Soren Jorvang d14efe561b Import r67258 of the wxWidgets trunk, which I expect will before
long become wxWidgets 2.9.2, which in turn is expected to be the
last 2.9 release before the 3.0 stable release.

Since the full wxWidgets distribution is rather large, I have
imported only the parts that we use, on a subdirectory basis:


git-svn-id: 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
2011-03-20 18:05:19 +00:00

398 lines
15 KiB

// Name: wx/gtk/window.h
// Purpose:
// Author: Robert Roebling
// Id: $Id: window.h 65680 2010-09-30 11:44:45Z VZ $
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_GTK_WINDOW_H_
#define _WX_GTK_WINDOW_H_
#include "wx/dynarray.h"
// helper structure that holds class that holds GtkIMContext object and
// some additional data needed for key events processing
struct wxGtkIMData;
WX_DEFINE_EXPORTED_ARRAY_PTR(GdkWindow *, wxArrayGdkWindows);
// wxWindowGTK
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxWindowGTK : public wxWindowBase
// creating the window
// -------------------
wxWindowGTK(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxString& name = wxPanelNameStr);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxString& name = wxPanelNameStr);
virtual ~wxWindowGTK();
// implement base class (pure) virtual methods
// -------------------------------------------
virtual bool Destroy();
virtual void Raise();
virtual void Lower();
virtual bool Show( bool show = true );
virtual void SetWindowStyleFlag( long style );
virtual bool IsRetained() const;
virtual void SetFocus();
// hint from wx to native GTK+ tab traversal code
virtual void SetCanFocus(bool canFocus);
virtual bool Reparent( wxWindowBase *newParent );
virtual void WarpPointer(int x, int y);
virtual void Refresh( bool eraseBackground = true,
const wxRect *rect = (const wxRect *) NULL );
virtual void Update();
virtual void ClearBackground();
virtual bool SetBackgroundColour( const wxColour &colour );
virtual bool SetForegroundColour( const wxColour &colour );
virtual bool SetCursor( const wxCursor &cursor );
virtual bool SetFont( const wxFont &font );
virtual bool SetBackgroundStyle(wxBackgroundStyle style) ;
virtual int GetCharHeight() const;
virtual int GetCharWidth() const;
virtual void SetScrollbar( int orient, int pos, int thumbVisible,
int range, bool refresh = true );
virtual void SetScrollPos( int orient, int pos, bool refresh = true );
virtual int GetScrollPos( int orient ) const;
virtual int GetScrollThumb( int orient ) const;
virtual int GetScrollRange( int orient ) const;
virtual void ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy,
const wxRect* rect = NULL );
virtual bool ScrollLines(int lines);
virtual bool ScrollPages(int pages);
virtual void SetDropTarget( wxDropTarget *dropTarget );
#endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP
virtual void AddChild( wxWindowBase *child );
virtual void RemoveChild( wxWindowBase *child );
virtual void SetLayoutDirection(wxLayoutDirection dir);
virtual wxLayoutDirection GetLayoutDirection() const;
virtual wxCoord AdjustForLayoutDirection(wxCoord x,
wxCoord width,
wxCoord widthTotal) const;
virtual bool DoIsExposed( int x, int y ) const;
virtual bool DoIsExposed( int x, int y, int w, int h ) const;
// currently wxGTK2-only
void SetDoubleBuffered(bool on);
virtual bool IsDoubleBuffered() const;
// SetLabel(), which does nothing in wxWindow
virtual void SetLabel(const wxString& label) { m_gtkLabel = label; }
virtual wxString GetLabel() const { return m_gtkLabel; }
// implementation
// --------------
virtual WXWidget GetHandle() const { return m_widget; }
// many important things are done here, this function must be called
// regularly
virtual void OnInternalIdle();
// For compatibility across platforms (not in event table)
void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {}
// Used by all window classes in the widget creation process.
bool PreCreation( wxWindowGTK *parent, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size );
void PostCreation();
// Internal addition of child windows
void DoAddChild(wxWindowGTK *child);
// This methods sends wxPaintEvents to the window. It reads the
// update region, breaks it up into rects and sends an event
// for each rect. It is also responsible for background erase
// events and NC paint events. It is called from "draw" and
// "expose" handlers as well as from ::Update()
void GtkSendPaintEvents();
// The methods below are required because many native widgets
// are composed of several subwidgets and setting a style for
// the widget means setting it for all subwidgets as well.
// also, it is not clear which native widget is the top
// widget where (most of) the input goes. even tooltips have
// to be applied to all subwidgets.
virtual GtkWidget* GetConnectWidget();
void ConnectWidget( GtkWidget *widget );
// Called from several event handlers, if it returns true or false, the
// same value should be immediately returned by the handler without doing
// anything else. If it returns -1, the handler should continue as usual
int GTKCallbackCommonPrologue(struct _GdkEventAny *event) const;
// Simplified form of GTKCallbackCommonPrologue() which can be used from
// GTK callbacks without return value to check if the event should be
// ignored: if this returns true, the event shouldn't be handled
bool GTKShouldIgnoreEvent() const;
// override this if some events should never be consumed by wxWidgets but
// but have to be left for the native control
// base version just calls HandleWindowEvent()
virtual bool GTKProcessEvent(wxEvent& event) const;
// Map GTK widget direction of the given widget to/from wxLayoutDirection
static wxLayoutDirection GTKGetLayout(GtkWidget *widget);
static void GTKSetLayout(GtkWidget *widget, wxLayoutDirection dir);
// return true if this window must have a non-NULL parent, false if it can
// be created without parent (normally only top level windows but in wxGTK
// there is also the exception of wxMenuBar)
virtual bool GTKNeedsParent() const { return !IsTopLevel(); }
// This is called when capture is taken from the window. It will
// fire off capture lost events.
void GTKReleaseMouseAndNotify();
GdkWindow* GTKGetDrawingWindow() const;
bool GTKHandleFocusIn();
bool GTKHandleFocusOut();
void GTKHandleFocusOutNoDeferring();
static void GTKHandleDeferredFocusOut();
// for controls composed of multiple GTK widgets, return true to eliminate
// spurious focus events if the focus changes between GTK+ children within
// the same wxWindow
virtual bool GTKNeedsToFilterSameWindowFocus() const { return false; }
// Override GTKWidgetNeedsMnemonic and return true if your
// needs to set its mnemonic widget, such as for a
// GtkLabel for wxStaticText, then do the actual
// setting of the widget inside GTKWidgetDoSetMnemonic
virtual bool GTKWidgetNeedsMnemonic() const;
virtual void GTKWidgetDoSetMnemonic(GtkWidget* w);
// Get the GdkWindows making part of this window: usually there will be
// only one of them in which case it should be returned directly by this
// function. If there is more than one GdkWindow (can be the case for
// composite widgets), return NULL and fill in the provided array
// This is not pure virtual for backwards compatibility but almost
// certainly must be overridden in any wxControl-derived class!
virtual GdkWindow *GTKGetWindow(wxArrayGdkWindows& windows) const;
// Check if the given window makes part of this widget
bool GTKIsOwnWindow(GdkWindow *window) const;
// Returns the default context which usually is anti-aliased
PangoContext *GTKGetPangoDefaultContext();
// applies tooltip to the widget (tip must be UTF-8 encoded)
virtual void GTKApplyToolTip( GtkTooltips *tips, const gchar *tip );
#endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
// Called when a window should delay showing itself
// until idle time used in Reparent().
void GTKShowOnIdle() { m_showOnIdle = true; }
// This is called from the various OnInternalIdle methods
bool GTKShowFromOnIdle();
// is this window transparent for the mouse events (as wxStaticBox is)?
virtual bool GTKIsTransparentForMouse() const { return false; }
// Common scroll event handling code for wxWindow and wxScrollBar
wxEventType GTKGetScrollEventType(GtkRange* range);
// position and size of the window
int m_x, m_y;
int m_width, m_height;
int m_oldClientWidth,m_oldClientHeight;
// see the docs in src/gtk/window.cpp
GtkWidget *m_widget; // mostly the widget seen by the rest of GTK
GtkWidget *m_wxwindow; // mostly the client area as per wxWidgets
// label for use with GetLabelSetLabel
wxString m_gtkLabel;
// return true if the window is of a standard (i.e. not wxWidgets') class
bool IsOfStandardClass() const { return m_wxwindow == NULL; }
// this widget will be queried for GTK's focus events
GtkWidget *m_focusWidget;
void GTKDisableFocusOutEvent();
void GTKEnableFocusOutEvent();
wxGtkIMData *m_imData;
// indices for the arrays below
enum ScrollDir { ScrollDir_Horz, ScrollDir_Vert, ScrollDir_Max };
// horizontal/vertical scroll bar
GtkRange* m_scrollBar[ScrollDir_Max];
// horizontal/vertical scroll position
double m_scrollPos[ScrollDir_Max];
// return the scroll direction index corresponding to the given orientation
// (which is wxVERTICAL or wxHORIZONTAL)
static ScrollDir ScrollDirFromOrient(int orient)
return orient == wxVERTICAL ? ScrollDir_Vert : ScrollDir_Horz;
// return the orientation for the given scrolling direction
static int OrientFromScrollDir(ScrollDir dir)
return dir == ScrollDir_Horz ? wxHORIZONTAL : wxVERTICAL;
// find the direction of the given scrollbar (must be one of ours)
ScrollDir ScrollDirFromRange(GtkRange *range) const;
// set the current cursor for all GdkWindows making part of this widget
// (see GTKGetWindow)
void GTKUpdateCursor(bool update_self = true, bool recurse = true);
// extra (wxGTK-specific) flags
bool m_noExpose:1; // wxGLCanvas has its own redrawing
bool m_nativeSizeEvent:1; // wxGLCanvas sends wxSizeEvent upon "alloc_size"
bool m_hasVMT:1; // set after PostCreation() is called
bool m_isScrolling:1; // dragging scrollbar thumb?
bool m_clipPaintRegion:1; // true after ScrollWindow()
wxRegion m_nativeUpdateRegion; // not transformed for RTL
bool m_dirtyTabOrder:1; // tab order changed, GTK focus
// chain needs update
bool m_needsStyleChange:1; // May not be able to change
// background style until OnIdle
bool m_mouseButtonDown:1;
bool m_showOnIdle:1; // postpone showing the window until idle
// implement the base class pure virtuals
virtual void DoGetTextExtent(const wxString& string,
int *x, int *y,
int *descent = NULL,
int *externalLeading = NULL,
const wxFont *font = NULL) const;
virtual void DoClientToScreen( int *x, int *y ) const;
virtual void DoScreenToClient( int *x, int *y ) const;
virtual void DoGetPosition( int *x, int *y ) const;
virtual void DoGetSize( int *width, int *height ) const;
virtual void DoGetClientSize( int *width, int *height ) const;
virtual void DoSetSize(int x, int y,
int width, int height,
int sizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO);
virtual void DoSetClientSize(int width, int height);
virtual wxSize DoGetBorderSize() const;
virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height);
virtual void DoEnable(bool enable);
virtual bool DoPopupMenu( wxMenu *menu, int x, int y );
#endif // wxUSE_MENUS_NATIVE
virtual void DoCaptureMouse();
virtual void DoReleaseMouse();
virtual void DoFreeze();
virtual void DoThaw();
void GTKFreezeWidget(GtkWidget *w);
void GTKThawWidget(GtkWidget *w);
virtual void DoSetToolTip( wxToolTip *tip );
#endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
// common part of all ctors (not virtual because called from ctor)
void Init();
virtual void DoMoveInTabOrder(wxWindow *win, WindowOrder move);
virtual bool DoNavigateIn(int flags);
// Copies m_children tab order to GTK focus chain:
void RealizeTabOrder();
// Called by ApplyWidgetStyle (which is called by SetFont() and
// SetXXXColour etc to apply style changed to native widgets) to create
// modified GTK style with non-standard attributes. If forceStyle=true,
// creates empty GtkRcStyle if there are no modifications, otherwise
// returns NULL in such case.
GtkRcStyle *GTKCreateWidgetStyle(bool forceStyle = false);
// Overridden in many GTK widgets who have to handle subwidgets
virtual void GTKApplyWidgetStyle(bool forceStyle = false);
// helper function to ease native widgets wrapping, called by
// ApplyWidgetStyle -- override this, not ApplyWidgetStyle
virtual void DoApplyWidgetStyle(GtkRcStyle *style);
// sets the border of a given GtkScrolledWindow from a wx style
static void GTKScrolledWindowSetBorder(GtkWidget* w, int style);
// Connect the given function to the specified signal on m_widget.
// This is just a wrapper for g_signal_connect() and returns the handler id
// just as it does.
gulong GTKConnectWidget(const char *signal, void (*callback)());
// Return true from here if PostCreation() should connect to size_request
// signal: this is done by default but doesn't work for some native
// controls which override this function to return false
virtual bool GTKShouldConnectSizeRequest() const { return !IsTopLevel(); }
void ConstrainSize();
enum ScrollUnit { ScrollUnit_Line, ScrollUnit_Page, ScrollUnit_Max };
// common part of ScrollLines() and ScrollPages() and could be used, in the
// future, for horizontal scrolling as well
// return true if we scrolled, false otherwise (on error or simply if we
// are already at the end)
bool DoScrollByUnits(ScrollDir dir, ScrollUnit unit, int units);
virtual void AddChildGTK(wxWindowGTK* child);
#endif // _WX_GTK_WINDOW_H_