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next-env.d.ts note in templates (#27983) Hello! I was using `npx create-next-app --ts` to quickly bootstrap a basic next.js project with Typescript. It bothered me that I got git diff just from running `npm run build` inside the project, because the new notice in the `next-env.d.ts` file. ![image]( So I went ahead and updated the `next-env.d.ts` file in [`packages/create-next-app/templates/typescript`]( to be exactly how the file looks after running once. ( Then I realized that I could probably do the same for all the `next-env.d.ts` that are spread out in the many examples, to make running those examples after cloning them feel a bit smoother. ( > However I skipped the [`with-typescript-graphql`]( example since that [`next-env.d.ts`]( actually has changes and I couldn't even run `yarn build` in that example, so I'm not sure what will happen with the `next-env.d.ts`. Someone who _gets_ that example will have to fix it I suppose.
2021-08-12 22:36:53 +02:00
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