
348 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import { ComponentType } from 'react'
import { ClientBuildManifest } from '../build/webpack/plugins/build-manifest-plugin'
import getAssetPathFromRoute from '../next-server/lib/router/utils/get-asset-path-from-route'
import requestIdleCallback from './request-idle-callback'
// 3.8s was arbitrarily chosen as it's what
// considers as "Good" time-to-interactive. We must assume something went
// wrong beyond this point, and then fall-back to a full page transition to
// show the user something of value.
const MS_MAX_IDLE_DELAY = 3800
declare global {
interface Window {
__BUILD_MANIFEST?: ClientBuildManifest
export interface LoadedEntrypointSuccess {
component: ComponentType
exports: any
export interface LoadedEntrypointFailure {
error: unknown
export type RouteEntrypoint = LoadedEntrypointSuccess | LoadedEntrypointFailure
export interface RouteStyleSheet {
href: string
content: string
export interface LoadedRouteSuccess extends LoadedEntrypointSuccess {
styles: RouteStyleSheet[]
export interface LoadedRouteFailure {
error: unknown
export type RouteLoaderEntry = LoadedRouteSuccess | LoadedRouteFailure
export type Future<V> = {
resolve: (entrypoint: V) => void
future: Promise<V>
function withFuture<T>(
key: string,
map: Map<string, Future<T> | T>,
generator?: () => Promise<T>
): Promise<T> {
let entry: Future<T> | T | undefined = map.get(key)
if (entry) {
if ('future' in entry) {
return entry.future
return Promise.resolve(entry)
let resolver: (entrypoint: T) => void
const prom: Promise<T> = new Promise<T>((resolve) => {
resolver = resolve
map.set(key, (entry = { resolve: resolver!, future: prom }))
return generator
? // eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences
generator().then((value) => (resolver(value), value))
: prom
export interface RouteLoader {
whenEntrypoint(route: string): Promise<RouteEntrypoint>
onEntrypoint(route: string, execute: () => unknown): void
loadRoute(route: string): Promise<RouteLoaderEntry>
prefetch(route: string): Promise<void>
function hasPrefetch(link?: HTMLLinkElement): boolean {
try {
link = document.createElement('link')
return (
// detect IE11 since it supports prefetch but isn't detected
// with
(!!window.MSInputMethodContext && !!(document as any).documentMode) ||
} catch {
return false
const canPrefetch: boolean = hasPrefetch()
function prefetchViaDom(
href: string,
as: string,
link?: HTMLLinkElement
): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
if (document.querySelector(`link[rel="prefetch"][href^="${href}"]`)) {
return res()
link = document.createElement('link')
// The order of property assignment here is intentional:
if (as) link!.as = as
link!.rel = `prefetch`
link!.crossOrigin = process.env.__NEXT_CROSS_ORIGIN!
link!.onload = res
link!.onerror = rej
// `href` should always be last:
link!.href = href
// TODO: unexport
export function markAssetError(err: Error): Error {
return Object.defineProperty(err, ASSET_LOAD_ERROR, {})
export function isAssetError(err?: Error): boolean | undefined {
return err && ASSET_LOAD_ERROR in err
function appendScript(
src: string,
script?: HTMLScriptElement
): Promise<unknown> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
script = document.createElement('script')
// The order of property assignment here is intentional.
// 1. Setup success/failure hooks in case the browser synchronously
// executes when `src` is set.
script.onload = resolve
script.onerror = () =>
reject(markAssetError(new Error(`Failed to load script: ${src}`)))
// 2. Configure the cross-origin attribute before setting `src` in case the
// browser begins to fetch.
script.crossOrigin = process.env.__NEXT_CROSS_ORIGIN!
// 3. Finally, set the source and inject into the DOM in case the child
// must be appended for fetching to start.
script.src = src
function idleTimeout<T>(ms: number, err: Error): Promise<T> {
return new Promise((_resolve, reject) =>
requestIdleCallback(() => setTimeout(() => reject(err), ms))
// TODO: stop exporting or cache the failure
// It'd be best to stop exporting this. It's an implementation detail. We're
// only exporting it for backwards compatibilty with the `page-loader`.
// Only cache this response as a last resort if we cannot eliminate all other
// code branches that use the Build Manifest Callback and push them through
// the Route Loader interface.
export function getClientBuildManifest(): Promise<ClientBuildManifest> {
if (self.__BUILD_MANIFEST) {
return Promise.resolve(self.__BUILD_MANIFEST)
const onBuildManifest: Promise<ClientBuildManifest> = new Promise<
>((resolve) => {
// Mandatory because this is not concurrent safe:
const cb = self.__BUILD_MANIFEST_CB
self.__BUILD_MANIFEST_CB = () => {
cb && cb()
return Promise.race([
markAssetError(new Error('Failed to load client build manifest'))
interface RouteFiles {
scripts: string[]
css: string[]
function getFilesForRoute(
assetPrefix: string,
route: string
): Promise<RouteFiles> {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
return Promise.resolve({
scripts: [
assetPrefix +
'/_next/static/chunks/pages' +
encodeURI(getAssetPathFromRoute(route, '.js')),
// Styles are handled by `style-loader` in development:
css: [],
return getClientBuildManifest().then((manifest) => {
if (!(route in manifest)) {
throw markAssetError(new Error(`Failed to lookup route: ${route}`))
const allFiles = manifest[route].map(
(entry) => assetPrefix + '/_next/' + encodeURI(entry)
return {
scripts: allFiles.filter((v) => v.endsWith('.js')),
css: allFiles.filter((v) => v.endsWith('.css')),
function createRouteLoader(assetPrefix: string): RouteLoader {
const entrypoints: Map<
Future<RouteEntrypoint> | RouteEntrypoint
> = new Map()
const loadedScripts: Map<string, Promise<unknown>> = new Map()
const styleSheets: Map<string, Promise<RouteStyleSheet>> = new Map()
const routes: Map<
Future<RouteLoaderEntry> | RouteLoaderEntry
> = new Map()
function maybeExecuteScript(src: string): Promise<unknown> {
let prom: Promise<unknown> | undefined = loadedScripts.get(src)
if (prom) {
return prom
// Skip executing script if it's already in the DOM:
if (document.querySelector(`script[src^="${src}"]`)) {
return Promise.resolve()
loadedScripts.set(src, (prom = appendScript(src)))
return prom
function fetchStyleSheet(href: string): Promise<RouteStyleSheet> {
let prom: Promise<RouteStyleSheet> | undefined = styleSheets.get(href)
if (prom) {
return prom
(prom = fetch(href)
.then((res) => {
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(`Failed to load stylesheet: ${href}`)
return res.text().then((text) => ({ href: href, content: text }))
.catch((err) => {
throw markAssetError(err)
return prom
return {
whenEntrypoint(route: string) {
return withFuture(route, entrypoints)
onEntrypoint(route: string, execute: () => unknown) {
.then((fn) => fn())
(exports: any) => ({
component: (exports && exports.default) || exports,
exports: exports,
(err) => ({ error: err })
.then((input: RouteEntrypoint) => {
const old = entrypoints.get(route)
entrypoints.set(route, input)
if (old && 'resolve' in old) old.resolve(input)
loadRoute(route: string) {
return withFuture<RouteLoaderEntry>(route, routes, async () => {
try {
const { scripts, css } = await getFilesForRoute(assetPrefix, route)
const [, styles] = await Promise.all([
? []
: Promise.all(,
] as const)
const entrypoint: RouteEntrypoint = await Promise.race([
new Error(`Route did not complete loading: ${route}`)
const res: RouteLoaderEntry = Object.assign<
{ styles: RouteStyleSheet[] },
>({ styles }, entrypoint)
return 'error' in entrypoint ? entrypoint : res
} catch (err) {
return { error: err }
prefetch(route: string): Promise<void> {
// License: Apache 2.0
let cn
if ((cn = (navigator as any).connection)) {
// Don't prefetch if using 2G or if Save-Data is enabled.
if (cn.saveData || /2g/.test(cn.effectiveType)) return Promise.resolve()
return getFilesForRoute(assetPrefix, route)
.then((output) =>
? => prefetchViaDom(script, 'script'))
: []
.then(() => {
requestIdleCallback(() => this.loadRoute(route))
// swallow prefetch errors
() => {}
export default createRouteLoader