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import './node-polyfill-fetch'
import './node-polyfill-web-streams'
import type { Route } from './router'
import {
} from '../shared/lib/utils'
import type { MiddlewareManifest } from '../build/webpack/plugins/middleware-plugin'
import type RenderResult from './render-result'
import type { FetchEventResult } from './web/types'
import type { PrerenderManifest } from '../build'
import type { Rewrite } from '../lib/load-custom-routes'
import type { BaseNextRequest, BaseNextResponse } from './base-http'
import type { PagesManifest } from '../build/webpack/plugins/pages-manifest-plugin'
import type { PayloadOptions } from './send-payload'
import type { NextParsedUrlQuery, NextUrlWithParsedQuery } from './request-meta'
import type {
} from '../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher'
import fs from 'fs'
import { join, relative, resolve, sep } from 'path'
import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'
import { addRequestMeta, getRequestMeta } from './request-meta'
import {
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
} from '../shared/lib/constants'
import { recursiveReadDirSync } from './lib/recursive-readdir-sync'
import { format as formatUrl, UrlWithParsedQuery } from 'url'
import compression from 'next/dist/compiled/compression'
import HttpProxy from 'next/dist/compiled/http-proxy'
import { getPathMatch } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/path-match'
import { run } from './web/sandbox'
import { NodeNextRequest, NodeNextResponse } from './base-http/node'
import { sendRenderResult } from './send-payload'
import { getExtension, serveStatic } from './serve-static'
import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring'
import { apiResolver } from './api-utils/node'
import { RenderOpts, renderToHTML } from './render'
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
import { renderToHTML as appRenderToHTML } from './app-render'
import { ParsedUrl, parseUrl } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/parse-url'
import * as Log from '../build/output/log'
import BaseServer, {
} from './base-server'
import { getPagePath, requireFontManifest } from './require'
import { denormalizePagePath } from '../shared/lib/page-path/denormalize-page-path'
Refactor Page Paths utils and Middleware Plugin (#36576) This PR brings some significant refactoring in preparation for upcoming middleware changes. Each commit can be reviewed independently, here is a summary of what each one does and the reasoning behind it: - [Move pagesDir to next-dev-server]( simply moves the `pagesDir` property to the dev server which is the only place where it is needed. Having it for every server is misleading. - [Move (de)normalize page path utils to a file page-path-utils.ts]( Moves the functions to normalize and denormalize page paths to a single file that is intended to hold every utility function that transforms page paths. Since those are complementary it makes sense to have them together. I also added explanatory comments on why they are not idempotent and examples for input -> output that I find very useful. - [Extract removePagePathTail]( This extracts a function to remove the tail on a page path (absolute or relative). I'm sure there will be other contexts where we can use it. - [Extract getPagePaths and refactor findPageFile]( This extracts a function `getPagePaths` that is used to generate an array of paths to inspect when looking for a page file from `findPageFile`. Then it refactors such function to use it parallelizing lookups. This will allow us to print every path we look at when looking for a file which can be useful for debugging. It also adds a `flatten` helper. - [Refactor onDemandEntryHandler]( I've found this one quite difficult to understand so it is refactored to use some of the previously mentioned functions and make it easier to read. - [Extract absolutePagePath util]( Extracts yet another util from the `next-dev-server` that transforms an absolute path into a page name. Of course it adds comments, parameters and examples. - [Refactor MiddlewarePlugin]( This is the most significant change. The logic here was very hard to understand so it is totally redistributed with comments. This also removes a global variable `ssrEntries` that was deprecated in favour of module metadata added to Webpack from loaders keeping less dependencies. It also adds types and makes a clear distinction between phases where we statically analyze the code, find metadata and generate the manifest file cc @shuding @huozhi EDIT: - [Split page path utils]( After seeing one of the utils was being used by the client while it was defined originally in the server, with this PR we are splitting the util into multiple files and moving it to `shared/lib` in order to make explicit that those can be also imported from client.
2022-04-30 13:19:27 +02:00
import { normalizePagePath } from '../shared/lib/page-path/normalize-page-path'
import { loadComponents } from './load-components'
import isError, { getProperError } from '../lib/is-error'
import { FontManifest } from './font-utils'
import { toNodeHeaders } from './web/utils'
import { relativizeURL } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/relativize-url'
import { prepareDestination } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/prepare-destination'
import { normalizeLocalePath } from '../shared/lib/i18n/normalize-locale-path'
import { getRouteMatcher } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/route-matcher'
import { loadEnvConfig } from '@next/env'
import { getCustomRoute } from './server-route-utils'
import { urlQueryToSearchParams } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/querystring'
import ResponseCache from '../server/response-cache'
import { removeTrailingSlash } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/remove-trailing-slash'
import { getNextPathnameInfo } from '../shared/lib/router/utils/get-next-pathname-info'
import {
} from './body-streams'
import { checkIsManualRevalidate } from './api-utils'
import { isDynamicRoute } from '../shared/lib/router/utils'
import { shouldUseReactRoot } from './utils'
if (shouldUseReactRoot) {
;(process.env as any).__NEXT_REACT_ROOT = 'true'
export * from './base-server'
type ExpressMiddleware = (
req: IncomingMessage,
res: ServerResponse,
next: (err?: Error) => void
) => void
export interface NodeRequestHandler {
req: IncomingMessage | BaseNextRequest,
res: ServerResponse | BaseNextResponse,
parsedUrl?: NextUrlWithParsedQuery | undefined
): Promise<void>
export default class NextNodeServer extends BaseServer {
private imageResponseCache?: ResponseCache
constructor(options: Options) {
// Initialize super class
* This sets environment variable to be used at the time of SSR by head.tsx.
* Using this from process.env allows targeting both serverless and SSR by calling
* `process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_CSS`.
if (this.renderOpts.optimizeFonts) {
process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_FONTS = JSON.stringify(true)
if (this.renderOpts.optimizeCss) {
process.env.__NEXT_OPTIMIZE_CSS = JSON.stringify(true)
Adds web worker support to `<Script />` using Partytown (#34244) ## Summary This PR adds a new `worker` strategy to the `<Script />` component that automatically relocates and executes the script in a web worker. ```jsx <Script strategy="worker" ... /> ``` [Partytown]( is used under the hood to provide this functionality. ## Behavior - This will land as an experimental feature and will only work behind an opt-in flag in `next.config.js`: ```js experimental: { nextScriptWorkers: true } ``` - This setup use a similar approach to how ESLint and Typescript is used in Next.js by showing an error to the user to install the dependency locally themselves if they've enabled the experimental `nextScriptWorkers` flag. <img width="1068" alt="Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 2 33 13 PM" src=""> - For Partytown to work, a number of static files must be served directly from the site (see [docs]( In this PR, these files are automatically copied to a `~partytown` directory in `.next/static` during `next build` and `next dev` if the `nextScriptWorkers` flag is set to true. ## Checklist - [X] Implements an existing feature request or RFC. Make sure the feature request has been accepted for implementation before opening a PR. - [X] Related issues linked using `fixes #number` - [X] Integration tests added - [X] Documentation added - [ ] Telemetry added. In case of a feature if it's used or not. This PR fixes #31517.
2022-03-11 23:26:46 +01:00
if (this.renderOpts.nextScriptWorkers) {
process.env.__NEXT_SCRIPT_WORKERS = JSON.stringify(true)
if (!this.minimalMode) {
const { ImageOptimizerCache } =
require('./image-optimizer') as typeof import('./image-optimizer')
this.imageResponseCache = new ResponseCache(
new ImageOptimizerCache({
distDir: this.distDir,
nextConfig: this.nextConfig,
if (! {
// pre-warm _document and _app as these will be
// needed for most requests
loadComponents(this.distDir, '/_document', this._isLikeServerless).catch(
() => {}
loadComponents(this.distDir, '/_app', this._isLikeServerless).catch(
() => {}
private compression =
this.nextConfig.compress && === 'server'
? (compression() as ExpressMiddleware)
: undefined
protected loadEnvConfig({ dev }: { dev: boolean }) {
loadEnvConfig(this.dir, dev, Log)
protected getPublicDir(): string {
return join(this.dir, CLIENT_PUBLIC_FILES_PATH)
protected getHasStaticDir(): boolean {
return fs.existsSync(join(this.dir, 'static'))
protected getPagesManifest(): PagesManifest | undefined {
return require(join(this.serverDistDir, PAGES_MANIFEST))
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
protected getAppPathsManifest(): PagesManifest | undefined {
if (this.nextConfig.experimental.appDir) {
const appPathsManifestPath = join(this.serverDistDir, APP_PATHS_MANIFEST)
return require(appPathsManifestPath)
protected getBuildId(): string {
const buildIdFile = join(this.distDir, BUILD_ID_FILE)
try {
return fs.readFileSync(buildIdFile, 'utf8').trim()
} catch (err) {
if (!fs.existsSync(buildIdFile)) {
throw new Error(
`Could not find a production build in the '${this.distDir}' directory. Try building your app with 'next build' before starting the production server.`
throw err
protected generateImageRoutes(): Route[] {
return [
match: getPathMatch('/_next/image'),
type: 'route',
name: '_next/image catchall',
fn: async (req, res, _params, parsedUrl) => {
if (this.minimalMode) {
res.statusCode = 400
res.body('Bad Request').send()
return {
finished: true,
const { getHash, ImageOptimizerCache, sendResponse, ImageError } =
require('./image-optimizer') as typeof import('./image-optimizer')
if (!this.imageResponseCache) {
throw new Error(
'invariant image optimizer cache was not initialized'
const imagesConfig = this.nextConfig.images
if (imagesConfig.loader !== 'default') {
await this.render404(req, res)
return { finished: true }
const paramsResult = ImageOptimizerCache.validateParams(
(req as NodeNextRequest).originalRequest,
if ('errorMessage' in paramsResult) {
res.statusCode = 400
return { finished: true }
const cacheKey = ImageOptimizerCache.getCacheKey(paramsResult)
try {
const cacheEntry = await this.imageResponseCache.get(
async () => {
const { buffer, contentType, maxAge } =
await this.imageOptimizer(
req as NodeNextRequest,
res as NodeNextResponse,
const etag = getHash([buffer])
return {
value: {
kind: 'IMAGE',
extension: getExtension(contentType) as string,
revalidate: maxAge,
if (cacheEntry?.value?.kind !== 'IMAGE') {
throw new Error(
'invariant did not get entry from image response cache'
(req as NodeNextRequest).originalRequest,
(res as NodeNextResponse).originalResponse,
cacheEntry.isMiss ? 'MISS' : cacheEntry.isStale ? 'STALE' : 'HIT',
cacheEntry.revalidate || 0,
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof ImageError) {
res.statusCode = err.statusCode
return {
finished: true,
throw err
return { finished: true }
protected generateStaticRoutes(): Route[] {
return this.hasStaticDir
? [
// It's very important to keep this route's param optional.
// (but it should support as many params as needed, separated by '/')
// Otherwise this will lead to a pretty simple DOS attack.
// See more:
match: getPathMatch('/static/:path*'),
name: 'static catchall',
fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => {
const p = join(this.dir, 'static', ...params.path)
await this.serveStatic(req, res, p, parsedUrl)
return {
finished: true,
} as Route,
: []
protected setImmutableAssetCacheControl(res: BaseNextResponse): void {
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable')
protected generateFsStaticRoutes(): Route[] {
return [
match: getPathMatch('/_next/static/:path*'),
type: 'route',
name: '_next/static catchall',
fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => {
// make sure to 404 for /_next/static itself
if (!params.path) {
await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl)
return {
finished: true,
if (
params.path[0] === CLIENT_STATIC_FILES_RUNTIME ||
params.path[0] === 'chunks' ||
params.path[0] === 'css' ||
params.path[0] === 'image' ||
params.path[0] === 'media' ||
params.path[0] === this.buildId ||
params.path[0] === 'pages' ||
params.path[1] === 'pages'
) {
const p = join(
...(params.path || [])
await this.serveStatic(req, res, p, parsedUrl)
return {
finished: true,
protected generatePublicRoutes(): Route[] {
if (!fs.existsSync(this.publicDir)) return []
const publicFiles = new Set(
recursiveReadDirSync(this.publicDir).map((p) =>
encodeURI(p.replace(/\\/g, '/'))
return [
match: getPathMatch('/:path*'),
matchesBasePath: true,
name: 'public folder catchall',
fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => {
const pathParts: string[] = params.path || []
const { basePath } = this.nextConfig
// if basePath is defined require it be present
if (basePath) {
const basePathParts = basePath.split('/')
// remove first empty value
if (
!basePathParts.every((part: string, idx: number) => {
return part === pathParts[idx]
) {
return { finished: false }
pathParts.splice(0, basePathParts.length)
let path = `/${pathParts.join('/')}`
if (!publicFiles.has(path)) {
// In `next-dev-server.ts`, we ensure encoded paths match
// decoded paths on the filesystem. So we need do the
// opposite here: make sure decoded paths match encoded.
path = encodeURI(path)
if (publicFiles.has(path)) {
await this.serveStatic(
join(this.publicDir, ...pathParts),
return {
finished: true,
return {
finished: false,
} as Route,
private _validFilesystemPathSet: Set<string> | null = null
protected getFilesystemPaths(): Set<string> {
if (this._validFilesystemPathSet) {
return this._validFilesystemPathSet
const pathUserFilesStatic = join(this.dir, 'static')
let userFilesStatic: string[] = []
if (this.hasStaticDir && fs.existsSync(pathUserFilesStatic)) {
userFilesStatic = recursiveReadDirSync(pathUserFilesStatic).map((f) =>
join('.', 'static', f)
let userFilesPublic: string[] = []
if (this.publicDir && fs.existsSync(this.publicDir)) {
userFilesPublic = recursiveReadDirSync(this.publicDir).map((f) =>
join('.', 'public', f)
let nextFilesStatic: string[] = []
nextFilesStatic =
!this.minimalMode && fs.existsSync(join(this.distDir, 'static'))
? recursiveReadDirSync(join(this.distDir, 'static')).map((f) =>
join('.', relative(this.dir, this.distDir), 'static', f)
: []
return (this._validFilesystemPathSet = new Set<string>([
protected sendRenderResult(
req: NodeNextRequest,
res: NodeNextResponse,
options: {
result: RenderResult
type: 'html' | 'json'
generateEtags: boolean
poweredByHeader: boolean
options?: PayloadOptions | undefined
): Promise<void> {
return sendRenderResult({
req: req.originalRequest,
res: res.originalResponse,
protected sendStatic(
req: NodeNextRequest,
res: NodeNextResponse,
path: string
): Promise<void> {
return serveStatic(req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse, path)
protected handleCompression(
req: NodeNextRequest,
res: NodeNextResponse
): void {
if (this.compression) {
this.compression(req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse, () => {})
protected async proxyRequest(
req: NodeNextRequest,
res: NodeNextResponse,
parsedUrl: ParsedUrl
) {
const { query } = parsedUrl
delete (parsedUrl as any).query = stringifyQuery(req, query)
const target = formatUrl(parsedUrl)
const proxy = new HttpProxy({
changeOrigin: true,
ignorePath: true,
xfwd: true,
proxyTimeout: 30_000, // limit proxying to 30 seconds
await new Promise((proxyResolve, proxyReject) => {
let finished = false
proxy.on('proxyReq', (proxyReq) => {
proxyReq.on('close', () => {
if (!finished) {
finished = true
proxy.on('error', (err) => {
if (!finished) {
finished = true
proxy.web(req.originalRequest, res.originalResponse)
return {
finished: true,
protected async runApi(
req: BaseNextRequest | NodeNextRequest,
res: BaseNextResponse | NodeNextResponse,
query: ParsedUrlQuery,
params: Params | undefined,
page: string,
builtPagePath: string
): Promise<boolean> {
const handledAsEdgeFunction = await this.runEdgeFunction({
if (handledAsEdgeFunction) {
return true
const pageModule = await require(builtPagePath)
query = { ...query, ...params }
delete query.__nextLocale
delete query.__nextDefaultLocale
if (! && this._isLikeServerless) {
if (typeof pageModule.default === 'function') {
prepareServerlessUrl(req, query)
await pageModule.default(req, res)
return true
await apiResolver(
(req as NodeNextRequest).originalRequest,
(res as NodeNextResponse).originalResponse,
revalidate: (newReq: IncomingMessage, newRes: ServerResponse) =>
new NodeNextRequest(newReq),
new NodeNextResponse(newRes)
// internal config so is not typed
trustHostHeader: (this.nextConfig.experimental as any).trustHostHeader,
return true
protected async renderHTML(
req: NodeNextRequest,
res: NodeNextResponse,
pathname: string,
query: NextParsedUrlQuery,
renderOpts: RenderOpts
): Promise<RenderResult | null> {
// Due to the way we pass data by mutating `renderOpts`, we can't extend the
// object here but only updating its `serverComponentManifest` field.
renderOpts.serverComponentManifest = this.serverComponentManifest
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
if (
this.nextConfig.experimental.appDir &&
(renderOpts.isAppPath || query.__flight__)
) {
const isPagesDir = !renderOpts.isAppPath
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
return appRenderToHTML(
Implement new client-side router (#37551) ## Client-side router for `app` directory This PR implements the new router that leverages React 18 concurrent features like Suspense and startTransition. It also integrates with React Server Components and builds on top of it to allow server-centric routing that only renders the part of the page that has to change. It's one of the pieces of the implementation of ## Details I'm going to document the differences with the current router here (will be reworked for the upgrade guide) ### Client-side cache In the current router we have an in-memory cache for getStaticProps data so that if you prefetch and then navigate to a route that has been prefetched it'll be near-instant. For getServerSideProps the behavior is different, any navigation to a page with getServerSideProps fetches the data again. In the new model the cache is a fundamental piece, it's more granular than at the page level and is set up to ensure consistency across concurrent renders. It can also be invalidated at any level. #### Push/Replace (also applies to next/link) The new router still has a `router.push` / `router.replace` method. There are a few differences in how it works though: - It only takes `href` as an argument, historically you had to provide `href` (the page path) and `as` (the actual url path) to do dynamic routing. In later versions of Next.js this is no longer required and in the majority of cases `as` was no longer needed. In the new router there's no way to reason about `href` vs `as` because there is no notion of "pages" in the browser. - Both methods now use `startTransition`, you can wrap these in your own `startTransition` to get `isPending` - The push/replace support concurrent rendering. When a render is bailed by clicking a different link to navigate to a completely different page that still works and doesn't cause race conditions. - Support for optimistic loading states when navigating ##### Hard/Soft push/replace Because of the client-side cache being reworked this now allows us to cover two cases: hard push and soft push. The main difference between the two is if the cache is reused while navigating. The default for `next/link` is a `hard` push which means that the part of the cache affected by the navigation will be invalidated, e.g. if you already navigated to `/dashboard` and you `router.push('/dashboard')` again it'll get the latest version. This is similar to the existing `getServerSideProps` handling. In case of a soft push (API to be defined but for testing added `router.softPush('/')`) it'll reuse the existing cache and not invalidate parts that are already filled in. In practice this means it's more like the `getStaticProps` client-side navigation because it does not fetch on navigation except if a part of the page is missing. #### Back/Forward navigation Back and Forward navigation ([popstate]( are always handled as a soft navigation, meaning that the cache is reused, this ensures back/forward navigation is near-instant when it's in the client-side cache. This will also allow back/forward navigation to be a high priority update instead of a transition as it is based on user interaction. Note: in this PR it still uses `startTransition` as there's no way to handle the high priority update suspending which happens in case of missing data in the cache. We're working with the React team on a solution for this particular case. ### Layouts Note: this section assumes you've read [The layouts RFC]( and [React Server Components RFC]( React Server Components rendering leverages the Flight streaming mechanism in React 18, this allows sending a serializable representation of the rendered React tree on the server to the browser, the client-side React can use this serialized representation to render components client-side without the JavaScript being sent to the browser. This is one of the building blocks of Server Components. This allows a bunch of interesting features but for now I'll keep it to how it affects layouts. When you have a `app/dashboard/layout.js` and `app/dashboard/page.js` the page will render as children of the layout, when you add another page like `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` that page falls under the dashboard layout as well. When client-side navigating the new router automatically figures out if the page you're navigating to can be a smaller render than the whole page, in this case `app/dashboard/page.js` and `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js` share the `app/dashboard/layout.js` so instead of rendering the whole page we render below the layout component, this means the layout itself does not get re-rendered, the layout's `getServerSideProps` would not be called, and the Flight response would only hold the result of `app/dashboard/integrations/page.js`, effectively giving you the smallest patch for the UI. --- Note: the commits in this PR were mostly work in progress to ensure it wasn't lost along the way. The implementation was reworked a bunch of times to where it is now. Co-authored-by: Jiachi Liu <> Co-authored-by: JJ Kasper <>
2022-07-06 23:16:47 +02:00
return renderToHTML(
protected streamResponseChunk(res: NodeNextResponse, chunk: any) {
// When both compression and streaming are enabled, we need to explicitly
// flush the response to avoid it being buffered by gzip.
if (this.compression && 'flush' in res.originalResponse) {
;(res.originalResponse as any).flush()
protected async imageOptimizer(
req: NodeNextRequest,
res: NodeNextResponse,
paramsResult: import('./image-optimizer').ImageParamsResult
): Promise<{ buffer: Buffer; contentType: string; maxAge: number }> {
const { imageOptimizer } =
require('./image-optimizer') as typeof import('./image-optimizer')
return imageOptimizer(
(newReq, newRes, newParsedUrl) =>
new NodeNextRequest(newReq),
new NodeNextResponse(newRes),
protected getPagePath(pathname: string, locales?: string[]): string {
return getPagePath(
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
protected async findPageComponents(
pathname: string,
query: NextParsedUrlQuery = {},
params: Params | null = null,
isAppDir: boolean = false
): Promise<FindComponentsResult | null> {
let paths = [
// try serving a static AMP version first
query.amp ? normalizePagePath(pathname) + '.amp' : null,
if (query.__nextLocale) {
paths = [
(path) => `/${query.__nextLocale}${path === '/' ? '' : path}`
for (const pagePath of paths) {
try {
const components = await loadComponents(
! && this._isLikeServerless,
2022-05-25 11:46:26 +02:00
if (
query.__nextLocale &&
typeof components.Component === 'string' &&
) {
// if loading an static HTML file the locale is required
// to be present since all HTML files are output under their locale
return {
query: {
? ({
amp: query.amp,
__nextDataReq: query.__nextDataReq,
__nextLocale: query.__nextLocale,
__nextDefaultLocale: query.__nextDefaultLocale,
__flight__: query.__flight__,
} as NextParsedUrlQuery)
: query),
// For appDir params is excluded.
...((isAppDir ? {} : params) || {}),
} catch (err) {
// we should only not throw if we failed to find the page
// in the pages-manifest
if (!(err instanceof PageNotFoundError)) {
throw err
return null
protected getFontManifest(): FontManifest {
return requireFontManifest(this.distDir, this._isLikeServerless)
protected getServerComponentManifest() {
if (!this.nextConfig.experimental.serverComponents) return undefined
return require(join(this.distDir, 'server', FLIGHT_MANIFEST + '.json'))
protected getCacheFilesystem(): CacheFs {
return {
readFile: (f) => fs.promises.readFile(f, 'utf8'),
readFileSync: (f) => fs.readFileSync(f, 'utf8'),
writeFile: (f, d) => fs.promises.writeFile(f, d, 'utf8'),
mkdir: (dir) => fs.promises.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }),
stat: (f) => fs.promises.stat(f),
private normalizeReq(
req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage
): BaseNextRequest {
return req instanceof IncomingMessage ? new NodeNextRequest(req) : req
private normalizeRes(
res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse
): BaseNextResponse {
return res instanceof ServerResponse ? new NodeNextResponse(res) : res
public getRequestHandler(): NodeRequestHandler {
const handler = super.getRequestHandler()
return async (req, res, parsedUrl) => {
return handler(this.normalizeReq(req), this.normalizeRes(res), parsedUrl)
public async render(
req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage,
res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse,
pathname: string,
query?: NextParsedUrlQuery,
parsedUrl?: NextUrlWithParsedQuery,
internal = false
): Promise<void> {
return super.render(
public async renderToHTML(
req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage,
res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse,
pathname: string,
query?: ParsedUrlQuery
): Promise<string | null> {
return super.renderToHTML(
public async renderError(
err: Error | null,
req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage,
res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse,
pathname: string,
query?: NextParsedUrlQuery,
setHeaders?: boolean
): Promise<void> {
return super.renderError(
public async renderErrorToHTML(
err: Error | null,
req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage,
res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse,
pathname: string,
query?: ParsedUrlQuery
): Promise<string | null> {
return super.renderErrorToHTML(
public async render404(
req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage,
res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse,
parsedUrl?: NextUrlWithParsedQuery,
setHeaders?: boolean
): Promise<void> {
return super.render404(
public async serveStatic(
req: BaseNextRequest | IncomingMessage,
res: BaseNextResponse | ServerResponse,
path: string,
parsedUrl?: UrlWithParsedQuery
): Promise<void> {
if (!this.isServeableUrl(path)) {
return this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl)
if (!(req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD')) {
res.statusCode = 405
res.setHeader('Allow', ['GET', 'HEAD'])
return this.renderError(null, req, res, path)
try {
await this.sendStatic(
req as NodeNextRequest,
res as NodeNextResponse,
} catch (error) {
if (!isError(error)) throw error
const err = error as Error & { code?: string; statusCode?: number }
if (err.code === 'ENOENT' || err.statusCode === 404) {
this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl)
} else if (err.statusCode === 412) {
res.statusCode = 412
return this.renderError(err, req, res, path)
} else {
throw err
protected getStaticRoutes(): Route[] {
return this.hasStaticDir
? [
// It's very important to keep this route's param optional.
// (but it should support as many params as needed, separated by '/')
// Otherwise this will lead to a pretty simple DOS attack.
// See more:
match: getPathMatch('/static/:path*'),
name: 'static catchall',
fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => {
const p = join(this.dir, 'static', ...params.path)
await this.serveStatic(req, res, p, parsedUrl)
return {
finished: true,
} as Route,
: []
protected isServeableUrl(untrustedFileUrl: string): boolean {
// This method mimics what the version of `send` we use does:
// 1. decodeURIComponent:
// 2. resolve:
let decodedUntrustedFilePath: string
try {
// (1) Decode the URL so we have the proper file name
decodedUntrustedFilePath = decodeURIComponent(untrustedFileUrl)
} catch {
return false
// (2) Resolve "up paths" to determine real request
const untrustedFilePath = resolve(decodedUntrustedFilePath)
// don't allow null bytes anywhere in the file path
if (untrustedFilePath.indexOf('\0') !== -1) {
return false
// Check if .next/static, static and public are in the path.
// If not the path is not available.
if (
(untrustedFilePath.startsWith(join(this.distDir, 'static') + sep) ||
untrustedFilePath.startsWith(join(this.dir, 'static') + sep) ||
untrustedFilePath.startsWith(join(this.dir, 'public') + sep)) === false
) {
return false
// Check against the real filesystem paths
const filesystemUrls = this.getFilesystemPaths()
const resolved = relative(this.dir, untrustedFilePath)
return filesystemUrls.has(resolved)
protected generateRewrites({
}: {
restrictedRedirectPaths: string[]
}) {
let beforeFiles: Route[] = []
let afterFiles: Route[] = []
let fallback: Route[] = []
if (!this.minimalMode) {
const buildRewrite = (rewrite: Rewrite, check = true): Route => {
const rewriteRoute = getCustomRoute({
type: 'rewrite',
rule: rewrite,
return {
type: rewriteRoute.type,
name: `Rewrite route ${rewriteRoute.source}`,
match: rewriteRoute.match,
matchesBasePath: true,
matchesLocale: true,
matchesLocaleAPIRoutes: true,
matchesTrailingSlash: true,
fn: async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => {
const { newUrl, parsedDestination } = prepareDestination({
appendParamsToQuery: true,
destination: rewriteRoute.destination,
params: params,
query: parsedUrl.query,
// external rewrite, proxy it
if (parsedDestination.protocol) {
return this.proxyRequest(
req as NodeNextRequest,
res as NodeNextResponse,
addRequestMeta(req, '_nextRewroteUrl', newUrl)
addRequestMeta(req, '_nextDidRewrite', newUrl !== req.url)
return {
finished: false,
pathname: newUrl,
query: parsedDestination.query,
if (Array.isArray(this.customRoutes.rewrites)) {
afterFiles = => buildRewrite(r))
} else {
beforeFiles = =>
buildRewrite(r, false)
afterFiles = =>
fallback = =>
return {
protected getMiddlewareManifest(): MiddlewareManifest | null {
if (this.minimalMode) return null
const manifest: MiddlewareManifest = require(join(
return manifest
* Return a list of middleware routing items. This method exists to be later
* overridden by the development server in order to use a different source
* to get the list.
protected getMiddleware(): RoutingItem[] {
const manifest = this.getMiddlewareManifest()
if (!manifest) {
return []
return => ({
match: getMiddlewareMatcher(manifest.middleware[page]),
protected getEdgeFunctions(): RoutingItem[] {
const manifest = this.getMiddlewareManifest()
if (!manifest) {
return []
return Object.keys(manifest.functions).map((page) => ({
match: getMiddlewareMatcher(manifest.functions[page]),
* Get information for the edge function located in the provided page
* folder. If the edge function info can't be found it will throw
* an error.
protected getEdgeFunctionInfo(params: {
page: string
/** Whether we should look for a middleware or not */
middleware: boolean
}) {
const manifest: MiddlewareManifest = require(join(
let foundPage: string
try {
foundPage = denormalizePagePath(normalizePagePath(
} catch (err) {
return null
let pageInfo = params.middleware
? manifest.middleware[foundPage]
: manifest.functions[foundPage]
if (!pageInfo) {
if (!params.middleware) {
throw new PageNotFoundError(foundPage)
return null
return {
paths: => join(this.distDir, file)),
env: pageInfo.env ?? [],
wasm: (pageInfo.wasm ?? []).map((binding) => ({
filePath: join(this.distDir, binding.filePath),
assets: (pageInfo.assets ?? []).map((binding) => {
return {
filePath: join(this.distDir, binding.filePath),
* Checks if a middleware exists. This method is useful for the development
* server where we need to check the filesystem. Here we just check the
* middleware manifest.
protected async hasMiddleware(
pathname: string,
_isSSR?: boolean
): Promise<boolean> {
const info = this.getEdgeFunctionInfo({ page: pathname, middleware: true })
return Boolean(info && info.paths.length > 0)
* A placeholder for a function to be defined in the development server.
* It will make sure that the middleware has been compiled so that we
* can run it.
protected async ensureMiddleware(_pathname: string, _isSSR?: boolean) {}
* This method gets all middleware matchers and execute them when the request
* matches. It will make sure that each middleware exists and is compiled and
* ready to be invoked. The development server will decorate it to add warns
* and errors with rich traces.
protected async runMiddleware(params: {
request: BaseNextRequest
response: BaseNextResponse
parsedUrl: ParsedUrl
parsed: UrlWithParsedQuery
onWarning?: (warning: Error) => void
}) {
// Middleware is skipped for on-demand revalidate requests
if (
checkIsManualRevalidate(params.request, this.renderOpts.previewProps)
) {
return { finished: false }
const normalizedPathname = removeTrailingSlash(params.parsed.pathname || '')
// For middleware to "fetch" we must always provide an absolute URL
const query = urlQueryToSearchParams(params.parsed.query).toString()
const locale = params.parsed.query.__nextLocale
const url = `${getRequestMeta(params.request, '_protocol')}://${
}:${this.port}${locale ? `/${locale}` : ''}${params.parsed.pathname}${
query ? `?${query}` : ''
if (!url.startsWith('http')) {
throw new Error(
'To use middleware you must provide a `hostname` and `port` to the Next.js Server'
const page: { name?: string; params?: { [key: string]: string } } = {}
if (await this.hasPage(normalizedPathname)) { = params.parsedUrl.pathname
} else if (this.dynamicRoutes) {
for (const dynamicRoute of this.dynamicRoutes) {
const matchParams = dynamicRoute.match(normalizedPathname)
if (matchParams) { =
page.params = matchParams
const allHeaders = new Headers()
let result: FetchEventResult | null = null
const method = (params.request.method || 'GET').toUpperCase()
let originalBody =
method !== 'GET' && method !== 'HEAD'
? clonableBodyForRequest(params.request.body)
: undefined
const middlewareList = this.getMiddleware()
for (const middleware of middlewareList) {
if (middleware.match(normalizedPathname)) {
if (!(await this.hasMiddleware(, middleware.ssr))) {
console.warn(`The Edge Function for ${} was not found`)
await this.ensureMiddleware(, middleware.ssr)
const middlewareInfo = this.getEdgeFunctionInfo({
middleware: !middleware.ssr,
if (!middlewareInfo) {
throw new MiddlewareNotFoundError()
result = await run({
distDir: this.distDir,
paths: middlewareInfo.paths,
env: middlewareInfo.env,
edgeFunctionEntry: middlewareInfo,
request: {
headers: params.request.headers,
nextConfig: {
basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath,
i18n: this.nextConfig.i18n,
trailingSlash: this.nextConfig.trailingSlash,
url: url,
page: page,
body: originalBody?.cloneBodyStream(),
useCache: !this.nextConfig.experimental.runtime,
fix(edge): error handling for edge route and middleware is inconsistent (#38401) ## What’s in there? This PR brings more consistency in how errors and warnings are reported when running code in the Edge Runtime: - Dynamic code evaluation (`eval()`, `new Function()`, `WebAssembly.instantiate()`, `WebAssembly.compile()`…) - Usage of Node.js global APIs (`BroadcastChannel`, `Buffer`, `TextDecoderStream`, `setImmediate()`...) - Usage of Node.js modules (`fs`, `path`, `child_process`…) The new error messages should mention *Edge Runtime* instead of *Middleware*, so they are valid in both cases. It also fixes a bug where the process polyfill would issue a warning for `process.cwd` (which is `undefined` but legit). Now, one has to invoke the function `process.cwd()` to trigger the error. It finally fixes the react-dev-overlay, where links from middleware and Edge API route files could not be opened because of the `(middleware)/` prefix in their name. About the later, please note that we can’t easily remove the prefix or change it for Edge API routes. It comes from the Webpack layer, which is the same for both. We may consider renaming it to *edge* instead in the future. ## How to test? These changes are almost fully covered with tests: ```bash pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern runtime-dynamic pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern runtime-with-node pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern runtime-module pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern middleware-dev-errors ``` To try them out manually, you can write a middleware and Edge route files like these: ```jsx // middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server' import { basename } from 'path' export default async function middleware() { eval('2+2') setImmediate(() => {}) basename() return } export const config = { matcher: '/' } ``` ```jsx // pages/api/route.js import { basename } from 'path' export default async function handle() { eval('2+2') setImmediate(() => {}) basename() return Response.json({ ok: true }) } export const config = { runtime: 'experimental-edge' } ``` The expected behaviours are: - [x] dev, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: error at runtime (logs + read-dev-overlay): ```bash error - (middleware)/pages/api/route.js (1:0) @ Object.handle [as handler] error - The edge runtime does not support Node.js 'path' module. Learn More: > 1 | import { basename } from "path"; 2 | export default async function handle() { ``` - [x] build, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: warning but succeeds ```bash warn - Compiled with warnings ./middleware.js A Node.js module is loaded ('path' at line 4) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn More: ./pages/api/route.js A Node.js module is loaded ('path' at line 1) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn More: ``` - [x] production, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: error at runtime (logs + 500 error) ```bash Error: The edge runtime does not support Node.js 'path' module. Learn More: at <unknown> (file:///Users/damien/dev/next.js/packages/next/server/web/sandbox/context.ts:149) ``` - [x] dev, middleware/edge route is using a node.js global API: error at runtime (logs + read-dev-overlay): ```bash error - (middleware)/pages/api/route.js (4:2) @ Object.handle [as handler] error - A Node.js API is used (setImmediate) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: 2 | 3 | export default async function handle() { > 4 | setImmediate(() => {}) | ^ ``` - [x] build, middleware/edge route is using a node.js global API: warning but succeeds ```bash warn - Compiled with warnings ./middleware.js A Node.js API is used (setImmediate at line: 6) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: ./pages/api/route.js A Node.js API is used (setImmediate at line: 3) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: ``` - [x] production, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: error at runtime (logs + 500 error) ```bash Error: A Node.js API is used (setImmediate) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: at <unknown> (file:///Users/damien/dev/next.js/packages/next/server/web/sandbox/context.ts:330) ``` - [x] dev, middleware/edge route is loading dynamic code: warning at runtime (logs + read-dev-overlay) and request succeeds (we allow dynamic code in dev only): ```bash warn - (middleware)/middleware.js (7:2) @ Object.middleware [as handler] warn - Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function') not allowed in Edge Runtime 5 | 6 | export default async function middleware() { > 7 | eval('2+2') ``` - [x] build, middleware/edge route is loading dynamic code: build fails with error: ```bash Failed to compile. ./middleware.js Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function', 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime Used by default ./pages/api/route.js Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function', 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime Used by default ``` ## Notes to reviewers Edge-related errors are either issued from `next/server/web/sandbox/context.ts` file (runtime errors) or from `next/build/webpack/plugins/middleware-plugin.ts` (webpack compilation). The previous implementation (I’m pleading guilty here) was way too verbose: some errors (Node.js global APIs like using `process.cwd()`) could be reported several times, and the previous mechanism to dedupe them (in middleware-plugin) wasn’t really effective. Changes in tests are due to renaming existing tests such as `test/integration/middleware-with-node.js-apis` into `test/integration/edge-runtime-with-node.js-apis`. I extended them to cover Edge API route. @hanneslund I’ve pushed the improvement you did in one step further to avoid duplication.
2022-07-21 16:53:23 +02:00
onWarning: params.onWarning,
for (let [key, value] of result.response.headers) {
if (key !== 'x-middleware-next') {
allHeaders.append(key, value)
if (! {
result.waitUntil.catch((error) => {
console.error(`Uncaught: middleware waitUntil errored`, error)
if (!result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-next')) {
if (!result) {
this.render404(params.request, params.response, params.parsed)
return { finished: true }
} else {
for (let [key, value] of allHeaders) {
result.response.headers.set(key, value)
await originalBody?.finalize()
return result
protected generateCatchAllMiddlewareRoute(devReady?: boolean): Route[] {
if (this.minimalMode) return []
const edgeCatchAllRoute: Route = {
match: getPathMatch('/:path*'),
type: 'route',
name: 'edge functions catchall',
fn: async (req, res, _params, parsed) => {
const edgeFunctions = this.getEdgeFunctions()
if (!edgeFunctions.length) return { finished: false }
const { query, pathname } = parsed
const normalizedPathname = removeTrailingSlash(pathname || '')
let page = normalizedPathname
let params: Params | undefined = undefined
let pageFound = !isDynamicRoute(page)
if (this.dynamicRoutes) {
for (const dynamicRoute of this.dynamicRoutes) {
params = dynamicRoute.match(normalizedPathname) || undefined
if (params) {
page =
pageFound = true
if (!pageFound) {
return {
finished: false,
const edgeSSRResult = await this.runEdgeFunction({
return {
finished: !!edgeSSRResult,
const middlewareCatchAllRoute: Route = {
match: getPathMatch('/:path*'),
matchesBasePath: true,
matchesLocale: true,
type: 'route',
name: 'middleware catchall',
fn: async (req, res, _params, parsed) => {
const middleware = this.getMiddleware()
if (!middleware.length) {
return { finished: false }
const initUrl = getRequestMeta(req, '__NEXT_INIT_URL')!
const parsedUrl = parseUrl(initUrl)
const pathnameInfo = getNextPathnameInfo(parsedUrl.pathname, {
nextConfig: this.nextConfig,
parsedUrl.pathname = pathnameInfo.pathname
const normalizedPathname = removeTrailingSlash(parsed.pathname || '')
if (!middleware.some((m) => m.match(normalizedPathname))) {
return { finished: false }
let result: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof this.runMiddleware>>
try {
result = await this.runMiddleware({
request: req,
response: res,
parsedUrl: parsedUrl,
parsed: parsed,
} catch (err) {
if (isError(err) && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
await this.render404(req, res, parsed)
return { finished: true }
if (err instanceof DecodeError) {
res.statusCode = 400
this.renderError(err, req, res, parsed.pathname || '')
return { finished: true }
const error = getProperError(err)
res.statusCode = 500
this.renderError(error, req, res, parsed.pathname || '')
return { finished: true }
if ('finished' in result) {
return result
if (result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-rewrite')) {
const value = result.response.headers.get('x-middleware-rewrite')!
const rel = relativizeURL(value, initUrl)
result.response.headers.set('x-middleware-rewrite', rel)
if (result.response.headers.has('Location')) {
const value = result.response.headers.get('Location')!
const rel = relativizeURL(value, initUrl)
result.response.headers.set('Location', rel)
if (
!result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-rewrite') &&
!result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-next') &&
) {
result.response.headers.set('x-middleware-refresh', '1')
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(
)) {
if (
) {
if (key !== 'content-encoding' && value !== undefined) {
res.setHeader(key, value)
res.statusCode = result.response.status
res.statusMessage = result.response.statusText
const location = result.response.headers.get('Location')
if (location) {
res.statusCode = result.response.status
if (res.statusCode === 308) {
res.setHeader('Refresh', `0;url=${location}`)
return {
finished: true,
if (result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-rewrite')) {
const rewritePath = result.response.headers.get(
const parsedDestination = parseUrl(rewritePath)
const newUrl = parsedDestination.pathname
if (
parsedDestination.protocol &&
? `${parsedDestination.hostname}:${parsedDestination.port}`
: parsedDestination.hostname) !==
) {
return this.proxyRequest(
req as NodeNextRequest,
res as NodeNextResponse,
if (this.nextConfig.i18n) {
const localePathResult = normalizeLocalePath(
if (localePathResult.detectedLocale) {
parsedDestination.query.__nextLocale =
addRequestMeta(req, '_nextRewroteUrl', newUrl)
addRequestMeta(req, '_nextDidRewrite', newUrl !== req.url)
return {
finished: false,
pathname: newUrl,
query: parsedDestination.query,
if (result.response.headers.has('x-middleware-refresh')) {
res.statusCode = result.response.status
for await (const chunk of result.response.body || ([] as any)) {
this.streamResponseChunk(res as NodeNextResponse, chunk)
return {
finished: true,
return {
finished: false,
const routes = []
if (! || devReady) {
if (this.getMiddleware().length) routes[0] = middlewareCatchAllRoute
if (this.getEdgeFunctions().length) routes[1] = edgeCatchAllRoute
return routes
private _cachedPreviewManifest: PrerenderManifest | undefined
protected getPrerenderManifest(): PrerenderManifest {
if (this._cachedPreviewManifest) {
return this._cachedPreviewManifest
const manifest = require(join(this.distDir, PRERENDER_MANIFEST))
return (this._cachedPreviewManifest = manifest)
protected getRoutesManifest() {
return require(join(this.distDir, ROUTES_MANIFEST))
protected async runEdgeFunction(params: {
req: BaseNextRequest | NodeNextRequest
res: BaseNextResponse | NodeNextResponse
query: ParsedUrlQuery
params: Params | undefined
page: string
fix(edge): error handling for edge route and middleware is inconsistent (#38401) ## What’s in there? This PR brings more consistency in how errors and warnings are reported when running code in the Edge Runtime: - Dynamic code evaluation (`eval()`, `new Function()`, `WebAssembly.instantiate()`, `WebAssembly.compile()`…) - Usage of Node.js global APIs (`BroadcastChannel`, `Buffer`, `TextDecoderStream`, `setImmediate()`...) - Usage of Node.js modules (`fs`, `path`, `child_process`…) The new error messages should mention *Edge Runtime* instead of *Middleware*, so they are valid in both cases. It also fixes a bug where the process polyfill would issue a warning for `process.cwd` (which is `undefined` but legit). Now, one has to invoke the function `process.cwd()` to trigger the error. It finally fixes the react-dev-overlay, where links from middleware and Edge API route files could not be opened because of the `(middleware)/` prefix in their name. About the later, please note that we can’t easily remove the prefix or change it for Edge API routes. It comes from the Webpack layer, which is the same for both. We may consider renaming it to *edge* instead in the future. ## How to test? These changes are almost fully covered with tests: ```bash pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern runtime-dynamic pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern runtime-with-node pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern runtime-module pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern middleware-dev-errors ``` To try them out manually, you can write a middleware and Edge route files like these: ```jsx // middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server' import { basename } from 'path' export default async function middleware() { eval('2+2') setImmediate(() => {}) basename() return } export const config = { matcher: '/' } ``` ```jsx // pages/api/route.js import { basename } from 'path' export default async function handle() { eval('2+2') setImmediate(() => {}) basename() return Response.json({ ok: true }) } export const config = { runtime: 'experimental-edge' } ``` The expected behaviours are: - [x] dev, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: error at runtime (logs + read-dev-overlay): ```bash error - (middleware)/pages/api/route.js (1:0) @ Object.handle [as handler] error - The edge runtime does not support Node.js 'path' module. Learn More: > 1 | import { basename } from "path"; 2 | export default async function handle() { ``` - [x] build, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: warning but succeeds ```bash warn - Compiled with warnings ./middleware.js A Node.js module is loaded ('path' at line 4) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn More: ./pages/api/route.js A Node.js module is loaded ('path' at line 1) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn More: ``` - [x] production, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: error at runtime (logs + 500 error) ```bash Error: The edge runtime does not support Node.js 'path' module. Learn More: at <unknown> (file:///Users/damien/dev/next.js/packages/next/server/web/sandbox/context.ts:149) ``` - [x] dev, middleware/edge route is using a node.js global API: error at runtime (logs + read-dev-overlay): ```bash error - (middleware)/pages/api/route.js (4:2) @ Object.handle [as handler] error - A Node.js API is used (setImmediate) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: 2 | 3 | export default async function handle() { > 4 | setImmediate(() => {}) | ^ ``` - [x] build, middleware/edge route is using a node.js global API: warning but succeeds ```bash warn - Compiled with warnings ./middleware.js A Node.js API is used (setImmediate at line: 6) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: ./pages/api/route.js A Node.js API is used (setImmediate at line: 3) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: ``` - [x] production, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: error at runtime (logs + 500 error) ```bash Error: A Node.js API is used (setImmediate) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: at <unknown> (file:///Users/damien/dev/next.js/packages/next/server/web/sandbox/context.ts:330) ``` - [x] dev, middleware/edge route is loading dynamic code: warning at runtime (logs + read-dev-overlay) and request succeeds (we allow dynamic code in dev only): ```bash warn - (middleware)/middleware.js (7:2) @ Object.middleware [as handler] warn - Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function') not allowed in Edge Runtime 5 | 6 | export default async function middleware() { > 7 | eval('2+2') ``` - [x] build, middleware/edge route is loading dynamic code: build fails with error: ```bash Failed to compile. ./middleware.js Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function', 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime Used by default ./pages/api/route.js Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function', 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime Used by default ``` ## Notes to reviewers Edge-related errors are either issued from `next/server/web/sandbox/context.ts` file (runtime errors) or from `next/build/webpack/plugins/middleware-plugin.ts` (webpack compilation). The previous implementation (I’m pleading guilty here) was way too verbose: some errors (Node.js global APIs like using `process.cwd()`) could be reported several times, and the previous mechanism to dedupe them (in middleware-plugin) wasn’t really effective. Changes in tests are due to renaming existing tests such as `test/integration/middleware-with-node.js-apis` into `test/integration/edge-runtime-with-node.js-apis`. I extended them to cover Edge API route. @hanneslund I’ve pushed the improvement you did in one step further to avoid duplication.
2022-07-21 16:53:23 +02:00
onWarning?: (warning: Error) => void
}): Promise<FetchEventResult | null> {
let middlewareInfo: ReturnType<typeof this.getEdgeFunctionInfo> | undefined
try {
await this.ensureMiddleware(, true)
middlewareInfo = this.getEdgeFunctionInfo({
middleware: false,
} catch {
return null
if (!middlewareInfo) {
return null
// For middleware to "fetch" we must always provide an absolute URL
const url = getRequestMeta(params.req, '__NEXT_INIT_URL')!
if (!url.startsWith('http')) {
throw new Error(
'To use middleware you must provide a `hostname` and `port` to the Next.js Server'
const nodeReq = params.req as NodeNextRequest
const result = await run({
distDir: this.distDir,
paths: middlewareInfo.paths,
env: middlewareInfo.env,
edgeFunctionEntry: middlewareInfo,
request: {
headers: params.req.headers,
method: params.req.method,
nextConfig: {
basePath: this.nextConfig.basePath,
i18n: this.nextConfig.i18n,
trailingSlash: this.nextConfig.trailingSlash,
page: {
...(params.params && { params: params.params }),
['GET', 'HEAD'].includes(params.req.method) ||
? undefined
: requestToBodyStream(nodeReq.originalRequest),
useCache: !this.nextConfig.experimental.runtime,
fix(edge): error handling for edge route and middleware is inconsistent (#38401) ## What’s in there? This PR brings more consistency in how errors and warnings are reported when running code in the Edge Runtime: - Dynamic code evaluation (`eval()`, `new Function()`, `WebAssembly.instantiate()`, `WebAssembly.compile()`…) - Usage of Node.js global APIs (`BroadcastChannel`, `Buffer`, `TextDecoderStream`, `setImmediate()`...) - Usage of Node.js modules (`fs`, `path`, `child_process`…) The new error messages should mention *Edge Runtime* instead of *Middleware*, so they are valid in both cases. It also fixes a bug where the process polyfill would issue a warning for `process.cwd` (which is `undefined` but legit). Now, one has to invoke the function `process.cwd()` to trigger the error. It finally fixes the react-dev-overlay, where links from middleware and Edge API route files could not be opened because of the `(middleware)/` prefix in their name. About the later, please note that we can’t easily remove the prefix or change it for Edge API routes. It comes from the Webpack layer, which is the same for both. We may consider renaming it to *edge* instead in the future. ## How to test? These changes are almost fully covered with tests: ```bash pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern runtime-dynamic pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern runtime-with-node pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern runtime-module pnpm testheadless --testPathPattern middleware-dev-errors ``` To try them out manually, you can write a middleware and Edge route files like these: ```jsx // middleware.js import { NextResponse } from 'next/server' import { basename } from 'path' export default async function middleware() { eval('2+2') setImmediate(() => {}) basename() return } export const config = { matcher: '/' } ``` ```jsx // pages/api/route.js import { basename } from 'path' export default async function handle() { eval('2+2') setImmediate(() => {}) basename() return Response.json({ ok: true }) } export const config = { runtime: 'experimental-edge' } ``` The expected behaviours are: - [x] dev, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: error at runtime (logs + read-dev-overlay): ```bash error - (middleware)/pages/api/route.js (1:0) @ Object.handle [as handler] error - The edge runtime does not support Node.js 'path' module. Learn More: > 1 | import { basename } from "path"; 2 | export default async function handle() { ``` - [x] build, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: warning but succeeds ```bash warn - Compiled with warnings ./middleware.js A Node.js module is loaded ('path' at line 4) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn More: ./pages/api/route.js A Node.js module is loaded ('path' at line 1) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn More: ``` - [x] production, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: error at runtime (logs + 500 error) ```bash Error: The edge runtime does not support Node.js 'path' module. Learn More: at <unknown> (file:///Users/damien/dev/next.js/packages/next/server/web/sandbox/context.ts:149) ``` - [x] dev, middleware/edge route is using a node.js global API: error at runtime (logs + read-dev-overlay): ```bash error - (middleware)/pages/api/route.js (4:2) @ Object.handle [as handler] error - A Node.js API is used (setImmediate) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: 2 | 3 | export default async function handle() { > 4 | setImmediate(() => {}) | ^ ``` - [x] build, middleware/edge route is using a node.js global API: warning but succeeds ```bash warn - Compiled with warnings ./middleware.js A Node.js API is used (setImmediate at line: 6) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: ./pages/api/route.js A Node.js API is used (setImmediate at line: 3) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: ``` - [x] production, middleware/edge route is using a node.js module: error at runtime (logs + 500 error) ```bash Error: A Node.js API is used (setImmediate) which is not supported in the Edge Runtime. Learn more: at <unknown> (file:///Users/damien/dev/next.js/packages/next/server/web/sandbox/context.ts:330) ``` - [x] dev, middleware/edge route is loading dynamic code: warning at runtime (logs + read-dev-overlay) and request succeeds (we allow dynamic code in dev only): ```bash warn - (middleware)/middleware.js (7:2) @ Object.middleware [as handler] warn - Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function') not allowed in Edge Runtime 5 | 6 | export default async function middleware() { > 7 | eval('2+2') ``` - [x] build, middleware/edge route is loading dynamic code: build fails with error: ```bash Failed to compile. ./middleware.js Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function', 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime Used by default ./pages/api/route.js Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function', 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime Used by default ``` ## Notes to reviewers Edge-related errors are either issued from `next/server/web/sandbox/context.ts` file (runtime errors) or from `next/build/webpack/plugins/middleware-plugin.ts` (webpack compilation). The previous implementation (I’m pleading guilty here) was way too verbose: some errors (Node.js global APIs like using `process.cwd()`) could be reported several times, and the previous mechanism to dedupe them (in middleware-plugin) wasn’t really effective. Changes in tests are due to renaming existing tests such as `test/integration/middleware-with-node.js-apis` into `test/integration/edge-runtime-with-node.js-apis`. I extended them to cover Edge API route. @hanneslund I’ve pushed the improvement you did in one step further to avoid duplication.
2022-07-21 16:53:23 +02:00
onWarning: params.onWarning,
params.res.statusCode = result.response.status
params.res.statusMessage = result.response.statusText
result.response.headers.forEach((value, key) => {
params.res.appendHeader(key, value)
if (result.response.body) {
// TODO(gal): not sure that we always need to stream
(params.res as NodeNextResponse).originalResponse
} else {
;(params.res as NodeNextResponse).originalResponse.end()
return result
const MiddlewareMatcherCache = new WeakMap<
function getMiddlewareMatcher(
info: MiddlewareManifest['middleware'][string]
): RouteMatch {
const stored = MiddlewareMatcherCache.get(info)
if (stored) {
return stored
if (typeof info.regexp !== 'string' || !info.regexp) {
throw new Error(
`Invariant: invalid regexp for middleware ${JSON.stringify(info)}`
const matcher = getRouteMatcher({ re: new RegExp(info.regexp), groups: {} })
MiddlewareMatcherCache.set(info, matcher)
return matcher