#include "Common.h" #include "Globals.h" #include "Vec3.h" #include "TransformEngine.h" #include "VertexHandler.h" #include "VertexLoader.h" #include "BPStructs.h" #include "XFStructs.h" #include "Utils.h" #include "RGBAFloat.h" float *CTransformEngine::m_pPosMatrix; float *CTransformEngine::m_pNormalMatrix; float *CTransformEngine::m_pTexMatrix[8]; float *CTransformEngine::m_pTexPostMatrix[8]; const Light *GetLight(int i) { return (const Light *)(xfmem + XFMEM_LIGHTS) + i; } float DoLighting(const Light *light, const LitChannel &chan, const Vec3 &pos, const Vec3 &normal) { float val; if (chan.attnfunc == 0 || chan.attnfunc == 2) //no attn { Vec3 ldir = (Vec3(light->dpos) - pos); val = ldir.normalized() * normal; } else { float aattn = 0; float d; float mul = 1.0f; if (chan.attnfunc == 3) { Vec3 ldir = (Vec3(light->dpos) - pos); d = ldir.length(); Vec3 ldirNorm = ldir / d; //normalize float l = ldirNorm * normal; aattn = Vec3(light->ddir) * ldirNorm; mul = l; } else if (chan.attnfunc == 1) { d = aattn = Vec3(light->shalfangle) * normal; mul = (Vec3(light->sdir) * normal > 0) ? (normal * Vec3(light->shalfangle)) : 0; if (mul < 0) mul = 0; } float spot = (light->a2*aattn*aattn + light->a1*aattn + light->a0); float dist = 1.0f/(light->k2*d*d + light->k1*d + light->k0); if (spot<0) spot=0; val = mul * spot * dist; } if (val < 0 && chan.diffusefunc == 2) // clamp val = 0; return val; } void VtxMulMtx43(Vec3 &out, const Vec3 &in, const float pMatrix[12]) { out.x = in.x * pMatrix[0] + in.y * pMatrix[1] + in.z * pMatrix[2] + 1 * pMatrix[3]; out.y = in.x * pMatrix[4] + in.y * pMatrix[5] + in.z * pMatrix[6] + 1 * pMatrix[7]; out.z = in.x * pMatrix[8] + in.y * pMatrix[9] + in.z * pMatrix[10] + 1 * pMatrix[11]; } void VtxMulMtx43T(Vec3 &out, const Vec3 &in, const float pMatrix[12]) { out.x = in.x * pMatrix[0] + in.y * pMatrix[1] + in.z * pMatrix[2] + 1 * pMatrix[3]; out.y = in.x * pMatrix[4] + in.y * pMatrix[5] + in.z * pMatrix[6] + 1 * pMatrix[7]; out.z = in.x * pMatrix[8] + in.y * pMatrix[9] + in.z * pMatrix[10] + 1 * pMatrix[11]; } void VtxMulMtx42(Vec3 &out, const Vec3 &in, const float pMatrix[8]) { out.x = in.x * pMatrix[0] + in.y * pMatrix[1] + in.z * pMatrix[2] + 1 * pMatrix[3]; out.y = in.x * pMatrix[4] + in.y * pMatrix[5] + in.z * pMatrix[6] + 1 * pMatrix[7]; } void VtxMulMtx33(Vec3 &out, const Vec3 &in, const float pMatrix[9]) { out.x = in.x * pMatrix[0] + in.y * pMatrix[1] + in.z * pMatrix[2]; out.y = in.x * pMatrix[3] + in.y * pMatrix[4] + in.z * pMatrix[5]; out.z = in.x * pMatrix[6] + in.y * pMatrix[7] + in.z * pMatrix[8]; } void CTransformEngine::TransformVertices(int _numVertices, const DecodedVArray *varray, D3DVertex *vbuffer) { if (vbuffer == 0) { MessageBox(0,"TransformVertices : vbuffer == 0","WTF",0); } DVSTARTPROFILE(); RGBAFloat lightColors[8]; RGBAFloat lightVals[8]; RGBAFloat chans[2]; // TODO: only for active lights for (int i=0; i<8; i++) lightColors[i].convert_GC(GetLight(i)->color); for (int i=0; i<_numVertices; i++) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Step 1: xform position and normal ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Vec3 OrigPos = varray->GetPos(i); if (varray->GetComponents() & VertexLoader::VB_HAS_POSMTXIDX) { int index = varray->GetPosMtxInd(i); SetPosNormalMatrix( (float*)xfmem + (index & 63) * 4, //CHECK (float*)xfmem + 0x400 + 3 * (index & 31)); //CHECK } for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (varray->GetComponents() & (VertexLoader::VB_HAS_TEXMTXIDX0<GetTexMtxInd(j, i); SetTexMatrix(j, flipmem + index * 4); } } Vec3 TempPos; // m_pPosMatrix can be switched out, through matrixindex vertex components VtxMulMtx43(TempPos, OrigPos, m_pPosMatrix); Vec3 TempNormal; Vec3 OrigNormal; if (varray->GetComponents() & VertexLoader::VB_HAS_NRM0) { OrigNormal = varray->GetNormal(0, i); VtxMulMtx33(TempNormal, OrigNormal, m_pNormalMatrix); TempNormal.normalize(); } else { OrigNormal.setZero(); TempNormal.setZero(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Step 2: Light! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //find all used lights u32 lightMask = xfregs.colChans[0].color.GetFullLightMask() | xfregs.colChans[0].alpha.GetFullLightMask() | xfregs.colChans[1].color.GetFullLightMask() | xfregs.colChans[1].alpha.GetFullLightMask(); float r0=0,g0=0,b0=0,a0=0; //go through them and compute the lit colors //Sum lighting for both two color channels if they're active for (int j = 0; j < (int)bpmem.genMode.numcolchans; j++) { RGBAFloat material; RGBAFloat lightSum(0,0,0,0); bool hasColorJ = (varray->GetComponents() & (VertexLoader::VB_HAS_COL0 << j)) != 0; //get basic material color from appropriate sources (this would compile nicely!:) if (xfregs.colChans[j].color.matsource == GX_SRC_REG) material.convertRGB_GC(xfregs.colChans[j].matColor); else { if (hasColorJ) material.convertRGB(varray->GetColor(j, i)); else material.r=material.g=material.b=1.0f; } if (xfregs.colChans[j].alpha.matsource == GX_SRC_REG) material.convertA_GC(xfregs.colChans[j].matColor); else { if (hasColorJ) material.convertA(varray->GetColor(j, i)); else material.a=1.0f; } //combine together the light values from the lights that affect the color if (xfregs.colChans[j].color.enablelighting) { //choose ambient source and start our lightsum accumulator with its value.. if (xfregs.colChans[j].color.ambsource == GX_SRC_REG) lightSum.convertRGB_GC(xfregs.colChans[j].ambColor); //ambient else { if (hasColorJ) lightSum.convertRGB(varray->GetColor(j, i)); else { lightSum.r=0.0f;lightSum.g=0.0f;lightSum.b=0.0f; } } //accumulate light colors int cmask = xfregs.colChans[j].color.GetFullLightMask(); for (int l=0; l<8; l++) { if (cmask&1) { float val = DoLighting(GetLight(l), xfregs.colChans[j].color, TempPos, TempNormal); float r = lightColors[l].r * val; float g = lightColors[l].g * val; float b = lightColors[l].b * val; lightSum.r += r; lightSum.g += g; lightSum.b += b; } cmask >>= 1; } } else { lightSum.r = lightSum.g = lightSum.b = 1.0f; } //combine together the light values from the lights that affect alpha (should be rare) if (xfregs.colChans[j].alpha.enablelighting) { //choose ambient source.. if (xfregs.colChans[j].alpha.ambsource==GX_SRC_REG) lightSum.convertA_GC(xfregs.colChans[j].ambColor); else { if (hasColorJ) lightSum.convertA(varray->GetColor(j, i)); else lightSum.a=0.0f; } //accumulate light alphas int amask = xfregs.colChans[j].alpha.GetFullLightMask(); for (int l = 0; l < 8; l++) { if (amask&1) { float val = DoLighting(GetLight(l), xfregs.colChans[j].alpha, TempPos, TempNormal); float a = lightColors[l].a * val; lightSum.a += a; } amask >>= 1; } } else { lightSum.a=1.0f; } chans[j] = lightSum * material; chans[j].clamp(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Step 3: Generate texture coordinates! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Vec3 TempUVs[8]; for (int j = 0; j < xfregs.numTexGens; j++) { int n = bpmem.tevorders[j / 2].getTexCoord(j & 1); // <- yazor: dirty zelda patch ^^ n = j; Vec3 t; switch (xfregs.texcoords[n].texmtxinfo.sourcerow) { case XF_SRCGEOM_INROW: t = OrigPos; break; //HACK WTFF??? case XF_SRCNORMAL_INROW: t = OrigNormal; break; case XF_SRCCOLORS_INROW: break; //set uvs to something? case XF_SRCBINORMAL_T_INROW: t=Vec3(0,0,0);break; case XF_SRCBINORMAL_B_INROW: t=Vec3(0,0,0);break; default: { int c = xfregs.texcoords[n].texmtxinfo.sourcerow - XF_SRCTEX0_INROW; bool hasTCC = (varray->GetComponents() & (VertexLoader::VB_HAS_UV0 << c)) != 0; if (c >= 0 && c <= 7 && hasTCC) { const DecUV &uv = varray->GetUV(c, i); t = Vec3(uv.u, uv.v, 1); } } } Vec3 out,out2; switch (xfregs.texcoords[n].texmtxinfo.texgentype) { case XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC0: out = Vec3(chans[0].r*255, chans[0].g*255, 1)/255.0f; break; case XF_TEXGEN_COLOR_STRGBC1: out = Vec3(chans[1].r*255, chans[1].g*255, 1)/255.0f; //FIX: take color1 instead break; case XF_TEXGEN_REGULAR: if (xfregs.texcoords[n].texmtxinfo.projection) VtxMulMtx43(out, t, m_pTexMatrix[n]); else VtxMulMtx42(out, t, m_pTexMatrix[n]); break; } if (xfregs.texcoords[n].postmtxinfo.normalize) out.normalize(); int postMatrix = xfregs.texcoords[n].postmtxinfo.index; float *pmtx = ((float*)xfmem) + 0x500 + postMatrix * 4; //CHECK //multiply with postmatrix VtxMulMtx43(TempUVs[j], out, pmtx); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Step 4: Output the vertex! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) chans[j].convertToD3DColor(vbuffer[i].colors[j]); vbuffer[i].pos = TempPos; vbuffer[i].normal = TempNormal; for (int j = 0; j < (int)bpmem.genMode.numtexgens; j++) { vbuffer[i].uv[j].u = TempUVs[j].x; vbuffer[i].uv[j].v = TempUVs[j].y; vbuffer[i].uv[j].w = TempUVs[j].z; } } }