// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include "FileUtil.h" // for IsDirectory #include "StringUtil.h" // for StringFromFormat #include "../Debugger/Debugger.h" #include "../Logging/Console.h" // for aprintf #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include "../PCHW/DSoundStream.h" #endif #include "../PCHW/Mixer.h" #include "../MailHandler.h" #include "UCodes.h" #include "UCode_AXStructs.h" #include "UCode_AX.h" #include "UCode_AX_Voice.h" // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Externals // ----------- extern bool gSSBM; extern bool gSSBMremedy1; extern bool gSSBMremedy2; extern bool gSequenced; extern bool gVolume; extern bool gReset; extern std::string gpName; extern CDebugger* m_frame; std::vector sMailLog, sMailTime; // ----------- CUCode_AX::CUCode_AX(CMailHandler& _rMailHandler) : IUCode(_rMailHandler) , m_addressPBs(0xFFFFFFFF) { // we got loaded m_rMailHandler.PushMail(0xDCD10000); m_rMailHandler.PushMail(0x80000000); // handshake ??? only (crc == 0xe2136399) needs it ... templbuffer = new int[1024 * 1024]; temprbuffer = new int[1024 * 1024]; } CUCode_AX::~CUCode_AX() { m_rMailHandler.Clear(); delete [] templbuffer; delete [] temprbuffer; } // ============================================ // Save file to harddrive // ---------------- void CUCode_AX::SaveLogFile(std::string f, int resizeTo, bool type, bool Wii) { if(gpName.length() > 0) // thios is currently off in the Release build { std::ostringstream ci; std::ostringstream cType; ci << (resizeTo - 1); // write ci cType << type; // write cType std::string FileName = FULL_MAIL_LOGS_DIR + gpName; FileName += "_sep"; FileName += ci.str(); FileName += "_sep"; FileName += cType.str(); FileName += Wii ? "_sepWii_sep" : "_sepGC_sep"; FileName += ".log"; FILE* fhandle = fopen(FileName.c_str(), "w"); fprintf(fhandle, f.c_str()); fflush(fhandle); fhandle = NULL; } } // ============================================ // Save the logged AX mail // ---------------- void CUCode_AX::SaveLog_(bool Wii, const char* _fmt, va_list ap) { if(m_frame->ScanMails) { char Msg[512]; vsprintf(Msg, _fmt, ap); //wxMessageBox( wxString::Format("SaveLog_ again: %s\n", Msg) ); if(strcmp(Msg, "Begin") == 0) { TmpMailLog = ""; } else if(strcmp(Msg, "End") == 0) { if(saveNext && saveNext < 100) // limit because saveNext is not initialized { //wprintf("End"); // Save the timestamps and comment std::ostringstream ci; ci << (saveNext - 1); TmpMailLog += "\n\n"; TmpMailLog += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; TmpMailLog += "Current mail: " + gpName + " mail " + ci.str() + "\n"; if(Wii) TmpMailLog += "Current CRC: " + StringFromFormat("0x%08x \n\n", _CRC); for (int i = 0; i < sMailTime.size(); i++) { char tmpbuf[128]; sprintf(tmpbuf, "Mail %i received: %s\n", i, sMailTime.at(i).c_str()); TmpMailLog += tmpbuf; } TmpMailLog += "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"; sMailLog.push_back(TmpMailLog); // Save file to disc if(m_frame->StoreMails) { SaveLogFile(TmpMailLog, saveNext, 1, Wii); } m_frame->DoUpdateMail(); // update the view saveNext = 0; } } else { TmpMailLog += Msg; TmpMailLog += "\n"; LOG_(1, Msg); // also write it to the log } } } // ---------------- // ============================================ // Save the whole AX mail // ---------------- void CUCode_AX::SaveMail(bool Wii, u32 _uMail) { if(m_frame->ScanMails) { int i = 0; std::string sTemp; std::string sTempEnd; std::string * sAct = &sTemp; bool doOnce = true; // for the while loop, to avoid getting stuck // Go through the mail while (i < 250) { // Make a new row for each AX-Command u16 axcomm = Memory_Read_U16(_uMail + i); if(axcomm < 15 && axcomm != 0) // we can at most write 8 messages per log { *sAct += "\n"; } char szTemp2[128] = ""; sprintf(szTemp2, "%08x : 0x%04x\n", _uMail + i, axcomm); *sAct += szTemp2; // set i to 160 so that we show some things after the end to if ((axcomm == AXLIST_END || axcomm == 0x000e) && doOnce) { i = 160; sAct = &sTempEnd; doOnce = false; } i += 2; } // Compare this mail to old mails int addnew = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_frame->sMail.size(); i++) { if(m_frame->sMail.at(i).length() != sTemp.length()) { //wxMessageBox( wxString::Format("%s \n\n%s", m_frame->sMail.at(i).c_str(), // sTemp.c_str()) ); addnew++; } } // In case the mail didn't match any saved mail, save it if(addnew == m_frame->sMail.size()) { //wprintf("%i | %i\n", addnew, m_frame->sMail.size()); int resizeTo = m_frame->sMail.size() + 1; // ------------------------------------ // get timestamp wxDateTime datetime = wxDateTime::UNow(); char Msg[128]; sprintf(Msg, "%04i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i:%03i", datetime.GetYear(), datetime.GetMonth() + 1, datetime.GetDay(), datetime.GetHour(), datetime.GetMinute(), datetime.GetSecond(), datetime.GetMillisecond()); sMailTime.push_back(Msg); // ------------------------------------ m_frame->sMail.push_back(sTemp); // save the main comparison mail std::string lMail = sTemp + "------------------\n" + sTempEnd; m_frame->sFullMail.push_back(lMail); // enable the radio button and update view if(resizeTo <= m_frame->m_RadioBox[3]->GetCount()) { m_frame->m_RadioBox[3]->Enable(resizeTo - 1, true); m_frame->m_RadioBox[3]->Select(resizeTo - 1); } addnew = 0; saveNext = resizeTo; // save the log to // ------------------------------------ // Save as file if(m_frame->StoreMails) { //wprintf("m_frame->sMail.size(): %i | resizeTo:%i\n", m_frame->sMail.size(), resizeTo); SaveLogFile(lMail, resizeTo, 0, Wii); } } sTemp = ""; sTempEnd = ""; } } // ---------------- int ReadOutPBs(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlock* _pPBs, int _num) { int count = 0; u32 blockAddr = pbs_address; // reading and 'halfword' swap for (int i = 0; i < _num; i++) { const short *pSrc = (const short *)g_dspInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(blockAddr); if (pSrc != NULL) { short *pDest = (short *)&_pPBs[i]; for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(AXParamBlock) / 2; p++) { pDest[p] = Common::swap16(pSrc[p]); #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST) gLastBlock = blockAddr + p*2 + 2; // save last block location #endif } blockAddr = (_pPBs[i].next_pb_hi << 16) | _pPBs[i].next_pb_lo; count++; } else break; } // return the number of read PBs return count; } void WriteBackPBs(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlock* _pPBs, int _num) { u32 blockAddr = pbs_address; // write back and 'halfword'swap for (int i = 0; i < _num; i++) { short* pSrc = (short*)&_pPBs[i]; short* pDest = (short*)g_dspInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(blockAddr); for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(AXParamBlock) / 2; p++) { pDest[p] = Common::swap16(pSrc[p]); } // next block blockAddr = (_pPBs[i].next_pb_hi << 16) | _pPBs[i].next_pb_lo; } } void CUCode_AX::MixAdd(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize) { AXParamBlock PBs[NUMBER_OF_PBS]; // read out pbs int numberOfPBs = ReadOutPBs(m_addressPBs, PBs, NUMBER_OF_PBS); if (_iSize > 1024 * 1024) _iSize = 1024 * 1024; memset(templbuffer, 0, _iSize * sizeof(int)); memset(temprbuffer, 0, _iSize * sizeof(int)); // write logging data to debugger if (m_frame) { CUCode_AX::Logging(_pBuffer, _iSize, 0, false); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Make the updates we are told to do // This code is buggy, TODO - fix. If multiple updates in a ms, only does first. // ------------ for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++) { u16 *pDest = (u16 *)&PBs[i]; u16 upd0 = pDest[34]; u16 upd1 = pDest[35]; u16 upd2 = pDest[36]; // num_updates u16 upd3 = pDest[37]; u16 upd4 = pDest[38]; u16 upd_hi = pDest[39]; // update addr u16 upd_lo = pDest[40]; const u32 updaddr = (u32)(upd_hi << 16) | upd_lo; const u16 updpar = Memory_Read_U16(updaddr); const u16 upddata = Memory_Read_U16(updaddr + 2); // some safety checks, I hope it's enough, how long does the memory go? if(updaddr > 0x80000000 && updaddr < 0x82000000 && updpar < 63 && updpar > 3 && upddata >= 0 // updpar > 3 because we don't want to change // 0-3, those are important && (upd0 || upd1 || upd2 || upd3 || upd4) // We should use these in some way to I think // but I don't know how or when && gSequenced) // on and off option { pDest[updpar] = upddata; } } //aprintf(1, "%08x %04x %04x\n", updaddr, updpar, upddata); // ------------ for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++) { AXParamBlock& pb = PBs[i]; MixAddVoice(pb, templbuffer, temprbuffer, _iSize, false); } // write back out pbs WriteBackPBs(m_addressPBs, PBs, numberOfPBs); for (int i = 0; i < _iSize; i++) { // Clamp into 16-bit. Maybe we should add a volume compressor here. int left = templbuffer[i] + _pBuffer[0]; int right = temprbuffer[i] + _pBuffer[1]; if (left < -32767) left = -32767; if (left > 32767) left = 32767; if (right < -32767) right = -32767; if (right > 32767) right = 32767; *_pBuffer++ = left; *_pBuffer++ = right; } // write logging data to debugger again after the update if (m_frame) { CUCode_AX::Logging(_pBuffer, _iSize, 1, false); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handle incoming mail // ----------- void CUCode_AX::HandleMail(u32 _uMail) { if ((_uMail & 0xFFFF0000) == MAIL_AX_ALIST) { // a new List DebugLog(" >>>> u32 MAIL : General Mail (%08x)", _uMail); } else { DebugLog(" >>>> u32 MAIL : AXTask Mail (%08x)", _uMail); AXTask(_uMail); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Update with DSP Interrupt // ----------- void CUCode_AX::Update() { // check if we have to sent something if (!m_rMailHandler.IsEmpty()) { g_dspInitialize.pGenerateDSPInterrupt(); } } // ----------- // Shortcut to avoid having to write SaveLog(false, ...) every time void CUCode_AX::SaveLog(const char* _fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, _fmt); if(m_frame) SaveLog_(false, _fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // ============================================ // AX seems to bootup one task only and waits for resume-callbacks // everytime the DSP has "spare time" it sends a resume-mail to the CPU // and the __DSPHandler calls a AX-Callback which generates a new AXFrame bool CUCode_AX::AXTask(u32& _uMail) { u32 uAddress = _uMail; SaveLog("Begin"); SaveLog("====================================================================="); SaveLog("%08x : AXTask - AXCommandList-Addr:", uAddress); u32 Addr__AXStudio; u32 Addr__AXOutSBuffer; u32 Addr__AXOutSBuffer_1; u32 Addr__AXOutSBuffer_2; u32 Addr__A; u32 Addr__12; u32 Addr__4_1; u32 Addr__4_2; u32 Addr__4_3; u32 Addr__4_4; u32 Addr__5_1; u32 Addr__5_2; u32 Addr__6; u32 Addr__9; bool bExecuteList = true; if(m_frame) SaveMail(false, _uMail); // Save mail for debugging while (bExecuteList) { static int last_valid_command = 0; u16 iCommand = Memory_Read_U16(uAddress); uAddress += 2; switch (iCommand) { case AXLIST_STUDIOADDR: //00 Addr__AXStudio = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST studio address: %08x", uAddress, Addr__AXStudio); break; case 0x001: // 2byte x 10 { u32 address = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; u16 param1 = Memory_Read_U16(uAddress); uAddress += 2; u16 param2 = Memory_Read_U16(uAddress); uAddress += 2; u16 param3 = Memory_Read_U16(uAddress); uAddress += 2; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST 1: %08x, %04x, %04x, %04x", uAddress, address, param1, param2, param3); } break; // // Somewhere we should be getting a bitmask of AX_SYNC values // that tells us what has been updated // Dunno if important // case AXLIST_PBADDR: //02 { m_addressPBs = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; mixer_HLEready = true; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST PB address: %08x", uAddress, m_addressPBs); #ifdef _WIN32 SaveLog("Update the SoundThread to be in sync"); DSound::DSound_UpdateSound(); //do it in this thread to avoid sync problems #endif } break; case 0x0003: SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST command 0x0003 ????"); break; case 0x0004: // AUX? Addr__4_1 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; Addr__4_2 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST 4_1 4_2 addresses: %08x %08x", uAddress, Addr__4_1, Addr__4_2); break; case 0x0005: Addr__5_1 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; Addr__5_2 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST 5_1 5_2 addresses: %08x %08x", uAddress, Addr__5_1, Addr__5_2); break; case 0x0006: Addr__6 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST 6 address: %08x", uAddress, Addr__6); break; case AXLIST_SBUFFER: Addr__AXOutSBuffer = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST OutSBuffer address: %08x", uAddress, Addr__AXOutSBuffer); break; case 0x0009: Addr__9 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST 6 address: %08x", Addr__9); break; case AXLIST_COMPRESSORTABLE: // 0xa Addr__A = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST CompressorTable address: %08x", uAddress, Addr__A); break; case 0x000e: Addr__AXOutSBuffer_1 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; // Addr__AXOutSBuffer_2 is the address in RAM that we are supposed to mix to. // Although we don't, currently. Addr__AXOutSBuffer_2 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress); uAddress += 4; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST sbuf2 addresses: %08x %08x", uAddress, Addr__AXOutSBuffer_1, Addr__AXOutSBuffer_2); break; case AXLIST_END: bExecuteList = false; SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST end", uAddress); break; case 0x0010: //Super Monkey Ball 2 SaveLog("%08x : AXLIST 0x0010", uAddress); //should probably read/skip stuff here uAddress += 8; break; case 0x0011: uAddress += 4; break; case 0x0012: Addr__12 = Memory_Read_U16(uAddress); uAddress += 2; break; case 0x0013: uAddress += 6 * 4; // 6 Addresses. break; default: { static bool bFirst = true; if (bFirst == true) { char szTemp[2048]; sprintf(szTemp, "Unknown AX-Command 0x%x (address: 0x%08x). Last valid: %02x\n", iCommand, uAddress - 2, last_valid_command); int num = -32; while (num < 64+32) { char szTemp2[128] = ""; sprintf(szTemp2, "%s0x%04x\n", num == 0 ? ">>" : " ", Memory_Read_U16(uAddress + num)); strcat(szTemp, szTemp2); num += 2; } // Wii AX will always show this PanicAlert(szTemp); // bFirst = false; } // unknown command so stop the execution of this TaskList bExecuteList = false; } break; } if (bExecuteList) last_valid_command = iCommand; } SaveLog("AXTask - done, send resume"); SaveLog("====================================================================="); SaveLog("End"); // i hope resume is okay AX m_rMailHandler.PushMail(0xDCD10001); return true; }