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Next.js' Fast Refresh is a new hot reloading experience that gives you
instantaneous feedback on edits made to your React components.
# Fast Refresh
Fast Refresh is a Next.js feature that gives you instantaneous feedback on
edits made to your React components. Fast Refresh is enabled by default in all
Next.js applications on **9.4 or newer**. With Next.js Fast Refresh enabled,
most edits should be visible within a second, **without losing component
## How It Works
- If you edit a file that **only exports React component(s)**, Fast Refresh will
update the code only for that file, and re-render your component. You can edit
anything in that file, including styles, rendering logic, event handlers, or
- If you edit a file with exports that _aren't_ React components, Fast Refresh
will re-run both that file, and the other files importing it. So if both
`Button.js` and `Modal.js` import `theme.js`, editing `theme.js` will update
both components.
- Finally, if you **edit a file** that's **imported by files outside of the
React tree**, Fast Refresh **will fall back to doing a full reload**. You
might have a file which renders a React component but also exports a value
that is imported by a **non-React component**. For example, maybe your
component also exports a constant, and a non-React utility file imports it. In
that case, consider migrating the constant to a separate file and importing it
into both files. This will re-enable Fast Refresh to work. Other cases can
usually be solved in a similar way.
## Error Resilience
### Syntax Errors
If you make a syntax error during development, you can fix it and save the file
again. The error will disappear automatically, so you won't need to reload the
app. **You will not lose component state**.
### Runtime Errors
If you make a mistake that leads to a runtime error inside your component,
you'll be greeted with a contextual overlay. Fixing the error will automatically
dismiss the overlay, without reloading the app.
Component state will be retained if the error did not occur during rendering. If
the error did occur during rendering, React will remount your application using
the updated code.
If you have [error boundaries](
in your app (which is a good idea for graceful failures in production), they
will retry rendering on the next edit after a rendering error. This means having
an error boundary can prevent you from always getting reset to the root app
state. However, keep in mind that error boundaries shouldn't be _too_ granular.
They are used by React in production, and should always be designed
## Limitations
Fast Refresh tries to preserve local React state in the component you're
editing, but only if it's safe to do so. Here's a few reasons why you might see
local state being reset on every edit to a file:
- Local state is not preserved for class components (only function components
and Hooks preserve state).
- The file you're editing might have _other_ exports in addition to a React
- Sometimes, a file would export the result of calling higher-order component
like `higherOrderComponent(WrappedComponent)`. If the returned component is a
class, state will be reset.
As more of your codebase moves to function components and Hooks, you can expect
state to be preserved in more cases.
## Tips
- Fast Refresh preserves React local state in function components (and Hooks) by
- Sometimes you might want to _force_ the state to be reset, and a component to
be remounted. For example, this can be handy if you're tweaking an animation
that only happens on mount. To do this, you can add `// @refresh reset`
anywhere in the file you're editing. This directive is local to the file, and
instructs Fast Refresh to remount components defined in that file on every
- You can put `console.log` or `debugger;` into the components you edit during
## Fast Refresh and Hooks
When possible, Fast Refresh attempts to preserve the state of your component
between edits. In particular, `useState` and `useRef` preserve their previous
values as long as you don't change their arguments or the order of the Hook
Hooks with dependencies—such as `useEffect`, `useMemo`, and `useCallback`—will
_always_ update during Fast Refresh. Their list of dependencies will be ignored
while Fast Refresh is happening.
For example, when you edit `useMemo(() => x * 2, [x])` to
`useMemo(() => x * 10, [x])`, it will re-run even though `x` (the dependency)
has not changed. If React didn't do that, your edit wouldn't reflect on the
Sometimes, this can lead to unexpected results. For example, even a `useEffect`
with an empty array of dependencies would still re-run once during Fast Refresh.
However, writing code resilient to occasional re-running of `useEffect` is a good practice even
without Fash Refresh. It will make it easier for you to introduce new dependencies to it later on
and it's enforced by [React Strict Mode](/docs/api-reference/next.config.js/react-strict-mode),
which we highly recommend enabling.