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Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
import type { IncomingHttpHeaders, IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'
import type { LoadComponentsReturnType } from './load-components'
import type { ServerRuntime } from '../types'
import React from 'react'
import { ParsedUrlQuery, stringify as stringifyQuery } from 'querystring'
import { createFromReadableStream } from 'next/dist/compiled/react-server-dom-webpack'
import { renderToReadableStream } from 'next/dist/compiled/react-server-dom-webpack/writer.browser.server'
import { NextParsedUrlQuery } from './request-meta'
import RenderResult from './render-result'
import {
} from './node-web-streams-helper'
import { isDynamicRoute } from '../shared/lib/router/utils'
import { tryGetPreviewData } from './api-utils/node'
import { htmlEscapeJsonString } from './htmlescape'
import { shouldUseReactRoot, stripInternalQueries } from './utils'
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
import { NextApiRequestCookies } from './api-utils'
import { matchSegment } from '../client/components/match-segments'
import { FlushEffectsContext } from '../client/components/hooks-client'
// this needs to be required lazily so that `next-server` can set
// the env before we require
const ReactDOMServer = shouldUseReactRoot
? require('react-dom/server.browser')
: require('react-dom/server')
export type RenderOptsPartial = {
err?: Error | null
dev?: boolean
serverComponentManifest?: any
supportsDynamicHTML?: boolean
runtime?: ServerRuntime
serverComponents?: boolean
assetPrefix?: string
export type RenderOpts = LoadComponentsReturnType & RenderOptsPartial
* Interop between "export default" and "module.exports".
2022-06-02 12:02:05 +02:00
function interopDefault(mod: any) {
return mod.default || mod
const rscCache = new Map()
// Shadowing check does not work with TypeScript enums
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
const enum RecordStatus {
type Record = {
status: RecordStatus
value: any
* Create data fetching record for Promise.
function createRecordFromThenable(thenable: Promise<any>) {
const record: Record = {
status: RecordStatus.Pending,
value: thenable,
function (value) {
if (record.status === RecordStatus.Pending) {
const resolvedRecord = record
resolvedRecord.status = RecordStatus.Resolved
resolvedRecord.value = value
function (err) {
if (record.status === RecordStatus.Pending) {
const rejectedRecord = record
rejectedRecord.status = RecordStatus.Rejected
rejectedRecord.value = err
return record
* Read record value or throw Promise if it's not resolved yet.
function readRecordValue(record: Record) {
if (record.status === RecordStatus.Resolved) {
return record.value
} else {
throw record.value
* Preload data fetching record before it is called during React rendering.
* If the record is already in the cache returns that record.
function preloadDataFetchingRecord(
map: Map<string, Record>,
key: string,
fetcher: () => Promise<any> | any
) {
let record = map.get(key)
if (!record) {
const thenable = fetcher()
record = createRecordFromThenable(thenable)
map.set(key, record)
return record
* Render Flight stream.
* This is only used for renderToHTML, the Flight response does not need additional wrappers.
function useFlightResponse(
writable: WritableStream<Uint8Array>,
cachePrefix: string,
req: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>,
serverComponentManifest: any
) {
const id = cachePrefix + ',' + (React as any).useId()
let entry = rscCache.get(id)
if (!entry) {
const [renderStream, forwardStream] = readableStreamTee(req)
entry = createFromReadableStream(renderStream, {
moduleMap: serverComponentManifest.__ssr_module_mapping__,
rscCache.set(id, entry)
let bootstrapped = false
// We only attach CSS chunks to the inlined data.
const forwardReader = forwardStream.getReader()
const writer = writable.getWriter()
function process() {{ done, value }) => {
if (!bootstrapped) {
bootstrapped = true
JSON.stringify([0, id])
if (done) {
} else {
const responsePartial = decodeText(value)
const scripts = `<script>(self.__next_s=self.__next_s||[]).push(${htmlEscapeJsonString(
JSON.stringify([1, id, responsePartial])
return entry
* Create a component that renders the Flight stream.
* This is only used for renderToHTML, the Flight response does not need additional wrappers.
function createServerComponentRenderer(
ComponentToRender: React.ComponentType,
ComponentMod: {
__next_app_webpack_require__?: any
__next_rsc__?: {
__webpack_require__?: any
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
}: {
cachePrefix: string
transformStream: TransformStream<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>
serverComponentManifest: NonNullable<RenderOpts['serverComponentManifest']>
serverContexts: Array<
[ServerContextName: string, JSONValue: Object | number | string]
) {
// We need to expose the `__webpack_require__` API globally for
// react-server-dom-webpack. This is a hack until we find a better way.
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
if (ComponentMod.__next_app_webpack_require__ || ComponentMod.__next_rsc__) {
// @ts-ignore
globalThis.__next_require__ =
ComponentMod.__next_app_webpack_require__ ||
// @ts-ignore
globalThis.__next_chunk_load__ = () => Promise.resolve()
let RSCStream: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>
const createRSCStream = () => {
if (!RSCStream) {
RSCStream = renderToReadableStream(
<ComponentToRender />,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
context: serverContexts,
return RSCStream
const writable = transformStream.writable
return function ServerComponentWrapper() {
const reqStream = createRSCStream()
const response = useFlightResponse(
return response.readRoot()
type DynamicParamTypes = 'catchall' | 'optional-catchall' | 'dynamic'
// c = catchall
// oc = optional catchall
// d = dynamic
export type DynamicParamTypesShort = 'c' | 'oc' | 'd'
* Shorten the dynamic param in order to make it smaller when transmitted to the browser.
function getShortDynamicParamType(
type: DynamicParamTypes
): DynamicParamTypesShort {
switch (type) {
case 'catchall':
return 'c'
case 'optional-catchall':
return 'oc'
case 'dynamic':
return 'd'
throw new Error('Unknown dynamic param type')
* Segment in the router state.
export type Segment =
| string
| [param: string, value: string, type: DynamicParamTypesShort]
* LoaderTree is generated in next-app-loader.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
type LoaderTree = [
segment: string,
parallelRoutes: { [parallelRouterKey: string]: LoaderTree },
components: {
layout?: () => any
loading?: () => any
page?: () => any
* Router state
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
export type FlightRouterState = [
segment: Segment,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
parallelRoutes: { [parallelRouterKey: string]: FlightRouterState },
url?: string,
refresh?: 'refetch',
loading?: 'loading'
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
* Individual Flight response path
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
export type FlightSegmentPath =
// Uses `any` as repeating pattern can't be typed.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
| any[]
// Looks somewhat like this
| [
segment: Segment,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
parallelRouterKey: string,
segment: Segment,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
parallelRouterKey: string,
segment: Segment,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
parallelRouterKey: string
export type FlightDataPath =
// Uses `any` as repeating pattern can't be typed.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
| any[]
// Looks somewhat like this
| [
// Holds full path to the segment.
/* segment of the rendered slice: */ Segment,
/* treePatch */ FlightRouterState,
/* subTreeData: */ React.ReactNode
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
* The Flight response data
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
export type FlightData = Array<FlightDataPath> | string
* Property holding the current subTreeData.
export type ChildProp = {
current: React.ReactNode
segment: Segment
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
* Parse dynamic route segment to type of parameter
function getSegmentParam(segment: string): {
param: string
type: DynamicParamTypes
} | null {
if (segment.startsWith('[[...') && segment.endsWith(']]')) {
return {
type: 'optional-catchall',
param: segment.slice(5, -2),
if (segment.startsWith('[...') && segment.endsWith(']')) {
return {
type: 'catchall',
param: segment.slice(4, -1),
if (segment.startsWith('[') && segment.endsWith(']')) {
return {
type: 'dynamic',
param: segment.slice(1, -1),
return null
* Get inline <link> tags based on __next_rsc_css__ manifest. Only used when rendering to HTML.
function getCssInlinedLinkTags(
ComponentMod: any,
serverComponentManifest: any
) {
const importedServerCSSFiles: string[] =
ComponentMod.__client__?.__next_rsc_css__ || []
return Array.from(
new Set(
.map((css) =>
? serverComponentManifest[css].default.chunks
: []
export async function renderToHTMLOrFlight(
req: IncomingMessage,
res: ServerResponse,
pathname: string,
query: NextParsedUrlQuery,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
renderOpts: RenderOpts,
isPagesDir: boolean
): Promise<RenderResult | null> {
// @ts-expect-error createServerContext exists in react@experimental + react-dom@experimental
if (typeof React.createServerContext === 'undefined') {
throw new Error(
'"app" directory requires React.createServerContext which is not available in the version of React you are using. Please update to react@experimental and react-dom@experimental.'
// don't modify original query object
query = Object.assign({}, query)
const {
} = renderOpts
const isFlight = query.__flight__ !== undefined
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// Handle client-side navigation to pages directory
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (isFlight && isPagesDir) {
const search = stringifyQuery(query)
// Empty so that the client-side router will do a full page navigation.
const flightData: FlightData = pathname + (search ? `?${search}` : '')
return new RenderResult(
renderToReadableStream(flightData, serverComponentManifest).pipeThrough(
// TODO-APP: verify the tree is valid
// TODO-APP: verify query param is single value (not an array)
// TODO-APP: verify tree can't grow out of control
* Router state provided from the client-side router. Used to handle rendering from the common layout down.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const providedFlightRouterState: FlightRouterState = isFlight
? query.__flight_router_state_tree__
? JSON.parse(query.__flight_router_state_tree__ as string)
: {}
: undefined
const pageIsDynamic = isDynamicRoute(pathname)
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const LayoutRouter =
ComponentMod.LayoutRouter as typeof import('../client/components/layout-router.client').default
const HotReloader = ComponentMod.HotReloader as
| typeof import('../client/components/hot-reloader.client').default
| null
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const headers = req.headers
// TODO-APP: fix type of req
// @ts-expect-error
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const cookies = req.cookies
* The tree created in next-app-loader that holds component segments and modules
const loaderTree: LoaderTree = ComponentMod.tree
// Reads of this are cached on the `req` object, so this should resolve
// instantly. There's no need to pass this data down from a previous
// invoke, where we'd have to consider server & serverless.
const previewData = tryGetPreviewData(
(renderOpts as any).previewProps
const isPreview = previewData !== false
* Server Context is specifically only available in Server Components.
* It has to hold values that can't change while rendering from the common layout down.
* An example of this would be that `headers` are available but `searchParams` are not because that'd mean we have to render from the root layout down on all requests.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const serverContexts: Array<[string, any]> = [
['WORKAROUND', null], // TODO-APP: First value has a bug currently where the value is not set on the second request:
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
['HeadersContext', headers],
['CookiesContext', cookies],
['PreviewDataContext', previewData],
* Used to keep track of in-flight / resolved data fetching Promises.
const dataCache = new Map<string, Record>()
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
type CreateSegmentPath = (child: FlightSegmentPath) => FlightSegmentPath
* Dynamic parameters. E.g. when you visit `/dashboard/vercel` which is rendered by `/dashboard/[slug]` the value will be {"slug": "vercel"}.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const pathParams = (renderOpts as any).params as ParsedUrlQuery
* Parse the dynamic segment and return the associated value.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const getDynamicParamFromSegment = (
// [slug] / [[slug]] / [...slug]
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
segment: string
): {
param: string
value: string | string[] | null
treeSegment: Segment
type: DynamicParamTypesShort
} | null => {
const segmentParam = getSegmentParam(segment)
if (!segmentParam) {
return null
const key = segmentParam.param
const value = pathParams[key]
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (!value) {
// Handle case where optional catchall does not have a value, e.g. `/dashboard/[...slug]` when requesting `/dashboard`
if (segmentParam.type === 'optional-catchall') {
const type = getShortDynamicParamType(segmentParam.type)
return {
param: key,
value: null,
type: type,
// This value always has to be a string.
treeSegment: [key, '', type],
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
return null
const type = getShortDynamicParamType(segmentParam.type)
return {
param: key,
// The value that is passed to user code.
value: value,
// The value that is rendered in the router tree.
treeSegment: [key, Array.isArray(value) ? value.join('/') : value, type],
type: type,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const createFlightRouterStateFromLoaderTree = ([
{ loading },
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
]: LoaderTree): FlightRouterState => {
const hasLoading = Boolean(loading)
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const dynamicParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(segment)
const segmentTree: FlightRouterState = [
dynamicParam ? dynamicParam.treeSegment : segment,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (parallelRoutes) {
segmentTree[1] = Object.keys(parallelRoutes).reduce(
(existingValue, currentValue) => {
existingValue[currentValue] = createFlightRouterStateFromLoaderTree(
return existingValue
{} as FlightRouterState[1]
if (hasLoading) {
segmentTree[4] = 'loading'
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
return segmentTree
* Use the provided loader tree to create the React Component tree.
const createComponentTree = async ({
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
loaderTree: [segment, parallelRoutes, { layout, loading, page }],
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
}: {
createSegmentPath: CreateSegmentPath
loaderTree: LoaderTree
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
parentParams: { [key: string]: any }
rootLayoutIncluded?: boolean
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
firstItem?: boolean
}): Promise<{ Component: React.ComponentType }> => {
const Loading = loading ? await interopDefault(loading()) : undefined
const isLayout = typeof layout !== 'undefined'
const isPage = typeof page !== 'undefined'
const layoutOrPageMod = isLayout
? await layout()
: isPage
? await page()
: undefined
* Checks if the current segment is a root layout.
const rootLayoutAtThisLevel = isLayout && !rootLayoutIncluded
* Checks if the current segment or any level above it has a root layout.
const rootLayoutIncludedAtThisLevelOrAbove =
rootLayoutIncluded || rootLayoutAtThisLevel
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
* Check if the current layout/page is a client component
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const isClientComponentModule =
layoutOrPageMod && !layoutOrPageMod.hasOwnProperty('__next_rsc__')
// Only server components can have getServerSideProps / getStaticProps
// TODO-APP: friendly error with correct stacktrace. Potentially this can be part of the compiler instead.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (isClientComponentModule) {
if (layoutOrPageMod.getServerSideProps) {
throw new Error(
'getServerSideProps is not supported on Client Components'
if (layoutOrPageMod.getStaticProps) {
throw new Error('getStaticProps is not supported on Client Components')
* The React Component to render.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const Component = layoutOrPageMod
? interopDefault(layoutOrPageMod)
: undefined
// Handle dynamic segment params.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const segmentParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(segment)
* Create object holding the parent params and current params, this is passed to getServerSideProps and getStaticProps.
const currentParams =
// Handle null case where dynamic param is optional
segmentParam && segmentParam.value !== null
? {
[segmentParam.param]: segmentParam.value,
: // Pass through parent params to children
// Resolve the segment param
const actualSegment = segmentParam ? segmentParam.treeSegment : segment
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// This happens outside of rendering in order to eagerly kick off data fetching for layouts / the page further down
const parallelRouteMap = await Promise.all(
async (parallelRouteKey): Promise<[string, React.ReactNode]> => {
const currentSegmentPath: FlightSegmentPath = firstItem
? [parallelRouteKey]
: [actualSegment, parallelRouteKey]
// Create the child component
const { Component: ChildComponent } = await createComponentTree({
createSegmentPath: (child) => {
return createSegmentPath([...currentSegmentPath, ...child])
loaderTree: parallelRoutes[parallelRouteKey],
parentParams: currentParams,
rootLayoutIncluded: rootLayoutIncludedAtThisLevelOrAbove,
const childSegment = parallelRoutes[parallelRouteKey][0]
const childSegmentParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(childSegment)
const childProp: ChildProp = {
current: <ChildComponent />,
segment: childSegmentParam
? childSegmentParam.treeSegment
: childSegment,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// This is turned back into an object below.
return [
loading={Loading ? <Loading /> : undefined}
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// Convert the parallel route map into an object after all promises have been resolved.
const parallelRouteComponents = parallelRouteMap.reduce(
(list, [parallelRouteKey, Comp]) => {
list[parallelRouteKey] = Comp
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
return list
{} as { [key: string]: React.ReactNode }
// When the segment does not have a layout or page we still have to add the layout router to ensure the path holds the loading component
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (!Component) {
return {
Component: () => <>{parallelRouteComponents.children}</>,
const segmentPath = createSegmentPath([actualSegment])
const dataCacheKey = JSON.stringify(segmentPath)
let fetcher: (() => Promise<any>) | null = null
type GetServerSidePropsContext = {
headers: IncomingHttpHeaders
cookies: NextApiRequestCookies
layoutSegments: FlightSegmentPath
params?: { [key: string]: string | string[] }
preview?: boolean
previewData?: string | object | undefined
type getServerSidePropsContextPage = GetServerSidePropsContext & {
searchParams: URLSearchParams
pathname: string
type GetStaticPropsContext = {
layoutSegments: FlightSegmentPath
params?: { [key: string]: string | string[] }
preview?: boolean
previewData?: string | object | undefined
type GetStaticPropContextPage = GetStaticPropsContext & {
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
pathname: string
// TODO-APP: pass a shared cache from previous getStaticProps/getServerSideProps calls?
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (layoutOrPageMod.getServerSideProps) {
// TODO-APP: recommendation for i18n
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// locales: (renderOpts as any).locales, // always the same
// locale: (renderOpts as any).locale, // /nl/something -> nl
// defaultLocale: (renderOpts as any).defaultLocale, // changes based on domain
const getServerSidePropsContext:
| GetServerSidePropsContext
| getServerSidePropsContextPage = {
layoutSegments: segmentPath,
// TODO-APP: change pathname to actual pathname, it holds the dynamic parameter currently
...(isPage ? { searchParams: query, pathname } : {}),
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
...(pageIsDynamic ? { params: currentParams } : undefined),
? { preview: true, previewData: previewData }
: undefined),
fetcher = () =>
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// TODO-APP: implement layout specific caching for getStaticProps
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (layoutOrPageMod.getStaticProps) {
const getStaticPropsContext:
| GetStaticPropsContext
| GetStaticPropContextPage = {
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
layoutSegments: segmentPath,
...(isPage ? { pathname } : {}),
...(pageIsDynamic ? { params: currentParams } : undefined),
? { preview: true, previewData: previewData }
: undefined),
fetcher = () =>
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (fetcher) {
// Kick off data fetching before rendering, this ensures there is no waterfall for layouts as
// all data fetching required to render the page is kicked off simultaneously
preloadDataFetchingRecord(dataCache, dataCacheKey, fetcher)
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
return {
Component: () => {
let props
// The data fetching was kicked off before rendering (see above)
// if the data was not resolved yet the layout rendering will be suspended
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (fetcher) {
const record = preloadDataFetchingRecord(
// Result of calling getStaticProps or getServerSideProps. If promise is not resolve yet it will suspend.
const recordValue = readRecordValue(record)
if (props) {
props = Object.assign({}, props, recordValue.props)
} else {
props = recordValue.props
return (
// TODO-APP: params and query have to be blocked parallel route names. Might have to add a reserved name list.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// Params are always the current params that apply to the layout
// If you have a `/dashboard/[team]/layout.js` it will provide `team` as a param but not anything further down.
// Query is only provided to page
{...(isPage ? { searchParams: query } : {})}
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// Handle Flight render request. This is only used when client-side navigating. E.g. when you `router.push('/dashboard')` or `router.reload()`.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (isFlight) {
// TODO-APP: throw on invalid flightRouterState
* Use router state to decide at what common layout to render the page.
* This can either be the common layout between two pages or a specific place to start rendering from using the "refetch" marker in the tree.
const walkTreeWithFlightRouterState = async (
loaderTreeToFilter: LoaderTree,
parentParams: { [key: string]: string | string[] },
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
flightRouterState?: FlightRouterState,
parentRendered?: boolean
): Promise<FlightDataPath> => {
const [segment, parallelRoutes] = loaderTreeToFilter
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const parallelRoutesKeys = Object.keys(parallelRoutes)
// Because this function walks to a deeper point in the tree to start rendering we have to track the dynamic parameters up to the point where rendering starts
// That way even when rendering the subtree getServerSideProps/getStaticProps get the right parameters.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const segmentParam = getDynamicParamFromSegment(segment)
const currentParams =
// Handle null case where dynamic param is optional
segmentParam && segmentParam.value !== null
? {
[segmentParam.param]: segmentParam.value,
: parentParams
const actualSegment: Segment = segmentParam
? segmentParam.treeSegment
: segment
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
* Decide if the current segment is where rendering has to start.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const renderComponentsOnThisLevel =
// No further router state available
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
!flightRouterState ||
// Segment in router state does not match current segment
!matchSegment(actualSegment, flightRouterState[0]) ||
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// Last item in the tree
parallelRoutesKeys.length === 0 ||
// Explicit refresh
flightRouterState[3] === 'refetch'
if (!parentRendered && renderComponentsOnThisLevel) {
return [
// Create router state using the slice of the loaderTree
// Create component tree using the slice of the loaderTree
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
await createComponentTree(
// This ensures flightRouterPath is valid and filters down the tree
createSegmentPath: (child) => child,
loaderTree: loaderTreeToFilter,
parentParams: currentParams,
firstItem: true,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// Walk through all parallel routes.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
for (const parallelRouteKey of parallelRoutesKeys) {
const parallelRoute = parallelRoutes[parallelRouteKey]
const path = await walkTreeWithFlightRouterState(
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
flightRouterState && flightRouterState[1][parallelRouteKey],
parentRendered || renderComponentsOnThisLevel
if (typeof path[path.length - 1] !== 'string') {
return [actualSegment, parallelRouteKey, ...path]
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
return [actualSegment]
2022-06-02 12:02:05 +02:00
// Flight data that is going to be passed to the browser.
// Currently a single item array but in the future multiple patches might be combined in a single request.
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
const flightData: FlightData = [
// TODO-APP: change walk to output without ''
await walkTreeWithFlightRouterState(
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
2022-06-02 12:02:05 +02:00
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
return new RenderResult(
renderToReadableStream(flightData, serverComponentManifest, {
context: serverContexts,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
// Below this line is handling for rendering to HTML.
// Create full component tree from root to leaf.
const { Component: ComponentTree } = await createComponentTree({
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
createSegmentPath: (child) => child,
loaderTree: loaderTree,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
parentParams: {},
firstItem: true,
// AppRouter is provided by next-app-loader
const AppRouter =
ComponentMod.AppRouter as typeof import('../client/components/app-router.client').default
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
let serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream: TransformStream<
> = new TransformStream()
// TODO-APP: validate req.url as it gets passed to render.
const initialCanonicalUrl = req.url!
const initialStylesheets: string[] = getCssInlinedLinkTags(
* A new React Component that renders the provided React Component
* using Flight which can then be rendered to HTML.
const ServerComponentsRenderer = createServerComponentRenderer(
() => {
const initialTree = createFlightRouterStateFromLoaderTree(loaderTree)
return (
HotReloader && (
<HotReloader assetPrefix={renderOpts.assetPrefix || ''} />
<ComponentTree />
cachePrefix: initialCanonicalUrl,
transformStream: serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream,
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
let flushEffectsHandler: (() => React.ReactNode) | null = null
function FlushEffects({ children }: { children: JSX.Element }) {
// Reset flushEffectsHandler on each render
flushEffectsHandler = null
const setFlushEffectsHandler = React.useCallback(
(handler: () => React.ReactNode) => {
if (flushEffectsHandler)
throw new Error(
'The `useFlushEffects` hook cannot be used more than once.'
flushEffectsHandler = handler
return (
<FlushEffectsContext.Provider value={setFlushEffectsHandler}>
* Rules of Static & Dynamic HTML:
* 1.) We must generate static HTML unless the caller explicitly opts
* in to dynamic HTML support.
* 2.) If dynamic HTML support is requested, we must honor that request
* or throw an error. It is the sole responsibility of the caller to
* ensure they aren't e.g. requesting dynamic HTML for an AMP page.
* These rules help ensure that other existing features like request caching,
* coalescing, and ISR continue working as intended.
const generateStaticHTML = supportsDynamicHTML !== true
const bodyResult = async () => {
const content = (
<ServerComponentsRenderer />
const flushEffectHandler = (): string => {
const flushed = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
<>{flushEffectsHandler && flushEffectsHandler()}</>
return flushed
const renderStream = await renderToInitialStream({
element: content,
streamOptions: {
// Include hydration scripts in the HTML
(src) => `${renderOpts.assetPrefix || ''}/_next/` + src
return await continueFromInitialStream(renderStream, {
dataStream: serverComponentsInlinedTransformStream?.readable,
generateStaticHTML: generateStaticHTML,
flushEffectsToHead: true,
return new RenderResult(await bodyResult())