///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/generic/vscroll.cpp // Purpose: wxVScrolledWindow implementation // Author: Vadim Zeitlin // Modified by: // Created: 30.05.03 // RCS-ID: $Id: vscroll.cpp 51579 2008-02-07 14:15:45Z JS $ // Copyright: (c) 2003 Vadim Zeitlin // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ============================================================================ // declarations // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/sizer.h" #endif #include "wx/vscroll.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event tables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxVScrolledWindow, wxPanel) EVT_SIZE(wxVScrolledWindow::OnSize) EVT_SCROLLWIN(wxVScrolledWindow::OnScroll) #if wxUSE_MOUSEWHEEL EVT_MOUSEWHEEL(wxVScrolledWindow::OnMouseWheel) #endif END_EVENT_TABLE() // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxVScrolledWindow, wxPanel) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // initialization // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVScrolledWindow::Init() { // we're initially empty m_lineMax = m_lineFirst = 0; // this one should always be strictly positive m_nVisible = 1; m_heightTotal = 0; #if wxUSE_MOUSEWHEEL m_sumWheelRotation = 0; #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // various helpers // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxCoord wxVScrolledWindow::EstimateTotalHeight() const { // estimate the total height: it is impossible to call // OnGetLineHeight() for every line because there may be too many of // them, so we just make a guess using some lines in the beginning, // some in the end and some in the middle static const size_t NUM_LINES_TO_SAMPLE = 10; wxCoord heightTotal; if ( m_lineMax < 3*NUM_LINES_TO_SAMPLE ) { // in this case calculating exactly is faster and more correct than // guessing heightTotal = GetLinesHeight(0, m_lineMax); } else // too many lines to calculate exactly { // look at some lines in the beginning/middle/end heightTotal = GetLinesHeight(0, NUM_LINES_TO_SAMPLE) + GetLinesHeight(m_lineMax - NUM_LINES_TO_SAMPLE, m_lineMax) + GetLinesHeight(m_lineMax/2 - NUM_LINES_TO_SAMPLE/2, m_lineMax/2 + NUM_LINES_TO_SAMPLE/2); // use the height of the lines we looked as the average heightTotal = (wxCoord) (((float)heightTotal / (3*NUM_LINES_TO_SAMPLE)) * m_lineMax); } return heightTotal; } wxCoord wxVScrolledWindow::GetLinesHeight(size_t lineMin, size_t lineMax) const { if ( lineMin == lineMax ) return 0; else if ( lineMin > lineMax ) return -GetLinesHeight(lineMax, lineMin); //else: lineMin < lineMax // let the user code know that we're going to need all these lines OnGetLinesHint(lineMin, lineMax); // do sum up their heights wxCoord height = 0; for ( size_t line = lineMin; line < lineMax; line++ ) { height += OnGetLineHeight(line); } return height; } size_t wxVScrolledWindow::FindFirstFromBottom(size_t lineLast, bool full) { const wxCoord hWindow = GetClientSize().y; // go upwards until we arrive at a line such that lineLast is not visible // any more when it is shown size_t lineFirst = lineLast; wxCoord h = 0; for ( ;; ) { h += OnGetLineHeight(lineFirst); if ( h > hWindow ) { // for this line to be fully visible we need to go one line // down, but if it is enough for it to be only partly visible then // this line will do as well if ( full ) { lineFirst++; } break; } if ( !lineFirst ) break; lineFirst--; } return lineFirst; } void wxVScrolledWindow::RemoveScrollbar() { m_lineFirst = 0; m_nVisible = m_lineMax; SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, 0, 0, 0); } void wxVScrolledWindow::UpdateScrollbar() { // see how many lines can we fit on screen const wxCoord hWindow = GetClientSize().y; wxCoord h = 0; size_t line; for ( line = m_lineFirst; line < m_lineMax; line++ ) { if ( h > hWindow ) break; h += OnGetLineHeight(line); } // if we still have remaining space below, maybe we can fit everything? if ( h < hWindow ) { wxCoord hAll = h; for ( size_t lineFirst = m_lineFirst; lineFirst > 0; lineFirst-- ) { hAll += OnGetLineHeight(m_lineFirst - 1); if ( hAll > hWindow ) break; } if ( hAll < hWindow ) { // we don't need scrollbar at all RemoveScrollbar(); return; } } m_nVisible = line - m_lineFirst; int pageSize = m_nVisible; if ( h > hWindow ) { // last line is only partially visible, we still need the scrollbar and // so we have to "fix" pageSize because if it is equal to m_lineMax the // scrollbar is not shown at all under MSW pageSize--; } // set the scrollbar parameters to reflect this SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, m_lineFirst, pageSize, m_lineMax); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // operations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVScrolledWindow::SetLineCount(size_t count) { // save the number of lines m_lineMax = count; // and our estimate for their total height m_heightTotal = EstimateTotalHeight(); // recalculate the scrollbars parameters if ( count ) { m_lineFirst = 1; // make sure it is != 0 ScrollToLine(0); } else // no items { RemoveScrollbar(); } } void wxVScrolledWindow::RefreshLine(size_t line) { // is this line visible? if ( !IsVisible(line) ) { // no, it is useless to do anything return; } // calculate the rect occupied by this line on screen wxRect rect; rect.width = GetClientSize().x; rect.height = OnGetLineHeight(line); for ( size_t n = GetVisibleBegin(); n < line; n++ ) { rect.y += OnGetLineHeight(n); } // do refresh it RefreshRect(rect); } void wxVScrolledWindow::RefreshLines(size_t from, size_t to) { wxASSERT_MSG( from <= to, _T("RefreshLines(): empty range") ); // clump the range to just the visible lines -- it is useless to refresh // the other ones if ( from < GetVisibleBegin() ) from = GetVisibleBegin(); if ( to >= GetVisibleEnd() ) to = GetVisibleEnd(); else to++; // calculate the rect occupied by these lines on screen wxRect rect; rect.width = GetClientSize().x; for ( size_t nBefore = GetVisibleBegin(); nBefore < from; nBefore++ ) { rect.y += OnGetLineHeight(nBefore); } for ( size_t nBetween = from; nBetween < to; nBetween++ ) { rect.height += OnGetLineHeight(nBetween); } // do refresh it RefreshRect(rect); } void wxVScrolledWindow::RefreshAll() { UpdateScrollbar(); Refresh(); } bool wxVScrolledWindow::Layout() { if ( GetSizer() ) { // adjust the sizer dimensions/position taking into account the // virtual size and scrolled position of the window. int w = 0, h = 0; GetVirtualSize(&w, &h); // x is always 0 so no variable needed int y = -GetLinesHeight(0, GetFirstVisibleLine()); GetSizer()->SetDimension(0, y, w, h); return true; } // fall back to default for LayoutConstraints return wxPanel::Layout(); } int wxVScrolledWindow::HitTest(wxCoord WXUNUSED(x), wxCoord y) const { const size_t lineMax = GetVisibleEnd(); for ( size_t line = GetVisibleBegin(); line < lineMax; line++ ) { y -= OnGetLineHeight(line); if ( y < 0 ) return line; } return wxNOT_FOUND; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // scrolling // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxVScrolledWindow::ScrollToLine(size_t line) { if ( !m_lineMax ) { // we're empty, code below doesn't make sense in this case return false; } // determine the real first line to scroll to: we shouldn't scroll beyond // the end size_t lineFirstLast = FindFirstFromBottom(m_lineMax - 1, true); if ( line > lineFirstLast ) line = lineFirstLast; // anything to do? if ( line == m_lineFirst ) { // no return false; } // remember the currently shown lines for the refresh code below size_t lineFirstOld = GetVisibleBegin(), lineLastOld = GetVisibleEnd(); m_lineFirst = line; // the size of scrollbar thumb could have changed UpdateScrollbar(); // finally refresh the display -- but only redraw as few lines as possible // to avoid flicker if ( GetVisibleBegin() >= lineLastOld || GetVisibleEnd() <= lineFirstOld ) { // the simplest case: we don't have any old lines left, just redraw // everything Refresh(); } else // overlap between the lines we showed before and should show now { // Avoid scrolling visible parts of the screen on Mac #ifdef __WXMAC__ if (!IsShownOnScreen()) Refresh(); else #endif ScrollWindow(0, GetLinesHeight(GetVisibleBegin(), lineFirstOld)); } return true; } bool wxVScrolledWindow::ScrollLines(int lines) { lines += m_lineFirst; if ( lines < 0 ) lines = 0; return ScrollToLine(lines); } bool wxVScrolledWindow::ScrollPages(int pages) { bool didSomething = false; while ( pages ) { int line; if ( pages > 0 ) { line = GetVisibleEnd(); if ( line ) line--; pages--; } else // pages < 0 { line = FindFirstFromBottom(GetVisibleBegin()); pages++; } didSomething = ScrollToLine(line); } return didSomething; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event handling // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxVScrolledWindow::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event) { UpdateScrollbar(); event.Skip(); } void wxVScrolledWindow::OnScroll(wxScrollWinEvent& event) { size_t lineFirstNew; const wxEventType evtType = event.GetEventType(); if ( evtType == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP ) { lineFirstNew = 0; } else if ( evtType == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM ) { lineFirstNew = m_lineMax; } else if ( evtType == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP ) { lineFirstNew = m_lineFirst ? m_lineFirst - 1 : 0; } else if ( evtType == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN ) { lineFirstNew = m_lineFirst + 1; } else if ( evtType == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP ) { lineFirstNew = FindFirstFromBottom(m_lineFirst); } else if ( evtType == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN ) { lineFirstNew = GetVisibleEnd(); if ( lineFirstNew ) lineFirstNew--; } else if ( evtType == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE ) { lineFirstNew = event.GetPosition(); } else if ( evtType == wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK ) { lineFirstNew = event.GetPosition(); } else // unknown scroll event? { wxFAIL_MSG( _T("unknown scroll event type?") ); return; } ScrollToLine(lineFirstNew); #ifdef __WXMAC__ Update(); #endif // __WXMAC__ } #if wxUSE_MOUSEWHEEL void wxVScrolledWindow::OnMouseWheel(wxMouseEvent& event) { m_sumWheelRotation += event.GetWheelRotation(); int delta = event.GetWheelDelta(); // how much to scroll this time int units_to_scroll = -(m_sumWheelRotation/delta); if ( !units_to_scroll ) return; m_sumWheelRotation += units_to_scroll*delta; if ( !event.IsPageScroll() ) ScrollLines( units_to_scroll*event.GetLinesPerAction() ); else // scroll pages instead of lines ScrollPages( units_to_scroll ); } #endif // wxUSE_MOUSEWHEEL