///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: tabctrl.h // Purpose: wxTabCtrl class // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 01/02/97 // RCS-ID: $Id: tabctrl.h 41020 2006-09-05 20:47:48Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_TABCTRL_H_ #define _WX_TABCTRL_H_ class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxImageList; // extern WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(const wxChar) wxToolBarNameStr[]; /* * Flags returned by HitTest */ #define wxTAB_HITTEST_NOWHERE 1 #define wxTAB_HITTEST_ONICON 2 #define wxTAB_HITTEST_ONLABEL 4 #define wxTAB_HITTEST_ONITEM 6 class WXDLLEXPORT wxTabCtrl: public wxControl { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxTabCtrl) public: /* * Public interface */ wxTabCtrl(); inline wxTabCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxString& name = wxT("tabCtrl")) { Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, name); } virtual ~wxTabCtrl(); // Accessors // Get the selection int GetSelection() const; // Get the tab with the current keyboard focus int GetCurFocus() const; // Get the associated image list wxImageList* GetImageList() const; // Get the number of items int GetItemCount() const; // Get the rect corresponding to the tab bool GetItemRect(int item, wxRect& rect) const; // Get the number of rows int GetRowCount() const; // Get the item text wxString GetItemText(int item) const ; // Get the item image int GetItemImage(int item) const; // Get the item data void* GetItemData(int item) const; // Set the selection int SetSelection(int item); // Set the image list void SetImageList(wxImageList* imageList); // Set the text for an item bool SetItemText(int item, const wxString& text); // Set the image for an item bool SetItemImage(int item, int image); // Set the data for an item bool SetItemData(int item, void* data); // Set the size for a fixed-width tab control void SetItemSize(const wxSize& size); // Set the padding between tabs void SetPadding(const wxSize& padding); // Operations bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxString& name = wxT("tabCtrl")); // Delete all items bool DeleteAllItems(); // Delete an item bool DeleteItem(int item); // Hit test int HitTest(const wxPoint& pt, long& flags); // Insert an item bool InsertItem(int item, const wxString& text, int imageId = -1, void* data = NULL); // Implementation virtual bool MSWOnNotify(int idCtrl, WXLPARAM lParam, WXLPARAM *result); // Responds to colour changes void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event); protected: wxImageList* m_imageList; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxTabCtrl) }; class WXDLLEXPORT wxTabEvent : public wxNotifyEvent { public: wxTabEvent(wxEventType commandType = wxEVT_NULL, int id = 0, int nSel = -1, int nOldSel = -1) : wxNotifyEvent(commandType, id) { m_nSel = nSel; m_nOldSel = nOldSel; } // accessors // the currently selected page (-1 if none) int GetSelection() const { return m_nSel; } void SetSelection(int nSel) { m_nSel = nSel; } // the page that was selected before the change (-1 if none) int GetOldSelection() const { return m_nOldSel; } void SetOldSelection(int nOldSel) { m_nOldSel = nOldSel; } private: int m_nSel, // currently selected page m_nOldSel; // previously selected page DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS_NO_COPY(wxTabEvent) }; typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxTabEventFunction)(wxTabEvent&); #define EVT_TAB_SEL_CHANGED(id, fn) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE_ENTRY(wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED, \ id, wxID_ANY, (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) wxStaticCastEvent( wxTabEventFunction, & fn ), NULL), #define EVT_TAB_SEL_CHANGING(id, fn) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE_ENTRY(wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING, \ id, wxID_ANY, (wxObjectEventFunction) (wxEventFunction) wxStaticCastEvent( wxTabEventFunction, & fn ), NULL), #endif // _WX_TABCTRL_H_