/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/msw/listbox.cpp // Purpose: wxListBox // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: Vadim Zeitlin (owner drawn stuff) // Created: // RCS-ID: $Id: listbox.cpp 45959 2007-05-11 13:05:02Z VZ $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_LISTBOX #include "wx/listbox.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/dynarray.h" #include "wx/settings.h" #include "wx/brush.h" #include "wx/font.h" #include "wx/dc.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/window.h" #endif #include "wx/msw/private.h" #include #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN #include "wx/ownerdrw.h" #endif #if wxUSE_EXTENDED_RTTI WX_DEFINE_FLAGS( wxListBoxStyle ) wxBEGIN_FLAGS( wxListBoxStyle ) // new style border flags, we put them first to // use them for streaming out wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxBORDER_SIMPLE) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxBORDER_SUNKEN) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxBORDER_DOUBLE) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxBORDER_RAISED) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxBORDER_STATIC) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxBORDER_NONE) // old style border flags wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxSIMPLE_BORDER) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxSUNKEN_BORDER) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxDOUBLE_BORDER) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxRAISED_BORDER) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxSTATIC_BORDER) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxBORDER) // standard window styles wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxTAB_TRAVERSAL) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxCLIP_CHILDREN) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxTRANSPARENT_WINDOW) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxWANTS_CHARS) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxALWAYS_SHOW_SB ) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxVSCROLL) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxHSCROLL) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxLB_SINGLE) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxLB_MULTIPLE) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxLB_EXTENDED) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxLB_HSCROLL) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxLB_ALWAYS_SB) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxLB_NEEDED_SB) wxFLAGS_MEMBER(wxLB_SORT) wxEND_FLAGS( wxListBoxStyle ) IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS_XTI(wxListBox, wxControl,"wx/listbox.h") wxBEGIN_PROPERTIES_TABLE(wxListBox) wxEVENT_PROPERTY( Select , wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED , wxCommandEvent ) wxEVENT_PROPERTY( DoubleClick , wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED , wxCommandEvent ) wxPROPERTY( Font , wxFont , SetFont , GetFont , EMPTY_MACROVALUE, 0 /*flags*/ , wxT("Helpstring") , wxT("group")) wxPROPERTY_COLLECTION( Choices , wxArrayString , wxString , AppendString , GetStrings, 0 /*flags*/ , wxT("Helpstring") , wxT("group") ) wxPROPERTY( Selection ,int, SetSelection, GetSelection, EMPTY_MACROVALUE , 0 /*flags*/ , wxT("Helpstring") , wxT("group") ) wxPROPERTY_FLAGS( WindowStyle , wxListBoxStyle , long , SetWindowStyleFlag , GetWindowStyleFlag , EMPTY_MACROVALUE , 0 /*flags*/ , wxT("Helpstring") , wxT("group")) // style wxEND_PROPERTIES_TABLE() wxBEGIN_HANDLERS_TABLE(wxListBox) wxEND_HANDLERS_TABLE() wxCONSTRUCTOR_4( wxListBox , wxWindow* , Parent , wxWindowID , Id , wxPoint , Position , wxSize , Size ) #else IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxListBox, wxControl) #endif /* TODO PROPERTIES selection content item */ // ============================================================================ // list box item declaration and implementation // ============================================================================ #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN class wxListBoxItem : public wxOwnerDrawn { public: wxListBoxItem(const wxString& str = wxEmptyString); }; wxListBoxItem::wxListBoxItem(const wxString& str) : wxOwnerDrawn(str, false) { // no bitmaps/checkmarks SetMarginWidth(0); } wxOwnerDrawn *wxListBox::CreateLboxItem(size_t WXUNUSED(n)) { return new wxListBoxItem(); } #endif //USE_OWNER_DRAWN // ============================================================================ // list box control implementation // ============================================================================ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // creation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Listbox item wxListBox::wxListBox() { m_noItems = 0; m_selected = 0; } bool wxListBox::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, int n, const wxString choices[], long style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString& name) { m_noItems = 0; m_selected = 0; // initialize base class fields if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) ) return false; // create the native control if ( !MSWCreateControl(_T("LISTBOX"), wxEmptyString, pos, size) ) { // control creation failed return false; } // initialize the contents for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { Append(choices[i]); } // now we can compute our best size correctly, so do it if necessary SetInitialSize(size); return true; } bool wxListBox::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const wxArrayString& choices, long style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString& name) { wxCArrayString chs(choices); return Create(parent, id, pos, size, chs.GetCount(), chs.GetStrings(), style, validator, name); } wxListBox::~wxListBox() { Free(); } WXDWORD wxListBox::MSWGetStyle(long style, WXDWORD *exstyle) const { WXDWORD msStyle = wxControl::MSWGetStyle(style, exstyle); // always show the vertical scrollbar if necessary -- otherwise it is // impossible to use the control with the mouse msStyle |= WS_VSCROLL; // we always want to get the notifications msStyle |= LBS_NOTIFY; // without this style, you get unexpected heights, so e.g. constraint // layout doesn't work properly msStyle |= LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT; wxASSERT_MSG( !(style & wxLB_MULTIPLE) || !(style & wxLB_EXTENDED), _T("only one of listbox selection modes can be specified") ); if ( style & wxLB_MULTIPLE ) msStyle |= LBS_MULTIPLESEL; else if ( style & wxLB_EXTENDED ) msStyle |= LBS_EXTENDEDSEL; if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_ALWAYS_SB ) msStyle |= LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL; if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_HSCROLL ) msStyle |= WS_HSCROLL; if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_SORT ) msStyle |= LBS_SORT; #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN && !defined(__WXWINCE__) if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW ) { // we don't support LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE yet and we also always put // the strings in the listbox for simplicity even though we could have // avoided it in this case msStyle |= LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED | LBS_HASSTRINGS; } #endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN return msStyle; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // implementation of wxListBoxBase methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxListBox::DoSetFirstItem(int N) { wxCHECK_RET( IsValid(N), wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::SetFirstItem") ); SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_SETTOPINDEX, (WPARAM)N, (LPARAM)0); } void wxListBox::Delete(unsigned int n) { wxCHECK_RET( IsValid(n), wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::Delete") ); // for owner drawn objects, the data is used for storing wxOwnerDrawn // pointers and we shouldn't touch it #if !wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( !(m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW) ) #endif // !wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( HasClientObjectData() ) { delete GetClientObject(n); } SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_DELETESTRING, n, 0); m_noItems--; SetHorizontalExtent(wxEmptyString); } int wxListBox::DoAppend(const wxString& item) { int index = ListBox_AddString(GetHwnd(), item); m_noItems++; #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW ) { wxOwnerDrawn *pNewItem = CreateLboxItem(index); // dummy argument pNewItem->SetName(item); m_aItems.Insert(pNewItem, index); ListBox_SetItemData(GetHwnd(), index, pNewItem); pNewItem->SetFont(GetFont()); } #endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN SetHorizontalExtent(item); return index; } void wxListBox::DoSetItems(const wxArrayString& choices, void** clientData) { // avoid flicker - but don't need to do this for a hidden listbox bool hideAndShow = IsShown(); if ( hideAndShow ) { ShowWindow(GetHwnd(), SW_HIDE); } ListBox_ResetContent(GetHwnd()); m_noItems = choices.GetCount(); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < m_noItems; i++) { ListBox_AddString(GetHwnd(), choices[i]); if ( clientData ) { SetClientData(i, clientData[i]); } } #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW ) { // first delete old items WX_CLEAR_ARRAY(m_aItems); // then create new ones for ( unsigned int ui = 0; ui < m_noItems; ui++ ) { wxOwnerDrawn *pNewItem = CreateLboxItem(ui); pNewItem->SetName(choices[ui]); m_aItems.Add(pNewItem); ListBox_SetItemData(GetHwnd(), ui, pNewItem); } } #endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN SetHorizontalExtent(); if ( hideAndShow ) { // show the listbox back if we hid it ShowWindow(GetHwnd(), SW_SHOW); } } int wxListBox::FindString(const wxString& s, bool bCase) const { // back to base class search for not native search type if (bCase) return wxItemContainerImmutable::FindString( s, bCase ); int pos = ListBox_FindStringExact(GetHwnd(), -1, s); if (pos == LB_ERR) return wxNOT_FOUND; else return pos; } void wxListBox::Clear() { Free(); ListBox_ResetContent(GetHwnd()); m_noItems = 0; SetHorizontalExtent(); } void wxListBox::Free() { #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW ) { WX_CLEAR_ARRAY(m_aItems); } else #endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( HasClientObjectData() ) { for ( unsigned int n = 0; n < m_noItems; n++ ) { delete GetClientObject(n); } } } void wxListBox::DoSetSelection(int N, bool select) { wxCHECK_RET( N == wxNOT_FOUND || IsValid(N), wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::SetSelection") ); if ( HasMultipleSelection() ) { SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_SETSEL, select, N); } else { SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_SETCURSEL, select ? N : -1, 0); } } bool wxListBox::IsSelected(int N) const { wxCHECK_MSG( IsValid(N), false, wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::Selected") ); return SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_GETSEL, N, 0) == 0 ? false : true; } wxClientData* wxListBox::DoGetItemClientObject(unsigned int n) const { return (wxClientData *)DoGetItemClientData(n); } void *wxListBox::DoGetItemClientData(unsigned int n) const { wxCHECK_MSG( IsValid(n), NULL, wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::GetClientData") ); return (void *)SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_GETITEMDATA, n, 0); } void wxListBox::DoSetItemClientObject(unsigned int n, wxClientData* clientData) { DoSetItemClientData(n, clientData); } void wxListBox::DoSetItemClientData(unsigned int n, void *clientData) { wxCHECK_RET( IsValid(n), wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::SetClientData") ); #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW ) { // client data must be pointer to wxOwnerDrawn, otherwise we would crash // in OnMeasure/OnDraw. wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("Can't use client data with owner-drawn listboxes")); } #endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( ListBox_SetItemData(GetHwnd(), n, clientData) == LB_ERR ) wxLogDebug(wxT("LB_SETITEMDATA failed")); } // Return number of selections and an array of selected integers int wxListBox::GetSelections(wxArrayInt& aSelections) const { aSelections.Empty(); if ( HasMultipleSelection() ) { int countSel = ListBox_GetSelCount(GetHwnd()); if ( countSel == LB_ERR ) { wxLogDebug(_T("ListBox_GetSelCount failed")); } else if ( countSel != 0 ) { int *selections = new int[countSel]; if ( ListBox_GetSelItems(GetHwnd(), countSel, selections) == LB_ERR ) { wxLogDebug(wxT("ListBox_GetSelItems failed")); countSel = -1; } else { aSelections.Alloc(countSel); for ( int n = 0; n < countSel; n++ ) aSelections.Add(selections[n]); } delete [] selections; } return countSel; } else // single-selection listbox { if (ListBox_GetCurSel(GetHwnd()) > -1) aSelections.Add(ListBox_GetCurSel(GetHwnd())); return aSelections.Count(); } } // Get single selection, for single choice list items int wxListBox::GetSelection() const { wxCHECK_MSG( !HasMultipleSelection(), -1, wxT("GetSelection() can't be used with multiple-selection listboxes, use GetSelections() instead.") ); return ListBox_GetCurSel(GetHwnd()); } // Find string for position wxString wxListBox::GetString(unsigned int n) const { wxCHECK_MSG( IsValid(n), wxEmptyString, wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::GetString") ); int len = ListBox_GetTextLen(GetHwnd(), n); // +1 for terminating NUL wxString result; ListBox_GetText(GetHwnd(), n, (wxChar*)wxStringBuffer(result, len + 1)); return result; } void wxListBox::DoInsertItems(const wxArrayString& items, unsigned int pos) { wxCHECK_RET( IsValidInsert(pos), wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::InsertItems") ); unsigned int nItems = items.GetCount(); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nItems; i++ ) { int idx = ListBox_InsertString(GetHwnd(), i + pos, items[i]); #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW ) { wxOwnerDrawn *pNewItem = CreateLboxItem(idx); pNewItem->SetName(items[i]); pNewItem->SetFont(GetFont()); m_aItems.Insert(pNewItem, idx); ListBox_SetItemData(GetHwnd(), idx, pNewItem); } #else wxUnusedVar(idx); #endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN } m_noItems += nItems; SetHorizontalExtent(); } int wxListBox::DoListHitTest(const wxPoint& point) const { LRESULT lRes = ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0L, MAKELONG(point.x, point.y)); // non zero high-order word means that this item is outside of the client // area, IOW the point is outside of the listbox return HIWORD(lRes) ? wxNOT_FOUND : lRes; } void wxListBox::SetString(unsigned int n, const wxString& s) { wxCHECK_RET( IsValid(n), wxT("invalid index in wxListBox::SetString") ); // remember the state of the item bool wasSelected = IsSelected(n); void *oldData = NULL; wxClientData *oldObjData = NULL; if ( m_clientDataItemsType == wxClientData_Void ) oldData = GetClientData(n); else if ( m_clientDataItemsType == wxClientData_Object ) oldObjData = GetClientObject(n); // delete and recreate it SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_DELETESTRING, n, 0); int newN = n; if ( n == (m_noItems - 1) ) newN = -1; ListBox_InsertString(GetHwnd(), newN, s); // restore the client data if ( oldData ) SetClientData(n, oldData); else if ( oldObjData ) SetClientObject(n, oldObjData); #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if ( m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW ) { // update item's text m_aItems[n]->SetName(s); // reassign the item's data ListBox_SetItemData(GetHwnd(), n, m_aItems[n]); } #endif //USE_OWNER_DRAWN // we may have lost the selection if ( wasSelected ) Select(n); SetHorizontalExtent(); } unsigned int wxListBox::GetCount() const { return m_noItems; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // size-related stuff // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxListBox::SetHorizontalExtent(const wxString& s) { // in any case, our best size could have changed InvalidateBestSize(); // the rest is only necessary if we want a horizontal scrollbar if ( !HasFlag(wxHSCROLL) ) return; WindowHDC dc(GetHwnd()); SelectInHDC selFont(dc, GetHfontOf(GetFont())); TEXTMETRIC lpTextMetric; ::GetTextMetrics(dc, &lpTextMetric); int largestExtent = 0; SIZE extentXY; if ( s.empty() ) { // set extent to the max length of all strings for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_noItems; i++ ) { const wxString str = GetString(i); ::GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, str.c_str(), str.length(), &extentXY); int extentX = (int)(extentXY.cx + lpTextMetric.tmAveCharWidth); if ( extentX > largestExtent ) largestExtent = extentX; } } else // just increase the extent to the length of this string { int existingExtent = (int)SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT, 0, 0L); ::GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, s.c_str(), s.length(), &extentXY); int extentX = (int)(extentXY.cx + lpTextMetric.tmAveCharWidth); if ( extentX > existingExtent ) largestExtent = extentX; } if ( largestExtent ) SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT, LOWORD(largestExtent), 0L); //else: it shouldn't change } wxSize wxListBox::DoGetBestSize() const { // find the widest string int wLine; int wListbox = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_noItems; i++) { wxString str(GetString(i)); GetTextExtent(str, &wLine, NULL); if ( wLine > wListbox ) wListbox = wLine; } // give it some reasonable default value if there are no strings in the // list if ( wListbox == 0 ) wListbox = 100; // the listbox should be slightly larger than the widest string int cx, cy; wxGetCharSize(GetHWND(), &cx, &cy, GetFont()); wListbox += 3*cx; // Add room for the scrollbar wListbox += wxSystemSettings::GetMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X); // don't make the listbox too tall (limit height to 10 items) but don't // make it too small neither int hListbox = EDIT_HEIGHT_FROM_CHAR_HEIGHT(cy)* wxMin(wxMax(m_noItems, 3), 10); wxSize best(wListbox, hListbox); CacheBestSize(best); return best; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // callbacks // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxListBox::MSWCommand(WXUINT param, WXWORD WXUNUSED(id)) { wxEventType evtType; if ( param == LBN_SELCHANGE ) { evtType = wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED; } else if ( param == LBN_DBLCLK ) { evtType = wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED; } else { // some event we're not interested in return false; } wxCommandEvent event(evtType, m_windowId); event.SetEventObject( this ); // retrieve the affected item int n = SendMessage(GetHwnd(), LB_GETCARETINDEX, 0, 0); if ( n != LB_ERR ) { if ( HasClientObjectData() ) event.SetClientObject( GetClientObject(n) ); else if ( HasClientUntypedData() ) event.SetClientData( GetClientData(n) ); event.SetString(GetString(n)); event.SetExtraLong( HasMultipleSelection() ? IsSelected(n) : true ); } event.SetInt(n); return GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxCheckListBox support // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN // drawing // ------- // space beneath/above each row in pixels // "standard" checklistbox use 1 here, some might prefer 2. 0 is ugly. #define OWNER_DRAWN_LISTBOX_EXTRA_SPACE (1) // the height is the same for all items // TODO should be changed for LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE style listboxes // NB: can't forward this to wxListBoxItem because LB_SETITEMDATA // message is not yet sent when we get here! bool wxListBox::MSWOnMeasure(WXMEASUREITEMSTRUCT *item) { // only owner-drawn control should receive this message wxCHECK( ((m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW) == wxLB_OWNERDRAW), false ); MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *pStruct = (MEASUREITEMSTRUCT *)item; #ifdef __WXWINCE__ HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); #else HDC hdc = CreateIC(wxT("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, 0); #endif { wxDCTemp dc((WXHDC)hdc); dc.SetFont(GetFont()); pStruct->itemHeight = dc.GetCharHeight() + 2*OWNER_DRAWN_LISTBOX_EXTRA_SPACE; pStruct->itemWidth = dc.GetCharWidth(); } #ifdef __WXWINCE__ ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); #else DeleteDC(hdc); #endif return true; } // forward the message to the appropriate item bool wxListBox::MSWOnDraw(WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT *item) { // only owner-drawn control should receive this message wxCHECK( ((m_windowStyle & wxLB_OWNERDRAW) == wxLB_OWNERDRAW), false ); DRAWITEMSTRUCT *pStruct = (DRAWITEMSTRUCT *)item; UINT itemID = pStruct->itemID; // the item may be -1 for an empty listbox if ( itemID == (UINT)-1 ) return false; LRESULT data = ListBox_GetItemData(GetHwnd(), pStruct->itemID); wxCHECK( data && (data != LB_ERR), false ); wxListBoxItem *pItem = (wxListBoxItem *)data; wxDCTemp dc((WXHDC)pStruct->hDC); wxPoint pt1(pStruct->rcItem.left, pStruct->rcItem.top); wxPoint pt2(pStruct->rcItem.right, pStruct->rcItem.bottom); wxRect rect(pt1, pt2); return pItem->OnDrawItem(dc, rect, (wxOwnerDrawn::wxODAction)pStruct->itemAction, (wxOwnerDrawn::wxODStatus)pStruct->itemState); } #endif // wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN #endif // wxUSE_LISTBOX