--- title: Sharp Version Does Not Support AVIF --- ## Why This Error Occurred The `next/image` component's default loader uses [`sharp`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sharp) if its installed. You are seeing this error because you have an outdated version of [`sharp`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sharp) installed that does not support the AVIF image format. AVIF support was added to [`sharp`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/sharp) in version 0.27.0 (December 2020) so your installed version is likely older. ## Possible Ways to Fix It - Install the latest version of `sharp` by running `npm i sharp@latest` in your project directory - If you're using the `NEXT_SHARP_PATH` environment variable, then update the `sharp` install referenced in that path, for example `cd "$NEXT_SHARP_PATH/../" && npm i sharp@latest` - If you cannot upgrade `sharp`, you can instead disable AVIF by configuring [`formats`](/docs/pages/api-reference/components/image#formats) in your `next.config.js` After choosing an option above, reboot the server by running either `next dev` or `next start` for development or production respectively. > Note: This is not necessary for Vercel deployments, since `sharp` is installed automatically for you. ## Useful Links - [Image Optimization Documentation](/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/images) - [`next/image` Documentation](/docs/pages/api-reference/components/image)