2008-12-08 04:36:27 +00:00

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/*-*- c++ -*-********************************************************
* helpext.h - an external help controller for wxWidgets *
* *
* (C) 1998 by Karsten Ballueder ( *
* License: wxWindows licence *
* *
* $Id: helpext.h 50711 2007-12-15 02:57:58Z VZ $
#ifndef __WX_HELPEXT_H_
#define __WX_HELPEXT_H_
#if wxUSE_HELP
#include "wx/helpbase.h"
This class implements help via an external browser.
It requires the name of a directory containing the documentation
and a file mapping numerical Section numbers to relative URLS.
The map file contains two or three fields per line:
numeric_id relative_URL [; comment/documentation]
The numeric_id is the id used to look up the entry in
DisplaySection()/DisplayBlock(). The relative_URL is a filename of
an html file, relative to the help directory. The optional
comment/documentation field (after a ';') is used for keyword
searches, so some meaningful text here does not hurt.
If the documentation itself contains a ';', only the part before
that will be displayed in the listbox, but all of it used for search.
Lines starting with ';' will be ignored.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV wxExtHelpController : public wxHelpControllerBase
wxExtHelpController(wxWindow* parentWindow = NULL);
virtual ~wxExtHelpController();
/** Tell it which browser to use.
The Netscape support will check whether Netscape is already
running (by looking at the .netscape/lock file in the user's
home directory) and tell it to load the page into the existing
@param browsername The command to call a browser/html viewer.
@param isNetscape Set this to true if the browser is some variant of Netscape.
void SetBrowser(const wxString& browsername = wxEmptyString,
bool isNetscape = false);
// Set viewer: new name for SetBrowser
virtual void SetViewer(const wxString& viewer = wxEmptyString,
long flags = wxHELP_NETSCAPE);
/** This must be called to tell the controller where to find the
If a locale is set, look in file/localename, i.e.
If passed "/usr/local/myapp/help" and the current wxLocale is
set to be "de", then look in "/usr/local/myapp/help/de/"
first and fall back to "/usr/local/myapp/help" if that
doesn't exist.
@param file - NOT a filename, but a directory name.
@return true on success
virtual bool Initialize(const wxString& dir, int WXUNUSED(server))
{ return Initialize(dir); }
/** This must be called to tell the controller where to find the
If a locale is set, look in file/localename, i.e.
If passed "/usr/local/myapp/help" and the current wxLocale is
set to be "de", then look in "/usr/local/myapp/help/de/"
first and fall back to "/usr/local/myapp/help" if that
doesn't exist.
@param dir - directory name where to fine the help files
@return true on success
virtual bool Initialize(const wxString& dir);
/** If file is "", reloads file given in Initialize.
@file Name of help directory.
@return true on success
virtual bool LoadFile(const wxString& file = wxEmptyString);
/** Display list of all help entries.
@return true on success
virtual bool DisplayContents(void);
/** Display help for id sectionNo.
@return true on success
virtual bool DisplaySection(int sectionNo);
/** Display help for id sectionNo -- identical with DisplaySection().
@return true on success
virtual bool DisplaySection(const wxString& section);
/** Display help for URL (using DisplayHelp) or keyword (using KeywordSearch)
@return true on success
virtual bool DisplayBlock(long blockNo);
/** Search comment/documentation fields in map file and present a
list to chose from.
@key k string to search for, empty string will list all entries
@return true on success
virtual bool KeywordSearch(const wxString& k,
wxHelpSearchMode mode = wxHELP_SEARCH_ALL);
/// does nothing
virtual bool Quit(void);
/// does nothing
virtual void OnQuit(void);
/// Call the browser using a relative URL.
virtual bool DisplayHelp(const wxString &) ;
/// Allows one to override the default settings for the help frame.
virtual void SetFrameParameters(const wxString& WXUNUSED(title),
const wxSize& WXUNUSED(size),
const wxPoint& WXUNUSED(pos) = wxDefaultPosition,
bool WXUNUSED(newFrameEachTime) = false)
// does nothing by default
/// Obtains the latest settings used by the help frame and the help
/// frame.
virtual wxFrame *GetFrameParameters(wxSize *WXUNUSED(size) = NULL,
wxPoint *WXUNUSED(pos) = NULL,
bool *WXUNUSED(newFrameEachTime) = NULL)
return (wxFrame*) NULL;// does nothing by default
/// Filename of currently active map file.
wxString m_helpDir;
/// How many entries do we have in the map file?
int m_NumOfEntries;
/// A list containing all id,url,documentation triples.
wxList *m_MapList;
// parse a single line of the map file (called by LoadFile())
// return true if the line was valid or false otherwise
bool ParseMapFileLine(const wxString& line);
/// Deletes the list and all objects.
void DeleteList(void);
/// How to call the html viewer.
wxString m_BrowserName;
/// Is the viewer a variant of netscape?
bool m_BrowserIsNetscape;
#endif // wxUSE_HELP
#endif // __WX_HELPEXT_H_