// Copyright (C) 2003 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include "StringUtil.h" #include "VideoConfig.h" #include "D3DBase.h" #include "D3DTexture.h" #include "GfxState.h" namespace DX11 { HINSTANCE hD3DCompilerDll = NULL; D3DREFLECT PD3DReflect = NULL; int d3dcompiler_dll_ref = 0; HINSTANCE hD3DXDll = NULL; D3DX11COMPILEFROMMEMORYTYPE PD3DX11CompileFromMemory = NULL; D3DX11FILTERTEXTURETYPE PD3DX11FilterTexture = NULL; D3DX11SAVETEXTURETOFILEATYPE PD3DX11SaveTextureToFileA = NULL; D3DX11SAVETEXTURETOFILEWTYPE PD3DX11SaveTextureToFileW = NULL; int d3dx_dll_ref = 0; CREATEDXGIFACTORY PCreateDXGIFactory = NULL; HINSTANCE hDXGIDll = NULL; int dxgi_dll_ref = 0; typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* D3D11CREATEDEVICEANDSWAPCHAIN)(IDXGIAdapter*, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE, HMODULE, UINT, CONST D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL*, UINT, UINT, CONST DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC*, IDXGISwapChain**, ID3D11Device**, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL*, ID3D11DeviceContext**); D3D11CREATEDEVICE PD3D11CreateDevice = NULL; D3D11CREATEDEVICEANDSWAPCHAIN PD3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain = NULL; D3D10CREATEBLOB PD3D10CreateBlob = NULL; HINSTANCE hD3DDll_10 = NULL; HINSTANCE hD3DDll_11 = NULL; int d3d_dll_ref = 0; // SharedPtr funcs HRESULT D3D11CreateDeviceShared(IDXGIAdapter *pAdapter, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType, HMODULE Software, UINT Flags, const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *pFeatureLevels, UINT FeatureLevels, UINT SDKVersion, SharedPtr* _Device, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *pFeatureLevel, SharedPtr* _ImmediateContext) { ID3D11Device* device = nullptr; ID3D11DeviceContext* context = nullptr; const HRESULT hr = PD3D11CreateDevice(pAdapter, DriverType, Software, Flags, pFeatureLevels, FeatureLevels, SDKVersion, &device, pFeatureLevel, &context); if (_Device) *_Device = SharedPtr::FromPtr(device); if (_ImmediateContext) *_ImmediateContext = SharedPtr::FromPtr(context); return hr; } HRESULT D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChainShared(IDXGIAdapter *pAdapter, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE DriverType, HMODULE Software, UINT Flags, const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *pFeatureLevels, UINT FeatureLevels, UINT SDKVersion, const DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC *pSwapChainDesc, SharedPtr* _SwapChain, SharedPtr* _Device, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *pFeatureLevel, SharedPtr* _ImmediateContext) { ID3D11Device* device = nullptr; IDXGISwapChain* chain = nullptr; ID3D11DeviceContext* context = nullptr; const HRESULT hr = PD3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain(pAdapter, DriverType, Software, Flags, pFeatureLevels, FeatureLevels, SDKVersion, pSwapChainDesc, &chain, &device, pFeatureLevel, &context); if (_Device) *_Device = SharedPtr::FromPtr(device); if (_SwapChain) *_SwapChain = SharedPtr::FromPtr(chain); if (_ImmediateContext) *_ImmediateContext = SharedPtr::FromPtr(context); return hr; } SharedPtr CreateTexture2DShared( const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* pDesc, const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData) { ID3D11Texture2D* texture = nullptr; D3D::g_device->CreateTexture2D(pDesc, pInitialData, &texture); return SharedPtr::FromPtr(texture); } SharedPtr SwapChainGetBufferTexture2DShared(IDXGISwapChain* swapchain, UINT buffer) { ID3D11Texture2D* buf = nullptr; swapchain->GetBuffer(0, IID_ID3D11Texture2D, (void**)&buf); return SharedPtr::FromPtr(buf); } SharedPtr CreateBlendStateShared(const D3D11_BLEND_DESC *pBlendStateDesc) { ID3D11BlendState* state = nullptr; D3D::g_device->CreateBlendState(pBlendStateDesc, &state); return SharedPtr::FromPtr(state); } SharedPtr CreateInputLayoutShared(const D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC *pInputElementDescs, UINT NumElements, const void *pShaderBytecodeWithInputSignature, SIZE_T BytecodeLength) { ID3D11InputLayout* layout = nullptr; D3D::g_device->CreateInputLayout(pInputElementDescs, NumElements, pShaderBytecodeWithInputSignature, BytecodeLength, &layout); return SharedPtr::FromPtr(layout); } SharedPtr CreateBufferShared(const D3D11_BUFFER_DESC *pDesc, const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *pInitialData) { ID3D11Buffer* buffer = nullptr; D3D::g_device->CreateBuffer(pDesc, pInitialData, &buffer); return SharedPtr::FromPtr(buffer); } namespace D3D { SharedPtr g_device; SharedPtr g_context; SharedPtr g_swapchain; D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featlevel; std::unique_ptr backbuf; HWND hWnd; std::vector g_aa_modes; // supported AA modes of the current adapter bool bgra_textures_supported; #define NUM_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_LEVELS 3 const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL supported_feature_levels[NUM_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_LEVELS] = { D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 }; unsigned int xres, yres; bool bFrameInProgress = false; HRESULT LoadDXGI() { if (dxgi_dll_ref++ > 0) return S_OK; if (hDXGIDll) return S_OK; hDXGIDll = LoadLibraryA("dxgi.dll"); if (!hDXGIDll) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Failed to load dxgi.dll", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); --dxgi_dll_ref; return E_FAIL; } PCreateDXGIFactory = (CREATEDXGIFACTORY)GetProcAddress(hDXGIDll, "CreateDXGIFactory"); if (PCreateDXGIFactory == NULL) MessageBoxA(NULL, "GetProcAddress failed for CreateDXGIFactory!", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return S_OK; } HRESULT LoadD3D() { if (d3d_dll_ref++ > 0) return S_OK; hD3DDll_10 = LoadLibraryA("d3d10.dll"); if (!hD3DDll_10) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Failed to load d3d10.dll", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); --d3d_dll_ref; return E_FAIL; } hD3DDll_11 = LoadLibraryA("d3d11.dll"); if (!hD3DDll_11) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Failed to load d3d11.dll", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); --d3d_dll_ref; return E_FAIL; } PD3D11CreateDevice = (D3D11CREATEDEVICE)GetProcAddress(hD3DDll_11, "D3D11CreateDevice"); if (PD3D11CreateDevice == NULL) MessageBoxA(NULL, "GetProcAddress failed for D3D11CreateDevice!", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); PD3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain = (D3D11CREATEDEVICEANDSWAPCHAIN)GetProcAddress(hD3DDll_11, "D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain"); if (PD3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain == NULL) MessageBoxA(NULL, "GetProcAddress failed for D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain!", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); PD3D10CreateBlob = (D3D10CREATEBLOB)GetProcAddress(hD3DDll_10, "D3D10CreateBlob"); if (PD3D10CreateBlob == NULL) MessageBoxA(NULL, "GetProcAddress failed for D3D10CreateBlob!", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return S_OK; } HRESULT LoadD3DX() { if (d3dx_dll_ref++ > 0) return S_OK; if (hD3DXDll) return S_OK; // try to load D3DX11 first to check whether we have proper runtime support // try to use the dll the backend was compiled against first - don't bother about debug runtimes hD3DXDll = LoadLibraryA(D3DX11_DLL_A); if (!hD3DXDll) { // if that fails, use the dll which should be available in every SDK which officially supports DX11. hD3DXDll = LoadLibraryA("d3dx11_42.dll"); if (!hD3DXDll) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Failed to load d3dx11_42.dll, update your DX11 runtime, please", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return E_FAIL; } else { NOTICE_LOG(VIDEO, "Successfully loaded d3dx11_42.dll. If you're having trouble, try updating your DX runtime first."); } } PD3DX11CompileFromMemory = (D3DX11COMPILEFROMMEMORYTYPE)GetProcAddress(hD3DXDll, "D3DX11CompileFromMemory"); if (PD3DX11CompileFromMemory == NULL) MessageBoxA(NULL, "GetProcAddress failed for D3DX11CompileFromMemory!", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); PD3DX11FilterTexture = (D3DX11FILTERTEXTURETYPE)GetProcAddress(hD3DXDll, "D3DX11FilterTexture"); if (PD3DX11FilterTexture == NULL) MessageBoxA(NULL, "GetProcAddress failed for D3DX11FilterTexture!", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); PD3DX11SaveTextureToFileA = (D3DX11SAVETEXTURETOFILEATYPE)GetProcAddress(hD3DXDll, "D3DX11SaveTextureToFileA"); if (PD3DX11SaveTextureToFileA == NULL) MessageBoxA(NULL, "GetProcAddress failed for D3DX11SaveTextureToFileA!", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); PD3DX11SaveTextureToFileW = (D3DX11SAVETEXTURETOFILEWTYPE)GetProcAddress(hD3DXDll, "D3DX11SaveTextureToFileW"); if (PD3DX11SaveTextureToFileW == NULL) MessageBoxA(NULL, "GetProcAddress failed for D3DX11SaveTextureToFileW!", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return S_OK; } HRESULT LoadD3DCompiler() { if (d3dcompiler_dll_ref++ > 0) return S_OK; if (hD3DCompilerDll) return S_OK; // try to load D3DCompiler first to check whether we have proper runtime support // try to use the dll the backend was compiled against first - don't bother about debug runtimes hD3DCompilerDll = LoadLibraryA(D3DCOMPILER_DLL_A); if (!hD3DCompilerDll) { // if that fails, use the dll which should be available in every SDK which officially supports DX11. hD3DCompilerDll = LoadLibraryA("D3DCompiler_42.dll"); if (!hD3DCompilerDll) { MessageBoxA(NULL, "Failed to load D3DCompiler_42.dll, update your DX11 runtime, please", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return E_FAIL; } else { NOTICE_LOG(VIDEO, "Successfully loaded D3DCompiler_42.dll. If you're having trouble, try updating your DX runtime first."); } } PD3DReflect = (D3DREFLECT)GetProcAddress(hD3DCompilerDll, "D3DReflect"); if (PD3DReflect == NULL) MessageBoxA(NULL, "GetProcAddress failed for D3DReflect!", "Critical error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return S_OK; } void UnloadDXGI() { if (!dxgi_dll_ref) return; if (--dxgi_dll_ref != 0) return; if(hDXGIDll) FreeLibrary(hDXGIDll); hDXGIDll = NULL; PCreateDXGIFactory = NULL; } void UnloadD3DX() { if (!d3dx_dll_ref) return; if (--d3dx_dll_ref != 0) return; if(hD3DXDll) FreeLibrary(hD3DXDll); hD3DXDll = NULL; PD3DX11FilterTexture = NULL; PD3DX11SaveTextureToFileA = NULL; PD3DX11SaveTextureToFileW = NULL; } void UnloadD3D() { if (!d3d_dll_ref || --d3d_dll_ref != 0) return; FreeLibrary(hD3DDll_10); FreeLibrary(hD3DDll_11); hD3DDll_10 = hD3DDll_11 = NULL; PD3D11CreateDevice = NULL; PD3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain = NULL; PD3D10CreateBlob = NULL; } void UnloadD3DCompiler() { if (!d3dcompiler_dll_ref) return; if (--d3dcompiler_dll_ref != 0) return; if (hD3DCompilerDll) FreeLibrary(hD3DCompilerDll); hD3DCompilerDll = NULL; PD3DReflect = NULL; } std::vector EnumAAModes(IDXGIAdapter* adapter) { // NOTE: D3D 10.0 doesn't support multisampled resources which are bound as depth buffers AND shader resources. // Thus, we can't have MSAA with 10.0 level hardware. D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL feat_level; SharedPtr device; SharedPtr context; const HRESULT hr = D3D11CreateDeviceShared(adapter, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, NULL, D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED, supported_feature_levels, NUM_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_LEVELS, D3D11_SDK_VERSION, std::addressof(device), &feat_level, std::addressof(context)); std::vector aa_modes; if (FAILED(hr) || feat_level == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0) { DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC desc; desc.Count = 1; desc.Quality = 0; aa_modes.push_back(desc); } else { for (UINT samples = 0; samples != D3D11_MAX_MULTISAMPLE_SAMPLE_COUNT; ++samples) { UINT quality_levels = 0; device->CheckMultisampleQualityLevels(DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, samples, &quality_levels); if (quality_levels > 0) { DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC desc; desc.Count = samples; for (desc.Quality = 0; desc.Quality != quality_levels; ++desc.Quality) aa_modes.push_back(desc); } } } return aa_modes; } DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC GetAAMode(int index) { return g_aa_modes[index]; } HRESULT Create(HWND wnd) { hWnd = wnd; HRESULT hr; RECT client; GetClientRect(hWnd, &client); xres = client.right - client.left; yres = client.bottom - client.top; hr = LoadDXGI(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = LoadD3D(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = LoadD3DX(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = LoadD3DCompiler(); if (FAILED(hr)) { UnloadDXGI(); UnloadD3D(); UnloadD3DX(); UnloadD3DCompiler(); return hr; } IDXGIFactory* factory; hr = PCreateDXGIFactory(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory), (void**)&factory); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(wnd, _T("Failed to create IDXGIFactory object"), _T("Dolphin Direct3D 11 backend"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); IDXGIAdapter* adapter; hr = factory->EnumAdapters(g_ActiveConfig.iAdapter, &adapter); if (FAILED(hr)) { // try using the first one hr = factory->EnumAdapters(0, &adapter); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(wnd, _T("Failed to enumerate adapters"), _T("Dolphin Direct3D 11 backend"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } // TODO: Make this configurable IDXGIOutput* output; hr = adapter->EnumOutputs(0, &output); if (FAILED(hr)) { // try using the first one hr = adapter->EnumOutputs(0, &output); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(wnd, _T("Failed to enumerate outputs"), _T("Dolphin Direct3D 11 backend"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } // get supported AA modes g_aa_modes = EnumAAModes(adapter); if (g_Config.iMultisampleMode >= (int)g_aa_modes.size()) { g_Config.iMultisampleMode = 0; UpdateActiveConfig(); } DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC swap_chain_desc; memset(&swap_chain_desc, 0, sizeof(swap_chain_desc)); swap_chain_desc.BufferCount = 1; swap_chain_desc.BufferUsage = DXGI_USAGE_RENDER_TARGET_OUTPUT; swap_chain_desc.OutputWindow = wnd; swap_chain_desc.SampleDesc.Count = 1; swap_chain_desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; swap_chain_desc.Windowed = TRUE; DXGI_MODE_DESC mode_desc; memset(&mode_desc, 0, sizeof(mode_desc)); mode_desc.Width = xres; mode_desc.Height = yres; mode_desc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; mode_desc.Scaling = DXGI_MODE_SCALING_UNSPECIFIED; hr = output->FindClosestMatchingMode(&mode_desc, &swap_chain_desc.BufferDesc, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(wnd, _T("Failed to find a supported video mode"), _T("Dolphin Direct3D 11 backend"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); // forcing buffer resolution to xres and yres.. TODO: The new video mode might not actually be supported! swap_chain_desc.BufferDesc.Width = xres; swap_chain_desc.BufferDesc.Height = yres; #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST) const D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG device_flags = (D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG)(D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG | D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED); #else const D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG device_flags = D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED; #endif SharedPtr device; SharedPtr swapchain; SharedPtr context; hr = D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChainShared(adapter, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN, NULL, device_flags, supported_feature_levels, NUM_SUPPORTED_FEATURE_LEVELS, D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &swap_chain_desc, std::addressof(swapchain), std::addressof(device), &featlevel, std::addressof(context)); if (FAILED(hr) || !device || !swapchain || !context) { MessageBox(wnd, _T("Failed to initialize Direct3D.\nMake sure your video card supports at least D3D 10.0"), _T("Dolphin Direct3D 11 backend"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return E_FAIL; } SetDebugObjectName(context, "device context"); SAFE_RELEASE(factory); SAFE_RELEASE(output); SAFE_RELEASE(adapter); auto const buf = SwapChainGetBufferTexture2DShared(swapchain, 0); if (!buf) { MessageBox(wnd, _T("Failed to get swapchain buffer"), _T("Dolphin Direct3D 11 backend"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return E_FAIL; } g_device = device; g_context = context; g_swapchain = swapchain; backbuf.reset(new D3DTexture2D(buf, D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET)); CHECK(backbuf!=NULL, "Create back buffer texture"); SetDebugObjectName(backbuf->GetTex(), "backbuffer texture"); SetDebugObjectName(backbuf->GetRTV(), "backbuffer render target view"); context->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &backbuf->GetRTV(), NULL); // BGRA textures are easier to deal with in TextureCache, but might not be supported by the hardware UINT format_support; device->CheckFormatSupport(DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, &format_support); bgra_textures_supported = (format_support & D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_TEXTURE2D) != 0; stateman.reset(new StateManager); return S_OK; } void Close() { // release all bound resources g_context->ClearState(); backbuf.reset(); g_swapchain.reset(); stateman.reset(); g_context->Flush(); // immediately destroy device objects g_context.reset(); g_device.reset(); // unload DLLs UnloadD3DX(); UnloadD3D(); UnloadDXGI(); } const char* VertexShaderVersionString() { if(featlevel == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0) return "vs_5_0"; else if(featlevel == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1) return "vs_4_1"; else /*if(featlevel == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0)*/ return "vs_4_0"; } const char* GeometryShaderVersionString() { if(featlevel == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0) return "gs_5_0"; else if(featlevel == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1) return "gs_4_1"; else /*if(featlevel == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0)*/ return "gs_4_0"; } const char* PixelShaderVersionString() { if(featlevel == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0) return "ps_5_0"; else if(featlevel == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1) return "ps_4_1"; else /*if(featlevel == D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0)*/ return "ps_4_0"; } D3DTexture2D* GetBackBuffer() { return backbuf.get(); } unsigned int GetBackBufferWidth() { return xres; } unsigned int GetBackBufferHeight() { return yres; } bool BGRATexturesSupported() { return bgra_textures_supported; } // Returns the maximum width/height of a texture. This value only depends upon the feature level in DX11 unsigned int GetMaxTextureSize() { switch (featlevel) { case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0: return D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE2D_U_OR_V_DIMENSION; case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1: case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0: return D3D10_REQ_TEXTURE2D_U_OR_V_DIMENSION; case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3: return 4096; case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2: case D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1: return 2048; default: return 0; } } void Reset() { // release all back buffer references backbuf.reset(); // resize swapchain buffers RECT client; GetClientRect(hWnd, &client); xres = client.right - client.left; yres = client.bottom - client.top; D3D::g_swapchain->ResizeBuffers(1, xres, yres, DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, 0); // recreate back buffer texture auto const buf = SwapChainGetBufferTexture2DShared(g_swapchain, 0); if (!buf) { MessageBox(hWnd, _T("Failed to get swapchain buffer"), _T("Dolphin Direct3D 11 backend"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); return; } backbuf.reset(new D3DTexture2D(buf, D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET)); CHECK(backbuf!=NULL, "Create back buffer texture"); SetDebugObjectName(backbuf->GetTex(), "backbuffer texture"); SetDebugObjectName(backbuf->GetRTV(), "backbuffer render target view"); } bool BeginFrame() { if (bFrameInProgress) { PanicAlert("BeginFrame called although a frame is already in progress"); return false; } bFrameInProgress = true; return (g_device != NULL); } void EndFrame() { if (!bFrameInProgress) { PanicAlert("EndFrame called although no frame is in progress"); return; } bFrameInProgress = false; } void Present() { // TODO: Is 1 the correct value for vsyncing? g_swapchain->Present((UINT)g_ActiveConfig.bVSync, 0); } } // namespace D3D } // namespace DX11