
1315 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import type {
} from '../server/config-shared'
import type { webpack5 } from 'next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack'
import '../server/node-polyfill-fetch'
import chalk from 'next/dist/compiled/chalk'
import getGzipSize from 'next/dist/compiled/gzip-size'
import textTable from 'next/dist/compiled/text-table'
import path from 'path'
import { promises as fs } from 'fs'
import { isValidElementType } from 'next/dist/compiled/react-is'
import stripAnsi from 'next/dist/compiled/strip-ansi'
import {
} from '../lib/load-custom-routes'
import {
} from '../lib/constants'
import { EDGE_RUNTIME_WEBPACK } from '../shared/lib/constants'
import prettyBytes from '../lib/pretty-bytes'
import { getRouteRegex } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/route-regex'
import { getRouteMatcher } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher'
import { isDynamicRoute } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/is-dynamic'
import escapePathDelimiters from '../shared/lib/router/utils/escape-path-delimiters'
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
import { findPageFile } from '../server/lib/find-page-file'
import { GetStaticPaths, PageConfig } from 'next/types'
import { BuildManifest } from '../server/get-page-files'
import { removeTrailingSlash } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-trailing-slash'
import { UnwrapPromise } from '../lib/coalesced-function'
import { normalizeLocalePath } from '../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path'
import * as Log from './output/log'
import { loadComponents } from '../server/load-components'
import { trace } from '../trace'
import { setHttpAgentOptions } from '../server/config'
import isError from '../lib/is-error'
import { recursiveDelete } from '../lib/recursive-delete'
import { Sema } from 'next/dist/compiled/async-sema'
import { MiddlewareManifest } from './webpack/plugins/middleware-plugin'
Refactor Page Paths utils and Middleware Plugin (#36576) This PR brings some significant refactoring in preparation for upcoming middleware changes. Each commit can be reviewed independently, here is a summary of what each one does and the reasoning behind it: - [Move pagesDir to next-dev-server]( simply moves the `pagesDir` property to the dev server which is the only place where it is needed. Having it for every server is misleading. - [Move (de)normalize page path utils to a file page-path-utils.ts]( Moves the functions to normalize and denormalize page paths to a single file that is intended to hold every utility function that transforms page paths. Since those are complementary it makes sense to have them together. I also added explanatory comments on why they are not idempotent and examples for input -> output that I find very useful. - [Extract removePagePathTail]( This extracts a function to remove the tail on a page path (absolute or relative). I'm sure there will be other contexts where we can use it. - [Extract getPagePaths and refactor findPageFile]( This extracts a function `getPagePaths` that is used to generate an array of paths to inspect when looking for a page file from `findPageFile`. Then it refactors such function to use it parallelizing lookups. This will allow us to print every path we look at when looking for a file which can be useful for debugging. It also adds a `flatten` helper. - [Refactor onDemandEntryHandler]( I've found this one quite difficult to understand so it is refactored to use some of the previously mentioned functions and make it easier to read. - [Extract absolutePagePath util]( Extracts yet another util from the `next-dev-server` that transforms an absolute path into a page name. Of course it adds comments, parameters and examples. - [Refactor MiddlewarePlugin]( This is the most significant change. The logic here was very hard to understand so it is totally redistributed with comments. This also removes a global variable `ssrEntries` that was deprecated in favour of module metadata added to Webpack from loaders keeping less dependencies. It also adds types and makes a clear distinction between phases where we statically analyze the code, find metadata and generate the manifest file cc @shuding @huozhi EDIT: - [Split page path utils]( After seeing one of the utils was being used by the client while it was defined originally in the server, with this PR we are splitting the util into multiple files and moving it to `shared/lib` in order to make explicit that those can be also imported from client.
2022-04-30 13:19:27 +02:00
import { denormalizePagePath } from '../shared/lib/page-path/denormalize-page-path'
import { normalizePagePath } from '../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path'
import { getPageStaticInfo } from './analysis/get-page-static-info'
const { builtinModules } = require('module')
const RESERVED_PAGE = /^\/(_app|_error|_document|api(\/|$))/
const fileGzipStats: { [k: string]: Promise<number> | undefined } = {}
2019-12-14 07:39:59 +01:00
const fsStatGzip = (file: string) => {
const cached = fileGzipStats[file]
if (cached) return cached
return (fileGzipStats[file] = getGzipSize.file(file))
const fileSize = async (file: string) => (await fs.stat(file)).size
const fileStats: { [k: string]: Promise<number> | undefined } = {}
const fsStat = (file: string) => {
const cached = fileStats[file]
if (cached) return cached
return (fileStats[file] = fileSize(file))
export interface PageInfo {
isHybridAmp?: boolean
size: number
totalSize: number
static: boolean
isSsg: boolean
ssgPageRoutes: string[] | null
initialRevalidateSeconds: number | false
pageDuration: number | undefined
ssgPageDurations: number[] | undefined
runtime: PageRuntime
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
export async function printTreeView(
list: readonly string[],
pageInfos: Map<string, PageInfo>,
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
serverless: boolean,
gzipSize = true,
}: {
distPath: string
buildId: string
pagesDir: string
pageExtensions: string[]
buildManifest: BuildManifest
middlewareManifest: MiddlewareManifest
useStatic404: boolean
gzipSize?: boolean
) {
const getPrettySize = (_size: number): string => {
const size = prettyBytes(_size)
2019-12-14 07:39:59 +01:00
// green for 0-130kb
if (_size < 130 * 1000) return
// yellow for 130-170kb
if (_size < 170 * 1000) return chalk.yellow(size)
// red for >= 170kb
const MIN_DURATION = 300
const getPrettyDuration = (_duration: number): string => {
const duration = `${_duration} ms`
// green for 300-1000ms
if (_duration < 1000) return
// yellow for 1000-2000ms
if (_duration < 2000) return chalk.yellow(duration)
// red for >= 2000ms
const getCleanName = (fileName: string) =>
// Trim off `static/`
.replace(/^static\//, '')
// Re-add `static/` for root files
.replace(/^<buildId>/, 'static')
// Remove file hash
.replace(/(?:^|[.-])([0-9a-z]{6})[0-9a-z]{14}(?=\.)/, '.$1')
const messages: [string, string, string][] = [
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
['Page', 'Size', 'First Load JS'].map((entry) =>
) as [string, string, string],
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
const hasCustomApp = await findPageFile(pagesDir, '/_app', pageExtensions)
pageInfos.set('/404', {
...(pageInfos.get('/404') || pageInfos.get('/_error')),
static: useStatic404,
} as any)
if (!list.includes('/404')) {
list = [...list, '/404']
const sizeData = await computeFromManifest(
const usedSymbols = new Set()
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
const pageList = list
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
(e) =>
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
e === '/_document' ||
e === '/_error' ||
(!hasCustomApp && e === '/_app')
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b))
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
pageList.forEach((item, i, arr) => {
const border =
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
i === 0
? arr.length === 1
? '─'
: '┌'
: i === arr.length - 1
? '└'
: '├'
const pageInfo = pageInfos.get(item)
const ampFirst = buildManifest.ampFirstPages.includes(item)
const totalDuration =
(pageInfo?.pageDuration || 0) +
(pageInfo?.ssgPageDurations?.reduce((a, b) => a + (b || 0), 0) || 0)
const symbol =
item === '/_app' || item === '/_app.server'
? ' '
: pageInfo?.static
? '○'
: pageInfo?.isSsg
? '●'
: pageInfo?.runtime === 'edge'
? 'ℇ'
: 'λ'
if (pageInfo?.initialRevalidateSeconds) usedSymbols.add('ISR')
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
`${border} ${symbol} ${
? `${item} (ISR: ${pageInfo?.initialRevalidateSeconds} Seconds)`
: item
totalDuration > MIN_DURATION
? ` (${getPrettyDuration(totalDuration)})`
: ''
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
? ampFirst
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
? chalk.cyan('AMP')
: pageInfo.size >= 0
? prettyBytes(pageInfo.size)
: ''
: '',
? ampFirst
? chalk.cyan('AMP')
: pageInfo.size >= 0
? getPrettySize(pageInfo.totalSize)
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
: ''
: '',
const uniqueCssFiles =
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
(file) => file.endsWith('.css') && sizeData.uniqueFiles.includes(file)
) || []
if (uniqueCssFiles.length > 0) {
const contSymbol = i === arr.length - 1 ? ' ' : '├'
uniqueCssFiles.forEach((file, index, { length }) => {
const innerSymbol = index === length - 1 ? '└' : '├'
`${contSymbol} ${innerSymbol} ${getCleanName(file)}`,
if (pageInfo?.ssgPageRoutes?.length) {
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
const totalRoutes = pageInfo.ssgPageRoutes.length
const contSymbol = i === arr.length - 1 ? ' ' : '├'
let routes: { route: string; duration: number; avgDuration?: number }[]
if (
pageInfo.ssgPageDurations &&
pageInfo.ssgPageDurations.some((d) => d > MIN_DURATION)
) {
const previewPages = totalRoutes === 8 ? 8 : Math.min(totalRoutes, 7)
const routesWithDuration = pageInfo.ssgPageRoutes
.map((route, idx) => ({
duration: pageInfo.ssgPageDurations![idx] || 0,
.sort(({ duration: a }, { duration: b }) =>
// Sort by duration
// keep too small durations in original order at the end
a <= MIN_DURATION && b <= MIN_DURATION ? 0 : b - a
routes = routesWithDuration.slice(0, previewPages)
const remainingRoutes = routesWithDuration.slice(previewPages)
if (remainingRoutes.length) {
const remaining = remainingRoutes.length
const avgDuration = Math.round(
(total, { duration }) => total + duration,
) / remainingRoutes.length
route: `[+${remaining} more paths]`,
duration: 0,
} else {
const previewPages = totalRoutes === 4 ? 4 : Math.min(totalRoutes, 3)
routes = pageInfo.ssgPageRoutes
.slice(0, previewPages)
.map((route) => ({ route, duration: 0 }))
if (totalRoutes > previewPages) {
const remaining = totalRoutes - previewPages
routes.push({ route: `[+${remaining} more paths]`, duration: 0 })
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
routes.forEach(({ route, duration, avgDuration }, index, { length }) => {
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
const innerSymbol = index === length - 1 ? '└' : '├'
`${contSymbol} ${innerSymbol} ${route}${
duration > MIN_DURATION ? ` (${getPrettyDuration(duration)})` : ''
avgDuration && avgDuration > MIN_DURATION
? ` (avg ${getPrettyDuration(avgDuration)})`
: ''
2019-12-12 17:20:24 +01:00
const sharedFilesSize = sizeData.sizeCommonFiles
const sharedFiles = sizeData.sizeCommonFile
'+ First Load JS shared by all',
const sharedFileKeys = Object.keys(sharedFiles)
const sharedCssFiles: string[] = []
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
.filter((file) => {
if (file.endsWith('.css')) {
return false
return true
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
.map((e) => e.replace(buildId, '<buildId>'))
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00 => e.replace(buildId, '<buildId>')).sort(),
].forEach((fileName, index, { length }) => {
const innerSymbol = index === length - 1 ? '└' : '├'
const originalName = fileName.replace('<buildId>', buildId)
const cleanName = getCleanName(fileName)
` ${innerSymbol} ${cleanName}`,
const middlewareInfo = middlewareManifest.middleware?.['/']
if (middlewareInfo?.files.length > 0) {
const sizes = await Promise.all(
.map((dep) => `${distPath}/${dep}`)
.map(gzipSize ? fsStatGzip : fsStat)
messages.push(['', '', ''])
messages.push(['ƒ Middleware', getPrettySize(sum(sizes)), ''])
textTable(messages, {
align: ['l', 'l', 'r'],
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
stringLength: (str) => stripAnsi(str).length,
usedSymbols.has('ℇ') && [
`server-side renders with streaming (uses React 18 SSR streaming or Server Components)`,
usedSymbols.has('λ') && [
serverless ? '(Lambda)' : '(Server)',
`server-side renders at runtime (uses ${chalk.cyan(
)} or ${chalk.cyan('getServerSideProps')})`,
usedSymbols.has('○') && [
'automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)',
usedSymbols.has('●') && [
`automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses ${chalk.cyan(
usedSymbols.has('ISR') && [
`incremental static regeneration (uses revalidate in ${chalk.cyan(
].filter((x) => x) as [string, string, string][],
align: ['l', 'l', 'l'],
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
stringLength: (str) => stripAnsi(str).length,
export function printCustomRoutes({
}: CustomRoutes) {
const printRoutes = (
routes: Redirect[] | Rewrite[] | Header[],
type: 'Redirects' | 'Rewrites' | 'Headers'
) => {
const isRedirects = type === 'Redirects'
const isHeaders = type === 'Headers'
const routesStr = (routes as any[])
.map((route: { source: string }) => {
let routeStr = `┌ source: ${route.source}\n`
if (!isHeaders) {
const r = route as Rewrite
routeStr += `${isRedirects ? '├' : '└'} destination: ${
if (isRedirects) {
const r = route as Redirect
routeStr += `${
? `status: ${r.statusCode}`
: `permanent: ${r.permanent}`
if (isHeaders) {
const r = route as Header
routeStr += `└ headers:\n`
for (let i = 0; i < r.headers.length; i++) {
const header = r.headers[i]
const last = i === headers.length - 1
routeStr += ` ${last ? '└' : '├'} ${header.key}: ${header.value}\n`
return routeStr
console.log(routesStr, '\n')
if (redirects.length) {
printRoutes(redirects, 'Redirects')
if (headers.length) {
printRoutes(headers, 'Headers')
const combinedRewrites = [
if (combinedRewrites.length) {
printRoutes(combinedRewrites, 'Rewrites')
type ComputeManifestShape = {
commonFiles: string[]
uniqueFiles: string[]
sizeUniqueFiles: { [file: string]: number }
sizeCommonFile: { [file: string]: number }
sizeCommonFiles: number
let cachedBuildManifest: BuildManifest | undefined
let lastCompute: ComputeManifestShape | undefined
let lastComputePageInfo: boolean | undefined
export async function computeFromManifest(
manifest: BuildManifest,
distPath: string,
gzipSize: boolean = true,
pageInfos?: Map<string, PageInfo>
): Promise<ComputeManifestShape> {
if (, manifest) &&
lastComputePageInfo === !!pageInfos
) {
return lastCompute!
let expected = 0
const files = new Map<string, number>()
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
Object.keys(manifest.pages).forEach((key) => {
if (pageInfos) {
const pageInfo = pageInfos.get(key)
// don't include AMP pages since they don't rely on shared bundles
// AMP First pages are not under the pageInfos key
if (pageInfo?.isHybridAmp) {
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
manifest.pages[key].forEach((file) => {
if (key === '/_app') {
files.set(file, Infinity)
} else if (files.has(file)) {
files.set(file, files.get(file)! + 1)
} else {
files.set(file, 1)
const getSize = gzipSize ? fsStatGzip : fsStat
const commonFiles = [...files.entries()]
.filter(([, len]) => len === expected || len === Infinity)
.map(([f]) => f)
const uniqueFiles = [...files.entries()]
.filter(([, len]) => len === 1)
.map(([f]) => f)
2019-12-14 07:39:59 +01:00
let stats: [string, number][]
try {
stats = await Promise.all(
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
async (f) =>
[f, await getSize(path.join(distPath, f))] as [string, number]
} catch (_) {
stats = []
let uniqueStats: [string, number][]
try {
uniqueStats = await Promise.all(
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
async (f) =>
[f, await getSize(path.join(distPath, f))] as [string, number]
} catch (_) {
uniqueStats = []
lastCompute = {
sizeUniqueFiles: uniqueStats.reduce(
(obj, n) => Object.assign(obj, { [n[0]]: n[1] }),
sizeCommonFile: stats.reduce(
2019-12-14 07:39:59 +01:00
(obj, n) => Object.assign(obj, { [n[0]]: n[1] }),
sizeCommonFiles: stats.reduce((size, [f, stat]) => {
if (f.endsWith('.css')) return size
return size + stat
}, 0),
cachedBuildManifest = manifest
lastComputePageInfo = !!pageInfos
return lastCompute!
export function difference<T>(main: T[] | Set<T>, sub: T[] | Set<T>): T[] {
const a = new Set(main)
const b = new Set(sub)
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
return [...a].filter((x) => !b.has(x))
function intersect<T>(main: T[], sub: T[]): T[] {
const a = new Set(main)
const b = new Set(sub)
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
return [ Set([...a].filter((x) => b.has(x)))]
function sum(a: number[]): number {
return a.reduce((size, stat) => size + stat, 0)
export async function getJsPageSizeInKb(
page: string,
distPath: string,
buildManifest: BuildManifest,
gzipSize: boolean = true,
computedManifestData?: ComputeManifestShape
): Promise<[number, number]> {
const data =
computedManifestData ||
(await computeFromManifest(buildManifest, distPath, gzipSize))
const fnFilterJs = (entry: string) => entry.endsWith('.js')
const pageFiles = (
buildManifest.pages[denormalizePagePath(page)] || []
const appFiles = (buildManifest.pages['/_app'] || []).filter(fnFilterJs)
const fnMapRealPath = (dep: string) => `${distPath}/${dep}`
const allFilesReal = [ Set([...pageFiles, ...appFiles])].map(
const selfFilesReal = difference(
intersect(pageFiles, data.uniqueFiles),
const getSize = gzipSize ? fsStatGzip : fsStat
try {
// Doesn't use `Promise.all`, as we'd double compute duplicate files. This
// function is memoized, so the second one will instantly resolve.
const allFilesSize = sum(await Promise.all(
const selfFilesSize = sum(await Promise.all(
return [selfFilesSize, allFilesSize]
} catch (_) {}
return [-1, -1]
export async function buildStaticPaths(
page: string,
getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths,
configFileName: string,
locales?: string[],
defaultLocale?: string
): Promise<
Omit<UnwrapPromise<ReturnType<GetStaticPaths>>, 'paths'> & {
paths: string[]
encodedPaths: string[]
> {
const prerenderPaths = new Set<string>()
const encodedPrerenderPaths = new Set<string>()
const _routeRegex = getRouteRegex(page)
const _routeMatcher = getRouteMatcher(_routeRegex)
// Get the default list of allowed params.
const _validParamKeys = Object.keys(_routeMatcher(page))
const staticPathsResult = await getStaticPaths({ locales, defaultLocale })
const expectedReturnVal =
`Expected: { paths: [], fallback: boolean }\n` +
`See here for more info:`
if (
!staticPathsResult ||
typeof staticPathsResult !== 'object' ||
) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid value returned from getStaticPaths in ${page}. Received ${typeof staticPathsResult} ${expectedReturnVal}`
const invalidStaticPathKeys = Object.keys(staticPathsResult).filter(
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
(key) => !(key === 'paths' || key === 'fallback')
if (invalidStaticPathKeys.length > 0) {
throw new Error(
`Extra keys returned from getStaticPaths in ${page} (${invalidStaticPathKeys.join(
', '
)}) ${expectedReturnVal}`
if (
typeof staticPathsResult.fallback === 'boolean' ||
staticPathsResult.fallback === 'blocking'
) {
throw new Error(
`The \`fallback\` key must be returned from getStaticPaths in ${page}.\n` +
const toPrerender = staticPathsResult.paths
if (!Array.isArray(toPrerender)) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid \`paths\` value returned from getStaticPaths in ${page}.\n` +
`\`paths\` must be an array of strings or objects of shape { params: [key: string]: string }`
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
toPrerender.forEach((entry) => {
// For a string-provided path, we must make sure it matches the dynamic
// route.
if (typeof entry === 'string') {
entry = removeTrailingSlash(entry)
const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(entry, locales)
let cleanedEntry = entry
if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) {
cleanedEntry = entry.slice(localePathResult.detectedLocale.length + 1)
} else if (defaultLocale) {
entry = `/${defaultLocale}${entry}`
const result = _routeMatcher(cleanedEntry)
if (!result) {
throw new Error(
`The provided path \`${cleanedEntry}\` does not match the page: \`${page}\`.`
// If leveraging the string paths variant the entry should already be
// encoded so we decode the segments ensuring we only escape path
// delimiters
.map((segment) =>
escapePathDelimiters(decodeURIComponent(segment), true)
// For the object-provided path, we must make sure it specifies all
// required keys.
else {
const invalidKeys = Object.keys(entry).filter(
(key) => key !== 'params' && key !== 'locale'
if (invalidKeys.length) {
throw new Error(
`Additional keys were returned from \`getStaticPaths\` in page "${page}". ` +
`URL Parameters intended for this dynamic route must be nested under the \`params\` key, i.e.:` +
`\n\n\treturn { params: { ${_validParamKeys
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
.map((k) => `${k}: ...`)
.join(', ')} } }` +
`\n\nKeys that need to be moved: ${invalidKeys.join(', ')}.\n`
const { params = {} } = entry
let builtPage = page
let encodedBuiltPage = page
2020-05-18 21:24:37 +02:00
_validParamKeys.forEach((validParamKey) => {
const { repeat, optional } = _routeRegex.groups[validParamKey]
let paramValue = params[validParamKey]
if (
optional &&
params.hasOwnProperty(validParamKey) &&
(paramValue === null ||
paramValue === undefined ||
(paramValue as any) === false)
) {
paramValue = []
if (
(repeat && !Array.isArray(paramValue)) ||
(!repeat && typeof paramValue !== 'string')
) {
throw new Error(
`A required parameter (${validParamKey}) was not provided as ${
repeat ? 'an array' : 'a string'
} in getStaticPaths for ${page}`
let replaced = `[${repeat ? '...' : ''}${validParamKey}]`
if (optional) {
replaced = `[${replaced}]`
builtPage = builtPage
? (paramValue as string[])
.map((segment) => escapePathDelimiters(segment, true))
: escapePathDelimiters(paramValue as string, true)
.replace(/(?!^)\/$/, '')
encodedBuiltPage = encodedBuiltPage
? (paramValue as string[]).map(encodeURIComponent).join('/')
: encodeURIComponent(paramValue as string)
.replace(/(?!^)\/$/, '')
if (entry.locale && !locales?.includes(entry.locale)) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid locale returned from getStaticPaths for ${page}, the locale ${entry.locale} is not specified in ${configFileName}`
const curLocale = entry.locale || defaultLocale || ''
`${curLocale ? `/${curLocale}` : ''}${
curLocale && builtPage === '/' ? '' : builtPage
`${curLocale ? `/${curLocale}` : ''}${
curLocale && encodedBuiltPage === '/' ? '' : encodedBuiltPage
return {
paths: [...prerenderPaths],
fallback: staticPathsResult.fallback,
encodedPaths: [...encodedPrerenderPaths],
Add experimental SPR support (#8832) * initial commit for SPRv2 * Add initial SPR cache handling * update SPR handling * Implement SPR handling in render * Update tests, handle caching with serverless next start, add TODOs, and update manifest generating * Handle no prerender-manifest from not being used * Fix url.parse error * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Joe Haddad <> * Replace set with constants in next-page-config * simplify sprStatus.used * Add error if getStaticProps is used with getInitialProps * Remove stale TODO * Update revalidate values in SPR cache for non-seeded routes * Apply suggestions from code review * Remove concurrency type * Rename variable for clarity * Add copying prerender files during export * Add comment for clarity * Fix exporting * Update comment * Add additional note * Rename variable * Update to not re-export SPR pages from build * Hard navigate when fetching data fails * Remove default extension * Add brackets * Add checking output files to prerender tests * Adjust export move logic * Clarify behavior of export aggregation * Update variable names for clarity * Update tests * Add comment * s/an oxymoron/contradictory/ * rename * Extract error case * Add tests for exporting SPR pages and update /_next/data endpoint to end with .json * Relocate variable * Adjust route building * Rename to unstable * Rename unstable_getStaticParams * Fix linting * Only add this when a data request * Update prerender data tests * s/isServerless/isLikeServerless/ * Don't rely on query for `next start` in serverless mode * Rename var * Update renderedDuringBuild check * Add test for dynamic param with bracket * Fix serverless next start handling * remove todo * Adjust comment * Update calculateRevalidate * Remove cache logic from render.tsx * Remove extra imports * Move SPR cache logic to next-server * Remove old isDynamic prop * Add calling App getInitialProps for SPR pages * Update revalidate logic * Add isStale to SprCacheValue * Update headers for SPR * add awaiting pendingRevalidation * Dont return null for revalidation render * Adjust logic * Be sure to remove coalesced render * Fix data for serverless * Create a method coalescing utility * Remove TODO * Extract send payload helper * Wrap in-line * Move around some code * Add tests for de-duping and revalidating * Update prerender manifest test
2019-09-24 10:50:04 +02:00
export async function isPageStatic(
page: string,
distDir: string,
serverless: boolean,
configFileName: string,
runtimeEnvConfig: any,
httpAgentOptions: NextConfigComplete['httpAgentOptions'],
locales?: string[],
defaultLocale?: string,
parentId?: any
Add experimental SPR support (#8832) * initial commit for SPRv2 * Add initial SPR cache handling * update SPR handling * Implement SPR handling in render * Update tests, handle caching with serverless next start, add TODOs, and update manifest generating * Handle no prerender-manifest from not being used * Fix url.parse error * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Joe Haddad <> * Replace set with constants in next-page-config * simplify sprStatus.used * Add error if getStaticProps is used with getInitialProps * Remove stale TODO * Update revalidate values in SPR cache for non-seeded routes * Apply suggestions from code review * Remove concurrency type * Rename variable for clarity * Add copying prerender files during export * Add comment for clarity * Fix exporting * Update comment * Add additional note * Rename variable * Update to not re-export SPR pages from build * Hard navigate when fetching data fails * Remove default extension * Add brackets * Add checking output files to prerender tests * Adjust export move logic * Clarify behavior of export aggregation * Update variable names for clarity * Update tests * Add comment * s/an oxymoron/contradictory/ * rename * Extract error case * Add tests for exporting SPR pages and update /_next/data endpoint to end with .json * Relocate variable * Adjust route building * Rename to unstable * Rename unstable_getStaticParams * Fix linting * Only add this when a data request * Update prerender data tests * s/isServerless/isLikeServerless/ * Don't rely on query for `next start` in serverless mode * Rename var * Update renderedDuringBuild check * Add test for dynamic param with bracket * Fix serverless next start handling * remove todo * Adjust comment * Update calculateRevalidate * Remove cache logic from render.tsx * Remove extra imports * Move SPR cache logic to next-server * Remove old isDynamic prop * Add calling App getInitialProps for SPR pages * Update revalidate logic * Add isStale to SprCacheValue * Update headers for SPR * add awaiting pendingRevalidation * Dont return null for revalidation render * Adjust logic * Be sure to remove coalesced render * Fix data for serverless * Create a method coalescing utility * Remove TODO * Extract send payload helper * Wrap in-line * Move around some code * Add tests for de-duping and revalidating * Update prerender manifest test
2019-09-24 10:50:04 +02:00
): Promise<{
isStatic?: boolean
isAmpOnly?: boolean
Add experimental SPR support (#8832) * initial commit for SPRv2 * Add initial SPR cache handling * update SPR handling * Implement SPR handling in render * Update tests, handle caching with serverless next start, add TODOs, and update manifest generating * Handle no prerender-manifest from not being used * Fix url.parse error * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Joe Haddad <> * Replace set with constants in next-page-config * simplify sprStatus.used * Add error if getStaticProps is used with getInitialProps * Remove stale TODO * Update revalidate values in SPR cache for non-seeded routes * Apply suggestions from code review * Remove concurrency type * Rename variable for clarity * Add copying prerender files during export * Add comment for clarity * Fix exporting * Update comment * Add additional note * Rename variable * Update to not re-export SPR pages from build * Hard navigate when fetching data fails * Remove default extension * Add brackets * Add checking output files to prerender tests * Adjust export move logic * Clarify behavior of export aggregation * Update variable names for clarity * Update tests * Add comment * s/an oxymoron/contradictory/ * rename * Extract error case * Add tests for exporting SPR pages and update /_next/data endpoint to end with .json * Relocate variable * Adjust route building * Rename to unstable * Rename unstable_getStaticParams * Fix linting * Only add this when a data request * Update prerender data tests * s/isServerless/isLikeServerless/ * Don't rely on query for `next start` in serverless mode * Rename var * Update renderedDuringBuild check * Add test for dynamic param with bracket * Fix serverless next start handling * remove todo * Adjust comment * Update calculateRevalidate * Remove cache logic from render.tsx * Remove extra imports * Move SPR cache logic to next-server * Remove old isDynamic prop * Add calling App getInitialProps for SPR pages * Update revalidate logic * Add isStale to SprCacheValue * Update headers for SPR * add awaiting pendingRevalidation * Dont return null for revalidation render * Adjust logic * Be sure to remove coalesced render * Fix data for serverless * Create a method coalescing utility * Remove TODO * Extract send payload helper * Wrap in-line * Move around some code * Add tests for de-duping and revalidating * Update prerender manifest test
2019-09-24 10:50:04 +02:00
isHybridAmp?: boolean
hasServerProps?: boolean
hasStaticProps?: boolean
prerenderRoutes?: string[]
encodedPrerenderRoutes?: string[]
prerenderFallback?: boolean | 'blocking'
isNextImageImported?: boolean
traceIncludes?: string[]
traceExcludes?: string[]
Add experimental SPR support (#8832) * initial commit for SPRv2 * Add initial SPR cache handling * update SPR handling * Implement SPR handling in render * Update tests, handle caching with serverless next start, add TODOs, and update manifest generating * Handle no prerender-manifest from not being used * Fix url.parse error * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Joe Haddad <> * Replace set with constants in next-page-config * simplify sprStatus.used * Add error if getStaticProps is used with getInitialProps * Remove stale TODO * Update revalidate values in SPR cache for non-seeded routes * Apply suggestions from code review * Remove concurrency type * Rename variable for clarity * Add copying prerender files during export * Add comment for clarity * Fix exporting * Update comment * Add additional note * Rename variable * Update to not re-export SPR pages from build * Hard navigate when fetching data fails * Remove default extension * Add brackets * Add checking output files to prerender tests * Adjust export move logic * Clarify behavior of export aggregation * Update variable names for clarity * Update tests * Add comment * s/an oxymoron/contradictory/ * rename * Extract error case * Add tests for exporting SPR pages and update /_next/data endpoint to end with .json * Relocate variable * Adjust route building * Rename to unstable * Rename unstable_getStaticParams * Fix linting * Only add this when a data request * Update prerender data tests * s/isServerless/isLikeServerless/ * Don't rely on query for `next start` in serverless mode * Rename var * Update renderedDuringBuild check * Add test for dynamic param with bracket * Fix serverless next start handling * remove todo * Adjust comment * Update calculateRevalidate * Remove cache logic from render.tsx * Remove extra imports * Move SPR cache logic to next-server * Remove old isDynamic prop * Add calling App getInitialProps for SPR pages * Update revalidate logic * Add isStale to SprCacheValue * Update headers for SPR * add awaiting pendingRevalidation * Dont return null for revalidation render * Adjust logic * Be sure to remove coalesced render * Fix data for serverless * Create a method coalescing utility * Remove TODO * Extract send payload helper * Wrap in-line * Move around some code * Add tests for de-duping and revalidating * Update prerender manifest test
2019-09-24 10:50:04 +02:00
}> {
const isPageStaticSpan = trace('is-page-static-utils', parentId)
return isPageStaticSpan.traceAsyncFn(async () => {
try {
const mod = await loadComponents(distDir, page, serverless)
const Comp = mod.Component
if (!Comp || !isValidElementType(Comp) || typeof Comp === 'string') {
const hasGetInitialProps = !!(Comp as any).getInitialProps
const hasStaticProps = !!mod.getStaticProps
const hasStaticPaths = !!mod.getStaticPaths
const hasServerProps = !!mod.getServerSideProps
const hasLegacyServerProps = !!(await mod.ComponentMod
const hasLegacyStaticProps = !!(await mod.ComponentMod
const hasLegacyStaticPaths = !!(await mod.ComponentMod
const hasLegacyStaticParams = !!(await mod.ComponentMod
if (hasLegacyStaticParams) {
throw new Error(
`unstable_getStaticParams was replaced with getStaticPaths. Please update your code.`
if (hasLegacyStaticPaths) {
throw new Error(
`unstable_getStaticPaths was replaced with getStaticPaths. Please update your code.`
if (hasLegacyStaticProps) {
throw new Error(
`unstable_getStaticProps was replaced with getStaticProps. Please update your code.`
if (hasLegacyServerProps) {
throw new Error(
`unstable_getServerProps was replaced with getServerSideProps. Please update your code.`
// A page cannot be prerendered _and_ define a data requirement. That's
// contradictory!
if (hasGetInitialProps && hasStaticProps) {
if (hasGetInitialProps && hasServerProps) {
if (hasStaticProps && hasServerProps) {
const pageIsDynamic = isDynamicRoute(page)
// A page cannot have static parameters if it is not a dynamic page.
if (hasStaticProps && hasStaticPaths && !pageIsDynamic) {
throw new Error(
`getStaticPaths can only be used with dynamic pages, not '${page}'.` +
`\nLearn more:`
if (hasStaticProps && pageIsDynamic && !hasStaticPaths) {
throw new Error(
`getStaticPaths is required for dynamic SSG pages and is missing for '${page}'.` +
`\nRead more:`
let prerenderRoutes: Array<string> | undefined
let encodedPrerenderRoutes: Array<string> | undefined
let prerenderFallback: boolean | 'blocking' | undefined
if (hasStaticProps && hasStaticPaths) {
paths: prerenderRoutes,
fallback: prerenderFallback,
encodedPaths: encodedPrerenderRoutes,
} = await buildStaticPaths(
const isNextImageImported = (global as any).__NEXT_IMAGE_IMPORTED
const config: PageConfig = mod.pageConfig
return {
isStatic: !hasStaticProps && !hasGetInitialProps && !hasServerProps,
isHybridAmp: config.amp === 'hybrid',
isAmpOnly: config.amp === true,
traceIncludes: config.unstable_includeFiles || [],
traceExcludes: config.unstable_excludeFiles || [],
} catch (err) {
if (isError(err) && err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') return {}
throw err
Add experimental SPR support (#8832) * initial commit for SPRv2 * Add initial SPR cache handling * update SPR handling * Implement SPR handling in render * Update tests, handle caching with serverless next start, add TODOs, and update manifest generating * Handle no prerender-manifest from not being used * Fix url.parse error * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Joe Haddad <> * Replace set with constants in next-page-config * simplify sprStatus.used * Add error if getStaticProps is used with getInitialProps * Remove stale TODO * Update revalidate values in SPR cache for non-seeded routes * Apply suggestions from code review * Remove concurrency type * Rename variable for clarity * Add copying prerender files during export * Add comment for clarity * Fix exporting * Update comment * Add additional note * Rename variable * Update to not re-export SPR pages from build * Hard navigate when fetching data fails * Remove default extension * Add brackets * Add checking output files to prerender tests * Adjust export move logic * Clarify behavior of export aggregation * Update variable names for clarity * Update tests * Add comment * s/an oxymoron/contradictory/ * rename * Extract error case * Add tests for exporting SPR pages and update /_next/data endpoint to end with .json * Relocate variable * Adjust route building * Rename to unstable * Rename unstable_getStaticParams * Fix linting * Only add this when a data request * Update prerender data tests * s/isServerless/isLikeServerless/ * Don't rely on query for `next start` in serverless mode * Rename var * Update renderedDuringBuild check * Add test for dynamic param with bracket * Fix serverless next start handling * remove todo * Adjust comment * Update calculateRevalidate * Remove cache logic from render.tsx * Remove extra imports * Move SPR cache logic to next-server * Remove old isDynamic prop * Add calling App getInitialProps for SPR pages * Update revalidate logic * Add isStale to SprCacheValue * Update headers for SPR * add awaiting pendingRevalidation * Dont return null for revalidation render * Adjust logic * Be sure to remove coalesced render * Fix data for serverless * Create a method coalescing utility * Remove TODO * Extract send payload helper * Wrap in-line * Move around some code * Add tests for de-duping and revalidating * Update prerender manifest test
2019-09-24 10:50:04 +02:00
export async function hasCustomGetInitialProps(
page: string,
distDir: string,
isLikeServerless: boolean,
runtimeEnvConfig: any,
checkingApp: boolean
): Promise<boolean> {
const components = await loadComponents(distDir, page, isLikeServerless)
let mod = components.ComponentMod
if (checkingApp) {
mod = (await mod._app) || mod.default || mod
} else {
mod = mod.default || mod
mod = await mod
return mod.getInitialProps !== mod.origGetInitialProps
export async function getNamedExports(
page: string,
distDir: string,
isLikeServerless: boolean,
runtimeEnvConfig: any
): Promise<Array<string>> {
const components = await loadComponents(distDir, page, isLikeServerless)
let mod = components.ComponentMod
return Object.keys(mod)
export function detectConflictingPaths(
combinedPages: string[],
ssgPages: Set<string>,
additionalSsgPaths: Map<string, string[]>
) {
const conflictingPaths = new Map<
path: string
page: string
const dynamicSsgPages = [...ssgPages].filter((page) => isDynamicRoute(page))
additionalSsgPaths.forEach((paths, pathsPage) => {
paths.forEach((curPath) => {
const lowerPath = curPath.toLowerCase()
let conflictingPage = combinedPages.find(
(page) => page.toLowerCase() === lowerPath
if (conflictingPage) {
conflictingPaths.set(lowerPath, [
{ path: curPath, page: pathsPage },
{ path: conflictingPage, page: conflictingPage },
} else {
let conflictingPath: string | undefined
conflictingPage = dynamicSsgPages.find((page) => {
if (page === pathsPage) return false
conflictingPath = additionalSsgPaths
?.find((compPath) => compPath.toLowerCase() === lowerPath)
return conflictingPath
if (conflictingPage && conflictingPath) {
conflictingPaths.set(lowerPath, [
{ path: curPath, page: pathsPage },
{ path: conflictingPath, page: conflictingPage },
if (conflictingPaths.size > 0) {
let conflictingPathsOutput = ''
conflictingPaths.forEach((pathItems) => {
pathItems.forEach((pathItem, idx) => {
const isDynamic = !== pathItem.path
if (idx > 0) {
conflictingPathsOutput += 'conflicts with '
conflictingPathsOutput += `path: "${pathItem.path}"${
isDynamic ? ` from page: "${}" ` : ' '
conflictingPathsOutput += '\n'
2021-10-06 05:22:46 +02:00
'Conflicting paths returned from getStaticPaths, paths must be unique per page.\n' +
'See more info here:\n\n' +
* With RSC we automatically add .server and .client to page extensions. This
* function allows to remove them for cases where we just need to strip out
* the actual extension keeping the .server and .client.
export function withoutRSCExtensions(pageExtensions: string[]): string[] {
return pageExtensions.filter(
(ext) => !ext.startsWith('client.') && !ext.startsWith('server.')
export function isServerComponentPage(
nextConfig: NextConfigComplete,
filePath: string
): boolean {
if (!nextConfig.experimental.serverComponents) {
return false
const rawPageExtensions = withoutRSCExtensions(
nextConfig.pageExtensions || []
return rawPageExtensions.some((ext) => {
return filePath.endsWith(`.server.${ext}`)
export function getUnresolvedModuleFromError(
error: string
): string | undefined {
const moduleErrorRegex = new RegExp(
`Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '(\\w+)'`
const [, moduleName] = error.match(moduleErrorRegex) || []
return builtinModules.find((item: string) => item === moduleName)
export async function copyTracedFiles(
dir: string,
distDir: string,
pageKeys: string[],
tracingRoot: string,
serverConfig: { [key: string]: any },
middlewareManifest: MiddlewareManifest
) {
const outputPath = path.join(distDir, 'standalone')
const copiedFiles = new Set()
await recursiveDelete(outputPath)
async function handleTraceFiles(traceFilePath: string) {
const traceData = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(traceFilePath, 'utf8')) as {
files: string[]
const copySema = new Sema(10, { capacity: traceData.files.length })
const traceFileDir = path.dirname(traceFilePath)
await Promise.all( (relativeFile) => {
await copySema.acquire()
const tracedFilePath = path.join(traceFileDir, relativeFile)
const fileOutputPath = path.join(
path.relative(tracingRoot, tracedFilePath)
if (!copiedFiles.has(fileOutputPath)) {
await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(fileOutputPath), { recursive: true })
const symlink = await fs.readlink(tracedFilePath).catch(() => null)
if (symlink) {
console.log('symlink', path.relative(tracingRoot, symlink))
await fs.symlink(symlink, fileOutputPath)
} else {
await fs.copyFile(tracedFilePath, fileOutputPath)
await copySema.release()
for (const middleware of Object.values(middlewareManifest.middleware) || []) {
for (const file of middleware.files) {
const originalPath = path.join(distDir, file)
const fileOutputPath = path.join(
path.relative(tracingRoot, distDir),
await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(fileOutputPath), { recursive: true })
await fs.copyFile(originalPath, fileOutputPath)
for (const page of pageKeys) {
const pageFile = path.join(
const pageTraceFile = `${pageFile}.nft.json`
await handleTraceFiles(pageTraceFile)
await handleTraceFiles(path.join(distDir, 'next-server.js.nft.json'))
const serverOutputPath = path.join(
path.relative(tracingRoot, dir),
await fs.writeFile(
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production'
const NextServer = require('next/dist/server/next-server').default
const http = require('http')
const path = require('path')
// Make sure commands gracefully respect termination signals (e.g. from Docker)
process.on('SIGTERM', () => process.exit(0))
process.on('SIGINT', () => process.exit(0))
let handler
const server = http.createServer(async (req, res) => {
try {
await handler(req, res)
} catch (err) {
res.statusCode = 500
res.end('internal server error')
const currentPort = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 3000
server.listen(currentPort, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error("Failed to start server", err)
const nextServer = new NextServer({
hostname: 'localhost',
port: currentPort,
dir: path.join(__dirname),
dev: false,
conf: ${JSON.stringify({
distDir: `./${path.relative(dir, distDir)}`,
handler = nextServer.getRequestHandler()
console.log("Listening on port", currentPort)
export function isReservedPage(page: string) {
return RESERVED_PAGE.test(page)
export function isCustomErrorPage(page: string) {
return page === '/404' || page === '/500'
// FIX ME: it does not work for non-middleware edge functions
// since chunks don't contain runtime specified somehow
export async function isEdgeRuntimeCompiled(
compilation: webpack5.Compilation,
module: any,
config: NextConfig
) {
if (!module) return false
for (const chunk of compilation.chunkGraph.getModuleChunksIterable(module)) {
let runtimes: string[]
if (typeof chunk.runtime === 'string') {
runtimes = [chunk.runtime]
} else if (chunk.runtime) {
runtimes = [...chunk.runtime]
} else {
runtimes = []
if (runtimes.some((r) => r === EDGE_RUNTIME_WEBPACK)) {
return true
const staticInfo = await getPageStaticInfo({
pageFilePath: module.resource,
nextConfig: config,
// Check the page runtime as well since we cannot detect the runtime from
// compilation when it's for the client part of edge function
return staticInfo.runtime === 'edge'
export function getNodeBuiltinModuleNotSupportedInEdgeRuntimeMessage(
name: string
) {
return (
`You're using a Node.js module (${name}) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime.\n` +
'Learn more:'