import { type NodePlopAPI } from 'node-plop' import path from 'path' import * as helpers from './helpers' interface TestResponse { appDir: string type: 'e2e' | 'production' | 'development' | 'unit' } interface ErrorResponse { name: string title: string why: string fix: string } function validateNonEmptyString(field: string) { return function (value: string) { if (/.+/.test(value)) { return true } return `${field} is required` } } export default function generator(plop: NodePlopAPI): void { // make our custom helpers available for use in templates as handlebars helpers helpers.init(plop) plop.setGenerator('test', { description: 'Create a new test', prompts: [ { type: 'confirm', name: 'appDir', message: 'Is this test for the app directory?', default: true, }, { type: 'input', name: 'name', message: 'Test name', validate: validateNonEmptyString('test name'), }, { type: 'list', name: 'type', message: 'Test type', choices: [ { name: 'e2e - Test "next dev" and "next build && next start"', value: 'e2e', }, { name: 'production - Test "next build && next start"', value: 'production', }, { name: 'development - Test "next dev"', value: 'development' }, { name: 'unit - Test individual files', value: 'unit' }, ], }, ], actions: function (answers) { const { appDir, type } = answers as TestResponse const testRoot = path.join(plop.getDestBasePath(), 'test') const appDirPath = appDir ? 'app-dir/' : '' let templatePath = path.join( testRoot, type === 'unit' ? 'unit' : 'e2e', appDirPath, 'test-template' ) let targetPath = path.join(testRoot, type, appDirPath) return [ { type: 'addMany', templateFiles: `${templatePath}/**/*`, base: templatePath, destination: targetPath, }, ] }, }) plop.setGenerator('error', { description: 'Create a new error document', prompts: [ { name: 'name', type: 'input', message: 'Url path with dashes. E.g. circular-structure', validate: validateNonEmptyString('path'), }, { name: 'title', type: 'input', message: 'Title for the error. E.g. Circular Structure', validate: validateNonEmptyString('title'), }, { name: 'why', type: 'input', message: 'What caused the error to happen?', validate: validateNonEmptyString('why'), }, { name: 'fix', type: 'input', message: 'What are the possible ways to fix it?', validate: validateNonEmptyString('fix'), }, ], actions: function (answers) { const { name } = answers as ErrorResponse const errorsRoot = path.join(plop.getDestBasePath(), 'errors') return [ { type: 'add', path: path.join(errorsRoot, `{{ toFileName name }}.mdx`), templateFile: path.join(errorsRoot, `template.txt`), }, `Url for the error:${helpers.toFileName( name )}`, ] }, }) }