
253 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* global location */
import '../build/polyfills/polyfill-module'
// @ts-ignore react-dom/client exists when using React 18
import ReactDOMClient from 'react-dom/client'
// @ts-ignore startTransition exists when using React 18
import React, { useState, startTransition } from 'react'
import { RefreshContext } from './streaming/refresh'
import { createFromFetch } from 'next/dist/compiled/react-server-dom-webpack'
/// <reference types="react-dom/experimental" />
export const version = process.env.__NEXT_VERSION
const appElement: HTMLElement | Document | null = document
let reactRoot: any = null
function renderReactElement(
domEl: HTMLElement | Document,
fn: () => JSX.Element
): void {
const reactEl = fn()
if (!reactRoot) {
// Unlike with createRoot, you don't need a separate root.render() call here
reactRoot = (ReactDOMClient as any).hydrateRoot(domEl, reactEl)
} else {
const getCacheKey = () => {
const { pathname, search } = location
return pathname + search
const encoder = new TextEncoder()
let initialServerDataBuffer: string[] | undefined = undefined
let initialServerDataWriter: WritableStreamDefaultWriter | undefined = undefined
let initialServerDataLoaded = false
let initialServerDataFlushed = false
function nextServerDataCallback(seg: [number, string, string]) {
if (seg[0] === 0) {
initialServerDataBuffer = []
} else {
if (!initialServerDataBuffer)
throw new Error('Unexpected server data: missing bootstrap script.')
if (initialServerDataWriter) {
} else {
// There might be race conditions between `nextServerDataRegisterWriter` and
// `DOMContentLoaded`. The former will be called when React starts to hydrate
// the root, the latter will be called when the DOM is fully loaded.
// For streaming, the former is called first due to partial hydration.
// For non-streaming, the latter can be called first.
// Hence, we use two variables `initialServerDataLoaded` and
// `initialServerDataFlushed` to make sure the writer will be closed and
// `initialServerDataBuffer` will be cleared in the right time.
function nextServerDataRegisterWriter(writer: WritableStreamDefaultWriter) {
if (initialServerDataBuffer) {
initialServerDataBuffer.forEach((val) => {
if (initialServerDataLoaded && !initialServerDataFlushed) {
initialServerDataFlushed = true
initialServerDataBuffer = undefined
initialServerDataWriter = writer
// When `DOMContentLoaded`, we can close all pending writers to finish hydration.
const DOMContentLoaded = function () {
if (initialServerDataWriter && !initialServerDataFlushed) {
initialServerDataFlushed = true
initialServerDataBuffer = undefined
initialServerDataLoaded = true
// It's possible that the DOM is already loaded.
if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', DOMContentLoaded, false)
} else {
const nextServerDataLoadingGlobal = ((self as any).__next_s =
(self as any).__next_s || [])
nextServerDataLoadingGlobal.push = nextServerDataCallback
function createResponseCache() {
return new Map<string, any>()
const rscCache = createResponseCache()
function fetchFlight(href: string, props?: any) {
const url = new URL(href, location.origin)
const searchParams = url.searchParams
searchParams.append('__flight__', '1')
if (props) {
searchParams.append('__props__', JSON.stringify(props))
return fetch(url.toString())
function useServerResponse(cacheKey: string, serialized?: string) {
let response = rscCache.get(cacheKey)
if (response) return response
if (initialServerDataBuffer) {
const t = new TransformStream()
const writer = t.writable.getWriter()
response = createFromFetch(Promise.resolve({ body: t.readable }))
} else {
const fetchPromise = serialized
? (() => {
const t = new TransformStream()
const writer = t.writable.getWriter()
writer.ready.then(() => {
writer.write(new TextEncoder().encode(serialized))
return Promise.resolve({ body: t.readable })
: fetchFlight(getCacheKey())
response = createFromFetch(fetchPromise)
rscCache.set(cacheKey, response)
return response
const ServerRoot = ({
}: {
cacheKey: string
serialized?: string
}) => {
React.useEffect(() => {
const response = useServerResponse(cacheKey, serialized)
const root = response.readRoot()
return root
function Root({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren<{}>): React.ReactElement {
if (process.env.__NEXT_TEST_MODE) {
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
React.useEffect(() => {
window.__NEXT_HYDRATED = true
if (window.__NEXT_HYDRATED_CB) {
}, [])
return children as React.ReactElement
const RSCComponent = (props: any) => {
const cacheKey = getCacheKey()
const { __flight_serialized__ } = props
const [, dispatch] = useState({})
const rerender = () => dispatch({})
// If there is no cache, or there is serialized data already
function refreshCache(nextProps: any) {
startTransition(() => {
const currentCacheKey = getCacheKey()
const response = createFromFetch(fetchFlight(currentCacheKey, nextProps))
rscCache.set(currentCacheKey, response)
return (
<RefreshContext.Provider value={refreshCache}>
<ServerRoot cacheKey={cacheKey} serialized={__flight_serialized__} />
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
const AppRouterContext = React.createContext({})
// TODO: move to client component when handling is implemented
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function AppRouter({ initialUrl, children }: any) {
const initialState = {
url: initialUrl,
const previousUrlRef = React.useRef(initialState)
const [current, setCurrent] = React.useState(initialState)
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
const appRouter = React.useMemo(() => {
return {
push: (url: string) => {
previousUrlRef.current = current
setCurrent({ ...current, url })
// TODO: update url eagerly or not?
window.history.pushState(current, '', url)
url: current.url,
}, [current])
// @ts-ignore TODO: for testing
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window.appRouter = appRouter
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
previous: previousUrlRef.current,
let root
if (current.url !== previousUrlRef.current?.url) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
const data = useServerResponse(current.url)
root = data.readRoot()
return (
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<AppRouterContext.Provider value={appRouter}>
{root ? root : children}
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export function hydrate() {
renderReactElement(appElement!, () => (
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
<AppRouter initialUrl={location.pathname}>
<RSCComponent />
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