#include "Win32Window.h" // Static member data unsigned int Win32Window::ourWindowCount = 0; const char* Win32Window::ourClassName = _T("DolphinEmuWnd"); Win32Window* Win32Window::ourFullscreenWindow = NULL; Win32Window::Win32Window() : GLWindow(), myHandle (NULL), myCallback (0), myCursor (NULL), myIcon (NULL), myKeyRepeatEnabled (true), myIsCursorIn (false) { // Register the window class at first call if (ourWindowCount == 0) RegisterWindowClass(); // Use small dimensions //SetWinSize(1, 1); // Create the rendering window if (!(myHandle = CreateWindow(ourClassName, _T(""), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, GetXwin(), GetYwin(), NULL, NULL, myhInstance, this))) { PanicAlert("Error creating GL Window"); } ShowWindow(myHandle, SW_SHOW); // Create the rendering context if (myHandle) { VideoMode Mode; Mode.Width = GetXwin(); Mode.Height = GetYwin(); Mode.BitsPerPixel = 32; Mode.DepthBits = 24; Mode.StencilBits = 8; Mode.AntialiasingLevel = 0; CreateContext(Mode); // Don't activate by default //SetNotActive(); } } Win32Window::~Win32Window() { // Destroy the custom icon, if any if (myIcon) DestroyIcon(myIcon); if (!myCallback) { // Destroy the window if (myHandle) DestroyWindow(myHandle); // Decrement the window count ourWindowCount--; // Unregister window class if we were the last window if (ourWindowCount == 0) UnregisterClass(ourClassName, GetModuleHandle(NULL)); } else { // The window is external : remove the hook on its message callback SetWindowLongPtr(myHandle, GWLP_WNDPROC, myCallback); } } void Win32Window::SwapBuffers() { if (myDeviceContext && myGLContext) ::SwapBuffers(myDeviceContext); } void Win32Window::SetWindowText(const char *text) { ::SetWindowText(GetWnd(), text); } void Win32Window::ShowMouseCursor(bool Show) { if (Show) myCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); else myCursor = NULL; SetCursor(myCursor); } bool Win32Window::PeekMessages() { // We update the window only if we own it if (!myCallback) { MSG Message; while (PeekMessage(&Message, myHandle, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&Message); DispatchMessage(&Message); } } return true; // I don't know why this is bool... } void Win32Window::Update() { // We just check all of our events here // TODO PeekMessages(); eventHandler->Update(); updateDim(); } bool Win32Window::MakeCurrent() { if (myDeviceContext && myGLContext && (wglGetCurrentContext() != myGLContext)) { wglMakeCurrent(myDeviceContext, myGLContext); return true; } else return false; } void Win32Window::RegisterWindowClass() { WNDCLASS WindowClass; myhInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); WindowClass.style = CS_OWNDC; WindowClass.lpfnWndProc = &Win32Window::GlobalOnEvent; WindowClass.cbClsExtra = 0; WindowClass.cbWndExtra = 0; WindowClass.hInstance = myhInstance; WindowClass.hIcon = NULL; WindowClass.hCursor = 0; WindowClass.hbrBackground = 0; WindowClass.lpszMenuName = NULL; WindowClass.lpszClassName = ourClassName; if (!RegisterClass(&WindowClass)) ERROR_LOG("Failed To Register The Window Class\n"); } void Win32Window::SwitchToFullscreen(const VideoMode& Mode) { DEVMODE DevMode; DevMode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); DevMode.dmPelsWidth = Mode.Width; DevMode.dmPelsHeight = Mode.Height; DevMode.dmBitsPerPel = Mode.BitsPerPixel; DevMode.dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT | DM_BITSPERPEL; // Apply fullscreen mode if (ChangeDisplaySettings(&DevMode, CDS_FULLSCREEN) != DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { ERROR_LOG("Failed to change display mode for fullscreen\n"); return; } // Change window style (no border, no titlebar, ...) SetWindowLong(myHandle, GWL_STYLE, WS_POPUP); SetWindowLong(myHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE, WS_EX_APPWINDOW); // And resize it so that it fits the entire screen SetWindowPos(myHandle, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, Mode.Width, Mode.Height, SWP_FRAMECHANGED); ShowWindow(myHandle, SW_SHOW); // Set "this" as the current fullscreen window ourFullscreenWindow = this; // SetPixelFormat can fail (really ?) if window style doesn't contain these flags long Style = GetWindowLong(myHandle, GWL_STYLE); SetWindowLong(myHandle, GWL_STYLE, Style | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS); } //VideoMode Win32Window::GetSupportedVideoModes(std::vector& Modes) //{ // // First, clear array to fill // Modes.clear(); // // // Enumerate all available video modes for primary display adapter // DEVMODE Win32Mode; // Win32Mode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); // for (int Count = 0; EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, Count, &Win32Mode); ++Count) // { // // Convert to sfVideoMode // VideoMode Mode(Win32Mode.dmPelsWidth, Win32Mode.dmPelsHeight, Win32Mode.dmBitsPerPel); // // // Add it only if it is not already in the array // if (std::find(Modes.begin(), Modes.end(), Mode) == Modes.end()) // Modes.push_back(Mode); // } //} void Win32Window::CreateContext(VideoMode& Mode) { // TESTING Mode.DepthBits = 24; Mode.StencilBits = 8; //Mode.AntialiasingLevel = 4; // Get the device context attached to the window myDeviceContext = GetDC(myHandle); if (myDeviceContext == NULL) { ERROR_LOG("Failed to get device context of window -- cannot create OpenGL context\n"); return; } // Let's find a suitable pixel format -- first try with antialiasing int BestFormat = 0; if (Mode.AntialiasingLevel > 0) { // Get the wglChoosePixelFormatARB function (it is an extension) PFNWGLCHOOSEPIXELFORMATARBPROC wglChoosePixelFormatARB = reinterpret_cast(wglGetProcAddress("wglChoosePixelFormatARB")); // Define the basic attributes we want for our window int IntAttributes[] = { WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB, GL_TRUE, WGL_SUPPORT_OPENGL_ARB, GL_TRUE, WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB, WGL_FULL_ACCELERATION_ARB, WGL_DOUBLE_BUFFER_ARB, GL_TRUE, WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB, (Mode.AntialiasingLevel ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE), WGL_SAMPLES_ARB, Mode.AntialiasingLevel, 0, 0 }; // Let's check how many formats are supporting our requirements int Formats[128]; UINT NbFormats; float FloatAttributes[] = {0, 0}; bool IsValid = wglChoosePixelFormatARB(myDeviceContext, IntAttributes, FloatAttributes, sizeof(Formats) / sizeof(*Formats), Formats, &NbFormats) != 0; if (!IsValid || (NbFormats == 0)) { if (Mode.AntialiasingLevel > 2) { // No format matching our needs : reduce the multisampling level char errMsg[256]; sprintf(errMsg, "Failed to find a pixel format supporting %u antialiasing levels ; trying with 2 levels\n", Mode.AntialiasingLevel); ERROR_LOG(errMsg); Mode.AntialiasingLevel = IntAttributes[1] = 2; IsValid = wglChoosePixelFormatARB(myDeviceContext, IntAttributes, FloatAttributes, sizeof(Formats) / sizeof(*Formats), Formats, &NbFormats) != 0; } if (!IsValid || (NbFormats == 0)) { // Cannot find any pixel format supporting multisampling ; disabling antialiasing ERROR_LOG("Failed to find a pixel format supporting antialiasing ; antialiasing will be disabled\n"); Mode.AntialiasingLevel = 0; } } // Get the best format among the returned ones if (IsValid && (NbFormats > 0)) { int BestScore = 0xFFFF; for (UINT i = 0; i < NbFormats; ++i) { // Get the current format's attributes PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR Attribs; Attribs.nSize = sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR); Attribs.nVersion = 1; DescribePixelFormat(myDeviceContext, Formats[i], sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &Attribs); // Evaluate the current configuration int Color = Attribs.cRedBits + Attribs.cGreenBits + Attribs.cBlueBits + Attribs.cAlphaBits; int Score = abs(static_cast(Mode.BitsPerPixel - Color)) + // The EvaluateConfig function abs(static_cast(Mode.DepthBits - Attribs.cDepthBits)) + abs(static_cast(Mode.StencilBits - Attribs.cStencilBits)); // Keep it if it's better than the current best if (Score < BestScore) { BestScore = Score; BestFormat = Formats[i]; } } } } // Find a pixel format with no antialiasing, if not needed or not supported if (BestFormat == 0) { // Setup a pixel format descriptor from the rendering settings PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR PixelDescriptor; ZeroMemory(&PixelDescriptor, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR)); PixelDescriptor.nSize = sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR); PixelDescriptor.nVersion = 1; PixelDescriptor.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; PixelDescriptor.dwFlags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER; PixelDescriptor.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; PixelDescriptor.cColorBits = static_cast(Mode.BitsPerPixel); PixelDescriptor.cDepthBits = static_cast(Mode.DepthBits); PixelDescriptor.cStencilBits = static_cast(Mode.StencilBits); // Get the pixel format that best matches our requirements BestFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(myDeviceContext, &PixelDescriptor); if (BestFormat == 0) { ERROR_LOG("Failed to find a suitable pixel format for device context -- cannot create OpenGL context\n"); return; } } // Extract the depth and stencil bits from the chosen format PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR ActualFormat; ActualFormat.nSize = sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR); ActualFormat.nVersion = 1; DescribePixelFormat(myDeviceContext, BestFormat, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &ActualFormat); Mode.DepthBits = ActualFormat.cDepthBits; Mode.StencilBits = ActualFormat.cStencilBits; // Set the chosen pixel format if (!SetPixelFormat(myDeviceContext, BestFormat, &ActualFormat)) { ERROR_LOG("Failed to set pixel format for device context -- cannot create OpenGL context\n"); return; } // Create the OpenGL context from the device context myGLContext = wglCreateContext(myDeviceContext); if (myGLContext == NULL) { ERROR_LOG("Failed to create an OpenGL context for this window\n"); return; } // Share display lists with other contexts HGLRC CurrentContext = wglGetCurrentContext(); if (CurrentContext) wglShareLists(CurrentContext, myGLContext); // Activate the context MakeCurrent(); // Enable multisampling if (Mode.AntialiasingLevel > 0) glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB); } void Win32Window::Cleanup() { // Restore the previous video mode (in case we were running in fullscreen) if (ourFullscreenWindow == this) { ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, 0); ourFullscreenWindow = NULL; } // Unhide the mouse cursor (in case it was hidden) ShowMouseCursor(true); //GetProperty(OGL_HIDECURSOR) // Destroy the OpenGL context if (myGLContext) { // Unbind the context before destroying it //SetNotActive(); wglDeleteContext(myGLContext); myGLContext = NULL; } if (myDeviceContext) { ReleaseDC(myHandle, myDeviceContext); myDeviceContext = NULL; } } /// Process a Win32 Event void Win32Window::ProcessEvent(UINT Message, WPARAM WParam, LPARAM LParam) { // Don't process any message until window is created if (myHandle == NULL) return; switch (Message) { // Destroy Event case WM_DESTROY : { // Here we must cleanup resources ! Cleanup(); break; } // Set cursor Event case WM_SETCURSOR : { // The mouse has moved, if the cursor is in our window we must refresh the cursor if (LOWORD(LParam) == HTCLIENT) SetCursor(myCursor); break; } case WM_CLOSE : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::Closed; eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Resize Event case WM_SIZE : { // Update window size RECT Rect; GetClientRect(myHandle, &Rect); SetWinSize(Rect.right - Rect.left, Rect.bottom - Rect.top); sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::Resized; Evt.Size.Width = GetXwin(); Evt.Size.Height = GetYwin(); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Gain focus Event case WM_SETFOCUS : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::GainedFocus; eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Lost focus Event case WM_KILLFOCUS : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::LostFocus; eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Text Event case WM_CHAR : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::TextEntered; Evt.Text.Unicode = static_cast(WParam); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Keydown Event case WM_KEYDOWN : case WM_SYSKEYDOWN : { if (myKeyRepeatEnabled || ((LParam & (1 << 30)) == 0)) { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::KeyPressed; Evt.Key.Code = (WParam == VK_SHIFT) ? GetShiftState(true) : VirtualKeyCodeToSF(WParam, LParam); Evt.Key.Alt = HIWORD(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU)) != 0; Evt.Key.Control = HIWORD(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)) != 0; Evt.Key.Shift = HIWORD(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT)) != 0; eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); } break; } // Keyup Event case WM_KEYUP : case WM_SYSKEYUP : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::KeyReleased; Evt.Key.Code = (WParam == VK_SHIFT) ? GetShiftState(false) : VirtualKeyCodeToSF(WParam, LParam); Evt.Key.Alt = HIWORD(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU)) != 0; Evt.Key.Control = HIWORD(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)) != 0; Evt.Key.Shift = HIWORD(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT)) != 0; eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse wheel Event case WM_MOUSEWHEEL : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseWheelMoved; Evt.MouseWheel.Delta = static_cast(HIWORD(WParam)) / 120; eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse left button down Event case WM_LBUTTONDOWN : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed; Evt.MouseButton.Button = sf::Mouse::Left; Evt.MouseButton.X = LOWORD(LParam); Evt.MouseButton.Y = HIWORD(LParam); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse left button up Event case WM_LBUTTONUP : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased; Evt.MouseButton.Button = sf::Mouse::Left; Evt.MouseButton.X = LOWORD(LParam); Evt.MouseButton.Y = HIWORD(LParam); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse right button down Event case WM_RBUTTONDOWN : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed; Evt.MouseButton.Button = sf::Mouse::Right; Evt.MouseButton.X = LOWORD(LParam); Evt.MouseButton.Y = HIWORD(LParam); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse right button up Event case WM_RBUTTONUP : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased; Evt.MouseButton.Button = sf::Mouse::Right; Evt.MouseButton.X = LOWORD(LParam); Evt.MouseButton.Y = HIWORD(LParam); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse wheel button down Event case WM_MBUTTONDOWN : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed; Evt.MouseButton.Button = sf::Mouse::Middle; Evt.MouseButton.X = LOWORD(LParam); Evt.MouseButton.Y = HIWORD(LParam); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse wheel button up Event case WM_MBUTTONUP : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased; Evt.MouseButton.Button = sf::Mouse::Middle; Evt.MouseButton.X = LOWORD(LParam); Evt.MouseButton.Y = HIWORD(LParam); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse X button down Event case WM_XBUTTONDOWN : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed; Evt.MouseButton.Button = HIWORD(WParam) == XBUTTON1 ? sf::Mouse::XButton1 : sf::Mouse::XButton2; Evt.MouseButton.X = LOWORD(LParam); Evt.MouseButton.Y = HIWORD(LParam); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse X button up Event case WM_XBUTTONUP : { sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseButtonReleased; Evt.MouseButton.Button = HIWORD(WParam) == XBUTTON1 ? sf::Mouse::XButton1 : sf::Mouse::XButton2; Evt.MouseButton.X = LOWORD(LParam); eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse move Event case WM_MOUSEMOVE : { // Check if we need to generate a MouseEntered Event if (!myIsCursorIn) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT MouseEvent; MouseEvent.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); MouseEvent.hwndTrack = myHandle; MouseEvent.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; TrackMouseEvent(&MouseEvent); myIsCursorIn = true; sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseEntered; eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); } sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseMoved; Evt.MouseMove.X = LOWORD(LParam); Evt.MouseMove.Y = HIWORD(LParam); // (shuffle2) Added this, check to see if it's good eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } // Mouse leave Event case WM_MOUSELEAVE : { myIsCursorIn = false; sf::Event Evt; Evt.Type = sf::Event::MouseLeft; eventHandler->addEvent(&Evt); break; } } } /// Check the state of the shift keys on a key sf::Event, /// and return the corresponding SF key code sf::Key::Code Win32Window::GetShiftState(bool KeyDown) { static bool LShiftPrevDown = false; static bool RShiftPrevDown = false; bool LShiftDown = (HIWORD(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LSHIFT)) != 0); bool RShiftDown = (HIWORD(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RSHIFT)) != 0); sf::Key::Code Code = sf::Key::Code(0); if (KeyDown) { if (!LShiftPrevDown && LShiftDown) Code = sf::Key::LShift; else if (!RShiftPrevDown && RShiftDown) Code = sf::Key::RShift; } else { if (LShiftPrevDown && !LShiftDown) Code = sf::Key::LShift; else if (RShiftPrevDown && !RShiftDown) Code = sf::Key::RShift; } LShiftPrevDown = LShiftDown; RShiftPrevDown = RShiftDown; return Code; } /// Convert a Win32 virtual key code to a SFML key code sf::Key::Code Win32Window::VirtualKeyCodeToSF(WPARAM VirtualKey, LPARAM Flags) { switch (VirtualKey) { // VK_SHIFT is handled by the GetShiftState function case VK_MENU : return (Flags & (1 << 24)) ? sf::Key::RAlt : sf::Key::LAlt; case VK_CONTROL : return (Flags & (1 << 24)) ? sf::Key::RControl : sf::Key::LControl; case VK_LWIN : return sf::Key::LSystem; case VK_RWIN : return sf::Key::RSystem; case VK_APPS : return sf::Key::Menu; case VK_OEM_1 : return sf::Key::SemiColon; case VK_OEM_2 : return sf::Key::Slash; case VK_OEM_PLUS : return sf::Key::Equal; case VK_OEM_MINUS : return sf::Key::Dash; case VK_OEM_4 : return sf::Key::LBracket; case VK_OEM_6 : return sf::Key::RBracket; case VK_OEM_COMMA : return sf::Key::Comma; case VK_OEM_PERIOD : return sf::Key::Period; case VK_OEM_7 : return sf::Key::Quote; case VK_OEM_5 : return sf::Key::BackSlash; case VK_OEM_3 : return sf::Key::Tilde; case VK_ESCAPE : return sf::Key::Escape; case VK_SPACE : return sf::Key::Space; case VK_RETURN : return sf::Key::Return; case VK_BACK : return sf::Key::Back; case VK_TAB : return sf::Key::Tab; case VK_PRIOR : return sf::Key::PageUp; case VK_NEXT : return sf::Key::PageDown; case VK_END : return sf::Key::End; case VK_HOME : return sf::Key::Home; case VK_INSERT : return sf::Key::Insert; case VK_DELETE : return sf::Key::Delete; case VK_ADD : return sf::Key::Add; case VK_SUBTRACT : return sf::Key::Subtract; case VK_MULTIPLY : return sf::Key::Multiply; case VK_DIVIDE : return sf::Key::Divide; case VK_PAUSE : return sf::Key::Pause; case VK_F1 : return sf::Key::F1; case VK_F2 : return sf::Key::F2; case VK_F3 : return sf::Key::F3; case VK_F4 : return sf::Key::F4; case VK_F5 : return sf::Key::F5; case VK_F6 : return sf::Key::F6; case VK_F7 : return sf::Key::F7; case VK_F8 : return sf::Key::F8; case VK_F9 : return sf::Key::F9; case VK_F10 : return sf::Key::F10; case VK_F11 : return sf::Key::F11; case VK_F12 : return sf::Key::F12; case VK_F13 : return sf::Key::F13; case VK_F14 : return sf::Key::F14; case VK_F15 : return sf::Key::F15; case VK_LEFT : return sf::Key::Left; case VK_RIGHT : return sf::Key::Right; case VK_UP : return sf::Key::Up; case VK_DOWN : return sf::Key::Down; case VK_NUMPAD0 : return sf::Key::Numpad0; case VK_NUMPAD1 : return sf::Key::Numpad1; case VK_NUMPAD2 : return sf::Key::Numpad2; case VK_NUMPAD3 : return sf::Key::Numpad3; case VK_NUMPAD4 : return sf::Key::Numpad4; case VK_NUMPAD5 : return sf::Key::Numpad5; case VK_NUMPAD6 : return sf::Key::Numpad6; case VK_NUMPAD7 : return sf::Key::Numpad7; case VK_NUMPAD8 : return sf::Key::Numpad8; case VK_NUMPAD9 : return sf::Key::Numpad9; case 'A' : return sf::Key::A; case 'Z' : return sf::Key::Z; case 'E' : return sf::Key::E; case 'R' : return sf::Key::R; case 'T' : return sf::Key::T; case 'Y' : return sf::Key::Y; case 'U' : return sf::Key::U; case 'I' : return sf::Key::I; case 'O' : return sf::Key::O; case 'P' : return sf::Key::P; case 'Q' : return sf::Key::Q; case 'S' : return sf::Key::S; case 'D' : return sf::Key::D; case 'F' : return sf::Key::F; case 'G' : return sf::Key::G; case 'H' : return sf::Key::H; case 'J' : return sf::Key::J; case 'K' : return sf::Key::K; case 'L' : return sf::Key::L; case 'M' : return sf::Key::M; case 'W' : return sf::Key::W; case 'X' : return sf::Key::X; case 'C' : return sf::Key::C; case 'V' : return sf::Key::V; case 'B' : return sf::Key::B; case 'N' : return sf::Key::N; case '0' : return sf::Key::Num0; case '1' : return sf::Key::Num1; case '2' : return sf::Key::Num2; case '3' : return sf::Key::Num3; case '4' : return sf::Key::Num4; case '5' : return sf::Key::Num5; case '6' : return sf::Key::Num6; case '7' : return sf::Key::Num7; case '8' : return sf::Key::Num8; case '9' : return sf::Key::Num9; } return sf::Key::Code(0); } /// Win32 Callback for the window class LRESULT CALLBACK Win32Window::GlobalOnEvent(HWND Handle, UINT Message, WPARAM WParam, LPARAM LParam) { // Associate handle and Window instance when the creation message is received if (Message == WM_CREATE) { // Get Win32Window instance (it was passed as the last argument of CreateWindow) long This = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(LParam)->lpCreateParams); // Set as the "user data" parameter of the window SetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWLP_USERDATA, This); } // Get the GLWindow instance corresponding to the window handle Win32Window* Window = reinterpret_cast(GetWindowLongPtr(Handle, GWLP_USERDATA)); // Forward the event to the appropriate function if (Window) { Window->ProcessEvent(Message, WParam, LParam); if (Window->myCallback) return CallWindowProc(reinterpret_cast(Window->myCallback), Handle, Message, WParam, LParam); } // We don't forward the WM_CLOSE message to prevent the OS from automatically destroying the window if (Message == WM_CLOSE) return 0; return DefWindowProc(Handle, Message, WParam, LParam); }