EmptyChaos 822326eea9 Update wxWidgets to 3.1.0
From wxWidgets master 81570ae070b35c9d52de47b1f14897f3ff1a66c7.

include/wx/defs.h -- __w64 warning disable patch by comex brought forward.

include/wx/msw/window.h -- added GetContentScaleFactor() which was not implemented on Windows but is necessary for wxBitmap scaling on Mac OS X so it needs to work to avoid #ifdef-ing the code.

src/gtk/window.cpp -- Modified DoSetClientSize() to direct call wxWindowGTK::DoSetSize() instead of using public wxWindowBase::SetSize() which now prevents derived classes (like wxAuiToolbar) intercepting the call and breaking it. This matches Windows which does NOT need to call DoSetSize internally. End result is this fixes Dolphin's debug tools toolbars on Linux.

src/osx/window_osx.cpp -- Same fix as for GTK since it has the same issue.

src/msw/radiobox.cpp -- Hacked to fix display in HiDPI (was clipping off end of text).

Updated CMakeLists for Linux and Mac OS X. Small code changes to Dolphin to fix debug error boxes, deprecation warnings, and retain previous UI behavior on Windows.
2016-06-26 15:25:29 +10:00

260 lines
9.3 KiB

// Name: wx/cppunit.h
// Purpose: wrapper header for CppUnit headers
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Created: 15.02.04
// Copyright: (c) 2004 Vadim Zeitlin
// Licence: wxWindows Licence
#ifndef _WX_CPPUNIT_H_
#define _WX_CPPUNIT_H_
// using CPPUNIT_TEST() macro results in this warning, disable it as there is
// no other way to get rid of it and it's not very useful anyhow
#ifdef __VISUALC__
// typedef-name 'foo' used as synonym for class-name 'bar'
#pragma warning(disable:4097)
// unreachable code: we don't care about warnings in CppUnit headers
#pragma warning(disable:4702)
// 'id': identifier was truncated to 'num' characters in the debug info
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#endif // __VISUALC__
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma warn -8022
// Set the default format for the errors, which can be used by an IDE to jump
// to the error location. This default gets overridden by the cppunit headers
// for some compilers (e.g. VC++).
// Include all needed cppunit headers.
#include "wx/beforestd.h"
#ifdef __VISUALC__
#pragma warning(push)
// with cppunit 1.12 we get many bogus warnings 4701 (local variable may be
// used without having been initialized) in TestAssert.h
#pragma warning(disable:4701)
// and also 4100 (unreferenced formal parameter) in extensions/
// ExceptionTestCaseDecorator.h
#pragma warning(disable:4100)
#include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
#include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
#include <cppunit/TestCase.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
#include <cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h>
#ifdef __VISUALC__
#pragma warning(pop)
#include "wx/afterstd.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
// Set of helpful test macros.
// Base macro for wrapping CPPUNIT_TEST macros and so making them conditional
// tests, meaning that the test only get registered and thus run when a given
// runtime condition is true.
// In case the condition is evaluated as false a skip message is logged
// (the message will only be shown in verbose mode).
#define WXTEST_ANY_WITH_CONDITION(suiteName, Condition, testMethod, anyTest) \
if (Condition) \
{ anyTest; } \
else \
wxLogInfo(wxString::Format(wxT("skipping: %s.%s\n reason: %s equals false\n"), \
wxString(suiteName, wxConvUTF8).c_str(), \
wxString(#testMethod, wxConvUTF8).c_str(), \
wxString(#Condition, wxConvUTF8).c_str()))
// Conditional CPPUNIT_TEST macro.
#define WXTEST_WITH_CONDITION(suiteName, Condition, testMethod) \
WXTEST_ANY_WITH_CONDITION(suiteName, Condition, testMethod, CPPUNIT_TEST(testMethod))
// Conditional CPPUNIT_TEST_FAIL macro.
#define WXTEST_FAIL_WITH_CONDITION(suiteName, Condition, testMethod) \
WXTEST_ANY_WITH_CONDITION(suiteName, Condition, testMethod, CPPUNIT_TEST_FAIL(testMethod))
// provide an overload of cppunit assertEquals(T, T) which can be used to
// compare wxStrings directly with C strings
inline void
assertEquals(const char *expected,
const char *actual,
CppUnit::SourceLine sourceLine,
const std::string& message)
assertEquals(wxString(expected), wxString(actual), sourceLine, message);
inline void
assertEquals(const char *expected,
const wxString& actual,
CppUnit::SourceLine sourceLine,
const std::string& message)
assertEquals(wxString(expected), actual, sourceLine, message);
inline void
assertEquals(const wxString& expected,
const char *actual,
CppUnit::SourceLine sourceLine,
const std::string& message)
assertEquals(expected, wxString(actual), sourceLine, message);
inline void
assertEquals(const wchar_t *expected,
const wxString& actual,
CppUnit::SourceLine sourceLine,
const std::string& message)
assertEquals(wxString(expected), actual, sourceLine, message);
inline void
assertEquals(const wxString& expected,
const wchar_t *actual,
CppUnit::SourceLine sourceLine,
const std::string& message)
assertEquals(expected, wxString(actual), sourceLine, message);
// define an assertEquals() overload for the given types, this is a helper used
inline void \
assertEquals(T1 expected, \
T2 actual, \
CppUnit::SourceLine sourceLine, \
const std::string& message) \
{ \
if ( !assertion_traits<T1>::equal(expected,actual) ) \
{ \
Asserter::failNotEqual( assertion_traits<T1>::toString(expected), \
assertion_traits<T2>::toString(actual), \
sourceLine, \
message ); \
} \
// this macro allows us to specify (usually literal) ints as expected values
// for functions returning integral types different from "int"
#if defined( __VMS ) && defined( __ia64 )
// Use this macro to compare a wxArrayString with the pipe-separated elements
// of the given string
// NB: it's a macro and not a function to have the correct line numbers in the
// test failure messages
{ \
wxArrayString expected(wxSplit(s, '|', '\0')); \
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( expected.size(), a.size() ); \
for ( size_t n = 0; n < a.size(); n++ ) \
{ \
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( expected[n], a[n] ); \
} \
// Use this macro to assert with the given formatted message (it should contain
// the format string and arguments in a separate pair of parentheses)
#define WX_ASSERT_MESSAGE(msg, cond) \
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(std::string(wxString::Format msg .mb_str()), (cond))
#define WX_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg, expected, actual) \
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(std::string(wxString::Format msg .mb_str()), \
(expected), (actual))
// define stream inserter for wxString if it's not defined in the main library,
// we need it to output the test failures involving wxString
#include "wx/string.h"
#include <iostream>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const wxString& s)
return o << (const char *)wxSafeConvertWX2MB(s.wc_str());
return o << s.c_str();
#endif // !wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM
// Some more compiler warning tweaking and auto linking.
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma warn .8022
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default:4702)
#endif // _MSC_VER
// for VC++ automatically link in cppunit library
#ifdef __VISUALC__
#ifdef NDEBUG
#pragma comment(lib, "cppunit.lib")
#else // Debug
#pragma comment(lib, "cppunitd.lib")
#endif // Release/Debug
#endif // _WX_CPPUNIT_H_