// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // M O D U L E B E G I N /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "PluginSpecs_Pad.h" #include "IniFile.h" #include "AboutDlg.h" #include "ConfigDlg.h" #include "MultiDI.h" #include "DIHandler.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // T Y P E D E F S / D E F I N E S ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; SPADInitialize g_PADInitialize; CDIHandler g_diHandler; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I M P L E M E N T A T I O N ////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ // DllMain // BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HINSTANCE _hinstDLL, // DLL module handle DWORD dwReason, // reason called LPVOID _lpvReserved) // reserved { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; default: break; } g_hInstance = _hinstDLL; return TRUE; } // __________________________________________________________________________________________________ // GetDllInfo // void GetDllInfo (PLUGIN_INFO* _PluginInfo) { _PluginInfo->Version = 0x0100; _PluginInfo->Type = PLUGIN_TYPE_PAD; #ifndef _DEBUG sprintf_s(_PluginInfo->Name, 100, "Pad DirectX9"); #else sprintf_s(_PluginInfo->Name, 100, "Pad DirectX9 (Debug)"); #endif } // __________________________________________________________________________________________________ // DllAbout // void DllAbout(HWND _hParent) { CAboutDlg aboutDlg; aboutDlg.DoModal(_hParent); } // __________________________________________________________________________________________________ // DllConfig // void DllConfig(HWND _hParent) { g_diHandler.InitInput(_hParent); EnableWindow(_hParent, FALSE); g_diHandler.ConfigInput(); EnableWindow(_hParent, TRUE); SetForegroundWindow(_hParent); g_diHandler.CleanupDirectInput(); } // __________________________________________________________________________________________________ // PAD_Initialize // void PAD_Initialize(SPADInitialize _PADInitialize) { g_PADInitialize = _PADInitialize; g_diHandler.InitInput((HWND)_PADInitialize.hWnd); } // __________________________________________________________________________________________________ // PAD_Shutdown // void PAD_Shutdown(void) { g_diHandler.CleanupDirectInput(); } // __________________________________________________________________________________________________ // PADGetStatus // void PAD_GetStatus(BYTE _numPAD, SPADStatus* _pPADStatus) { // check if all is okay if ((_numPAD != 0) || // we support just pad 0 (_pPADStatus == NULL)) return; #ifdef RECORD_REPLAY *_pPADStatus = PlayRecord(); return; #endif int base = 0x80; // clear pad memset(_pPADStatus,0,sizeof(SPADStatus)); _pPADStatus->stickY = base; _pPADStatus->stickX = base; _pPADStatus->substickX = base; _pPADStatus->substickY = base; _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_USE_ORIGIN; // just update pad on focus if (g_PADInitialize.hWnd != ::GetForegroundWindow()) return; //get keys from dinput g_diHandler.UpdateInput(); const SControllerInput& rInput = g_diHandler.GetControllerInput(_numPAD); // int mainvalue = (dinput.diks[keyForControl[CTL_HALFMAIN]] &0xFF) ? 40 : 100; // int subvalue = (dinput.diks[keyForControl[CTL_HALFSUB]] &0xFF) ? 40 : 100; // int triggervalue = (dinput.diks[keyForControl[CTL_HALFTRIGGER]]&0xFF) ? 100 : 255; // get the new keys if (rInput.bButtonStart) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_START; if (rInput.bButtonA) {_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_A; _pPADStatus->analogA = 255;} if (rInput.bButtonB) {_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_B; _pPADStatus->analogB = 255;} if (rInput.bButtonX) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_X; if (rInput.bButtonY) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_Y; if (rInput.bButtonZ) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_Z; if (rInput.fDPadLR < 0) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_UP; if (rInput.fDPadLR > 0) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_DOWN; if (rInput.fDPadUP < 0) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_LEFT; if (rInput.fDPadUP > 0) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT; if (rInput.fTriggerL > 0) {_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_L; _pPADStatus->triggerLeft = 255;} if (rInput.fTriggerR > 0) {_pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_R; _pPADStatus->triggerRight = 255;} _pPADStatus->stickX = 0x80 + (unsigned __int8)(rInput.fMainLR * 127.f); _pPADStatus->stickY = 0x80 + (unsigned __int8)(rInput.fMainUP * -127.f); _pPADStatus->substickX = 0x80 + (unsigned __int8)(rInput.fCPadLR * 127.f); _pPADStatus->substickY = 0x80 + (unsigned __int8)(rInput.fCPadUP * -127.f); _pPADStatus->err = PAD_ERR_NONE; } // __________________________________________________________________________________________________ // PAD_Rumble // void PAD_Rumble(BYTE _numPAD, unsigned int _uType, unsigned int _uStrength) { }