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// Name: wx/generic/calctrlg.h
// Purpose: generic implementation of date-picker control
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 29.12.99
// RCS-ID: $Id: calctrlg.h 67254 2011-03-20 00:14:35Z DS $
// Copyright: (c) 1999 Vadim Zeitlin <>
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#include "wx/control.h" // the base class
#include "wx/dcclient.h" // for wxPaintDC
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxStaticText;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxGenericCalendarCtrl
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV wxGenericCalendarCtrl : public wxCalendarCtrlBase
// construction
wxGenericCalendarCtrl() { Init(); }
wxGenericCalendarCtrl(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxDateTime& date = wxDefaultDateTime,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxCAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS,
const wxString& name = wxCalendarNameStr);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxDateTime& date = wxDefaultDateTime,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxCAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS,
const wxString& name = wxCalendarNameStr);
virtual ~wxGenericCalendarCtrl();
virtual bool Destroy();
// set/get the current date
// ------------------------
virtual bool SetDate(const wxDateTime& date);
virtual wxDateTime GetDate() const { return m_date; }
// set/get the range in which selection can occur
// ---------------------------------------------
virtual bool SetDateRange(const wxDateTime& lowerdate = wxDefaultDateTime,
const wxDateTime& upperdate = wxDefaultDateTime);
virtual bool GetDateRange(wxDateTime *lowerdate, wxDateTime *upperdate) const;
// these functions are for generic version only, don't use them but use the
// Set/GetDateRange() above instead
bool SetLowerDateLimit(const wxDateTime& date = wxDefaultDateTime);
const wxDateTime& GetLowerDateLimit() const { return m_lowdate; }
bool SetUpperDateLimit(const wxDateTime& date = wxDefaultDateTime);
const wxDateTime& GetUpperDateLimit() const { return m_highdate; }
// calendar mode
// -------------
// some calendar styles can't be changed after the control creation by
// just using SetWindowStyle() and Refresh() and the functions below
// should be used instead for them
// corresponds to wxCAL_NO_MONTH_CHANGE bit
virtual bool EnableMonthChange(bool enable = true);
// corresponds to wxCAL_NO_YEAR_CHANGE bit, deprecated, generic only
void EnableYearChange(bool enable = true);
// customization
// -------------
virtual void Mark(size_t day, bool mark);
// all other functions in this section are for generic version only
// header colours are used for painting the weekdays at the top
virtual void SetHeaderColours(const wxColour& colFg, const wxColour& colBg)
m_colHeaderFg = colFg;
m_colHeaderBg = colBg;
virtual const wxColour& GetHeaderColourFg() const { return m_colHeaderFg; }
virtual const wxColour& GetHeaderColourBg() const { return m_colHeaderBg; }
// highlight colour is used for the currently selected date
virtual void SetHighlightColours(const wxColour& colFg, const wxColour& colBg)
m_colHighlightFg = colFg;
m_colHighlightBg = colBg;
virtual const wxColour& GetHighlightColourFg() const { return m_colHighlightFg; }
virtual const wxColour& GetHighlightColourBg() const { return m_colHighlightBg; }
// holiday colour is used for the holidays (if style & wxCAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS)
virtual void SetHolidayColours(const wxColour& colFg, const wxColour& colBg)
m_colHolidayFg = colFg;
m_colHolidayBg = colBg;
virtual const wxColour& GetHolidayColourFg() const { return m_colHolidayFg; }
virtual const wxColour& GetHolidayColourBg() const { return m_colHolidayBg; }
virtual wxCalendarDateAttr *GetAttr(size_t day) const
wxCHECK_MSG( day > 0 && day < 32, NULL, wxT("invalid day") );
return m_attrs[day - 1];
virtual void SetAttr(size_t day, wxCalendarDateAttr *attr)
wxCHECK_RET( day > 0 && day < 32, wxT("invalid day") );
delete m_attrs[day - 1];
m_attrs[day - 1] = attr;
virtual void ResetAttr(size_t day) { SetAttr(day, NULL); }
virtual void SetHoliday(size_t day);
virtual wxCalendarHitTestResult HitTest(const wxPoint& pos,
wxDateTime *date = NULL,
wxDateTime::WeekDay *wd = NULL);
// implementation only from now on
// -------------------------------
// forward these functions to all subcontrols
virtual bool Enable(bool enable = true);
virtual bool Show(bool show = true);
virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag(long style);
virtual wxVisualAttributes GetDefaultAttributes() const
{ return GetClassDefaultAttributes(GetWindowVariant()); }
static wxVisualAttributes
GetClassDefaultAttributes(wxWindowVariant variant = wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL);
void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event);
// override some base class virtuals
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const;
virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height);
virtual void DoGetSize(int *width, int *height) const;
// common part of all ctors
void Init();
// startup colours and reinitialization after colour changes in system
void InitColours();
// event handlers
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
void OnClick(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnDClick(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
void OnMonthChange(wxCommandEvent& event);
void HandleYearChange(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnYearChange(wxSpinEvent& event);
void OnYearTextChange(wxCommandEvent& event);
// (re)calc m_widthCol and m_heightRow
void RecalcGeometry();
// set the date and send the notification
void SetDateAndNotify(const wxDateTime& date);
// get the week (row, in range 1..6) for the given date
size_t GetWeek(const wxDateTime& date) const;
// get the date from which we start drawing days
wxDateTime GetStartDate() const;
// get the first/last days of the week corresponding to the current style
wxDateTime::WeekDay GetWeekStart() const
return HasFlag(wxCAL_MONDAY_FIRST) ? wxDateTime::Mon
: wxDateTime::Sun;
wxDateTime::WeekDay GetWeekEnd() const
return HasFlag(wxCAL_MONDAY_FIRST) ? wxDateTime::Sun
: wxDateTime::Sat;
// is this date shown?
bool IsDateShown(const wxDateTime& date) const;
// is this date in the currently allowed range?
bool IsDateInRange(const wxDateTime& date) const;
// adjust the date to the currently allowed range, return true if it was
// changed
bool AdjustDateToRange(wxDateTime *date) const;
// redraw the given date
void RefreshDate(const wxDateTime& date);
// change the date inside the same month/year
void ChangeDay(const wxDateTime& date);
// deprecated
bool AllowYearChange() const
return !(GetWindowStyle() & wxCAL_NO_YEAR_CHANGE);
// show the correct controls
void ShowCurrentControls();
// create the month combo and year spin controls
void CreateMonthComboBox();
void CreateYearSpinCtrl();
// get the currently shown control for month/year
wxControl *GetMonthControl() const;
wxControl *GetYearControl() const;
virtual void ResetHolidayAttrs();
virtual void RefreshHolidays() { Refresh(); }
// OnPaint helper-methods
// Highlight the [fromdate : todate] range using pen and brush
void HighlightRange(wxPaintDC* dc, const wxDateTime& fromdate, const wxDateTime& todate, const wxPen* pen, const wxBrush* brush);
// Get the "coordinates" for the date relative to the month currently displayed.
// using (day, week): upper left coord is (1, 1), lower right coord is (7, 6)
// if the date isn't visible (-1, -1) is put in (day, week) and false is returned
bool GetDateCoord(const wxDateTime& date, int *day, int *week) const;
// Set the flag for SetDate(): otherwise it would overwrite the year
// typed in by the user
void SetUserChangedYear() { m_userChangedYear = true; }
// the subcontrols
wxStaticText *m_staticMonth;
wxComboBox *m_comboMonth;
wxStaticText *m_staticYear;
wxSpinCtrl *m_spinYear;
// the current selection
wxDateTime m_date;
// the date-range
wxDateTime m_lowdate;
wxDateTime m_highdate;
// default attributes
wxColour m_colHighlightFg,
// the attributes for each of the month days
wxCalendarDateAttr *m_attrs[31];
// the width and height of one column/row in the calendar
wxCoord m_widthCol,
wxRect m_leftArrowRect,
// the week day names
wxString m_weekdays[7];
// true if SetDate() is being called as the result of changing the year in
// the year control
bool m_userChangedYear;