EmptyChaos 822326eea9 Update wxWidgets to 3.1.0
From wxWidgets master 81570ae070b35c9d52de47b1f14897f3ff1a66c7.

include/wx/defs.h -- __w64 warning disable patch by comex brought forward.

include/wx/msw/window.h -- added GetContentScaleFactor() which was not implemented on Windows but is necessary for wxBitmap scaling on Mac OS X so it needs to work to avoid #ifdef-ing the code.

src/gtk/window.cpp -- Modified DoSetClientSize() to direct call wxWindowGTK::DoSetSize() instead of using public wxWindowBase::SetSize() which now prevents derived classes (like wxAuiToolbar) intercepting the call and breaking it. This matches Windows which does NOT need to call DoSetSize internally. End result is this fixes Dolphin's debug tools toolbars on Linux.

src/osx/window_osx.cpp -- Same fix as for GTK since it has the same issue.

src/msw/radiobox.cpp -- Hacked to fix display in HiDPI (was clipping off end of text).

Updated CMakeLists for Linux and Mac OS X. Small code changes to Dolphin to fix debug error boxes, deprecation warnings, and retain previous UI behavior on Windows.
2016-06-26 15:25:29 +10:00

557 lines
23 KiB

// Name: wx/stringimpl.h
// Purpose: wxStringImpl class, implementation of wxString
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 29/01/98
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <>
// Licence: wxWindows licence
This header implements std::string-like string class, wxStringImpl, that is
used by wxString to store the data. Alternatively, if wxUSE_STD_STRING=1,
wxStringImpl is just a typedef to std:: string class.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "wx/defs.h" // everybody should include this
#include "wx/chartype.h" // for wxChar
#include "wx/wxcrtbase.h" // for wxStrlen() etc.
#include <stdlib.h>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// macros
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// implementation only
#define wxASSERT_VALID_INDEX(i) \
wxASSERT_MSG( (size_t)(i) <= length(), wxT("invalid index in wxString") )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global pointer to empty string
extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_BASE(const wxChar*) wxEmptyString;
// FIXME-UTF8: we should have only one wxEmptyString
extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_BASE(const wxStringCharType*) wxEmptyStringImpl;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// deal with various build options
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// we use STL-based string internally if we use std::string at all now, there
// should be no reason to prefer our internal implement but if you really need
// it you can predefine wxUSE_STL_BASED_WXSTRING as 0 when building the library
// in both cases we need to define wxStdString
#include "wx/beforestd.h"
#include <string>
#include "wx/afterstd.h"
typedef std::wstring wxStdWideString;
typedef std::basic_string<wchar_t> wxStdWideString;
typedef wxStdWideString wxStdString;
typedef std::string wxStdString;
// we always want ctor from std::string when using std::string internally
#define wxUSE_STD_STRING 1
typedef wxStdString wxStringImpl;
// in non-STL mode, compare() is implemented in wxString and not wxStringImpl
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// string data prepended with some housekeeping info (used by wxString class),
// is never used directly (but had to be put here to allow inlining)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringData
int nRefs; // reference count
size_t nDataLength, // actual string length
nAllocLength; // allocated memory size
// mimics declaration 'wxStringCharType data[nAllocLength]'
wxStringCharType* data() const { return (wxStringCharType*)(this + 1); }
// empty string has a special ref count so it's never deleted
bool IsEmpty() const { return (nRefs == -1); }
bool IsShared() const { return (nRefs > 1); }
// lock/unlock
void Lock() { if ( !IsEmpty() ) nRefs++; }
// VC++ will refuse to inline Unlock but profiling shows that it is wrong
#if defined(__VISUALC__)
// VC++ free must take place in same DLL as allocation when using non dll
// run-time library (e.g. Multithreaded instead of Multithreaded DLL)
#if defined(__VISUALC__) && defined(_MT) && !defined(_DLL)
void Unlock() { if ( !IsEmpty() && --nRefs == 0) Free(); }
// we must not inline deallocation since allocation is not inlined
void Free();
void Unlock() { if ( !IsEmpty() && --nRefs == 0) free(this); }
// if we had taken control over string memory (GetWriteBuf), it's
// intentionally put in invalid state
void Validate(bool b) { nRefs = (b ? 1 : 0); }
bool IsValid() const { return (nRefs != 0); }
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxStringImpl
// an 'invalid' value for string index, moved to this place due to a CW bug
static const size_t npos;
// points to data preceded by wxStringData structure with ref count info
wxStringCharType *m_pchData;
// accessor to string data
wxStringData* GetStringData() const { return (wxStringData*)m_pchData - 1; }
// string (re)initialization functions
// initializes the string to the empty value (must be called only from
// ctors, use Reinit() otherwise)
void Init() { m_pchData = (wxStringCharType *)wxEmptyStringImpl; } // FIXME-UTF8
void Init() { m_pchData = (wxStringCharType *)wxEmptyString; }
// initializes the string with (a part of) C-string
void InitWith(const wxStringCharType *psz, size_t nPos = 0, size_t nLen = npos);
// as Init, but also frees old data
void Reinit() { GetStringData()->Unlock(); Init(); }
// memory allocation
// allocates memory for string of length nLen
bool AllocBuffer(size_t nLen);
// effectively copies data to string
bool AssignCopy(size_t, const wxStringCharType *);
// append a (sub)string
bool ConcatSelf(size_t nLen, const wxStringCharType *src, size_t nMaxLen);
bool ConcatSelf(size_t nLen, const wxStringCharType *src)
{ return ConcatSelf(nLen, src, nLen); }
// functions called before writing to the string: they copy it if there
// are other references to our data (should be the only owner when writing)
bool CopyBeforeWrite();
bool AllocBeforeWrite(size_t);
// compatibility with wxString
bool Alloc(size_t nLen);
// standard types
typedef wxStringCharType value_type;
typedef wxStringCharType char_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef value_type* pointer;
typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
// macro to define the bulk of iterator and const_iterator classes
#define WX_DEFINE_STRINGIMPL_ITERATOR(iterator_name, ref_type, ptr_type) \
public: \
typedef wxStringCharType value_type; \
typedef ref_type reference; \
typedef ptr_type pointer; \
typedef int difference_type; \
iterator_name() : m_ptr(NULL) { } \
iterator_name(pointer ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) { } \
reference operator*() const { return *m_ptr; } \
iterator_name& operator++() { m_ptr++; return *this; } \
iterator_name operator++(int) \
{ \
const iterator_name tmp(*this); \
m_ptr++; \
return tmp; \
} \
iterator_name& operator--() { m_ptr--; return *this; } \
iterator_name operator--(int) \
{ \
const iterator_name tmp(*this); \
m_ptr--; \
return tmp; \
} \
iterator_name operator+(ptrdiff_t n) const \
{ return iterator_name(m_ptr + n); } \
iterator_name operator-(ptrdiff_t n) const \
{ return iterator_name(m_ptr - n); } \
iterator_name& operator+=(ptrdiff_t n) \
{ m_ptr += n; return *this; } \
iterator_name& operator-=(ptrdiff_t n) \
{ m_ptr -= n; return *this; } \
difference_type operator-(const iterator_name& i) const \
{ return m_ptr - i.m_ptr; } \
bool operator==(const iterator_name& i) const \
{ return m_ptr == i.m_ptr; } \
bool operator!=(const iterator_name& i) const \
{ return m_ptr != i.m_ptr; } \
bool operator<(const iterator_name& i) const \
{ return m_ptr < i.m_ptr; } \
bool operator>(const iterator_name& i) const \
{ return m_ptr > i.m_ptr; } \
bool operator<=(const iterator_name& i) const \
{ return m_ptr <= i.m_ptr; } \
bool operator>=(const iterator_name& i) const \
{ return m_ptr >= i.m_ptr; } \
private: \
/* for wxStringImpl use only */ \
pointer GetPtr() const { return m_ptr; } \
friend class wxStringImpl; \
pointer m_ptr
// we need to declare const_iterator in wxStringImpl scope, the friend
// declaration inside iterator class itself is not enough, or at least not
// for g++ 3.4 (g++ 4 is ok)
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE const_iterator;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE iterator
friend class const_iterator;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE const_iterator
const_iterator(iterator i) : m_ptr(i.m_ptr) { }
const wxStringCharType&,
const wxStringCharType*);
// constructors and destructor
// ctor for an empty string
wxStringImpl() { Init(); }
// copy ctor
wxStringImpl(const wxStringImpl& stringSrc)
wxASSERT_MSG( stringSrc.GetStringData()->IsValid(),
wxT("did you forget to call UngetWriteBuf()?") );
if ( stringSrc.empty() ) {
// nothing to do for an empty string
else {
m_pchData = stringSrc.m_pchData; // share same data
GetStringData()->Lock(); // => one more copy
// string containing nRepeat copies of ch
wxStringImpl(size_type nRepeat, wxStringCharType ch);
// ctor takes first nLength characters from C string
// (default value of npos means take all the string)
wxStringImpl(const wxStringCharType *psz)
{ InitWith(psz, 0, npos); }
wxStringImpl(const wxStringCharType *psz, size_t nLength)
{ InitWith(psz, 0, nLength); }
// take nLen chars starting at nPos
wxStringImpl(const wxStringImpl& str, size_t nPos, size_t nLen)
wxASSERT_MSG( str.GetStringData()->IsValid(),
wxT("did you forget to call UngetWriteBuf()?") );
size_t strLen = str.length() - nPos; nLen = strLen < nLen ? strLen : nLen;
InitWith(str.c_str(), nPos, nLen);
// take everything between start and end
wxStringImpl(const_iterator start, const_iterator end);
// ctor from and conversion to std::string
wxStringImpl(const wxStdString& impl)
{ InitWith(impl.c_str(), 0, impl.length()); }
operator wxStdString() const
{ return wxStdString(c_str(), length()); }
#if defined(__VISUALC__)
// disable warning about Unlock() below not being inlined (first, it
// seems to be inlined nevertheless and second, even if it isn't, there
// is nothing we can do about this
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning (disable:4714)
// dtor is not virtual, this class must not be inherited from!
#if defined(__VISUALC__)
#pragma warning(pop)
// overloaded assignment
// from another wxString
wxStringImpl& operator=(const wxStringImpl& stringSrc);
// from a character
wxStringImpl& operator=(wxStringCharType ch);
// from a C string
wxStringImpl& operator=(const wxStringCharType *psz);
// return the length of the string
size_type length() const { return GetStringData()->nDataLength; }
// return the length of the string
size_type size() const { return length(); }
// return the maximum size of the string
size_type max_size() const { return npos; }
// resize the string, filling the space with c if c != 0
void resize(size_t nSize, wxStringCharType ch = '\0');
// delete the contents of the string
void clear() { erase(0, npos); }
// returns true if the string is empty
bool empty() const { return length() == 0; }
// inform string about planned change in size
void reserve(size_t sz) { Alloc(sz); }
size_type capacity() const { return GetStringData()->nAllocLength; }
// lib.string.access
// return the character at position n
value_type operator[](size_type n) const { return m_pchData[n]; }
value_type at(size_type n) const
{ wxASSERT_VALID_INDEX( n ); return m_pchData[n]; }
// returns the writable character at position n
reference operator[](size_type n) { CopyBeforeWrite(); return m_pchData[n]; }
reference at(size_type n)
return m_pchData[n];
} // FIXME-UTF8: not useful for us...?
// lib.string.modifiers
// append elements str[pos], ..., str[pos+n]
wxStringImpl& append(const wxStringImpl& str, size_t pos, size_t n)
wxASSERT(pos <= str.length());
ConcatSelf(n, str.c_str() + pos, str.length() - pos);
return *this;
// append a string
wxStringImpl& append(const wxStringImpl& str)
{ ConcatSelf(str.length(), str.c_str()); return *this; }
// append first n (or all if n == npos) characters of sz
wxStringImpl& append(const wxStringCharType *sz)
{ ConcatSelf(wxStrlen(sz), sz); return *this; }
wxStringImpl& append(const wxStringCharType *sz, size_t n)
{ ConcatSelf(n, sz); return *this; }
// append n copies of ch
wxStringImpl& append(size_t n, wxStringCharType ch);
// append from first to last
wxStringImpl& append(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
{ ConcatSelf(last - first, first.GetPtr()); return *this; }
// same as `this_string = str'
wxStringImpl& assign(const wxStringImpl& str)
{ return *this = str; }
// same as ` = str[pos..pos + n]
wxStringImpl& assign(const wxStringImpl& str, size_t pos, size_t n)
{ return replace(0, npos, str, pos, n); }
// same as `= first n (or all if n == npos) characters of sz'
wxStringImpl& assign(const wxStringCharType *sz)
{ return replace(0, npos, sz, wxStrlen(sz)); }
wxStringImpl& assign(const wxStringCharType *sz, size_t n)
{ return replace(0, npos, sz, n); }
// same as `= n copies of ch'
wxStringImpl& assign(size_t n, wxStringCharType ch)
{ return replace(0, npos, n, ch); }
// assign from first to last
wxStringImpl& assign(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
{ return replace(begin(), end(), first, last); }
// first valid index position
const_iterator begin() const { return m_pchData; }
iterator begin();
// position one after the last valid one
const_iterator end() const { return m_pchData + length(); }
iterator end();
// insert another string
wxStringImpl& insert(size_t nPos, const wxStringImpl& str)
wxASSERT( str.GetStringData()->IsValid() );
return insert(nPos, str.c_str(), str.length());
// insert n chars of str starting at nStart (in str)
wxStringImpl& insert(size_t nPos, const wxStringImpl& str, size_t nStart, size_t n)
wxASSERT( str.GetStringData()->IsValid() );
wxASSERT( nStart < str.length() );
size_t strLen = str.length() - nStart;
n = strLen < n ? strLen : n;
return insert(nPos, str.c_str() + nStart, n);
// insert first n (or all if n == npos) characters of sz
wxStringImpl& insert(size_t nPos, const wxStringCharType *sz, size_t n = npos);
// insert n copies of ch
wxStringImpl& insert(size_t nPos, size_t n, wxStringCharType ch)
{ return insert(nPos, wxStringImpl(n, ch)); }
iterator insert(iterator it, wxStringCharType ch)
{ size_t idx = it - begin(); insert(idx, 1, ch); return begin() + idx; }
void insert(iterator it, const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
{ insert(it - begin(), first.GetPtr(), last - first); }
void insert(iterator it, size_type n, wxStringCharType ch)
{ insert(it - begin(), n, ch); }
// delete characters from nStart to nStart + nLen
wxStringImpl& erase(size_type pos = 0, size_type n = npos);
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
size_t idx = first - begin();
erase(idx, last - first);
return begin() + idx;
iterator erase(iterator first);
// explicit conversion to C string (use this with printf()!)
const wxStringCharType* c_str() const { return m_pchData; }
const wxStringCharType* data() const { return m_pchData; }
// replaces the substring of length nLen starting at nStart
wxStringImpl& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, const wxStringCharType* sz)
{ return replace(nStart, nLen, sz, npos); }
// replaces the substring of length nLen starting at nStart
wxStringImpl& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen, const wxStringImpl& str)
{ return replace(nStart, nLen, str.c_str(), str.length()); }
// replaces the substring with nCount copies of ch
wxStringImpl& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
size_t nCount, wxStringCharType ch)
{ return replace(nStart, nLen, wxStringImpl(nCount, ch)); }
// replaces a substring with another substring
wxStringImpl& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxStringImpl& str, size_t nStart2, size_t nLen2)
{ return replace(nStart, nLen, str.substr(nStart2, nLen2)); }
// replaces the substring with first nCount chars of sz
wxStringImpl& replace(size_t nStart, size_t nLen,
const wxStringCharType* sz, size_t nCount);
wxStringImpl& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const_pointer s)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, s); }
wxStringImpl& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const_pointer s,
size_type n)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, s, n); }
wxStringImpl& replace(iterator first, iterator last, const wxStringImpl& s)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, s); }
wxStringImpl& replace(iterator first, iterator last, size_type n, wxStringCharType c)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, n, c); }
wxStringImpl& replace(iterator first, iterator last,
const_iterator first1, const_iterator last1)
{ return replace(first - begin(), last - first, first1.GetPtr(), last1 - first1); }
// swap two strings
void swap(wxStringImpl& str);
// All find() functions take the nStart argument which specifies the
// position to start the search on, the default value is 0. All functions
// return npos if there were no match.
// find a substring
size_t find(const wxStringImpl& str, size_t nStart = 0) const;
// find first n characters of sz
size_t find(const wxStringCharType* sz, size_t nStart = 0, size_t n = npos) const;
// find the first occurrence of character ch after nStart
size_t find(wxStringCharType ch, size_t nStart = 0) const;
// rfind() family is exactly like find() but works right to left
// as find, but from the end
size_t rfind(const wxStringImpl& str, size_t nStart = npos) const;
// as find, but from the end
size_t rfind(const wxStringCharType* sz, size_t nStart = npos,
size_t n = npos) const;
// as find, but from the end
size_t rfind(wxStringCharType ch, size_t nStart = npos) const;
size_type copy(wxStringCharType* s, size_type n, size_type pos = 0);
// substring extraction
wxStringImpl substr(size_t nStart = 0, size_t nLen = npos) const;
// string += string
wxStringImpl& operator+=(const wxStringImpl& s) { return append(s); }
// string += C string
wxStringImpl& operator+=(const wxStringCharType *psz) { return append(psz); }
// string += char
wxStringImpl& operator+=(wxStringCharType ch) { return append(1, ch); }
// helpers for wxStringBuffer and wxStringBufferLength
wxStringCharType *DoGetWriteBuf(size_t nLen);
void DoUngetWriteBuf();
void DoUngetWriteBuf(size_t nLen);
friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxString;
// don't pollute the library user's name space
#endif // _WX_WXSTRINGIMPL_H__