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Adds ESLint with default rule-set (#23702) This PR re-includes ESLint with some notable changes, namely a guided setup similar to how TypeScript is instantiated in a Next.js application. To add ESLint to a project, developers will have to create an `.eslintrc` file in the root of their project or add an empty `eslintConfig` object to their `package.json` file. ```js touch .eslintrc ``` Then running `next build` will show instructions to install the required packages needed: <img width="862" alt="Screen Shot 2021-04-19 at 7 38 27 PM" src=""> Once installed and `next build` is run again, `.eslintrc` will be automatically configured to include the default config: ```json { "extends": "next" } ``` In addition to this change: - The feature is now under the experimental flag and requires opt-in. After testing and feedback, it will be switched to the top-level namespace and turned on by default. - A new ESLint shareable configuration package is included that can be extended in any application with `{ extends: 'next' }` - This default config extends recommended rule sets from [`eslint-plugin-react`](, [`eslint-plugin-react-hooks`](, and [`eslint-plugin-next`]( - All rules in [`eslint-plugin-next`]( have been modified to include actionable links that show more information to help resolve each issue
2021-04-30 13:09:07 +02:00
import chalk from 'chalk'
import path from 'path'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
export enum MessageSeverity {
Warning = 1,
Error = 2,
interface LintMessage {
ruleId: string | null
severity: 1 | 2
message: string
line: number
column: number
interface LintResult {
filePath: string
messages: LintMessage[]
errorCount: number
warningCount: number
output?: string
source?: string
function formatMessage(
dir: string,
messages: LintMessage[],
filePath: string
): string | void {
let fileName = path.posix.normalize(
path.relative(dir, filePath).replace(/\\/g, '/')
if (!fileName.startsWith('.')) {
fileName = './' + fileName
let output = '\n' + chalk.cyan(fileName)
for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
const { message, severity, line, column, ruleId } = messages[i]
output = output + '\n'
if (line && column) {
output =
output +
chalk.yellow(line.toString()) +
':' +
chalk.yellow(column.toString()) +
' '
if (severity === MessageSeverity.Warning) {
output += chalk.yellow.bold('Warning') + ': '
} else {
output +='Error') + ': '
output += message
if (ruleId) {
output += ' ' + chalk.gray.bold(ruleId)
return output
export function formatResults(baseDir: string, results: LintResult[]): string {
const formattedResults = results
.filter(({ messages }) => messages?.length)
.map(({ messages, filePath }) => formatMessage(baseDir, messages, filePath))
return formattedResults.length > 0
? formattedResults +
'Need to disable some ESLint rules? Learn more here:'
: ''
Adds ESLint with default rule-set (#23702) This PR re-includes ESLint with some notable changes, namely a guided setup similar to how TypeScript is instantiated in a Next.js application. To add ESLint to a project, developers will have to create an `.eslintrc` file in the root of their project or add an empty `eslintConfig` object to their `package.json` file. ```js touch .eslintrc ``` Then running `next build` will show instructions to install the required packages needed: <img width="862" alt="Screen Shot 2021-04-19 at 7 38 27 PM" src=""> Once installed and `next build` is run again, `.eslintrc` will be automatically configured to include the default config: ```json { "extends": "next" } ``` In addition to this change: - The feature is now under the experimental flag and requires opt-in. After testing and feedback, it will be switched to the top-level namespace and turned on by default. - A new ESLint shareable configuration package is included that can be extended in any application with `{ extends: 'next' }` - This default config extends recommended rule sets from [`eslint-plugin-react`](, [`eslint-plugin-react-hooks`](, and [`eslint-plugin-next`]( - All rules in [`eslint-plugin-next`]( have been modified to include actionable links that show more information to help resolve each issue
2021-04-30 13:09:07 +02:00