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/* eslint-env jest */
import os from 'os'
import path from 'path'
import { Span } from 'next/dist/trace'
import loader from 'next/dist/build/babel/loader'
const dir = path.resolve(os.tmpdir())
const babel = async (code: string, queryOpts = {} as any) => {
const { isServer = false, resourcePath = `index.js` } = queryOpts
let isAsync = false
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
function callback(err, content) {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve(content.replace(/\n/g, ''))
const options = {
// loader opts
cwd: dir,
distDir: path.resolve(dir, '.next'),
'pagesDir' in queryOpts
? queryOpts.pagesDir
: path.resolve(dir, 'pages'),
cache: false,
hasReactRefresh: false,
const res = loader.bind({
async() {
isAsync = true
return callback
emitWarning() {},
query: options,
// @ts-ignore exists
getOptions: function () {
return options
currentTraceSpan: new Span({ name: 'test' }),
})(code, null)
if (!isAsync) {
describe('next-babel-loader', () => {
describe('replace constants', () => {
it('should replace typeof window expression nested', async () => {
const code = await babel('function a(){console.log(typeof window)}')
`"function a() { console.log(\\"object\\");}"`
it('should replace typeof window expression top level (client)', async () => {
const code = await babel('typeof window;')
it('should replace typeof window expression top level (server)', async () => {
const code = await babel('typeof window;', { isServer: true })
2020-05-18 19:16:07 +02:00
it('should replace typeof window in === expression nested', async () => {
const code = await babel(
`function a(){console.log(typeof window === 'undefined')}`
`"function a() { console.log(false);}"`
it('should replace typeof window expression top level', async () => {
const code = await babel(`typeof window === 'undefined';`)
2020-05-18 19:16:07 +02:00
it('should replace typeof window in === expression top level', async () => {
const code = await babel(`typeof window === 'object';`)
2020-05-18 19:16:07 +02:00
it('should replace typeof window in !== expression top level', async () => {
const code = await babel(`typeof window !== 'undefined';`)
2020-05-18 19:16:07 +02:00
it('should replace typeof window expression !== object top level', async () => {
const code = await babel(`typeof window !== 'object';`)
2020-05-18 19:16:07 +02:00
it('should replace typeof window expression top level serverside', async () => {
const code = await babel(`typeof window !== 'undefined';`, {
isServer: true,
2020-05-18 19:16:07 +02:00
it('should replace typeof window expression !== object top level serverside', async () => {
const code = await babel(`typeof window !== 'object';`, {
isServer: true,
it('should replace process.browser (1)', async () => {
const code = await babel(`process.browser`, {
isServer: false,
it('should replace process.browser (2)', async () => {
const code = await babel(`process.browser`, {
isServer: true,
it('should replace process.browser (3)', async () => {
const code = await babel(`process.browser == false`, {
isServer: true,
it('should replace process.browser (4)', async () => {
const code = await babel(`if (process.browser === false) {}`, {
isServer: true,
expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"if (true) {}"`)
it('should replace process.browser (5)', async () => {
const code = await babel(`if (process.browser) {}`, {
isServer: true,
expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"if (false) {}"`)
it('should replace NODE_ENV on client (prod)', async () => {
const code = await babel(`process.env.NODE_ENV`, {
isServer: false,
it('should replace NODE_ENV on server', async () => {
const code = await babel(`process.env.NODE_ENV`, {
isServer: true,
2020-05-18 19:16:07 +02:00
it('should replace NODE_ENV in === statement (prod)', async () => {
const code = await babel(`if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {}`)
expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"if (true) {}"`)
2020-05-18 19:16:07 +02:00
it('should replace NODE_ENV in !== statement (prod)', async () => {
const code = await babel(`if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {}`)
expect(code).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"if (false) {}"`)
it('should handle no pagesDir', async () => {
const code = await babel(
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
const Comp = dynamic(() => import('comp'))
export default function Page(props) {
return <Comp />
pagesDir: undefined,
code.replace(/modules: \[".*?"/, 'modules:["/path/to/page"')
`"var _jsxFileName = \\"index.js\\";import React from \\"react\\";var __jsx = React.createElement;import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';const Comp = dynamic(() => import('comp'), { loadableGenerated: { webpack: () => [require.resolveWeak('comp')] }});export default function Page(props) { return __jsx(Comp, { __self: this, __source: { fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 7, columnNumber: 18 } });}"`
it('should not drop unused exports by default', async () => {
const code = await babel(
// effectful
`import"core-js";` +
// basic
`import{foo,bar}from"a";import baz from"b";` +
// complex
`import * as React from "react";` +
`import baz2,{yeet}from"c";` +
`import baz3,{cats}from"d";` +
`import{c,d}from"e";` +
`import{e as ee,f as ff}from"f";`
`"import \\"core-js\\";import { foo, bar } from \\"a\\";import baz from \\"b\\";import * as React from \\"react\\";import baz2, { yeet } from \\"c\\";import baz3, { cats } from \\"d\\";import { c, d } from \\"e\\";import { e as ee, f as ff } from \\"f\\";"`
const pageFile = path.resolve(dir, 'pages', 'index.js')
it('should not drop unused exports by default in a page', async () => {
const code = await babel(
// effectful
`import"core-js";` +
// basic
`import{foo,bar}from"a";import baz from"b";` +
// complex
`import*as React from"react";` +
`import baz2,{yeet}from"c";` +
`import baz3,{cats}from"d";` +
`import{c,d}from"e";` +
`import{e as ee,f as ff}from"f";`,
{ resourcePath: pageFile }
`"import \\"core-js\\";import { foo, bar } from \\"a\\";import baz from \\"b\\";import * as React from \\"react\\";import baz2, { yeet } from \\"c\\";import baz3, { cats } from \\"d\\";import { c, d } from \\"e\\";import { e as ee, f as ff } from \\"f\\";"`
it('should drop unused exports in a modern-apis page', async () => {
const code = await babel(
// effectful
`import"core-js";` +
// basic
`import{foo,bar}from"a";import baz from"b";` +
// complex
`import*as React from"react";` +
`import baz2,{yeet}from"c";` +
`import baz3,{cats}from"d";` +
`import{c,d}from"e";` +
`import{e as ee,f as ff}from"f";` +
`` +
`export function getStaticProps() {foo;bar;baz;cats;baz2;ff; return { props: {} } }`,
{ resourcePath: pageFile }
`"import \\"core-js\\";import * as React from \\"react\\";import { yeet } from \\"c\\";import baz3 from \\"d\\";import { c, d } from \\"e\\";import { e as ee } from \\"f\\";"`
it('should keep used exports in a modern-apis page (server)', async () => {
const code = await babel(
// effectful
`import"core-js";` +
// basic
`import{foo,bar}from"a";import baz from"b";import ooo from"ooo";` +
// complex
`import*as React from"react";` +
`import baz2,{yeet}from"c";` +
`import baz3,{cats}from"d";` +
`import{c,d}from"e";` +
`import{e as ee,f as ff}from"f";` +
`` +
`export function getStaticProps() {foo();baz2();ff();ooo(); return { props: {} }}` +
`export default function () { return bar(); }`,
{ resourcePath: pageFile, isServer: true }
`"import \\"core-js\\";import { foo, bar } from \\"a\\";import baz from \\"b\\";import ooo from \\"ooo\\";import * as React from \\"react\\";import baz2, { yeet } from \\"c\\";import baz3, { cats } from \\"d\\";import { c, d } from \\"e\\";import { e as ee, f as ff } from \\"f\\";export function getStaticProps() { foo(); baz2(); ff(); ooo(); return { props: {} };}export default function () { return bar();}"`
it('should keep used exports in a modern-apis page (client)', async () => {
const code = await babel(
// effectful
`import"core-js";` +
// basic
`import{foo,bar}from"a";import baz from"b";import ooo from"ooo";` +
// complex
`import*as React from"react";` +
`import baz2,{yeet}from"c";` +
`import baz3,{cats}from"d";` +
`import{c,d}from"e";` +
`import{e as ee,f as ff}from"f";` +
`` +
`export function getStaticProps() {foo();baz2();ff();ooo();cats; return { props: {} }}` +
`export default function () { return cats + bar(); }`,
{ resourcePath: pageFile, isServer: false }
`"import \\"core-js\\";import { bar } from \\"a\\";import baz from \\"b\\";import * as React from \\"react\\";import { yeet } from \\"c\\";import baz3, { cats } from \\"d\\";import { c, d } from \\"e\\";import { e as ee } from \\"f\\";export var __N_SSG = true;export default function () { return cats + bar();}"`
it('should keep used exports and react in a modern-apis page with JSX (client)', async () => {
const code = await babel(
// effectful
`import"core-js";` +
// basic
`import{foo,bar}from"a";import baz from"b";import ooo from"ooo";` +
// complex
`import*as React from"react";` +
`import baz2,{yeet}from"c";` +
`import baz3,{cats}from"d";` +
`import{c,d}from"e";` +
`import{e as ee,f as ff}from"f";` +
`` +
`export function getStaticProps() {foo();baz2();ff();ooo(); return { props: {} }}` +
`export default function () { return <div>{cats + bar()}</div> }`,
{ resourcePath: pageFile, isServer: false }
`var __jsx = React.createElement;import "core-js";import { bar } from "a";import baz from "b";import * as React from "react";import { yeet } from "c";import baz3, { cats } from "d";import { c, d } from "e";import { e as ee } from "f";export var __N_SSG = true;export default function () { return __jsx("div", { __self: this, __source: { fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 326 } }, cats + bar());}`