#ifndef _UTILS_H #define _UTILS_H #include "Common.h" #include "main.h" #include "LookUpTables.h" extern int frameCount; LRESULT CALLBACK AboutProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //#define RAM_MASK 0x1FFFFFF inline u8 *Memory_GetPtr(u32 _uAddress) { return g_VideoInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(_uAddress); } inline u8 Memory_Read_U8(u32 _uAddress) { return *g_VideoInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(_uAddress); } inline u16 Memory_Read_U16(u32 _uAddress) { return _byteswap_ushort(*(u16*)g_VideoInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(_uAddress)); // return _byteswap_ushort(*(u16*)&g_pMemory[_uAddress & RAM_MASK]); } inline u32 Memory_Read_U32(u32 _uAddress) { if (_uAddress == 0x020143a8) { int i =0; } return _byteswap_ulong(*(u32*)g_VideoInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(_uAddress)); // return _byteswap_ulong(*(u32*)&g_pMemory[_uAddress & RAM_MASK]); } inline float Memory_Read_Float(u32 _uAddress) { u32 uTemp = Memory_Read_U32(_uAddress); return *(float*)&uTemp; } //// // profiling /// extern int g_bWriteProfile; // global variable to enable/disable profiling (if DVPROFILE is defined) // IMPORTANT: For every Register there must be an End void DVProfRegister(char* pname); // first checks if this profiler exists in g_listProfilers void DVProfEnd(u32 dwUserData); void DVProfWrite(char* pfilename, u32 frames = 0); void DVProfClear(); // clears all the profilers // #define DVPROFILE // comment out to disable profiling #if defined(DVPROFILE) && (defined(_WIN32)||defined(WIN32)) #ifdef _MSC_VER #ifndef __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ #define __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __FUNCTION__ #endif #endif #define DVSTARTPROFILE() DVProfileFunc _pf(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); class DVProfileFunc { public: u32 dwUserData; DVProfileFunc(char* pname) { DVProfRegister(pname); dwUserData = 0; } DVProfileFunc(char* pname, u32 dwUserData) : dwUserData(dwUserData) { DVProfRegister(pname); } ~DVProfileFunc() { DVProfEnd(dwUserData); } }; #else #define DVSTARTPROFILE() class DVProfileFunc { public: u32 dwUserData; __forceinline DVProfileFunc(char* pname) {} __forceinline DVProfileFunc(char* pname, u32 dwUserData) { } ~DVProfileFunc() {} }; #endif #endif