///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: wx/osx/button.h // Purpose: wxButton class // Author: Stefan Csomor // Modified by: // Created: 1998-01-01 // RCS-ID: $Id: button.h 67254 2011-03-20 00:14:35Z DS $ // Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _WX_OSX_BUTTON_H_ #define _WX_OSX_BUTTON_H_ #include "wx/control.h" #include "wx/gdicmn.h" // Pushbutton class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxButton : public wxButtonBase { public: wxButton() {} wxButton(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxButtonNameStr) { Create(parent, id, label, pos, size, style, validator, name); } bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxButtonNameStr); static wxSize GetDefaultSize(); virtual void SetLabel(const wxString& label); virtual wxWindow *SetDefault(); virtual void Command(wxCommandEvent& event); // osx specific event handling common for all osx-ports virtual bool OSXHandleClicked( double timestampsec ); protected: virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const ; void OnEnterWindow( wxMouseEvent& event); void OnLeaveWindow( wxMouseEvent& event); virtual wxBitmap DoGetBitmap(State which) const; virtual void DoSetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap, State which); virtual void DoSetBitmapPosition(wxDirection dir); virtual void DoSetBitmapMargins(int x, int y) { m_marginX = x; m_marginY = y; InvalidateBestSize(); } #if wxUSE_MARKUP && wxOSX_USE_COCOA virtual bool DoSetLabelMarkup(const wxString& markup); #endif // wxUSE_MARKUP && wxOSX_USE_COCOA // the margins around the bitmap int m_marginX; int m_marginY; // the bitmaps for the different state of the buttons, all of them may be // invalid and the button only shows a bitmap at all if State_Normal bitmap // is valid wxBitmap m_bitmaps[State_Max]; DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxButton) DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; // OS X specific class, not part of public wx API class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxDisclosureTriangle : public wxControl { public: wxDisclosureTriangle(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxBORDER_NONE, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxButtonNameStr) { Create(parent, id, label, pos, size, style, validator, name); } bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxBORDER_NONE, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxButtonNameStr); void SetOpen( bool open ); bool IsOpen() const; // osx specific event handling common for all osx-ports virtual bool OSXHandleClicked( double timestampsec ); protected: virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const ; }; #endif // _WX_OSX_BUTTON_H_