/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/common/cmdline.cpp // Purpose: wxCmdLineParser implementation // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 05.01.00 // RCS-ID: $Id: cmdline.cpp 42197 2006-10-21 14:04:27Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) 2000 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/dynarray.h" #include "wx/string.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/app.h" #endif //WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/cmdline.h" #if wxUSE_CMDLINE_PARSER #include #include "wx/datetime.h" #include "wx/msgout.h" #include "wx/filename.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static wxString GetTypeName(wxCmdLineParamType type); static wxString GetOptionName(const wxChar *p, const wxChar *allowedChars); static wxString GetShortOptionName(const wxChar *p); static wxString GetLongOptionName(const wxChar *p); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private structs // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // an internal representation of an option struct wxCmdLineOption { wxCmdLineOption(wxCmdLineEntryType k, const wxString& shrt, const wxString& lng, const wxString& desc, wxCmdLineParamType typ, int fl) { wxASSERT_MSG( !shrt.empty() || !lng.empty(), _T("option should have at least one name") ); wxASSERT_MSG ( GetShortOptionName(shrt).Len() == shrt.Len(), wxT("Short option contains invalid characters") ); wxASSERT_MSG ( GetLongOptionName(lng).Len() == lng.Len(), wxT("Long option contains invalid characters") ); kind = k; shortName = shrt; longName = lng; description = desc; type = typ; flags = fl; m_hasVal = false; } // can't use union easily here, so just store all possible data fields, we // don't waste much (might still use union later if the number of supported // types increases, so always use the accessor functions and don't access // the fields directly!) void Check(wxCmdLineParamType WXUNUSED_UNLESS_DEBUG(typ)) const { wxASSERT_MSG( type == typ, _T("type mismatch in wxCmdLineOption") ); } long GetLongVal() const { Check(wxCMD_LINE_VAL_NUMBER); return m_longVal; } const wxString& GetStrVal() const { Check(wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING); return m_strVal; } #if wxUSE_DATETIME const wxDateTime& GetDateVal() const { Check(wxCMD_LINE_VAL_DATE); return m_dateVal; } #endif // wxUSE_DATETIME void SetLongVal(long val) { Check(wxCMD_LINE_VAL_NUMBER); m_longVal = val; m_hasVal = true; } void SetStrVal(const wxString& val) { Check(wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING); m_strVal = val; m_hasVal = true; } #if wxUSE_DATETIME void SetDateVal(const wxDateTime& val) { Check(wxCMD_LINE_VAL_DATE); m_dateVal = val; m_hasVal = true; } #endif // wxUSE_DATETIME void SetHasValue(bool hasValue = true) { m_hasVal = hasValue; } bool HasValue() const { return m_hasVal; } public: wxCmdLineEntryType kind; wxString shortName, longName, description; wxCmdLineParamType type; int flags; private: bool m_hasVal; long m_longVal; wxString m_strVal; #if wxUSE_DATETIME wxDateTime m_dateVal; #endif // wxUSE_DATETIME }; struct wxCmdLineParam { wxCmdLineParam(const wxString& desc, wxCmdLineParamType typ, int fl) : description(desc) { type = typ; flags = fl; } wxString description; wxCmdLineParamType type; int flags; }; WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(wxCmdLineOption, wxArrayOptions); WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(wxCmdLineParam, wxArrayParams); #include "wx/arrimpl.cpp" WX_DEFINE_OBJARRAY(wxArrayOptions) WX_DEFINE_OBJARRAY(wxArrayParams) // the parser internal state struct wxCmdLineParserData { // options wxString m_switchChars; // characters which may start an option bool m_enableLongOptions; // true if long options are enabled wxString m_logo; // some extra text to show in Usage() // cmd line data wxArrayString m_arguments; // == argv, argc == m_arguments.GetCount() wxArrayOptions m_options; // all possible options and switchrs wxArrayParams m_paramDesc; // description of all possible params wxArrayString m_parameters; // all params found // methods wxCmdLineParserData(); void SetArguments(int argc, char **argv); #if wxUSE_UNICODE void SetArguments(int argc, wxChar **argv); #endif // wxUSE_UNICODE void SetArguments(const wxString& cmdline); int FindOption(const wxString& name); int FindOptionByLongName(const wxString& name); }; // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxCmdLineParserData // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxCmdLineParserData::wxCmdLineParserData() { m_enableLongOptions = true; #ifdef __UNIX_LIKE__ m_switchChars = _T("-"); #else // !Unix m_switchChars = _T("/-"); #endif } void wxCmdLineParserData::SetArguments(int argc, char **argv) { m_arguments.clear(); for ( int n = 0; n < argc; n++ ) { m_arguments.push_back(wxString::FromAscii(argv[n])); } } #if wxUSE_UNICODE void wxCmdLineParserData::SetArguments(int argc, wxChar **argv) { m_arguments.clear(); for ( int n = 0; n < argc; n++ ) { m_arguments.push_back(argv[n]); } } #endif // wxUSE_UNICODE void wxCmdLineParserData::SetArguments(const wxString& cmdLine) { m_arguments.clear(); if(wxTheApp && wxTheApp->argc > 0) m_arguments.push_back(wxTheApp->argv[0]); else m_arguments.push_back(wxEmptyString); wxArrayString args = wxCmdLineParser::ConvertStringToArgs(cmdLine); WX_APPEND_ARRAY(m_arguments, args); } int wxCmdLineParserData::FindOption(const wxString& name) { if ( !name.empty() ) { size_t count = m_options.GetCount(); for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { if ( m_options[n].shortName == name ) { // found return n; } } } return wxNOT_FOUND; } int wxCmdLineParserData::FindOptionByLongName(const wxString& name) { size_t count = m_options.GetCount(); for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { if ( m_options[n].longName == name ) { // found return n; } } return wxNOT_FOUND; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxCmdLineParser::Init() { m_data = new wxCmdLineParserData; } void wxCmdLineParser::SetCmdLine(int argc, char **argv) { m_data->SetArguments(argc, argv); } #if wxUSE_UNICODE void wxCmdLineParser::SetCmdLine(int argc, wxChar **argv) { m_data->SetArguments(argc, argv); } #endif // wxUSE_UNICODE void wxCmdLineParser::SetCmdLine(const wxString& cmdline) { m_data->SetArguments(cmdline); } wxCmdLineParser::~wxCmdLineParser() { delete m_data; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // options // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxCmdLineParser::SetSwitchChars(const wxString& switchChars) { m_data->m_switchChars = switchChars; } void wxCmdLineParser::EnableLongOptions(bool enable) { m_data->m_enableLongOptions = enable; } bool wxCmdLineParser::AreLongOptionsEnabled() { return m_data->m_enableLongOptions; } void wxCmdLineParser::SetLogo(const wxString& logo) { m_data->m_logo = logo; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // command line construction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxCmdLineParser::SetDesc(const wxCmdLineEntryDesc *desc) { for ( ;; desc++ ) { switch ( desc->kind ) { case wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH: AddSwitch(desc->shortName, desc->longName, desc->description, desc->flags); break; case wxCMD_LINE_OPTION: AddOption(desc->shortName, desc->longName, desc->description, desc->type, desc->flags); break; case wxCMD_LINE_PARAM: AddParam(desc->description, desc->type, desc->flags); break; default: wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unknown command line entry type") ); // still fall through case wxCMD_LINE_NONE: return; } } } void wxCmdLineParser::AddSwitch(const wxString& shortName, const wxString& longName, const wxString& desc, int flags) { wxASSERT_MSG( m_data->FindOption(shortName) == wxNOT_FOUND, _T("duplicate switch") ); wxCmdLineOption *option = new wxCmdLineOption(wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH, shortName, longName, desc, wxCMD_LINE_VAL_NONE, flags); m_data->m_options.Add(option); } void wxCmdLineParser::AddOption(const wxString& shortName, const wxString& longName, const wxString& desc, wxCmdLineParamType type, int flags) { wxASSERT_MSG( m_data->FindOption(shortName) == wxNOT_FOUND, _T("duplicate option") ); wxCmdLineOption *option = new wxCmdLineOption(wxCMD_LINE_OPTION, shortName, longName, desc, type, flags); m_data->m_options.Add(option); } void wxCmdLineParser::AddParam(const wxString& desc, wxCmdLineParamType type, int flags) { // do some consistency checks: a required parameter can't follow an // optional one and nothing should follow a parameter with MULTIPLE flag #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ if ( !m_data->m_paramDesc.IsEmpty() ) { wxCmdLineParam& param = m_data->m_paramDesc.Last(); wxASSERT_MSG( !(param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE), _T("all parameters after the one with wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE style will be ignored") ); if ( !(flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL) ) { wxASSERT_MSG( !(param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL), _T("a required parameter can't follow an optional one") ); } } #endif // Debug wxCmdLineParam *param = new wxCmdLineParam(desc, type, flags); m_data->m_paramDesc.Add(param); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // access to parse command line // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxCmdLineParser::Found(const wxString& name) const { int i = m_data->FindOption(name); if ( i == wxNOT_FOUND ) i = m_data->FindOptionByLongName(name); wxCHECK_MSG( i != wxNOT_FOUND, false, _T("unknown switch") ); wxCmdLineOption& opt = m_data->m_options[(size_t)i]; if ( !opt.HasValue() ) return false; return true; } bool wxCmdLineParser::Found(const wxString& name, wxString *value) const { int i = m_data->FindOption(name); if ( i == wxNOT_FOUND ) i = m_data->FindOptionByLongName(name); wxCHECK_MSG( i != wxNOT_FOUND, false, _T("unknown option") ); wxCmdLineOption& opt = m_data->m_options[(size_t)i]; if ( !opt.HasValue() ) return false; wxCHECK_MSG( value, false, _T("NULL pointer in wxCmdLineOption::Found") ); *value = opt.GetStrVal(); return true; } bool wxCmdLineParser::Found(const wxString& name, long *value) const { int i = m_data->FindOption(name); if ( i == wxNOT_FOUND ) i = m_data->FindOptionByLongName(name); wxCHECK_MSG( i != wxNOT_FOUND, false, _T("unknown option") ); wxCmdLineOption& opt = m_data->m_options[(size_t)i]; if ( !opt.HasValue() ) return false; wxCHECK_MSG( value, false, _T("NULL pointer in wxCmdLineOption::Found") ); *value = opt.GetLongVal(); return true; } #if wxUSE_DATETIME bool wxCmdLineParser::Found(const wxString& name, wxDateTime *value) const { int i = m_data->FindOption(name); if ( i == wxNOT_FOUND ) i = m_data->FindOptionByLongName(name); wxCHECK_MSG( i != wxNOT_FOUND, false, _T("unknown option") ); wxCmdLineOption& opt = m_data->m_options[(size_t)i]; if ( !opt.HasValue() ) return false; wxCHECK_MSG( value, false, _T("NULL pointer in wxCmdLineOption::Found") ); *value = opt.GetDateVal(); return true; } #endif // wxUSE_DATETIME size_t wxCmdLineParser::GetParamCount() const { return m_data->m_parameters.size(); } wxString wxCmdLineParser::GetParam(size_t n) const { wxCHECK_MSG( n < GetParamCount(), wxEmptyString, _T("invalid param index") ); return m_data->m_parameters[n]; } // Resets switches and options void wxCmdLineParser::Reset() { for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_data->m_options.Count(); i++ ) { wxCmdLineOption& opt = m_data->m_options[i]; opt.SetHasValue(false); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the real work is done here // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int wxCmdLineParser::Parse(bool showUsage) { bool maybeOption = true; // can the following arg be an option? bool ok = true; // true until an error is detected bool helpRequested = false; // true if "-h" was given bool hadRepeatableParam = false; // true if found param with MULTIPLE flag size_t currentParam = 0; // the index in m_paramDesc size_t countParam = m_data->m_paramDesc.GetCount(); wxString errorMsg; Reset(); // parse everything wxString arg; size_t count = m_data->m_arguments.size(); for ( size_t n = 1; ok && (n < count); n++ ) // 0 is program name { arg = m_data->m_arguments[n]; // special case: "--" should be discarded and all following arguments // should be considered as parameters, even if they start with '-' and // not like options (this is POSIX-like) if ( arg == _T("--") ) { maybeOption = false; continue; } // empty argument or just '-' is not an option but a parameter if ( maybeOption && arg.length() > 1 && wxStrchr(m_data->m_switchChars, arg[0u]) ) { bool isLong; wxString name; int optInd = wxNOT_FOUND; // init to suppress warnings // an option or a switch: find whether it's a long or a short one if ( arg[0u] == _T('-') && arg[1u] == _T('-') ) { // a long one isLong = true; // Skip leading "--" const wxChar *p = arg.c_str() + 2; bool longOptionsEnabled = AreLongOptionsEnabled(); name = GetLongOptionName(p); if (longOptionsEnabled) { optInd = m_data->FindOptionByLongName(name); if ( optInd == wxNOT_FOUND ) { errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("Unknown long option '%s'"), name.c_str()) << _T('\n'); } } else { optInd = wxNOT_FOUND; // Sanity check // Print the argument including leading "--" name.Prepend( wxT("--") ); errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("Unknown option '%s'"), name.c_str()) << _T('\n'); } } else // not a long option { isLong = false; // a short one: as they can be cumulated, we try to find the // longest substring which is a valid option const wxChar *p = arg.c_str() + 1; name = GetShortOptionName(p); size_t len = name.length(); do { if ( len == 0 ) { // we couldn't find a valid option name in the // beginning of this string errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("Unknown option '%s'"), name.c_str()) << _T('\n'); break; } else { optInd = m_data->FindOption(name.Left(len)); // will try with one character less the next time len--; } } while ( optInd == wxNOT_FOUND ); len++; // compensates extra len-- above if ( (optInd != wxNOT_FOUND) && (len != name.length()) ) { // first of all, the option name is only part of this // string name = name.Left(len); // our option is only part of this argument, there is // something else in it - it is either the value of this // option or other switches if it is a switch if ( m_data->m_options[(size_t)optInd].kind == wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH ) { // pretend that all the rest of the argument is the // next argument, in fact wxString arg2 = arg[0u]; arg2 += arg.Mid(len + 1); // +1 for leading '-' m_data->m_arguments.insert (m_data->m_arguments.begin() + n + 1, arg2); count++; } //else: it's our value, we'll deal with it below } } if ( optInd == wxNOT_FOUND ) { ok = false; continue; // will break, in fact } // look at what follows: // +1 for leading '-' const wxChar *p = arg.c_str() + 1 + name.length(); if ( isLong ) p++; // for another leading '-' wxCmdLineOption& opt = m_data->m_options[(size_t)optInd]; if ( opt.kind == wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH ) { // we must check that there is no value following the switch if ( *p != _T('\0') ) { errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("Unexpected characters following option '%s'."), name.c_str()) << _T('\n'); ok = false; } else // no value, as expected { // nothing more to do opt.SetHasValue(); if ( opt.flags & wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_HELP ) { helpRequested = true; // it's not an error, but we still stop here ok = false; } } } else // it's an option. not a switch { // get the value if ( isLong ) { if ( *p++ != _T('=') ) { errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("Option '%s' requires a value, '=' expected."), name.c_str()) << _T('\n'); ok = false; } } else // short option { switch ( *p ) { case _T('='): case _T(':'): // the value follows p++; break; case 0: // the value is in the next argument if ( ++n == count ) { // ... but there is none errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("Option '%s' requires a value."), name.c_str()) << _T('\n'); ok = false; } else { // ... take it from there p = m_data->m_arguments[n].c_str(); } break; default: // the value is right here: this may be legal or // not depending on the option style if ( opt.flags & wxCMD_LINE_NEEDS_SEPARATOR ) { errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("Separator expected after the option '%s'."), name.c_str()) << _T('\n'); ok = false; } } } if ( ok ) { wxString value = p; switch ( opt.type ) { default: wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unknown option type") ); // still fall through case wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING: opt.SetStrVal(value); break; case wxCMD_LINE_VAL_NUMBER: { long val; if ( value.ToLong(&val) ) { opt.SetLongVal(val); } else { errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("'%s' is not a correct numeric value for option '%s'."), value.c_str(), name.c_str()) << _T('\n'); ok = false; } } break; #if wxUSE_DATETIME case wxCMD_LINE_VAL_DATE: { wxDateTime dt; const wxChar *res = dt.ParseDate(value); if ( !res || *res ) { errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("Option '%s': '%s' cannot be converted to a date."), name.c_str(), value.c_str()) << _T('\n'); ok = false; } else { opt.SetDateVal(dt); } } break; #endif // wxUSE_DATETIME } } } } else // not an option, must be a parameter { if ( currentParam < countParam ) { wxCmdLineParam& param = m_data->m_paramDesc[currentParam]; // TODO check the param type m_data->m_parameters.push_back(arg); if ( !(param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE) ) { currentParam++; } else { wxASSERT_MSG( currentParam == countParam - 1, _T("all parameters after the one with wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE style are ignored") ); // remember that we did have this last repeatable parameter hadRepeatableParam = true; } } else { errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("Unexpected parameter '%s'"), arg.c_str()) << _T('\n'); ok = false; } } } // verify that all mandatory options were given if ( ok ) { size_t countOpt = m_data->m_options.GetCount(); for ( size_t n = 0; ok && (n < countOpt); n++ ) { wxCmdLineOption& opt = m_data->m_options[n]; if ( (opt.flags & wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_MANDATORY) && !opt.HasValue() ) { wxString optName; if ( !opt.longName ) { optName = opt.shortName; } else { if ( AreLongOptionsEnabled() ) { optName.Printf( _("%s (or %s)"), opt.shortName.c_str(), opt.longName.c_str() ); } else { optName.Printf( wxT("%s"), opt.shortName.c_str() ); } } errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("The value for the option '%s' must be specified."), optName.c_str()) << _T('\n'); ok = false; } } for ( ; ok && (currentParam < countParam); currentParam++ ) { wxCmdLineParam& param = m_data->m_paramDesc[currentParam]; if ( (currentParam == countParam - 1) && (param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE) && hadRepeatableParam ) { // special case: currentParam wasn't incremented, but we did // have it, so don't give error continue; } if ( !(param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL) ) { errorMsg << wxString::Format(_("The required parameter '%s' was not specified."), param.description.c_str()) << _T('\n'); ok = false; } } } // if there was an error during parsing the command line, show this error // and also the usage message if it had been requested if ( !ok && (!errorMsg.empty() || (helpRequested && showUsage)) ) { wxMessageOutput* msgOut = wxMessageOutput::Get(); if ( msgOut ) { wxString usage; if ( showUsage ) usage = GetUsageString(); msgOut->Printf( wxT("%s%s"), usage.c_str(), errorMsg.c_str() ); } else { wxFAIL_MSG( _T("no wxMessageOutput object?") ); } } return ok ? 0 : helpRequested ? -1 : 1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // give the usage message // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxCmdLineParser::Usage() { wxMessageOutput* msgOut = wxMessageOutput::Get(); if ( msgOut ) { msgOut->Printf( wxT("%s"), GetUsageString().c_str() ); } else { wxFAIL_MSG( _T("no wxMessageOutput object?") ); } } wxString wxCmdLineParser::GetUsageString() { wxString appname; if ( m_data->m_arguments.empty() ) { if ( wxTheApp ) appname = wxTheApp->GetAppName(); } else // use argv[0] { appname = wxFileName(m_data->m_arguments[0]).GetName(); } // we construct the brief cmd line desc on the fly, but not the detailed // help message below because we want to align the options descriptions // and for this we must first know the longest one of them wxString usage; wxArrayString namesOptions, descOptions; if ( !m_data->m_logo.empty() ) { usage << m_data->m_logo << _T('\n'); } usage << wxString::Format(_("Usage: %s"), appname.c_str()); // the switch char is usually '-' but this can be changed with // SetSwitchChars() and then the first one of possible chars is used wxChar chSwitch = !m_data->m_switchChars ? _T('-') : m_data->m_switchChars[0u]; bool areLongOptionsEnabled = AreLongOptionsEnabled(); size_t n, count = m_data->m_options.GetCount(); for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { wxCmdLineOption& opt = m_data->m_options[n]; usage << _T(' '); if ( !(opt.flags & wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_MANDATORY) ) { usage << _T('['); } if ( !opt.shortName.empty() ) { usage << chSwitch << opt.shortName; } else if ( areLongOptionsEnabled && !opt.longName.empty() ) { usage << _T("--") << opt.longName; } else { if (!opt.longName.empty()) { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("option with only a long name while long ") wxT("options are disabled") ); } else { wxFAIL_MSG( _T("option without neither short nor long name") ); } } wxString option; if ( !opt.shortName.empty() ) { option << _T(" ") << chSwitch << opt.shortName; } if ( areLongOptionsEnabled && !opt.longName.empty() ) { option << (option.empty() ? _T(" ") : _T(", ")) << _T("--") << opt.longName; } if ( opt.kind != wxCMD_LINE_SWITCH ) { wxString val; val << _T('<') << GetTypeName(opt.type) << _T('>'); usage << _T(' ') << val; option << (!opt.longName ? _T(':') : _T('=')) << val; } if ( !(opt.flags & wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_MANDATORY) ) { usage << _T(']'); } namesOptions.push_back(option); descOptions.push_back(opt.description); } count = m_data->m_paramDesc.GetCount(); for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { wxCmdLineParam& param = m_data->m_paramDesc[n]; usage << _T(' '); if ( param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL ) { usage << _T('['); } usage << param.description; if ( param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_MULTIPLE ) { usage << _T("..."); } if ( param.flags & wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL ) { usage << _T(']'); } } usage << _T('\n'); // now construct the detailed help message size_t len, lenMax = 0; count = namesOptions.size(); for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { len = namesOptions[n].length(); if ( len > lenMax ) lenMax = len; } for ( n = 0; n < count; n++ ) { len = namesOptions[n].length(); usage << namesOptions[n] << wxString(_T(' '), lenMax - len) << _T('\t') << descOptions[n] << _T('\n'); } return usage; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static wxString GetTypeName(wxCmdLineParamType type) { wxString s; switch ( type ) { default: wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unknown option type") ); // still fall through case wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING: s = _("str"); break; case wxCMD_LINE_VAL_NUMBER: s = _("num"); break; case wxCMD_LINE_VAL_DATE: s = _("date"); break; } return s; } /* Returns a string which is equal to the string pointed to by p, but up to the point where p contains an character that's not allowed. Allowable characters are letters and numbers, and characters pointed to by the parameter allowedChars. For example, if p points to "abcde-@-_", and allowedChars is "-_", this function returns "abcde-". */ static wxString GetOptionName(const wxChar *p, const wxChar *allowedChars) { wxString argName; while ( *p && (wxIsalnum(*p) || wxStrchr(allowedChars, *p)) ) { argName += *p++; } return argName; } // Besides alphanumeric characters, short and long options can // have other characters. // A short option additionally can have these #define wxCMD_LINE_CHARS_ALLOWED_BY_SHORT_OPTION wxT("_?") // A long option can have the same characters as a short option and a '-'. #define wxCMD_LINE_CHARS_ALLOWED_BY_LONG_OPTION \ wxCMD_LINE_CHARS_ALLOWED_BY_SHORT_OPTION wxT("-") static wxString GetShortOptionName(const wxChar *p) { return GetOptionName(p, wxCMD_LINE_CHARS_ALLOWED_BY_SHORT_OPTION); } static wxString GetLongOptionName(const wxChar *p) { return GetOptionName(p, wxCMD_LINE_CHARS_ALLOWED_BY_LONG_OPTION); } #endif // wxUSE_CMDLINE_PARSER // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This function is mainly used under Windows (as under Unix we always get the command line arguments as argc/argv anyhow) and so it tries to follow Windows conventions for the command line handling, not Unix ones. For instance, backslash is not special except when it precedes double quote when it does quote it. */ /* static */ wxArrayString wxCmdLineParser::ConvertStringToArgs(const wxChar *p) { wxArrayString args; wxString arg; arg.reserve(1024); bool isInsideQuotes = false; for ( ;; ) { // skip white space while ( *p == _T(' ') || *p == _T('\t') ) p++; // anything left? if ( *p == _T('\0') ) break; // parse this parameter bool endParam = false; bool lastBS = false; for ( arg.clear(); !endParam; p++ ) { switch ( *p ) { case _T('"'): if ( !lastBS ) { isInsideQuotes = !isInsideQuotes; // don't put quote in arg continue; } //else: quote has no special meaning but the backslash // still remains -- makes no sense but this is what // Windows does break; case _T(' '): case _T('\t'): // backslash does *not* quote the space, only quotes do if ( isInsideQuotes ) { // skip assignment below break; } // fall through case _T('\0'): endParam = true; break; } if ( endParam ) { break; } lastBS = *p == _T('\\'); arg += *p; } args.push_back(arg); } return args; }