///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/msw/private/fswatcher.h // Purpose: File system watcher impl classes // Author: Bartosz Bekier // Created: 2009-05-26 // RCS-ID: $Id: fswatcher.h 62678 2009-11-18 09:56:52Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 2009 Bartosz Bekier // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef WX_MSW_PRIVATE_FSWATCHER_H_ #define WX_MSW_PRIVATE_FSWATCHER_H_ #include "wx/filename.h" #include "wx/vector.h" #include "wx/msw/private.h" // ============================================================================ // wxFSWatcherEntry implementation & helper declarations // ============================================================================ class wxFSWatcherImplMSW; class wxFSWatchEntryMSW : public wxFSWatchInfo { public: enum { BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 // TODO parametrize }; wxFSWatchEntryMSW(const wxFSWatchInfo& winfo) : wxFSWatchInfo(winfo) { // get handle for this path m_handle = OpenDir(m_path); m_overlapped = (OVERLAPPED*)calloc(1, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); wxZeroMemory(m_buffer); } virtual ~wxFSWatchEntryMSW() { wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_FSWATCHER, "Deleting entry '%s'", m_path); if (m_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!CloseHandle(m_handle)) { wxLogSysError(_("Unable to close the handle for '%s'"), m_path); } } delete m_overlapped; } bool IsOk() const { return m_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } HANDLE GetHandle() const { return m_handle; } void* GetBuffer() { return m_buffer; } OVERLAPPED* GetOverlapped() const { return m_overlapped; } private: // opens dir with all flags, attributes etc. necessary to be later // asynchronous watched with ReadDirectoryChangesW static HANDLE OpenDir(const wxString& path) { HANDLE handle = CreateFile(path.t_str(), FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { wxLogSysError(_("Failed to open directory \"%s\" for monitoring."), path); } return handle; } HANDLE m_handle; // handle to opened directory char m_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // buffer for fs events OVERLAPPED* m_overlapped; wxDECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxFSWatchEntryMSW); }; // ============================================================================ // wxFSWatcherImplMSW helper classes implementations // ============================================================================ class wxIOCPService { public: wxIOCPService() : m_iocp(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Init(); } ~wxIOCPService() { if (m_iocp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!CloseHandle(m_iocp)) { wxLogSysError(_("Unable to close I/O completion port handle")); } } m_watches.clear(); } // associates a wxFSWatchEntryMSW with completion port bool Add(wxSharedPtr watch) { wxCHECK_MSG( m_iocp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, false, "IOCP not init" ); wxCHECK_MSG( watch->IsOk(), false, "Invalid watch" ); // associate with IOCP HANDLE ret = CreateIoCompletionPort(watch->GetHandle(), m_iocp, (ULONG_PTR)watch.get(), 0); if (ret == NULL) { wxLogSysError(_("Unable to associate handle with " "I/O completion port")); return false; } else if (ret != m_iocp) { wxFAIL_MSG(_("Unexpectedly new I/O completion port was created")); return false; } // add to watch map wxFSWatchEntries::value_type val(watch->GetPath(), watch); return m_watches.insert(val).second; } // post completion packet bool PostEmptyStatus() { wxCHECK_MSG( m_iocp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, false, "IOCP not init" ); int ret = PostQueuedCompletionStatus(m_iocp, 0, 0, NULL); if (!ret) { wxLogSysError(_("Unable to post completion status")); } return ret != 0; } // Wait for completion status to arrive. // This function can block forever in it's wait for completion status. // Use PostEmptyStatus() to wake it up (and end the worker thread) bool GetStatus(unsigned long* count, wxFSWatchEntryMSW** watch, OVERLAPPED** overlapped) { wxCHECK_MSG( m_iocp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, false, "IOCP not init" ); wxCHECK_MSG( count != NULL, false, "Null out parameter 'count'"); wxCHECK_MSG( watch != NULL, false, "Null out parameter 'watch'"); wxCHECK_MSG( overlapped != NULL, false, "Null out parameter 'overlapped'"); int ret = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(m_iocp, count, (ULONG_PTR *)watch, overlapped, INFINITE); if (!ret) { wxLogSysError(_("Unable to dequeue completion packet")); } return ret != 0; } protected: bool Init() { m_iocp = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0); if (m_iocp == NULL) { wxLogSysError(_("Unable to create I/O completion port")); } return m_iocp != NULL; } HANDLE m_iocp; wxFSWatchEntries m_watches; }; class wxIOCPThread : public wxThread { public: wxIOCPThread(wxFSWatcherImplMSW* service, wxIOCPService* iocp); // finishes this thread bool Finish(); protected: // structure to hold information needed to process one native event // this is just a dummy holder, so it doesn't take ownership of it's data struct wxEventProcessingData { wxEventProcessingData(const FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION* ne, const wxFSWatchEntryMSW* watch) : nativeEvent(ne), watch(watch) {} const FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION* nativeEvent; const wxFSWatchEntryMSW* watch; }; virtual ExitCode Entry(); // wait for events to occur, read them and send to interested parties // returns false it empty status was read, which means we whould exit // true otherwise bool ReadEvents(); void ProcessNativeEvents(wxVector& events); void SendEvent(wxFileSystemWatcherEvent& evt); static int Native2WatcherFlags(int flags); static wxString FileNotifyInformationToString( const FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION& e); static wxFileName GetEventPath(const wxFSWatchEntryMSW& watch, const FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION& e); wxFSWatcherImplMSW* m_service; wxIOCPService* m_iocp; }; #endif /* WX_MSW_PRIVATE_FSWATCHER_H_ */