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/* eslint-env jest */
import { isSerializableProps } from 'next/dist/lib/is-serializable-props'
describe('isSerializableProps', () => {
it('handles null and undefined props', () => {
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', null))
"Error serializing props returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Props must be returned as a plain object from test: \`{ props: { ... } }\`."
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', undefined))
"Error serializing props returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Props must be returned as a plain object from test: \`{ props: { ... } }\`."
it('allows empty props', () => {
expect(isSerializableProps('/', 'test', {})).toBe(true)
it('allows all different types of props', () => {
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', {
str: 'foobar',
bool: true,
bool2: false,
num: 0,
numn1: -1,
num5: 5,
noop: null,
arr: [
str: 'foobar',
bool: true,
bool2: false,
num: 0,
numn1: -1,
num5: 5,
noop: null,
obj1: {
str: 'foobar',
bool: true,
bool2: false,
num: 0,
numn1: -1,
num5: 5,
noop: null,
arr: [
str: 'foobar',
bool: true,
bool2: false,
num: 0,
numn1: -1,
num5: 5,
noop: null,
it('disallows top-level non-serializable types', () => {
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { toplevel: new Date() }))
"Error serializing \`.toplevel\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`object\` (\\"[object Date]\\") cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types."
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { toplevel: class A {} }))
"Error serializing \`.toplevel\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`function\` cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types."
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { toplevel: undefined }))
"Error serializing \`.toplevel\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`undefined\` cannot be serialized as JSON. Please use \`null\` or omit this value all together."
expect(() =>
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { toplevel: Symbol('FOOBAR') })
"Error serializing \`.toplevel\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`symbol\` cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types."
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { toplevel: function() {} }))
"Error serializing \`.toplevel\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`function\` cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types."
it('diallows nested non-serializable types', () => {
expect(() =>
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { k: { a: [1, { n: new Date() }] } })
"Error serializing \`.k.a[1].n\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`object\` (\\"[object Date]\\") cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types."
expect(() =>
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { k: { a: [1, { n: class A {} }] } })
"Error serializing \`.k.a[1].n\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`function\` cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types."
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { k: { a: [1, undefined] } }))
"Error serializing \`.k.a[1]\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`undefined\` cannot be serialized as JSON. Please use \`null\` or omit this value all together."
expect(() =>
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { k: { n: Symbol('FOOBAR') } })
"Error serializing \`.k.n\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`symbol\` cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types."
expect(() =>
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { k: { a: [function() {}] } })
"Error serializing \`.k.a[0]\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: \`function\` cannot be serialized as JSON. Please only return JSON serializable data types."
it('can handle obj circular refs', () => {
const obj = { foo: 'bar', test: true }
obj.child = obj
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', obj))
"Error serializing \`.child\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Circular references cannot be expressed in JSON (references: \`(self)\`)."
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { k: [obj] }))
"Error serializing \`.k[0].child\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Circular references cannot be expressed in JSON (references: \`.k[0]\`)."
it('can handle arr circular refs', () => {
const arr = [{ foo: 'bar' }, true]
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { arr }))
"Error serializing \`.arr[2]\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Circular references cannot be expressed in JSON (references: \`.arr\`)."
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { k: [{ arr }] }))
"Error serializing \`.k[0].arr[2]\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Circular references cannot be expressed in JSON (references: \`.k[0].arr\`)."
it('can handle deep obj circular refs', () => {
const obj = { foo: 'bar', test: true, leve1: { level2: {} } }
obj.leve1.level2.child = obj
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', obj))
"Error serializing \`.leve1.level2.child\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Circular references cannot be expressed in JSON (references: \`(self)\`)."
it('can handle deep obj circular refs (with arrays)', () => {
const obj = { foo: 'bar', test: true, leve1: { level2: {} } }
obj.leve1.level2.child = [{ another: [obj] }]
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', obj))
"Error serializing \`.leve1.level2.child[0].another[0]\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Circular references cannot be expressed in JSON (references: \`(self)\`)."
it('can handle deep arr circular refs', () => {
const arr = [1, 2, []]
arr[3] = [false, [null, 0, arr]]
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { k: arr }))
"Error serializing \`.k[3][1][2]\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Circular references cannot be expressed in JSON (references: \`.k\`)."
it('can handle deep arr circular refs (with objects)', () => {
const arr = [1, 2, []]
arr[3] = [false, { nested: [null, 0, arr] }]
expect(() => isSerializableProps('/', 'test', { k: arr }))
"Error serializing \`.k[3][1].nested[2]\` returned from \`test\` in \\"/\\".
Reason: Circular references cannot be expressed in JSON (references: \`.k\`)."
it('allows multi object refs', () => {
const obj = { foo: 'bar', test: true }
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', {
obj1: obj,
obj2: obj,
it('allows multi object refs nested', () => {
const obj = { foo: 'bar', test: true }
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', {
obj1: obj,
obj2: obj,
anArray: [obj],
aKey: { obj },
it('allows multi array refs', () => {
const arr = [{ foo: 'bar' }, true]
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', {
arr1: arr,
arr2: arr,
it('allows multi array refs nested', () => {
const arr = [{ foo: 'bar' }, true]
isSerializableProps('/', 'test', {
arr1: arr,
arr2: arr,
arr3: [arr],
arr4: [1, [2, 3, arr]],