///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/msw/printwin.cpp // Purpose: wxWindowsPrinter framework // Author: Julian Smart // Modified by: // Created: 04/01/98 // RCS-ID: $Id: printwin.cpp 42522 2006-10-27 13:07:40Z JS $ // Copyright: (c) Julian Smart // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // =========================================================================== // declarations // =========================================================================== // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // headers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif // Don't use the Windows printer if we're in wxUniv mode and using // the PostScript architecture #if wxUSE_PRINTING_ARCHITECTURE && (!defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__) || !wxUSE_POSTSCRIPT_ARCHITECTURE_IN_MSW) #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/msw/wrapcdlg.h" #include "wx/window.h" #include "wx/msw/private.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/dc.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/msgdlg.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/dcprint.h" #endif #include "wx/msw/printwin.h" #include "wx/msw/printdlg.h" // RJL used Windows dialog?s #include "wx/msw/private.h" #include #ifndef __WIN32__ #include #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG APIENTRY _EXPORT wxAbortProc(HDC hPr, int Code); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxWin macros // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxWindowsPrinter, wxPrinterBase) IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxWindowsPrintPreview, wxPrintPreviewBase) // =========================================================================== // implementation // =========================================================================== // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Printer // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxWindowsPrinter::wxWindowsPrinter(wxPrintDialogData *data) : wxPrinterBase(data) { m_lpAbortProc = (WXFARPROC) MakeProcInstance((FARPROC) wxAbortProc, wxGetInstance()); } wxWindowsPrinter::~wxWindowsPrinter() { // avoids warning about statement with no effect (FreeProcInstance // doesn't do anything under Win32) #if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__NT__) FreeProcInstance((FARPROC) m_lpAbortProc); #endif } bool wxWindowsPrinter::Print(wxWindow *parent, wxPrintout *printout, bool prompt) { sm_abortIt = false; sm_abortWindow = NULL; if (!printout) { sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_ERROR; return false; } printout->SetIsPreview(false); if (m_printDialogData.GetMinPage() < 1) m_printDialogData.SetMinPage(1); if (m_printDialogData.GetMaxPage() < 1) m_printDialogData.SetMaxPage(9999); // Create a suitable device context wxPrinterDC *dc wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(NULL); if (prompt) { dc = wxDynamicCast(PrintDialog(parent), wxPrinterDC); if (!dc) return false; } else { dc = new wxPrinterDC(m_printDialogData.GetPrintData()); } // May have pressed cancel. if (!dc || !dc->Ok()) { if (dc) delete dc; return false; } HDC hdc = ::GetDC(NULL); int logPPIScreenX = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX); int logPPIScreenY = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); int logPPIPrinterX = ::GetDeviceCaps((HDC) dc->GetHDC(), LOGPIXELSX); int logPPIPrinterY = ::GetDeviceCaps((HDC) dc->GetHDC(), LOGPIXELSY); if (logPPIPrinterX == 0 || logPPIPrinterY == 0) { delete dc; sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_ERROR; return false; } printout->SetPPIScreen(logPPIScreenX, logPPIScreenY); printout->SetPPIPrinter(logPPIPrinterX, logPPIPrinterY); // Set printout parameters printout->SetDC(dc); int w, h; dc->GetSize(&w, &h); printout->SetPageSizePixels((int)w, (int)h); printout->SetPaperRectPixels(dc->GetPaperRect()); dc->GetSizeMM(&w, &h); printout->SetPageSizeMM((int)w, (int)h); // Create an abort window wxBusyCursor busyCursor; printout->OnPreparePrinting(); // Get some parameters from the printout, if defined int fromPage, toPage; int minPage, maxPage; printout->GetPageInfo(&minPage, &maxPage, &fromPage, &toPage); if (maxPage == 0) { sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_ERROR; return false; } // Only set min and max, because from and to have been // set by the user m_printDialogData.SetMinPage(minPage); m_printDialogData.SetMaxPage(maxPage); wxWindow *win = CreateAbortWindow(parent, printout); wxYield(); #if defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__GNUWIN32__) || defined(__SALFORDC__) || !defined(__WIN32__) #ifdef STRICT ::SetAbortProc((HDC) dc->GetHDC(), (ABORTPROC) m_lpAbortProc); #else ::SetAbortProc((HDC) dc->GetHDC(), (FARPROC) m_lpAbortProc); #endif #else ::SetAbortProc((HDC) dc->GetHDC(), (int (_stdcall *) // cast it to right type only if required // FIXME it's really cdecl and we're casting it to stdcall - either there is // something I don't understand or it will crash at first usage #ifdef STRICT (HDC, int) #else () #endif )m_lpAbortProc); #endif if (!win) { wxLogDebug(wxT("Could not create an abort dialog.")); sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_ERROR; delete dc; return false; } sm_abortWindow = win; sm_abortWindow->Show(); wxSafeYield(); printout->OnBeginPrinting(); sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_NO_ERROR; int minPageNum = minPage, maxPageNum = maxPage; if ( !m_printDialogData.GetAllPages() ) { minPageNum = m_printDialogData.GetFromPage(); maxPageNum = m_printDialogData.GetToPage(); } int copyCount; for ( copyCount = 1; copyCount <= m_printDialogData.GetNoCopies(); copyCount++ ) { if ( !printout->OnBeginDocument(minPageNum, maxPageNum) ) { wxLogError(_("Could not start printing.")); sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_ERROR; break; } if (sm_abortIt) { sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_CANCELLED; break; } int pn; for ( pn = minPageNum; pn <= maxPageNum && printout->HasPage(pn); pn++ ) { if ( sm_abortIt ) { sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_CANCELLED; break; } dc->StartPage(); bool cont = printout->OnPrintPage(pn); dc->EndPage(); if ( !cont ) { sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_CANCELLED; break; } } printout->OnEndDocument(); } printout->OnEndPrinting(); if (sm_abortWindow) { sm_abortWindow->Show(false); delete sm_abortWindow; sm_abortWindow = NULL; } delete dc; return sm_lastError == wxPRINTER_NO_ERROR; } wxDC *wxWindowsPrinter::PrintDialog(wxWindow *parent) { wxDC *dc = (wxPrinterDC*) NULL; wxWindowsPrintDialog dialog(parent, & m_printDialogData); int ret = dialog.ShowModal(); if (ret == wxID_OK) { dc = dialog.GetPrintDC(); m_printDialogData = dialog.GetPrintDialogData(); if (dc == NULL) sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_ERROR; else sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_NO_ERROR; } else sm_lastError = wxPRINTER_CANCELLED; return dc; } bool wxWindowsPrinter::Setup(wxWindow *WXUNUSED(parent)) { #if 0 // We no longer expose that dialog wxPrintDialog dialog(parent, & m_printDialogData); dialog.GetPrintDialogData().SetSetupDialog(true); int ret = dialog.ShowModal(); if (ret == wxID_OK) { m_printDialogData = dialog.GetPrintDialogData(); } return (ret == wxID_OK); #else return false; #endif } /* * Print preview */ wxWindowsPrintPreview::wxWindowsPrintPreview(wxPrintout *printout, wxPrintout *printoutForPrinting, wxPrintDialogData *data) : wxPrintPreviewBase(printout, printoutForPrinting, data) { DetermineScaling(); } wxWindowsPrintPreview::wxWindowsPrintPreview(wxPrintout *printout, wxPrintout *printoutForPrinting, wxPrintData *data) : wxPrintPreviewBase(printout, printoutForPrinting, data) { DetermineScaling(); } wxWindowsPrintPreview::~wxWindowsPrintPreview() { } bool wxWindowsPrintPreview::Print(bool interactive) { if (!m_printPrintout) return false; wxWindowsPrinter printer(&m_printDialogData); return printer.Print(m_previewFrame, m_printPrintout, interactive); } void wxWindowsPrintPreview::DetermineScaling() { ScreenHDC dc; int logPPIScreenX = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSX); int logPPIScreenY = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSY); m_previewPrintout->SetPPIScreen(logPPIScreenX, logPPIScreenY); // Get a device context for the currently selected printer wxPrinterDC printerDC(m_printDialogData.GetPrintData()); int printerWidthMM; int printerHeightMM; int printerXRes; int printerYRes; int logPPIPrinterX; int logPPIPrinterY; wxRect paperRect; if ( printerDC.Ok() ) { HDC dc = GetHdcOf(printerDC); printerWidthMM = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, HORZSIZE); printerHeightMM = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, VERTSIZE); printerXRes = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, HORZRES); printerYRes = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, VERTRES); logPPIPrinterX = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSX); logPPIPrinterY = ::GetDeviceCaps(dc, LOGPIXELSY); paperRect = printerDC.GetPaperRect(); if ( logPPIPrinterX == 0 || logPPIPrinterY == 0 || printerWidthMM == 0 || printerHeightMM == 0 ) { m_isOk = false; } } else { // use some defaults printerWidthMM = 150; printerHeightMM = 250; printerXRes = 1500; printerYRes = 2500; logPPIPrinterX = 600; logPPIPrinterY = 600; paperRect = wxRect(0, 0, printerXRes, printerYRes); m_isOk = false; } m_pageWidth = printerXRes; m_pageHeight = printerYRes; m_previewPrintout->SetPageSizePixels(printerXRes, printerYRes); m_previewPrintout->SetPageSizeMM(printerWidthMM, printerHeightMM); m_previewPrintout->SetPaperRectPixels(paperRect); m_previewPrintout->SetPPIPrinter(logPPIPrinterX, logPPIPrinterY); // At 100%, the page should look about page-size on the screen. m_previewScaleX = float(logPPIScreenX) / logPPIPrinterX; m_previewScaleY = float(logPPIScreenY) / logPPIPrinterY; } /**************************************************************************** FUNCTION: wxAbortProc() PURPOSE: Processes messages for the Abort Dialog box ****************************************************************************/ LONG APIENTRY _EXPORT wxAbortProc(HDC WXUNUSED(hPr), int WXUNUSED(Code)) { MSG msg; if (!wxPrinterBase::sm_abortWindow) /* If the abort dialog isn't up yet */ return(TRUE); /* Process messages intended for the abort dialog box */ while (!wxPrinterBase::sm_abortIt && ::PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, TRUE)) if (!IsDialogMessage((HWND) wxPrinterBase::sm_abortWindow->GetHWND(), &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } /* bAbort is TRUE (return is FALSE) if the user has aborted */ return !wxPrinterBase::sm_abortIt; } #endif // wxUSE_PRINTING_ARCHITECTURE