/** * @jest-environment jsdom */ /* eslint-env jest */ import { isEqualNode } from 'next/dist/client/head-manager' const createScriptElement = (attrs = {}) => { const el = document.createElement('script') for (const k in attrs) el.setAttribute(k, attrs[k]) return el } describe('isEqualNode', () => { it('should equal itself', () => { const el = createScriptElement() expect(isEqualNode(el, el)).toBe(true) }) it('should equal equivalent node that has no nonce', () => { const el1 = createScriptElement() const el2 = createScriptElement() expect(isEqualNode(el1, el2)).toBe(true) }) it('should equal equivalent node that has same nonce property, even if the original node has no html nonce attribute value', () => { const el1 = createScriptElement({ nonce: 'abc123' }) // Simulate Chrome/FF browser behavior of stripping off nonce value when adding element to the document el1.setAttribute('nonce', '') el1.nonce = 'abc123' const el2 = createScriptElement({ nonce: 'abc123' }) expect(isEqualNode(el1, el2)).toBe(true) }) it('should not equal node with different nonce value', () => { const el1 = createScriptElement({ nonce: 'abc123' }) // Simulate Chrome/FF browser behavior of stripping off nonce value when adding element to the document el1.setAttribute('nonce', '') el1.nonce = 'abc123' const el2 = createScriptElement({ nonce: 'xyz' }) expect(isEqualNode(el1, el2)).toBe(false) }) it('should not equal node with different html attribute value', () => { const el1 = createScriptElement({ src: '1.js' }) const el2 = createScriptElement({ src: '2.js' }) expect(isEqualNode(el1, el2)).toBe(false) }) })