
95 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use log::info;
use pingora_ketama::{Bucket, Continuum};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
// A repository for node healthiness, emulating a health checker.
struct NodeHealthRepository {
nodes: HashMap<SocketAddr, bool>,
impl NodeHealthRepository {
fn new() -> Self {
NodeHealthRepository {
nodes: HashMap::new(),
fn set_node_health(&mut self, node: SocketAddr, is_healthy: bool) {
self.nodes.insert(node, is_healthy);
fn node_is_healthy(&self, node: &SocketAddr) -> bool {
// A health-aware node selector, which relies on the above health repository.
struct HealthAwareNodeSelector<'a> {
ring: Continuum,
max_tries: usize,
node_health_repo: &'a NodeHealthRepository,
impl<'a> HealthAwareNodeSelector<'a> {
fn new(r: Continuum, tries: usize, nhr: &NodeHealthRepository) -> HealthAwareNodeSelector {
HealthAwareNodeSelector {
ring: r,
max_tries: tries,
node_health_repo: nhr,
// Try to select a node within <max_tries> attempts.
fn try_select(&self, key: &str) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
let node_iter = self.ring.node_iter(key.as_bytes());
for (tries, node) in node_iter.enumerate() {
if tries >= self.max_tries {
if self.node_health_repo.node_is_healthy(node) {
return Some(*node);
// RUST_LOG=INFO cargo run --example health_aware_selector
fn main() {
// Set up some nodes.
let buckets: Vec<_> = (1..=10)
.map(|i| Bucket::new(format!("127.0.0.{i}:6443").parse().unwrap(), 1))
// Mark the 1-5th nodes healthy, the 6-10th nodes unhealthy.
let mut health_repo = NodeHealthRepository::new();
.map(|i| (i, format!("127.0.0.{i}:6443").parse().unwrap()))
.for_each(|(i, n)| {
health_repo.set_node_health(n, i < 6);
// Create a health-aware selector with up to 3 tries.
let health_aware_selector =
HealthAwareNodeSelector::new(Continuum::new(&buckets), 3, &health_repo);
// Let's try the selector on a few keys.
for i in 0..5 {
let key = format!("key_{i}");
match health_aware_selector.try_select(&key) {
Some(node) => {
info!("{key}: {}:{}", node.ip(), node.port());
None => {
info!("{key}: no healthy node found!");