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description: Before taking your Next.js application to production, here are some recommendations to ensure the best user experience.
# Going to Production
Before taking your Next.js application to production, here are some recommendations to ensure the best user experience.
## In General
- Use [caching](#caching) wherever possible.
- Ensure your database and backend are deployed in the same region.
- Aim to ship the least amount of JavaScript possible.
- Defer loading heavy JavaScript bundles until needed.
- Ensure [logging](#logging) is set up.
- Ensure [error handling](#error-handling) is set up.
- Configure the [404](/docs/advanced-features/ (Not Found) and [500](/docs/advanced-features/ (Error) pages.
- Ensure you are [measuring performance](/docs/advanced-features/
- Run [Lighthouse]( to check for performance, best practices, accessibility, and SEO. For best results, use a production build of Next.js and use incognito in your browser so results aren't affected by extensions.
- Review [Supported Browsers and Features](/docs/basic-features/
- Improve performance using:
- [`next/image` and Automatic Image Optimization](/docs/basic-features/
- [Automatic Font Optimization](/docs/basic-features/
- [Script Optimization](/docs/basic-features/
## Caching
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<li><a href="">ssr-caching</a></li>
Caching improves response times and reduces the number of requests to external services. Next.js automatically adds caching headers to immutable assets served from `/_next/static` including JavaScript, CSS, static images, and other media.
Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000, immutable
`Cache-Control` headers set in `next.config.js` will be overwritten in production to ensure that static assets can be cached effectively. If you need to revalidate the cache of a page that has been [statically generated](/docs/basic-features/, you can do so by setting `revalidate` in the page's [`getStaticProps`](/docs/basic-features/data-fetching/ function. If you're using `next/image`, there are also [specific caching rules](/docs/basic-features/ for the default Image Optimization loader.
**Note:** When running your application locally with `next dev`, your headers are overwritten to prevent caching locally.
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
You can also use caching headers inside `getServerSideProps` and API Routes for dynamic responses. For example, using [`stale-while-revalidate`](
// This value is considered fresh for ten seconds (s-maxage=10).
// If a request is repeated within the next 10 seconds, the previously
// cached value will still be fresh. If the request is repeated before 59 seconds,
// the cached value will be stale but still render (stale-while-revalidate=59).
// In the background, a revalidation request will be made to populate the cache
// with a fresh value. If you refresh the page, you will see the new value.
export async function getServerSideProps({ req, res }) {
'public, s-maxage=10, stale-while-revalidate=59'
return {
props: {},
> **Note:** Your deployment provider must support edge caching for dynamic responses. If you are self-hosting, you will need to add this logic to the edge yourself using a key/value store. If you are using Vercel, [edge caching works without configuration](
## Reducing JavaScript Size
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<li><a href="">with-dynamic-import</a></li>
To reduce the amount of JavaScript sent to the browser, you can use the following tools to understand what is included inside each JavaScript bundle:
- [Import Cost]( Display the size of the imported package inside VSCode.
- [Package Phobia]( Find the cost of adding a new dev dependency to your project.
- [Bundle Phobia]( - Analyze how much a dependency can increase bundle sizes.
- [Webpack Bundle Analyzer]( Visualize size of webpack output files with an interactive, zoomable treemap.
Each file inside your `pages/` directory will automatically be code split into its own JavaScript bundle during `next build`. You can also use [Dynamic Imports](/docs/advanced-features/ to lazy-load components and libraries. For example, you might want to defer loading your modal code until a user clicks the open button.
## Logging
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<li><a href="">with-logging</a></li>
Since Next.js runs on both the client and server, there are multiple forms of logging supported:
- `console.log` in the browser
- `stdout` on the server
If you want a structured logging package, we recommend [Pino]( If you're using Vercel, there are [pre-built logging integrations]( compatible with Next.js.
## Error Handling
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<li><a href="">with-sentry</a></li>
When an unhandled exception occurs, you can control the experience for your users with the [500 page](/docs/advanced-features/ We recommend customizing this to your brand instead of the default Next.js theme.
You can also log and track exceptions with a tool like Sentry. [This example]( shows how to catch & report errors on both the client and server-side, using the Sentry SDK for Next.js. There's also a [Sentry integration for Vercel](
## Related
For more information on what to do next, we recommend the following sections:
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<a href="/docs/">
<small>Take your Next.js application to production.</small>