//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Plainamp, Open source Winamp core // // Copyright © 2005 Sebastian Pipping // // --> http://www.hartwork.org // // This source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). // See GPL.txt for details. Any non-GPL usage is strictly forbidden. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef PA_CONFIG_H #define PA_CONFIG_H #include "Global.h" #include "OutputPlugin.h" namespace Conf { void Init( HINSTANCE hInstance ); void Write(); }; enum ConfMode { CONF_MODE_INTERNAL, // Will not be shown to the user CONF_MODE_PUBLIC }; class ConfVar; typedef void ( * ConfCallback )( ConfVar * var ); struct BandInfo { int m_iIndex; int m_iWidth; bool m_bBreak; bool m_bVisible; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Config container //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConfVar { public: ConfVar( TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode ); ConfVar( const TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode ); ~ConfVar(); protected: TCHAR * m_szKey; ///< Unique identifier ConfMode m_Mode; ///< Mode/visibility bool m_bRead; ///< Initilization flag virtual void Read() = 0; virtual void Write() = 0; // virtual void Backup() = 0; ///< Creates a backup and deletes old backup if it exists // virtual void Restore() = 0; ///< Restores settings from backup and destroys the backup private: bool m_bCopyKey; ///< Keyname is copy (has to be freed on destruction) friend void Conf::Init( HINSTANCE hInstance ); friend void Conf::Write(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Boolean config container //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConfBool : public ConfVar { public: ConfBool( bool * pbData, TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode, bool bDefault ); ConfBool( bool * pbData, const TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode, bool bDefault ); private: bool * m_pbData; ///< Target bool m_bDefault; ///< Default value void Read(); void Write(); friend OutputPlugin::OutputPlugin( TCHAR * szDllpath, bool bKeepLoaded ); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Integer config container //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConfInt : public ConfVar { public: ConfInt( int * piData, TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode, int iDefault ); ConfInt( int * piData, const TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode, int iDefault ); protected: int * m_piData; int m_iDefault; void Read(); void Write(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Integer config container with restricted range //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConfIntMinMax : public ConfInt { public: ConfIntMinMax( int * piData, TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode, int iDefault, int iMin, int iMax ); ConfIntMinMax( int * piData, const TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode, int iDefault, int iMin, int iMax ); // bool IsValid() { return ( ( *m_piData >= m_iMin ) && ( *m_piData <= m_iMax ) ); } inline bool IsMin() { return ( *m_piData == m_iMin ); } inline bool IsMax() { return ( *m_piData == m_iMax ); } inline void MakeValidDefault() { if( ( *m_piData < m_iMin ) || ( *m_piData > m_iMax ) ) *m_piData = m_iDefault; } inline void MakeValidPull() { if( *m_piData < m_iMin ) *m_piData = m_iMin; else if( *m_piData > m_iMax ) *m_piData = m_iMax; } private: int m_iMin; int m_iMax; void Read() { ConfInt::Read(); MakeValidPull(); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Window placement config container /// /// The callback funtion is called on write() /// so the data written is up to date. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConfWinPlaceCallback : public ConfVar { public: ConfWinPlaceCallback( WINDOWPLACEMENT * pwpData, TCHAR * szKey, RECT * prDefault, ConfCallback fpCallback ); ConfWinPlaceCallback( WINDOWPLACEMENT * pwpData, const TCHAR * szKey, RECT * prDefault, ConfCallback fpCallback ); inline void TriggerCallback() { if( m_fpCallback ) m_fpCallback( this ); } inline void RemoveCallback() { m_fpCallback = NULL; } private: WINDOWPLACEMENT * m_pwpData; RECT * m_prDefault; ConfCallback m_fpCallback; void Read(); void Write(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Rebar band info config container /// /// The callback funtion is called on write() /// so the data written is up to date. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConfBandInfoCallback : public ConfVar { public: ConfBandInfoCallback( BandInfo * pbiData, TCHAR * szKey, BandInfo * pbiDefault, ConfCallback fpCallback ); ConfBandInfoCallback( BandInfo * pbiData, const TCHAR * szKey, BandInfo * pbiDefault, ConfCallback fpCallback ); inline void TriggerCallback() { if( m_fpCallback ) m_fpCallback( this ); } inline void RemoveCallback() { m_fpCallback = NULL; } bool Apply( HWND hRebar, int iBandId ); private: BandInfo * m_pbiData; BandInfo * m_pbiDefault; ConfCallback m_fpCallback; void Read(); void Write(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// String config container //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConfString : public ConfVar { public: ConfString( TCHAR * szData, TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode, TCHAR * szDefault, int iMaxLen ); ConfString( TCHAR * szData, const TCHAR * szKey, ConfMode mode, TCHAR * szDefault, int iMaxLen ); protected: TCHAR * m_szData; int m_iMaxLen; TCHAR * m_szDefault; void Read(); void Write(); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Current directory config container //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ConfCurDir : public ConfString { public: ConfCurDir( TCHAR * szData, TCHAR * szKey ); ConfCurDir( TCHAR * szData, const TCHAR * szKey ); private: void Read(); void Write(); }; #endif // PA_CONFIG_H