////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Project description // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ // Name: nJoy // Description: A Dolphin Compatible Input Plugin // // Author: Falcon4ever (nJoy@falcon4ever.com) // Site: www.multigesture.net // Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensetype: GNU General Public License (GPL) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Issues /* ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The StrangeHack in ConfigAdvanced.cpp doesn't work in Linux, it still wont resize the window correctly. So currently in Linux you have to have advanced controls enabled when you open the window to see them. ////////////////////////*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Variables guide /* ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Joyinfo[1, 2, 3, 4, ..., number of attached devices]: Gamepad info that is populate by Search_Devices() PadMapping[1, 2, 3 and 4]: The button mapping Joystate[1, 2, 3 and 4]: The current button states The arrays PadMapping[] and PadState[] are numbered 0 to 3 for the four different virtual controllers. Joysticks[].ID will have the number of the physical input device mapped to that controller (this value range between 0 and the total number of connected physical devices). The mapping of a certain physical device to PadState[].joy is initially done by Initialize(), but for the configuration we can remap that, like in ConfigBox::ChangeJoystick(). The joyinfo[] array holds the physical gamepad info for a certain physical device. It's therefore used as joyinfo[PadMapping[controller].ID] if we want to get the joyinfo for a certain joystick. ////////////////////////*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ #include "nJoy.h" // Declare config window so that we can write debugging info to it from functions in this file #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX ConfigBox* m_frame; #endif ///////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Variables // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ // Rumble in windows #define _CONTROLLER_STATE_H // Avoid certain declarations in nJoy.h FILE *pFile; HINSTANCE nJoy_hInst = NULL; std::vector joyinfo; CONTROLLER_STATE PadState[4]; CONTROLLER_MAPPING PadMapping[4]; bool emulator_running = false; int NumPads = 0, NumGoodPads = 0; HWND m_hWnd; // Handle to window // TODO: fix this dirty hack to stop missing symbols void __Log(int log, const char *format, ...) {} void __Logv(int log, int v, const char *format, ...) {} // Rumble #ifdef _WIN32 #elif defined(__linux__) extern int fd; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // wxWidgets // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX class wxDLLApp : public wxApp { bool OnInit() { return true; } }; IMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN(wxDLLApp) WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE void wxSetInstance(HINSTANCE hInst); #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DllMain // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ #ifdef _WIN32 BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // DLL module handle DWORD dwReason, // reason called LPVOID lpvReserved) // reserved { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { //use wxInitialize() if you don't want GUI instead of the following 12 lines wxSetInstance((HINSTANCE)hinstDLL); int argc = 0; char **argv = NULL; wxEntryStart(argc, argv); if (!wxTheApp || !wxTheApp->CallOnInit() ) return FALSE; } break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: wxEntryCleanup(); //use wxUninitialize() if you don't want GUI break; default: break; } nJoy_hInst = hinstDLL; return TRUE; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input Plugin Functions (from spec's) // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ // Get properties of plugin // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ void GetDllInfo(PLUGIN_INFO* _PluginInfo) { _PluginInfo->Version = 0x0100; _PluginInfo->Type = PLUGIN_TYPE_PAD; #ifdef DEBUGFAST sprintf(_PluginInfo->Name, "nJoy v"INPUT_VERSION" (DebugFast) by Falcon4ever"); #else #ifndef _DEBUG sprintf(_PluginInfo->Name, "nJoy v"INPUT_VERSION " by Falcon4ever"); #else sprintf(_PluginInfo->Name, "nJoy v"INPUT_VERSION" (Debug) by Falcon4ever"); #endif #endif } void SetDllGlobals(PLUGIN_GLOBALS* _pPluginGlobals) {} // Call config dialog // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ void DllConfig(HWND _hParent) { // Debugging //Console::Open(); #ifdef _WIN32 // Start the pads so we can use them in the configuration and advanced controls if(!emulator_running) { NumPads = Search_Devices(); // Populate joyinfo for all attached devices } m_frame = new ConfigBox(NULL); m_frame->ShowModal(); /* Check if any of the pads failed to open. In Windows there is a strange "IDirectInputDevice2:: SetDataFormat() DirectX error -2147024809" after a few Open and Close */ if ( (PadMapping[0].enabled && PadState[0].joy == NULL) || (PadMapping[1].enabled && PadState[1].joy == NULL) || (PadMapping[2].enabled && PadState[2].joy == NULL) || (PadMapping[3].enabled && PadState[3].joy == NULL)) { //PostMessage(_hParent, 25, 0, 0); Console::Print("%s\n", SDL_GetError()); } #else if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK ) < 0) { printf("Could not initialize SDL! (%s)\n", SDL_GetError()); return; } g_Config.Load(); // load settings #if defined(HAVE_WX) && HAVE_WX ConfigBox frame(NULL); frame.ShowModal(); #endif #endif } void DllDebugger(HWND _hParent, bool Show) {} // Init PAD (start emulation) // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /* Information: This function can not be run twice without a Shutdown in between. If it's run twice the SDL_Init() will cause a crash. One solution to this is to keep a global function that remembers the SDL_Init() and SDL_Quit() (emulator_running does not do that since we can open and close this without any game running). But I would suggest that avoiding to run this twice from the Core is better. */ void Initialize(void *init) { // Debugging //Console::Open(); Console::Print("Initialize: %i\n", SDL_WasInit(0)); SPADInitialize *_PADInitialize = (SPADInitialize*)init; emulator_running = true; #ifdef _DEBUG DEBUG_INIT(); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 m_hWnd = (HWND)_PADInitialize->hWnd; #endif NumPads = Search_Devices(); // Populate joyinfo for all attached devices /* Check if any of the pads failed to open. In Windows there is a strange "IDirectInputDevice2:: SetDataFormat() DirectX error -2147024809" after a few Open and Close */ if ( (PadMapping[0].enabled && PadState[0].joy == NULL) || (PadMapping[1].enabled && PadState[1].joy == NULL) || (PadMapping[2].enabled && PadState[2].joy == NULL) || (PadMapping[3].enabled && PadState[3].joy == NULL)) { _PADInitialize->padNumber = -1; Console::Print("%s\n", SDL_GetError()); } } // Search attached devices. Populate joyinfo for all attached physical devices. // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ int Search_Devices() { // Load config #ifdef _DEBUG DEBUG_INIT(); #endif /* SDL 1.3 use DirectInput instead of the old Microsoft Multimeda API, and with this we need the SDL_INIT_VIDEO flag to */ if (!SDL_WasInit(0)) if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0) { PanicAlert("Could not initialize SDL: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 0; } #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(pFile, "Scanning for devices\n"); fprintf(pFile, "ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ\n"); #endif // Get device status int numjoy = SDL_NumJoysticks(); for (int i = 0; i < numjoy; i++ ) { CONTROLLER_INFO Tmp; Tmp.joy = SDL_JoystickOpen(i); Tmp.ID = i; Tmp.NumAxes = SDL_JoystickNumAxes(Tmp.joy); Tmp.NumButtons = SDL_JoystickNumButtons(Tmp.joy); Tmp.NumBalls = SDL_JoystickNumBalls(Tmp.joy); Tmp.NumHats = SDL_JoystickNumHats(Tmp.joy); Tmp.Name = SDL_JoystickName(i); // Check if the device is okay if ( Tmp.NumAxes == 0 && Tmp.NumBalls == 0 && Tmp.NumButtons == 0 && Tmp.NumHats == 0 ) { Tmp.Good = false; } else { NumGoodPads++; Tmp.Good = true; } joyinfo.push_back(Tmp); #ifdef _DEBUG fprintf(pFile, "ID: %d\n", i); fprintf(pFile, "Name: %s\n", joyinfo[i].Name); fprintf(pFile, "Buttons: %d\n", joyinfo[i].NumButtons); fprintf(pFile, "Axes: %d\n", joyinfo[i].NumAxes); fprintf(pFile, "Hats: %d\n", joyinfo[i].NumHats); fprintf(pFile, "Balls: %d\n\n", joyinfo[i].NumBalls); #endif // We have now read the values we need so we close the device if (SDL_JoystickOpened(i)) SDL_JoystickClose(joyinfo[i].joy); } // Warn the user if no gamepads are detected if (NumGoodPads == 0 && emulator_running) { PanicAlert("No Joystick detected"); return joyinfo.size(); } // Load PadMapping[] etc g_Config.Load(); // Update the PadState[].joy handle for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (PadMapping[i].enabled && joyinfo.size() > PadMapping[i].ID) if(joyinfo.at(PadMapping[i].ID).Good) PadState[i].joy = SDL_JoystickOpen(PadMapping[i].ID); } return joyinfo.size(); } // Shutdown PAD (stop emulation) // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /* Information: This function can not be run twice without an Initialize in between. If it's run twice the SDL_...() functions below will cause a crash. Called from: The Dolphin Core, ConfigBox::OnClose() */ void Shutdown() { Console::Print("Shutdown: %i\n", SDL_WasInit(0)); /* Close all devices carefully. We must check that we are not accessing any undefined vector elements or any bad devices */ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (PadMapping[i].enabled && joyinfo.size() > PadMapping[i].ID) if (joyinfo.at(PadMapping[i].ID).Good) if(SDL_JoystickOpened(PadMapping[i].ID)) SDL_JoystickClose(PadState[i].joy); } SDL_Quit(); #ifdef _DEBUG DEBUG_QUIT(); #endif // Clear the physical device info //delete [] joyinfo; //joyinfo = NULL; joyinfo.clear(); emulator_running = false; #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef USE_RUMBLE_DINPUT_HACK FreeDirectInput(); #endif #elif defined(__linux__) close(fd); #endif } // Set buttons status from wxWidgets in the main application // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ void PAD_Input(u16 _Key, u8 _UpDown) { // Check if the keys are interesting, and then update it for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for(int j = CTL_L_SHOULDER; j <= CTL_START; j++) { if (PadMapping[i].buttons[j] == _Key) { PadState[i].buttons[j] = _UpDown; break; } } for(int j = CTL_D_PAD_UP; j <= CTL_D_PAD_RIGHT; j++) { if (PadMapping[i].dpad2[j] == _Key) { PadState[i].dpad2[j] = _UpDown; break; } } } // Debugging //Console::Print("%i", _Key); } // Save state // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ void DoState(unsigned char **ptr, int mode) {} // Set PAD status // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ // Called from: SI_DeviceGCController.cpp // Function: Gives the current pad status to the Core void PAD_GetStatus(u8 _numPAD, SPADStatus* _pPADStatus) { Console::Print("%i %i %i\n", _numPAD, PadMapping[_numPAD].enabled, PadState[_numPAD].joy); // Check if the pad is enabled if (!PadMapping[_numPAD].enabled || !PadState[_numPAD].joy) return; // Clear pad status memset(_pPADStatus, 0, sizeof(SPADStatus)); // Update the pad status GetJoyState(_numPAD); // Get type int TriggerType = PadMapping[_numPAD].triggertype; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The analog controls // ----------- // Read axis values int i_main_stick_x = PadState[_numPAD].axis[CTL_MAIN_X]; int i_main_stick_y = -PadState[_numPAD].axis[CTL_MAIN_Y]; int i_sub_stick_x = PadState[_numPAD].axis[CTL_SUB_X]; int i_sub_stick_y = -PadState[_numPAD].axis[CTL_SUB_Y]; int TriggerLeft = PadState[_numPAD].axis[CTL_L_SHOULDER]; int TriggerRight = PadState[_numPAD].axis[CTL_R_SHOULDER]; // Check if we should make adjustments if(PadMapping[_numPAD].bSquareToCircle) { std::vector main_xy = Pad_Square_to_Circle(i_main_stick_x, i_main_stick_y, _numPAD); i_main_stick_x = main_xy.at(0); i_main_stick_y = main_xy.at(1); } // Convert axis values u8 main_stick_x = Pad_Convert(i_main_stick_x); u8 main_stick_y = Pad_Convert(i_main_stick_y); u8 sub_stick_x = Pad_Convert(i_sub_stick_x); u8 sub_stick_y = Pad_Convert(i_sub_stick_y); // Convert the triggers values if(PadMapping[_numPAD].triggertype == CTL_TRIGGER_SDL) { TriggerLeft = Pad_Convert(TriggerLeft); TriggerRight = Pad_Convert(TriggerRight); } // Set Deadzones (perhaps out of function?) int deadzone = (int)(((float)(128.00/100.00)) * (float)(PadMapping[_numPAD].deadzone + 1)); int deadzone2 = (int)(((float)(-128.00/100.00)) * (float)(PadMapping[_numPAD].deadzone + 1)); // Send values to Dolpin if they are outside the deadzone if ((main_stick_x < deadzone2) || (main_stick_x > deadzone)) _pPADStatus->stickX = main_stick_x; if ((main_stick_y < deadzone2) || (main_stick_y > deadzone)) _pPADStatus->stickY = main_stick_y; if ((sub_stick_x < deadzone2) || (sub_stick_x > deadzone)) _pPADStatus->substickX = sub_stick_x; if ((sub_stick_y < deadzone2) || (sub_stick_y > deadzone)) _pPADStatus->substickY = sub_stick_y; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The L and R triggers // ----------- int TriggerValue = 255; if (PadState[_numPAD].halfpress) TriggerValue = 100; _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_USE_ORIGIN; // Neutral value, no button pressed if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[CTL_L_SHOULDER]) { _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_L; _pPADStatus->triggerLeft = TriggerValue; } else if(TriggerLeft > 0) _pPADStatus->triggerLeft = TriggerLeft; if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[CTL_R_SHOULDER]) { _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_R; _pPADStatus->triggerRight = TriggerValue; } else if(TriggerRight > 0) _pPADStatus->triggerRight = TriggerRight; // Update the buttons in analog mode to if(TriggerLeft == 0xff) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_L; if(TriggerRight == 0xff) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_TRIGGER_R; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The digital buttons // ----------- if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[CTL_A_BUTTON]) { _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_A; _pPADStatus->analogA = 255; // Perhaps support pressure? } if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[CTL_B_BUTTON]) { _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_B; _pPADStatus->analogB = 255; // Perhaps support pressure? } if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[CTL_X_BUTTON]) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_X; if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[CTL_Y_BUTTON]) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_Y; if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[CTL_Z_TRIGGER]) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_TRIGGER_Z; if (PadState[_numPAD].buttons[CTL_START]) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_START; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The D-pad // ----------- if (PadMapping[_numPAD].controllertype == CTL_DPAD_HAT) { if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFTUP || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_UP || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP ) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_UP; if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFTUP || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFT || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN ) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_LEFT; if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_LEFTDOWN || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_DOWN || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN ) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_DOWN; if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHTUP || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHT || PadState[_numPAD].dpad == SDL_HAT_RIGHTDOWN ) _pPADStatus->button|=PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT; } else { if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_UP]) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_UP; if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_DOWN]) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_DOWN; if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_LEFT]) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_LEFT; if (PadState[_numPAD].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_RIGHT]) _pPADStatus->button |= PAD_BUTTON_RIGHT; } // Update error code _pPADStatus->err = PAD_ERR_NONE; // Use rumble Pad_Use_Rumble(_numPAD, _pPADStatus); /* Debugging Console::ClearScreen(); Console::Print( "Pad %i: %i %i\n" "Trigger type: %s Left:%04x Right:%04x Value:%i\n" "Buttons: %i X:%i\n" "D-Pad type: %s L:%i R:%i U:%i D:%i", _numPAD, PadMapping[_numPAD].enabled, PadState[_numPAD].joy, (PadMapping[_numPAD].triggertype ? "CTL_TRIGGER_XINPUT" : "CTL_TRIGGER_SDL"), _pPADStatus->triggerLeft, _pPADStatus->triggerRight, TriggerValue, _pPADStatus->button, PadState[_numPAD].buttons[CTL_X_BUTTON], (PadMapping[_numPAD].controllertype ? "CTL_DPAD_CUSTOM" : "CTL_DPAD_HAT"), 0, 0, 0, 0 );*/ } // Set PAD attached pads // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ unsigned int PAD_GetAttachedPads() { unsigned int connected = 0; g_Config.Load(); if (PadMapping[0].enabled) connected |= 1; if (PadMapping[1].enabled) connected |= 2; if (PadMapping[2].enabled) connected |= 4; if (PadMapping[3].enabled) connected |= 8; //Console::Print("PAD_GetAttachedPads: %i %i %i\n", PadMapping[0].enabled, PadMapping[1].enabled, PadMapping[2].enabled, PadMapping[3].enabled); return connected; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Spec functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convert stick values // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /* Convert stick values. The value returned by SDL_JoystickGetAxis is a signed integer s16 (-32768 to 32767). The value used for the gamecube controller is an unsigned char u8 (0 to 255) with neutral at 0x80 (128), so that it's equivalent to a signed -128 to 127. */ // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ int Pad_Convert(int _val) { /* If the limits on PadState[].axis[] actually is a u16 then we don't need this but if it's not actually limited to that we need to apply these limits */ if(_val > 32767) _val = 32767; // upper limit if(_val < -32768) _val = -32768; // lower limit // Convert the range (-0x8000 to 0x7fff) to (0 to 0xffff) _val = 0x8000 +_val; // Convert the range (-32768 to 32767) to (-128 to 127) _val = _val >> 8; //Console::Print("0x%04x %06i\n\n", _val, _val); return _val; } /* Convert the stick raidus from a circular to a square. I don't know what input values the actual GC controller produce for the GC, it may be a square, a circle or something in between. But one thing that is certain is that PC pads differ in their output (as shown in the list below), so it may be beneficiary to convert whatever radius they produce to the radius the GC games expect. This is the first implementation of this that convert a square radius to a circual radius. Use the advanced settings to enable and calibrate it. Observed diagonals: Perfect circle: 71% = sin(45) Logitech Dual Action: 100% Dual Shock 2 (Original) with Super Dual Box Pro: 90% XBox 360 Wireless: 85% GameCube Controller (Third Party) with EMS TrioLinker Plus II: 60% */ // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ float SquareDistance(float deg) { // See if we have to adjust the angle deg = abs(deg); if( (deg > 45 && deg < 135) ) deg = deg - 90; float rad = deg * M_PI / 180; float val = abs(cos(rad)); float dist = 1 / val; // Calculate distance from center //m_frame->m_pStatusBar2->SetLabel(wxString::Format("Deg:%f Val:%f Dist:%f", deg, val, dist)); return dist; } std::vector Pad_Square_to_Circle(int _x, int _y, int _pad) { /* Do we need this? */ if(_x > 32767) _x = 32767; if(_y > 32767) _y = 32767; // upper limit if(_x < -32768) _x = -32768; if(_y > 32767) _y = 32767; // lower limit // ==================================== // Convert to circle // ----------- int Tmp = atoi (PadMapping[_pad].SDiagonal.substr(0, PadMapping[_pad].SDiagonal.length() - 1).c_str()); float Diagonal = Tmp / 100.0; // First make a perfect square in case we don't have one already float OrigDist = sqrt( pow((float)_y, 2) + pow((float)_x, 2) ); // Get current distance float rad = atan2((float)_y, (float)_x); // Get current angle float deg = rad * 180 / M_PI; // A diagonal of 85% means a distance of 1.20 float corner_circle_dist = ( Diagonal / sin(45 * M_PI / 180) ); float SquareDist = SquareDistance(deg); float adj_ratio1; // The original-to-square distance adjustment float adj_ratio2 = SquareDist; // The circle-to-square distance adjustment // float final_ratio; // The final adjustment to the current distance //TODO: This is not used float result_dist; // The resulting distance // Calculate the corner-to-square adjustment ratio if(corner_circle_dist < SquareDist) adj_ratio1 = SquareDist / corner_circle_dist; else adj_ratio1 = 1; // Calculate the resulting distance result_dist = OrigDist * adj_ratio1 / adj_ratio2; float x = result_dist * cos(rad); // calculate x float y = result_dist * sin(rad); // calculate y int int_x = (int)floor(x); int int_y = (int)floor(y); // Debugging //m_frame->m_pStatusBar2->SetLabel(wxString::Format("%f %f %i", corner_circle_dist, Diagonal, Tmp)); std::vector vec; vec.push_back(int_x); vec.push_back(int_y); return vec; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Convert stick values ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Supporting functions // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ // Read current joystick status /* ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ The value PadMapping[].buttons[] is the number of the assigned joypad button, PadState[].buttons[] is the status of the button, it becomes 0 (no pressed) or 1 (pressed) */ // Read buttons status. Called from GetJoyState(). // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ void ReadButton(int controller, int button) { int ctl_button = PadMapping[controller].buttons[button]; if (ctl_button < joyinfo[PadMapping[controller].ID].NumButtons) { PadState[controller].buttons[button] = SDL_JoystickGetButton(PadState[controller].joy, ctl_button); } } // Request joystick state. // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ /* Called from: PAD_GetStatus() Input: The virtual device 0, 1, 2 or 3 Function: Updates the PadState struct with the current pad status. The input value "controller" is for a virtual controller 0 to 3. */ void GetJoyState(int controller) { // Update the gamepad status SDL_JoystickUpdate(); // Save the number of buttons int Buttons = joyinfo[PadMapping[controller].ID].NumButtons; // Update axis states. It doesn't hurt much if we happen to ask for nonexisting axises here. PadState[controller].axis[CTL_MAIN_X] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].axis[CTL_MAIN_X]); PadState[controller].axis[CTL_MAIN_Y] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].axis[CTL_MAIN_Y]); PadState[controller].axis[CTL_SUB_X] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].axis[CTL_SUB_X]); PadState[controller].axis[CTL_SUB_Y] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].axis[CTL_SUB_Y]); // Update trigger axises #ifdef _WIN32 if (PadMapping[controller].triggertype == CTL_TRIGGER_SDL) { #endif if(PadMapping[controller].buttons[CTL_L_SHOULDER] >= 1000) PadState[controller].axis[CTL_L_SHOULDER] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].buttons[CTL_L_SHOULDER] - 1000); if(PadMapping[controller].buttons[CTL_R_SHOULDER] >= 1000) PadState[controller].axis[CTL_R_SHOULDER] = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].buttons[CTL_R_SHOULDER] - 1000); #ifdef _WIN32 } else { PadState[controller].axis[CTL_L_SHOULDER] = XInput::GetXI(0, PadMapping[controller].buttons[CTL_L_SHOULDER] - 1000); PadState[controller].axis[CTL_R_SHOULDER] = XInput::GetXI(0, PadMapping[controller].buttons[CTL_R_SHOULDER] - 1000); } #endif /* Debugging Console::ClearScreen(); Console::Print("sfjsdfgsdf"); Console::Print( "Controller and handle: %i %i\n" "Triggers:%i %i %i %i %i\n", controller, (int)PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].triggertype, PadMapping[controller].buttons[CTL_L_SHOULDER], PadMapping[controller].buttons[CTL_R_SHOULDER], PadState[controller].axis[CTL_L_SHOULDER], PadState[controller].axis[CTL_R_SHOULDER] ); */ ReadButton(controller, CTL_L_SHOULDER); ReadButton(controller, CTL_R_SHOULDER); ReadButton(controller, CTL_A_BUTTON); ReadButton(controller, CTL_B_BUTTON); ReadButton(controller, CTL_X_BUTTON); ReadButton(controller, CTL_Y_BUTTON); ReadButton(controller, CTL_Z_TRIGGER); ReadButton(controller, CTL_START); // if (PadMapping[controller].halfpress < joyinfo[controller].NumButtons) PadState[controller].halfpress = SDL_JoystickGetButton(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].halfpress); // Check if we have an analog or digital joypad if (PadMapping[controller].controllertype == CTL_DPAD_HAT) { PadState[controller].dpad = SDL_JoystickGetHat(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].dpad); } else { /* Only do this if the assigned button is in range (to allow for the current way of saving keyboard keys in the same array) */ if(PadMapping[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_UP] <= Buttons) PadState[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_UP] = SDL_JoystickGetButton(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_UP]); if(PadMapping[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_DOWN] <= Buttons) PadState[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_DOWN] = SDL_JoystickGetButton(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_DOWN]); if(PadMapping[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_LEFT] <= Buttons) PadState[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_LEFT] = SDL_JoystickGetButton(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_LEFT]); if(PadMapping[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_RIGHT] <= Buttons) PadState[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_RIGHT] = SDL_JoystickGetButton(PadState[controller].joy, PadMapping[controller].dpad2[CTL_D_PAD_RIGHT]); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////