--- title: '`prefetch={true}` is deprecated' --- ## Why This Error Occurred In [Nextjs 9](/blog/next-9#prefetching-in-viewport-links), the behavior of the `` attribute was changed from opt in to opt out. This means that the `` is **no longer required**. `` will automatically prefetch pages in the background as they appear in the view. If certain pages are rarely visited you can manually set prefetch to false, here's how: This feature improves the responsiveness of your application by making navigations to new pages quicker. Next.js uses an Intersection Observer to prefetch the assets necessary in the background. These requests have low-priority and yield to `fetch()` or XHR requests. Next.js will avoid automatically prefetching if the user has data-saver enabled. ## Possible Ways to Fix It `` is now the default behavior and setting it is no longer required. You can safely remove the `prefetch` attribute. You can opt out of prefetching using ``.