3d.position = start + (end - start) * tan;
result3d.orientation = panelFromWorld.orientation;
const XrVector2f result2dNDC = {
(localStart.x + (localEnd.x - localStart.x) * tan) / (scaleFactor.x),
(localStart.y + (localEnd.y - localStart.y) * tan) / (scaleFactor.y)};
const AndroidWindowSpace androidSpace(panelWidth, panelHeight);
androidSpace.Transform(result2dNDC, result2d);
const bool isInBounds = result2d.x >= 0 && result2d.y >= 0 &&
result2d.x < androidSpace.Width() && result2d.y < androidSpace.Height();
result2d.y += androidSpace.Height();
if (!isInBounds) {
return false;
return true;
// Uses a density for scaling and sets aspect ratio
XrVector2f GetDensityScaleForSize(const int32_t texWidth, const int32_t texHeight,
const float scaleFactor) {
const float density = GetDensitySysprop();
return XrVector2f{2.0f * static_cast<float>(texWidth) / density,
(static_cast<float>(texHeight) / density)} *
XrPosef CreatePanelFromWorld(const XrVector3f& position) {
return XrPosef{XrMath::Quatf::Identity(), position};
} // anonymous namespace
UILayer::UILayer(const std::string& className, const XrVector3f&& position, JNIEnv* env,
jobject activityObject, const XrSession& session)
: session_(session), panelFromWorld_(CreatePanelFromWorld(position)), env_(env),
const int32_t initializationStatus = Init(className, activityObject, position, session);
if (initializationStatus < 0) {
FAIL("Could not initialize UILayer -- error '%d'", initializationStatus);
UILayer::~UILayer() {
void UILayer::Frame(const XrSpace& space, std::vector<XrCompositionLayer>& layers,
uint32_t& layerCount) const
XrCompositionLayerQuad layer = {};
// NOTE: may not want unpremultiplied alpha = space;
layer.eyeVisibility = XR_EYE_VISIBILITY_BOTH;
memset(&layer.subImage, 0, sizeof(XrSwapchainSubImage));
layer.subImage.swapchain = swapchain_.Handle;
layer.subImage.imageRect.offset.x = 0;
layer.subImage.imageRect.offset.y = 0;
layer.subImage.imageRect.extent.width = swapchain_.Width;
layer.subImage.imageRect.extent.height = swapchain_.Height;
layer.subImage.imageArrayIndex = 0;
layer.pose = panelFromWorld_;
const auto scale = GetDensityScaleForSize(swapchain_.Width, swapchain_.Height, 1.0f);
layer.size.width = scale.x;
layer.size.height = scale.y;
layers[layerCount++].mQuad = layer;
bool UILayer::GetRayIntersectionWithPanel(const XrVector3f& start, const XrVector3f& end,
XrVector2f& result2d, XrPosef& result3d) const {
const XrVector2f scale = GetDensityScaleForSize(swapchain_.Width, swapchain_.Height, 1.0f);
return ::GetRayIntersectionWithPanel(panelFromWorld_, swapchain_.Width, swapchain_.Height,
scale, start, end, result2d, result3d);
// Next error code: -4
int32_t UILayer::Init(const std::string& className, const jobject activityObject,
const XrVector3f& position, const XrSession& session) {
vrUILayerClass_ = JniUtils::GetGlobalClassReference(env_, activityObject, className.c_str());
BAIL_ON_COND(vrUILayerClass_ == nullptr, "No java UI Layer class", -1);
jmethodID vrUILayerConstructor =
env_->GetMethodID(vrUILayerClass_, "<init>", "(Lorg/citra/citra_emu/vr/VrActivity;)V");
BAIL_ON_COND(vrUILayerConstructor == nullptr, "no java window constructor", -2);
vrUILayerObject_ = env_->NewObject(vrUILayerClass_, vrUILayerConstructor, activityObject);
BAIL_ON_COND(vrUILayerObject_ == nullptr, "Could not construct java window", -3);
return 0;
void UILayer::Shutdown() {
// This currently causes a memory exception
// env_->DeleteGlobalRef(vrUILayerClass_);
void UILayer::CreateSwapchain() {
// Initialize swapchain
XrSwapchainCreateInfo xsci;
memset(&xsci, 0, sizeof(xsci));
xsci.type = XR_TYPE_SWAPCHAIN_CREATE_INFO; = nullptr;
xsci.format = 0;
xsci.sampleCount = 0;
xsci.width = 500;
xsci.height = 500;
xsci.faceCount = 0;
xsci.arraySize = 0;
// Note: you can't have mips when you render directly to a
// surface-backed swapchain. You just have to scale everything
// so that you do not need them.
xsci.mipCount = 0;
ALOGI("UILayer: Creating swapchain of size {}x{}", xsci.width, xsci.height);
PFN_xrCreateSwapchainAndroidSurfaceKHR pfnCreateSwapchainAndroidSurfaceKHR = nullptr;
assert(OpenXr::GetInstance() != XR_NULL_HANDLE);
XrResult xrResult =
xrGetInstanceProcAddr(OpenXr::GetInstance(), "xrCreateSwapchainAndroidSurfaceKHR",
if (xrResult != XR_SUCCESS || pfnCreateSwapchainAndroidSurfaceKHR == nullptr) {
FAIL("xrGetInstanceProcAddr failed for "
OXR(pfnCreateSwapchainAndroidSurfaceKHR(session_, &xsci, &swapchain_.Handle, &surface_));
swapchain_.Width = xsci.width;
swapchain_.Height = xsci.height;
void UILayer::SendClickToUI(const XrVector2f& pos2d, const int type)
env_->CallIntMethod(vrUILayerObject_, sendClickToWindowMethodID_, pos2d.x,
pos2d.y, type);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#include "../OpenXR.h"
#include "../Swapchain.h"
#include "../utils/Common.h"
#include <string>
class UILayer {
/** Constructor.
* @param position: position of the layer, in world space
* @param activity object: reference to the current activity. Used to get
* the class information for gameSurfaceClass
* @param session a valid XrSession
UILayer(const std::string& className, const XrVector3f&& position, JNIEnv* jni, jobject activityObject,
const XrSession& session);
/** Called on resume. Sets the surface in the native rendering library.
* Overrides the normal surface passed by Citra
void SetSurface() const;
/** Called once-per-frame. Populates the given layer descriptor to show the
* top and bottom panels as two separate layers.
* @param space the XrSpace this layer should be positioned with. The
* center of the layer is placed in the center of the FOV.
* @param layers the array of layers to populate
* @param layerCount the number of layers in the array
void Frame(const XrSpace& space, std::vector<XrCompositionLayer>& layers,
uint32_t& layerCount) const;
/** Given an origin, direction of a ray,
* returns the coordinates of where the ray will intersects
* with the UI layer. This is used to render the controller cursor
* and send clicks to the Android window coordinates.
* @param start origin of the ray
* @param end the destination point of the ray
* @param result2d stores the 2D result on success. The 2D result is the 2D
* location of the intersection (cursor) in the Android display coordinate
* system. This is used to send input events to the window.
* @param result3d store the 3D result on success. The 3d result is the
* position where the layer and the ray intersect, in the target reference
* space. This is used to render the cursor.
* @return true if the ray and the plane intersected and the position is
* within the layer's window bounds, false otherwise.
* Note: assumes viewer is looking down the -Z axis.
bool GetRayIntersectionWithPanel(const XrVector3f& start, const XrVector3f& end,
XrVector2f& result2d, XrPosef& result3d) const;
void SendClickToUI(const XrVector2f& pos2d, const int type);
int Init(const std::string& className, const jobject activityObject, const XrVector3f& position, const XrSession& session);
void Shutdown();
/** Creates the swapchain.
void CreateSwapchain();
const XrSession session_;
Swapchain swapchain_;
XrPosef panelFromWorld_;
// JNI objects
JNIEnv* env_ = nullptr;
jobject activityObject_ = nullptr;
jclass vrUILayerClass_ = nullptr;
jobject vrUILayerObject_ = nullptr;
jobject surface_ = nullptr;
// JNI methods
jmethodID getBoundsMethodID_ = nullptr;
jmethodID sendClickToWindowMethodID_ = nullptr;