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# A statically generated blog example using Next.js and Contentful
This example showcases Next.js's [Static Generation]( feature using [Contentful]( as the data source.
## Demo
### [](
## Deploy your own
Using the Deploy Button below, you'll deploy the Next.js project as well as connect it to your Contentful space using the Vercel Contentful Integration.
[![Deploy with Vercel](](
### Related examples
- [AgilityCMS](/examples/cms-agilitycms)
- [](/examples/cms-builder-io)
- [ButterCMS](/examples/cms-buttercms)
- [Contentful](/examples/cms-contentful)
- [Cosmic](/examples/cms-cosmic)
- [DatoCMS](/examples/cms-datocms)
- [DotCMS](/examples/cms-dotcms)
- [Drupal](/examples/cms-drupal)
- [Enterspeed](/examples/cms-enterspeed)
- [Ghost](/examples/cms-ghost)
- [GraphCMS](/examples/cms-graphcms)
- [Kontent](/examples/cms-kontent-ai)
- [Prepr](/examples/cms-prepr)
- [Prismic](/examples/cms-prismic)
- [Sanity](/examples/cms-sanity)
- [Sitefinity](/examples/cms-sitefinity)
- [Storyblok](/examples/cms-storyblok)
- [TakeShape](/examples/cms-takeshape)
- [Umbraco heartcore](/examples/cms-umbraco-heartcore)
- [Webiny](/examples/cms-webiny)
- [Blog Starter](/examples/blog-starter)
- [WordPress](/examples/cms-wordpress)
## How to use
Execute [`create-next-app`]( with [npm](, [Yarn](, or [pnpm]( to bootstrap the example:
npx create-next-app --example cms-contentful cms-contentful-app
yarn create next-app --example cms-contentful cms-contentful-app
pnpm create next-app --example cms-contentful cms-contentful-app
## Configuration
### Step 1. Create an account and a space on Contentful
First, [create an account on Contentful](
After creating an account, create a new empty **space** from the [dashboard]( and assign to it any name of your liking.
### Step 2. Create a content model
The [content model]( defines the data structures of your application/websites. The structures are flexible and you can tailor them to your needs.
For this example you need to create a content model that defines an author and a post content type. **You can create these two by running a script or by doing it manually** to familiarize yourself with the Contentful user interface.
#### Run a script to create the content model
This project includes a setup script which you can use to set up the content model expected by the source code.
In your Contentful dashboard go to **Settings > General Settings** and copy the **Space ID**.
Next, go to **Settings > API > Content management tokens** and create a new token by clicking **Generate personal token**. This token has the same access rights as the logged in user. **Do not share it publicly**, you will only use it to set up your space and can delete it afterwards.
With the space ID and management access token at hand run the following command:
This command will create the needed content structures and set up your Contentful space ready to use. The output should look as follows:
> cms-contentful@1.0.0 setup /Users/stefan.judis/Projects/next.js/examples/cms-contentful
│ The following entities are going to be imported: │
│ Content Types │ 2 │
│ Editor Interfaces │ 2 │
│ Locales │ 1 │
│ Webhooks │ 0 │
│ Entries │ 0 │
│ Assets │ 0 │
✔ Validating content-file
✔ Initialize client (1s)
✔ Checking if destination space already has any content and retrieving it (2s)
✔ Apply transformations to source data (1s)
✔ Push content to destination space
✔ Connecting to space (1s)
#### Create the content model manually
##### Create an `Author` content type
From your contentful space, go to **Content model** and add a new content type:
- Give it the **Name** `Author`, the **Api Identifier** should be `author`
Once the content model is saved, add these fields (you don't have to modify the settings unless specified):
- `name` - **Text** field (type **short text**). **Field ID** should be set to `name`
- `picture` - **Media** field (type **one file**). **Field ID** should be set to `picture`
Save the content type and continue.
##### Create a `post` type
From your contentful space, go to **Content model** and add another content type:
- Give it the **Name** `Post`, the **Api Identifier** should be `post`
Next, add these fields (you don't have to modify the settings unless specified):
- `title` - **Text** field (type **short text**)
- `content` - **Rich text** field
- `excerpt` - **Text** field (type **Long text, full-text search**)
- `coverImage` - **Media** field (type **one file**)
- `date` - **Date and time** field
- `slug` - **Text** field. You can optionally go to the settings of this field, and under **Appearance**, select **Slug** to display it as a slug of the `title` field.
- `author` - **Reference** field (type **one reference**)
Save the content type and continue.
### Step 3. Validate your content model
After setting up the content model (either manually or by running `npm run setup` or `yarn setup`), it should look as follows.
**Content model overview**
![Content model overview](
### Step 4. Populate Content
Go to the **Content** section in your space, then click on **Add entry** and select the **Author** content type:
- You just need **1 author entry**.
- Use dummy data for the text.
- For the image, you can download one from [Unsplash](
Next, create another entry with the content type **Post**:
- We recommend creating at least **2 post entries**.
- Use dummy data for the text.
- For images, you can download them from [Unsplash](
- Pick the **author** you created earlier.
**Important:** For each entry and asset, you need to click on **Publish**. If not, the entry will be in draft state.
![Published content entry](
### Step 5. Set up environment variables
From your contentful space, go to **Settings > API keys**. There will be an example Content delivery / preview token - you can use these API keys. (You may also create a new key.)
Next, copy the `.env.local.example` file in this directory to `.env.local` (which will be ignored by Git):
cp .env.local.example .env.local
Then set each variable on `.env.local`:
- `CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID` should be the **Space ID** field of your API Key
- `CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN` should be the **[Content Delivery API]( - access token** field of your API key
- `CONTENTFUL_PREVIEW_ACCESS_TOKEN` should be the **[Content Preview API]( - access token** field of your API key
- `CONTENTFUL_PREVIEW_SECRET` should be any value you want. It must be URL friendly as the dashboard will send it as a query parameter to enable Next.js Draft Mode
- - `CONTENTFUL_REVALIDATE_SECRET` should be any value you want. This will be the value you pass in as a secret header from the Contentful Webhook settings to use **[On-Demand Revalidation](**
Your `.env.local` file should look like this:
### Step 6. Run Next.js in development mode
npm install
npm run dev
# or
yarn install
yarn dev
Your blog should be up and running on [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000)! If it doesn't work, post on [GitHub discussions](
### Step 7. Try Draft Mode
In your Contentful space, go to **Settings > Content preview** and add a new content preview for development.
The **Name** field may be anything, like `Development`. Then, under **Content preview URLs**, check **Post** and set its value to:
Replace `<CONTENTFUL_PREVIEW_SECRET>` with its respective value in `.env.local`.
![Content preview setup](
Once saved, go to one of the posts you've created and:
- **Update the title**. For example, you can add `[Draft]` in front of the title.
- The state of the post will switch to **CHANGED** automatically. **Do not** publish it. By doing this, the post will be in draft state.
- In the sidebar, you will see the **Open preview** button. Click on it!
![Content entry overview](
You will now be able to see the updated title. To manually exit Draft Mode, you can navigate to `/api/disable-draft` in the browser.
### Step 8. Deploy on Vercel
You can deploy this app to the cloud with [Vercel]( ([Documentation](
#### Deploy Your Local Project
Fix deploy buttons URLs (#20834) Fix all deploy button URLs in the Next.js repo to follow the following format: ```<EXAMPLE_NAME>&project-name=<EXAMPLE_NAME>&repository-name=<EXAMPLE_NAME> ``` The detailed docs for the Deploy Button can be found here: Also updates legacy Vercel import flow URLs (starting with or with, to use the new URLs. --- For example, for the `hello-world` example: The URL is And the deploy button looks like this: [![Deploy with Vercel](]( --- For reference, I used the following regexes to search for the incorrect URLs ``` \(\?s=*)\) \(\?c=1&s=[^&]*)(.*)\) \(\?template=*)\) ```
2021-01-07 02:40:29 +01:00
To deploy your local project to Vercel, push it to GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket and [import to Vercel](
**Important**: When you import your project on Vercel, make sure to click on **Environment Variables** and set them to match your `.env.local` file.
#### Deploy from Our Template
Alternatively, you can deploy using our template by clicking on the Deploy button below.
This will deploy the Next.js project as well as connect it to your Contentful space using the Vercel Contentful Integration. If you are using Draft Mode, make sure to add `CONTENTFUL_PREVIEW_SECRET` as an [Environment Variable]( as well.
[![Deploy with Vercel](](,CONTENTFUL_REVALIDATE_SECRET&envDescription=Any%20URL%20friendly%20value%20to%20secure%20Your%20App)
### Step 9. Try using On-Demand Revalidation
In your Contentful space, go to **Settings > Webhooks** and add a new webhook:
- **Give the webhook a name**
- **Activate:** Check the activate checkbox to ensure the webhook is marked as active
- **Specify the POST URL:** Using the URL from your Vercel deployment in step 8, add the path `/api/revalidate` at the end, so it would look something like:
Replace `<YOUR_VERCEL_DEPLOYMENT_URL>` with your own deployment URL as noted in the Vercel dashboard.
- **Specify Triggers:** You can choose to trigger for all events or specific events only, such as the Publishing and Unpublishing of Entries and Assets, as shown below.
![Content webhook url](
- **Specify Secret Header:** Add a secret header named `x-vercel-reval-key` and enter the value of the
![Content secret header](
- **Set Content type:** Set content type to `application/json` in the dropdown.
![Content publish changes](
- **Edit post:** Now, try editing the title of one of your blog posts in Contentful and click Publish. You should see the changed reflected in the website you just deployed, all without triggering a build! Behind the scenes a call was made to the revalidate api that triggers a revalidation of both the landing page and the specific post that was changed.
![Content publish changes](
- **Verify:** You can verify if your request was made successfully by checking the webhook request log on Contentful and checking for a successful 200 status code, or by having your functions tab open on Vercel when committing the change (log drains may also be used). If you are experiencing issues with the api call, ensure you have correctly entered in the value for environment variable `CONTENTFUL_REVALIDATE_SECRET` within your Vercel deployment.
![Content successful request](