import { createNextDescribe } from 'e2e-utils' import { check, waitFor } from 'next-test-utils' import { NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY } from 'next/dist/client/components/app-router-headers' const browserConfigWithFixedTime = { beforePageLoad: (page) => { page.addInitScript(() => { const startTime = new Date() const fixedTime = new Date('2023-04-17T00:00:00Z') // Override the Date constructor // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line no-native-reassign Date = class extends Date { constructor() { super() // @ts-ignore return new startTime.constructor(fixedTime) } static now() { return fixedTime.getTime() } } }) }, } createNextDescribe( 'app dir - prefetching', { files: __dirname, skipDeployment: true, }, ({ next, isNextDev }) => { // TODO: re-enable for dev after is resolved (Sep 22nd 2022) if (isNextDev) { it('should skip next dev for now', () => {}) return } it('NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY query name is _rsc', async () => { expect(NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY).toBe('_rsc') }) it('should show layout eagerly when prefetched with loading one level down', async () => { const browser = await next.browser('/', browserConfigWithFixedTime) // Ensure the page is prefetched await waitFor(1000) const before = await browser .elementByCss('#to-dashboard') .click() .waitForElementByCss('#dashboard-layout') const after = const timeToComplete = after - before expect(timeToComplete).toBeLessThan(1000) expect(await browser.elementByCss('#dashboard-layout').text()).toBe( 'Dashboard Hello World' ) await browser.waitForElementByCss('#dashboard-page') expect(await browser.waitForElementByCss('#dashboard-page').text()).toBe( 'Welcome to the dashboard' ) }) it('should not have prefetch error for static path', async () => { const browser = await next.browser('/') await browser.eval('window.nd.router.prefetch("/dashboard/123")') await waitFor(3000) await browser.eval('window.nd.router.push("/dashboard/123")') expect(next.cliOutput).not.toContain('ReferenceError') expect(next.cliOutput).not.toContain('is not defined') }) it('should not fetch again when a static page was prefetched', async () => { const browser = await next.browser('/404', browserConfigWithFixedTime) let requests: string[] = [] browser.on('request', (req) => { requests.push(new URL(req.url()).pathname) }) await browser.eval('location.href = "/"') await browser.eval( 'window.nd.router.prefetch("/static-page", {kind: "auto"})' ) await check(() => { return requests.some( (req) => req.includes('static-page') && !req.includes(NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY) ) ? 'success' : JSON.stringify(requests) }, 'success') await browser .elementByCss('#to-static-page') .click() .waitForElementByCss('#static-page') expect( requests.filter((request) => request === '/static-page').length ).toBe(1) }) it('should not fetch again when a static page was prefetched when navigating to it twice', async () => { const browser = await next.browser('/404', browserConfigWithFixedTime) let requests: string[] = [] browser.on('request', (req) => { requests.push(new URL(req.url()).pathname) }) await browser.eval('location.href = "/"') await browser.eval( `window.nd.router.prefetch("/static-page", {kind: "auto"})` ) await check(() => { return requests.some( (req) => req.includes('static-page') && !req.includes(NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY) ) ? 'success' : JSON.stringify(requests) }, 'success') await browser .elementByCss('#to-static-page') .click() .waitForElementByCss('#static-page') await browser .elementByCss('#to-home') // Go back to home page .click() // Wait for homepage to load .waitForElementByCss('#to-static-page') // Click on the link to the static page again .click() // Wait for the static page to load again .waitForElementByCss('#static-page') expect( requests.filter( (request) => request === '/static-page' || request.includes(NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY) ).length ).toBe(1) }) it('should calculate `_rsc` query based on `Next-Url`', async () => { const browser = await next.browser('/404', browserConfigWithFixedTime) let staticPageRequests: string[] = [] browser.on('request', (req) => { const url = new URL(req.url()) if (url.toString().includes(`/static-page?${NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY}=`)) { staticPageRequests.push(`${url.pathname}${}`) } }) await browser.eval('location.href = "/"') await browser.eval( `window.nd.router.prefetch("/static-page", {kind: "auto"})` ) await check(() => { return staticPageRequests.length === 1 ? 'success' : JSON.stringify(staticPageRequests) }, 'success') // Unable to clear router cache so mpa navigation await browser.eval('location.href = "/dashboard"') await browser.eval( `window.nd.router.prefetch("/static-page", {kind: "auto"})` ) await check(() => { return staticPageRequests.length === 2 ? 'success' : JSON.stringify(staticPageRequests) }, 'success') expect(staticPageRequests[0]).toMatch('/static-page?_rsc=') expect(staticPageRequests[1]).toMatch('/static-page?_rsc=') // `_rsc` does not match because it depends on the `Next-Url` expect(staticPageRequests[0]).not.toBe(staticPageRequests[1]) }) it('should not prefetch for a bot user agent', async () => { const browser = await next.browser('/404') let requests: string[] = [] browser.on('request', (req) => { requests.push(new URL(req.url()).pathname) }) await browser.eval( `location.href = "/?useragent=${encodeURIComponent( 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/W.X.Y.Z Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +' )}"` ) await browser.elementByCss('#to-static-page').moveTo() // check five times to ensure prefetch didn't occur for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { await waitFor(500) expect( requests.filter( (request) => request === '/static-page' || request.includes(NEXT_RSC_UNION_QUERY) ).length ).toBe(0) } }) it('should navigate when prefetch is false', async () => { const browser = await next.browser('/prefetch-false/initial') await browser .elementByCss('#to-prefetch-false-result') .click() .waitForElementByCss('#prefetch-false-page-result') expect( await browser.elementByCss('#prefetch-false-page-result').text() ).toBe('Result page') }) it('should not need to prefetch the layout if the prefetch is initiated at the same segment', async () => { const stateTree = encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify([ '', { children: [ 'prefetch-auto', { children: [ ['slug', 'justputit', 'd'], { children: ['__PAGE__', {}] }, ], }, ], }, null, null, true, ]) ) const response = await next.fetch(`/prefetch-auto/justputit?_rsc=dcqtr`, { headers: { RSC: '1', 'Next-Router-Prefetch': '1', 'Next-Router-State-Tree': stateTree, 'Next-Url': '/prefetch-auto/justputit', }, }) const prefetchResponse = await response.text() expect(prefetchResponse).not.toContain('Hello World') expect(prefetchResponse).not.toContain('Loading Prefetch Auto') }) it('should only prefetch the loading state and not the component tree when prefetching at the same segment', async () => { const stateTree = encodeURIComponent( JSON.stringify([ '', { children: [ 'prefetch-auto', { children: [ ['slug', 'vercel', 'd'], { children: ['__PAGE__', {}] }, ], }, ], }, null, null, true, ]) ) const response = await next.fetch(`/prefetch-auto/justputit?_rsc=dcqtr`, { headers: { RSC: '1', 'Next-Router-Prefetch': '1', 'Next-Router-State-Tree': stateTree, 'Next-Url': '/prefetch-auto/vercel', }, }) const prefetchResponse = await response.text() expect(prefetchResponse).not.toContain('Hello World') expect(prefetchResponse).toContain('Loading Prefetch Auto') }) describe('dynamic rendering', () => { describe.each(['/force-dynamic', '/revalidate-0'])('%s', (basePath) => { it('should not re-render layout when navigating between sub-pages', async () => { const logStartIndex = next.cliOutput.length const browser = await next.browser(`${basePath}/test-page`) let initialRandomNumber = await browser .elementById('random-number') .text() await browser .elementByCss(`[href="${basePath}/test-page/sub-page"]`) .click() await check(() => browser.hasElementByCssSelector('#sub-page'), true) const newRandomNumber = await browser .elementById('random-number') .text() expect(initialRandomNumber).toBe(newRandomNumber) await check(() => { const logOccurrences = next.cliOutput.slice(logStartIndex).split('re-fetching in layout') .length - 1 return logOccurrences }, 1) }) it('should update search params following a link click', async () => { const browser = await next.browser(`${basePath}/search-params`) await check( () => browser.elementById('search-params-data').text(), /{}/ ) await browser.elementByCss('[href="?foo=true"]').click() await check( () => browser.elementById('search-params-data').text(), /{"foo":"true"}/ ) await browser .elementByCss(`[href="${basePath}/search-params"]`) .click() await check( () => browser.elementById('search-params-data').text(), /{}/ ) await browser.elementByCss('[href="?foo=true"]').click() await check( () => browser.elementById('search-params-data').text(), /{"foo":"true"}/ ) }) }) it('should not re-fetch cached data when navigating back to a route group', async () => { const browser = await next.browser('/prefetch-auto-route-groups') // once the page has loaded, we expect a data fetch expect(await browser.elementById('count').text()).toBe('1') // once navigating to a sub-page, we expect another data fetch await browser .elementByCss("[href='/prefetch-auto-route-groups/sub/foo']") .click() // navigating back to the route group page shouldn't trigger any data fetch await browser .elementByCss("[href='/prefetch-auto-route-groups']") .click() // confirm that the dashboard page is still rendering the stale fetch count, as it should be cached expect(await browser.elementById('count').text()).toBe('1') // navigating to a new sub-page, we expect another data fetch await browser .elementByCss("[href='/prefetch-auto-route-groups/sub/bar']") .click() // finally, going back to the route group page shouldn't trigger any data fetch await browser .elementByCss("[href='/prefetch-auto-route-groups']") .click() // confirm that the dashboard page is still rendering the stale fetch count, as it should be cached expect(await browser.elementById('count').text()).toBe('1') await browser.refresh() // reloading the page, we should now get an accurate total number of fetches // the initial fetch, 2 sub-page fetches, and a final fetch when reloading the page expect(await browser.elementById('count').text()).toBe('4') }) }) } )