Soren Jorvang d14efe561b Import r67258 of the wxWidgets trunk, which I expect will before
long become wxWidgets 2.9.2, which in turn is expected to be the
last 2.9 release before the 3.0 stable release.

Since the full wxWidgets distribution is rather large, I have
imported only the parts that we use, on a subdirectory basis:


git-svn-id: 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
2011-03-20 18:05:19 +00:00

387 lines
14 KiB

// Name: wx/osx/window.h
// Purpose: wxWindowMac class
// Author: Stefan Csomor
// Modified by:
// Created: 1998-01-01
// RCS-ID: $Id: window.h 67243 2011-03-19 08:36:23Z SC $
// Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_WINDOW_H_
#define _WX_WINDOW_H_
#include "wx/brush.h"
#include "wx/dc.h"
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxNonOwnedWindow;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxMacControl ;
typedef wxMacControl wxOSXWidgetImpl;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxWidgetImpl ;
typedef wxWidgetImpl wxOSXWidgetImpl;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxWindowMac: public wxWindowBase
friend class wxDC;
friend class wxPaintDC;
wxWindowMac( wxWindowMac *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxString& name = wxPanelNameStr );
virtual ~wxWindowMac();
bool Create( wxWindowMac *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxString& name = wxPanelNameStr );
// implement base class pure virtuals
virtual void SetLabel( const wxString& label );
virtual wxString GetLabel() const;
virtual void Raise();
virtual void Lower();
virtual bool Show( bool show = true );
virtual bool ShowWithEffect(wxShowEffect effect,
unsigned timeout = 0)
return OSXShowWithEffect(true, effect, timeout);
virtual bool HideWithEffect(wxShowEffect effect,
unsigned timeout = 0)
return OSXShowWithEffect(false, effect, timeout);
virtual bool IsShownOnScreen() const;
virtual void SetFocus();
virtual void WarpPointer( int x, int y );
virtual void Refresh( bool eraseBackground = true,
const wxRect *rect = NULL );
virtual void Update() ;
virtual void ClearBackground();
virtual bool SetCursor( const wxCursor &cursor );
virtual bool SetFont( const wxFont &font );
virtual bool SetBackgroundColour( const wxColour &colour );
virtual bool SetForegroundColour( const wxColour &colour );
virtual bool SetBackgroundStyle(wxBackgroundStyle style);
virtual int GetCharHeight() const;
virtual int GetCharWidth() const;
virtual void SetScrollbar( int orient, int pos, int thumbVisible,
int range, bool refresh = true );
virtual void SetScrollPos( int orient, int pos, bool refresh = true );
virtual int GetScrollPos( int orient ) const;
virtual int GetScrollThumb( int orient ) const;
virtual int GetScrollRange( int orient ) const;
virtual void ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy,
const wxRect* rect = NULL );
virtual void AlwaysShowScrollbars(bool horz = true, bool vert = true);
virtual bool IsScrollbarAlwaysShown(int orient) const
return orient == wxHORIZONTAL ? m_hScrollBarAlwaysShown
: m_vScrollBarAlwaysShown;
virtual bool Reparent( wxWindowBase *newParent );
virtual void SetDropTarget( wxDropTarget *dropTarget );
// Accept files for dragging
virtual void DragAcceptFiles( bool accept );
// implementation from now on
// --------------------------
void MacClientToRootWindow( int *x , int *y ) const;
void MacWindowToRootWindow( int *x , int *y ) const;
void MacRootWindowToWindow( int *x , int *y ) const;
virtual wxString MacGetToolTipString( wxPoint &where );
// simple accessors
// ----------------
virtual WXWidget GetHandle() const;
virtual bool SetTransparent(wxByte alpha);
virtual bool CanSetTransparent();
virtual wxByte GetTransparent() const ;
// event handlers
// --------------
void OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent &event );
void MacOnScroll( wxScrollEvent&event );
virtual bool AcceptsFocus() const;
virtual bool IsDoubleBuffered() const { return true; }
static long MacRemoveBordersFromStyle( long style ) ;
// For implementation purposes:
// sometimes decorations make the client area smaller
virtual wxPoint GetClientAreaOrigin() const;
wxWindowMac *FindItem(long id) const;
wxWindowMac *FindItemByHWND(WXHWND hWnd, bool controlOnly = false) const;
virtual void TriggerScrollEvent( wxEventType scrollEvent ) ;
// this should not be overriden in classes above wxWindowMac
// because it is called from its destructor via DeleteChildren
virtual void RemoveChild( wxWindowBase *child );
virtual bool MacDoRedraw( long time ) ;
virtual void MacPaintChildrenBorders();
virtual void MacPaintBorders( int left , int top ) ;
void MacPaintGrowBox();
// invalidates the borders and focus area around the control;
// must not be virtual as it will be called during destruction
void MacInvalidateBorders() ;
WXWindow MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() const ;
wxNonOwnedWindow* MacGetTopLevelWindow() const ;
virtual long MacGetWXBorderSize() const;
virtual long MacGetLeftBorderSize() const ;
virtual long MacGetRightBorderSize() const ;
virtual long MacGetTopBorderSize() const ;
virtual long MacGetBottomBorderSize() const ;
virtual void MacSuperChangedPosition() ;
// absolute coordinates of this window's root have changed
virtual void MacTopLevelWindowChangedPosition() ;
virtual void MacChildAdded() ;
virtual void MacVisibilityChanged() ;
virtual void MacEnabledStateChanged() ;
virtual void MacHiliteChanged() ;
virtual wxInt32 MacControlHit( WXEVENTHANDLERREF handler , WXEVENTREF event ) ;
bool MacIsReallyEnabled() ;
bool MacIsReallyHilited() ;
bool MacIsUserPane();
bool MacIsUserPane() const;
virtual bool MacSetupCursor( const wxPoint& pt ) ;
// return the rectangle that would be visible of this control,
// regardless whether controls are hidden
// only taking into account clipping by parent windows
const wxRect& MacGetClippedClientRect() const ;
const wxRect& MacGetClippedRect() const ;
const wxRect& MacGetClippedRectWithOuterStructure() const ;
// returns the visible region of this control in window ie non-client coordinates
const wxRegion& MacGetVisibleRegion( bool includeOuterStructures = false ) ;
// returns true if children have to clipped to the content area
// (e.g., scrolled windows)
bool MacClipChildren() const { return m_clipChildren ; }
void MacSetClipChildren( bool clip ) { m_clipChildren = clip ; }
// returns true if the grandchildren need to be clipped to the children's content area
// (e.g., splitter windows)
virtual bool MacClipGrandChildren() const { return false ; }
bool MacIsWindowScrollbar( const wxWindow* sb ) const
{ return ((wxWindow*)m_hScrollBar == sb || (wxWindow*)m_vScrollBar == sb) ; }
virtual bool IsClientAreaChild(const wxWindow *child) const
return !MacIsWindowScrollbar(child) && !((wxWindow*)m_growBox==child) &&
void MacPostControlCreate(const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) ;
wxList& GetSubcontrols() { return m_subControls; }
// translate wxWidgets coords into ones suitable
// to be passed to CreateControl calls
// returns true if non-default coords are returned, false otherwise
bool MacGetBoundsForControl(const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
int& x, int& y,
int& w, int& h , bool adjustForOrigin ) const ;
// the 'true' OS level control for this wxWindow
wxOSXWidgetImpl* GetPeer() const;
// optimization to avoid creating a user pane in wxWindow::Create if we already know
// we will replace it with our own peer
void DontCreatePeer();
// sets the native implementation wrapper, can replace an existing peer, use peer = NULL to
// release existing peer
void SetPeer(wxOSXWidgetImpl* peer);
// wraps the already existing peer with the wrapper
void SetWrappingPeer(wxOSXWidgetImpl* wrapper);
// the NSView or NSWindow of this window: can be used for both child and
// non-owned windows
// this is useful for a few Cocoa function which can work with either views
// or windows indiscriminately, e.g. for setting NSViewAnimationTargetKey
virtual void *OSXGetViewOrWindow() const { return GetHandle(); }
#endif // Cocoa
void * MacGetCGContextRef() { return m_cgContextRef ; }
void MacSetCGContextRef(void * cg) { m_cgContextRef = cg ; }
// osx specific event handling common for all osx-ports
virtual bool OSXHandleClicked( double timestampsec );
virtual bool OSXHandleKeyEvent( wxKeyEvent& event );
bool IsNativeWindowWrapper() const { return m_isNativeWindowWrapper; }
float GetContentScaleFactor() const ;
// For controls like radio buttons which are genuinely composite
wxList m_subControls;
// the peer object, allowing for cleaner API support
void * m_cgContextRef ;
// cache the clipped rectangles within the window hierarchy
void MacUpdateClippedRects() const ;
mutable bool m_cachedClippedRectValid ;
mutable wxRect m_cachedClippedRectWithOuterStructure ;
mutable wxRect m_cachedClippedRect ;
mutable wxRect m_cachedClippedClientRect ;
mutable wxRegion m_cachedClippedRegionWithOuterStructure ;
mutable wxRegion m_cachedClippedRegion ;
mutable wxRegion m_cachedClippedClientRegion ;
// insets of the mac control from the wx top left corner
wxPoint m_macTopLeftInset ;
wxPoint m_macBottomRightInset ;
wxByte m_macAlpha ;
wxScrollBar* m_hScrollBar ;
wxScrollBar* m_vScrollBar ;
bool m_hScrollBarAlwaysShown;
bool m_vScrollBarAlwaysShown;
wxWindow* m_growBox ;
wxString m_label ;
bool m_isNativeWindowWrapper;
// set to true if we do a sharp clip at the content area of this window
// must be dynamic as eg a panel normally is not clipping precisely, but if
// it becomes the target window of a scrolled window it has to...
bool m_clipChildren ;
virtual bool MacIsChildOfClientArea( const wxWindow* child ) const ;
bool MacHasScrollBarCorner() const;
void MacCreateScrollBars( long style ) ;
void MacRepositionScrollBars() ;
void MacUpdateControlFont() ;
// implement the base class pure virtuals
virtual void DoGetTextExtent(const wxString& string,
int *x, int *y,
int *descent = NULL,
int *externalLeading = NULL,
const wxFont *theFont = NULL ) const;
virtual void DoEnable( bool enable );
virtual bool DoPopupMenu( wxMenu *menu, int x, int y );
virtual void DoFreeze();
virtual void DoThaw();
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const;
virtual wxSize DoGetSizeFromClientSize( const wxSize & size ) const;
virtual void DoClientToScreen( int *x, int *y ) const;
virtual void DoScreenToClient( int *x, int *y ) const;
virtual void DoGetPosition( int *x, int *y ) const;
virtual void DoGetSize( int *width, int *height ) const;
virtual void DoGetClientSize( int *width, int *height ) const;
virtual void DoSetSize(int x, int y,
int width, int height,
int sizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO);
virtual void DoSetClientSize(int width, int height);
virtual void DoCaptureMouse();
virtual void DoReleaseMouse();
// move the window to the specified location and resize it: this is called
// from both DoSetSize() and DoSetClientSize() and would usually just call
// ::MoveWindow() except for composite controls which will want to arrange
// themselves inside the given rectangle
virtual void DoMoveWindow( int x, int y, int width, int height );
virtual void DoSetWindowVariant( wxWindowVariant variant );
virtual void DoSetToolTip( wxToolTip *tip );
// common part of Show/HideWithEffect()
virtual bool OSXShowWithEffect(bool show,
wxShowEffect effect,
unsigned timeout);
wxOSXWidgetImpl * m_peer ;
// common part of all ctors
void Init();
// show/hide scrollbars as needed, common part of SetScrollbar() and
// AlwaysShowScrollbars()
void DoUpdateScrollbarVisibility();
#endif // _WX_WINDOW_H_