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description: Next.js provides an integrated ESLint experience by default. These conformance rules help you use Next.js in the optimal way.
# ESLint
Since version **11.0.0**, Next.js provides an integrated [ESLint]( experience out of the box. Add `next lint` as a script to `package.json`:
"scripts": {
"lint": "next lint"
Then run `npm run lint` or `yarn lint`:
yarn lint
If you don't already have ESLint configured in your application, you will be guided through the installation of the required packages.
yarn lint
# You'll see instructions like these:
# Please install eslint and eslint-config-next by running:
# yarn add --dev eslint eslint-config-next
# ...
If no ESLint configuration is present, Next.js will create an `.eslintrc` file in the root of your project and automatically configure it with the base configuration:
"extends": "next"
You can now run `next lint` every time you want to run ESLint to catch errors.
> The default base configuration (`"extends": "next"`) can be updated at any time and will only be included if no ESLint configuration is present.
We recommend using an appropriate [integration]( to view warnings and errors directly in your code editor during development.
## Linting During Builds
Once ESLint has been set up, it will automatically run during every build (`next build`). Errors will fail the build, while warnings will not.
If you do not want ESLint to run as a build step, refer to the documentation for [Ignoring ESLint](/docs/api-reference/next.config.js/
## Linting Custom Directories
By default, Next.js will run ESLint for all files in the `pages/`, `components/`, and `lib/` directories. However, you can specify which directories using the `dirs` option in the `eslint` config in `next.config.js` for production builds:
module.exports = {
eslint: {
dirs: ['pages', 'utils'], // Only run ESLint on the 'pages' and 'utils' directories during production builds (next build)
Similarly, the `--dir` flag can be used for `next lint`:
yarn lint --dir pages --dir utils
## ESLint Plugin
Next.js provides an ESLint plugin, [`eslint-plugin-next`](, making it easier to catch common issues and problems in a Next.js application. The full set of rules is as follows:
| | Rule | Description |
| :-: | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ✔️ | [next/google-font-display]( | Enforce optional or swap font-display behavior with Google Fonts |
| ✔️ | [next/google-font-preconnect]( | Enforce preconnect usage with Google Fonts |
| ✔️ | [next/link-passhref]( | Enforce passHref prop usage with custom Link components |
| ✔️ | [next/no-css-tags]( | Prevent manual stylesheet tags |
| ✔️ | [next/no-document-import-in-page]( | Disallow importing next/document outside of pages/document.js |
| ✔️ | [next/no-head-import-in-document]( | Disallow importing next/head in pages/document.js |
| ✔️ | [next/no-html-link-for-pages]( | Prohibit HTML anchor links to pages without a Link component |
| ✔️ | [next/no-img-element]( | Prohibit usage of HTML <img> element |
| ✔️ | [next/no-page-custom-font]( | Prevent page-only custom fonts |
| ✔️ | [next/no-sync-scripts]( | Forbid synchronous scripts |
| ✔️ | [next/no-title-in-document-head]( | Disallow using <title> with Head from next/document |
| ✔️ | [next/no-unwanted-polyfillio]( | Prevent duplicate polyfills from |
- ✔: Enabled in the recommended configuration
## Base Configuration
The Next.js base ESLint configuration is automatically generated when `next lint` is run for the first time:
"extends": "next"
This configuration extends recommended rule sets from various ESLint plugins:
- [`eslint-plugin-react`](
- [`eslint-plugin-react-hooks`](
- [`eslint-plugin-next`](
You can see the full details of the shareable configuration in the [`eslint-config-next`]( package.
## Disabling Rules
If you would like to modify or disable any rules provided by the supported plugins (`react`, `react-hooks`, `next`), you can directly change them using the `rules` property in your `.eslintrc`:
"extends": "next",
"rules": {
"react/no-unescaped-entities": "off",
"@next/next/no-page-custom-font": "off",
> **Note**: If you need to also include a separate, custom ESLint configuration, it is highly recommended that `eslint-config-next` is extended last after other configurations. For example:
> ```
> {
> "extends": ["eslint:recommended", "next"]
> }
> ```
> The `next` configuration already handles setting default values for the `parser`, `plugins` and `settings` properties.
> There is no need to manually re-declare any of these properties unless you need a different configuration for your use case.
> If you include any other shareable configurations, you will need to make sure that these properties are not overwritten or modified.
### Core Web Vitals
A stricter `next/core-web-vitals` rule set can also be added in `.eslintrc`:
"extends": ["next", "next/core-web-vitals"]
`next/core-web-vitals` updates `eslint-plugin-next` to error on a number of rules that are warnings by default if they affect [Core Web Vitals](
> Both `next` and `next/core-web-vitals` entry points are automatically included for new applications built with [Create Next App](/docs/api-reference/
## Usage with Prettier
ESLint also contains code formatting rules, which can conflict with your existing [Prettier]( setup. We recommend including [eslint-config-prettier]( in your ESLint config to make ESLint and Prettier work together.
"extends": ["next", "prettier"]
## Migrating Existing Config
If you already have ESLint configured in your application, we recommend extending directly from the Next.js ESLint plugin instead of the shareable configuration.
module.exports = {
extends: [
This eliminates any risk of collisions that can occur due to importing the same plugin or parser across multiple configurations.