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Add example: with-mux-video (#13120) * yarn create next-app * create an upload show page * create upload page to handle in-progress upload and asset when it is ready * move things to a layout component * add some button styling * poll for updates intelligently by dynamically setting refreshInterval on SWR hook * better title * edit gitignore, add MIT license use next 'latest' based on feedback from * add some messages and spinner to make this a little nicer * update README with environment variables info and Mux account info * add .now to gitignore * cleaner uploading state - redirect to /v/:playback_id when complete * hardset image width in footer * remove unused styles * adjust title font size on mobile and adjust footer height on mobile * use upchunk 1.0.8 so we don't have to dynamically load it * cleaner error message handling * fix brief error from returning Router on the render * yarn lint-fix * update README with note about .env.local * add min height so the layout doesn't shift after selecting a file * set poster attribute at video element * use getStaticProps and fallback:true to render meta tags for social sharing * create a pages/asset/:id route that we can be on while in the preparing state * add copy about Mux, add twitter share widget * add flash message about video ready for playback * call it pre-rendered instead of server-side rendered * pre-rendering, not server-side rendering * Next.js not NextJS * handle asset creation errors in the UI * call hls.destroy() when the component is unmounted * Updated readme and renamed .env.local * Updated description * add suggested patch with links to source code * Added vercel.json * Updated some links * Removed Prerequisites Co-authored-by: Luis Alvarez <>
2020-05-22 23:13:12 +02:00
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