import Sema from 'async-sema' import crypto from 'crypto' import fs from 'fs' import mkdirpModule from 'mkdirp' import { CHUNK_GRAPH_MANIFEST } from 'next-server/constants' import { EOL } from 'os' import path from 'path' import { promisify } from 'util' import { recursiveDelete } from '../lib/recursive-delete' import * as Log from './output/log' const FILE_BUILD_ID = 'HEAD_BUILD_ID' const DIR_FILES_NAME = 'files' const mkdirp = promisify(mkdirpModule) const fsExists = promisify(fs.exists) const fsReadFile = promisify(fs.readFile) const fsWriteFile = promisify(fs.writeFile) const fsCopyFile = promisify(fs.copyFile) type ChunkGraphManifest = { pages: { [page: string]: string[] } pageChunks: { [page: string]: string[] } chunks: { [page: string]: string[] } hashes: { [page: string]: string } } export class FlyingShuttle { private shuttleDirectory: string private buildId: string private pagesDirectory: string private distDirectory: string private cacheIdentifier: string private _shuttleBuildId: string | undefined private _restoreSema = new Sema(1) private _recalledManifest: ChunkGraphManifest = { pages: {}, pageChunks: {}, chunks: {}, hashes: {}, } constructor({ buildId, pagesDirectory, distDirectory, cacheIdentifier, }: { buildId: string pagesDirectory: string distDirectory: string cacheIdentifier: string }) { mkdirpModule.sync( (this.shuttleDirectory = path.join( distDirectory, 'cache', 'next-flying-shuttle' )) ) this.buildId = buildId this.pagesDirectory = pagesDirectory this.distDirectory = distDirectory this.cacheIdentifier = cacheIdentifier } hasShuttle = async () => { const found = this.shuttleBuildId && (await fsExists(path.join(this.shuttleDirectory, CHUNK_GRAPH_MANIFEST))) if (found) {'flying shuttle is docked') } else {'could not locate flying shuttle') } return found } get shuttleBuildId() { if (this._shuttleBuildId) { return this._shuttleBuildId } const headBuildIdPath = path.join(this.shuttleDirectory, FILE_BUILD_ID) if (!fs.existsSync(headBuildIdPath)) { return (this._shuttleBuildId = undefined) } const contents = fs.readFileSync(headBuildIdPath, 'utf8').trim() return (this._shuttleBuildId = contents) } getUnchangedPages = async () => { const manifestPath = path.join(this.shuttleDirectory, CHUNK_GRAPH_MANIFEST) const manifest = require(manifestPath) as ChunkGraphManifest const { pages: pageFileDictionary, hashes } = manifest const pageNames = Object.keys(pageFileDictionary) const allFiles = new Set() pageNames.forEach(pageName => pageFileDictionary[pageName].forEach(file => allFiles.add(file)) ) const fileChanged = new Map() await Promise.all( [...allFiles].map(async file => { const filePath = path.join(path.dirname(this.pagesDirectory), file) const exists = await fsExists(filePath) if (!exists) { fileChanged.set(file, true) return } const hash = crypto .createHash('sha1') .update(this.cacheIdentifier) .update(await fsReadFile(filePath)) .digest('hex') fileChanged.set(file, hash !== hashes[file]) }) ) const unchangedPages = pageNames .filter( p => !pageFileDictionary[p].map(f => fileChanged.get(f)).some(Boolean) ) .filter( pageName => pageName !== '/_app' && pageName !== '/_error' && pageName !== '/_document' ) if (unchangedPages.length) { const u = unchangedPages.length const c = pageNames.length - u`found ${c} changed and ${u} unchanged page${u > 1 ? 's' : ''}`) } else { Log.warn(`flying shuttle had no pages we can reuse`) } return unchangedPages } restorePage = async (page: string): Promise => { await this._restoreSema.acquire() try { const manifestPath = path.join( this.shuttleDirectory, CHUNK_GRAPH_MANIFEST ) const manifest = require(manifestPath) as ChunkGraphManifest const { pages, pageChunks, hashes } = manifest if (!(pages.hasOwnProperty(page) && pageChunks.hasOwnProperty(page))) { Log.warn(`unable to find ${page} in shuttle`) return false } const serverless = path.join( 'serverless/pages', `${page === '/' ? 'index' : page}.js` ) const files = [serverless, ...pageChunks[page]] const filesExists = await Promise.all( files .map(f => path.join(this.shuttleDirectory, DIR_FILES_NAME, f)) .map(f => fsExists(f)) ) if (!filesExists.every(Boolean)) { Log.warn(`unable to locate files for ${page} in shuttle`) return false } const rewriteRegex = new RegExp(`${this.shuttleBuildId}[\\/\\\\]`) const movedPageChunks: string[] = [] await Promise.all( recallFileName => { if (!rewriteRegex.test(recallFileName)) { const recallPath = path.join(this.distDirectory, recallFileName) const recallPathExists = await fsExists(recallPath) if (!recallPathExists) { await mkdirp(path.dirname(recallPath)) await fsCopyFile( path.join( this.shuttleDirectory, DIR_FILES_NAME, recallFileName ), recallPath ) } movedPageChunks.push(recallFileName) return } const newFileName = recallFileName.replace( rewriteRegex, `${this.buildId}/` ) const recallPath = path.join(this.distDirectory, newFileName) const recallPathExists = await fsExists(recallPath) if (!recallPathExists) { await mkdirp(path.dirname(recallPath)) await fsCopyFile( path.join(this.shuttleDirectory, DIR_FILES_NAME, recallFileName), recallPath ) } movedPageChunks.push(newFileName) }) ) this._recalledManifest.pages[page] = pages[page] this._recalledManifest.pageChunks[page] = movedPageChunks.filter( f => f !== serverless ) this._recalledManifest.hashes = Object.assign( {}, this._recalledManifest.hashes, pages[page].reduce( (acc, cur) => Object.assign(acc, { [cur]: hashes[cur] }), {} ) ) return true } finally { this._restoreSema.release() } } save = async () => { Log.wait('docking flying shuttle') await recursiveDelete(this.shuttleDirectory) await mkdirp(this.shuttleDirectory) const nextManifestPath = path.join(this.distDirectory, CHUNK_GRAPH_MANIFEST) if (!(await fsExists(nextManifestPath))) { Log.warn('could not find shuttle payload :: shuttle will not be docked') return } const nextManifest = JSON.parse( await fsReadFile(nextManifestPath, 'utf8') ) as ChunkGraphManifest const storeManifest: ChunkGraphManifest = { pages: Object.assign( {}, this._recalledManifest.pages, nextManifest.pages ), pageChunks: Object.assign( {}, this._recalledManifest.pageChunks, nextManifest.pageChunks ), chunks: Object.assign( {}, this._recalledManifest.chunks, nextManifest.chunks ), hashes: Object.assign( {}, this._recalledManifest.hashes, nextManifest.hashes ), } await fsWriteFile( path.join(this.shuttleDirectory, FILE_BUILD_ID), this.buildId ) const usedChunks = new Set() const pages = Object.keys(storeManifest.pageChunks) pages.forEach(page => { storeManifest.pageChunks[page].forEach(file => usedChunks.add(file)) usedChunks.add( path.join('serverless/pages', `${page === '/' ? 'index' : page}.js`) ) }) await fsWriteFile( path.join(this.shuttleDirectory, CHUNK_GRAPH_MANIFEST), JSON.stringify(storeManifest, null, 2) + EOL ) await Promise.all( [...usedChunks].map(async usedChunk => { const target = path.join( this.shuttleDirectory, DIR_FILES_NAME, usedChunk ) await mkdirp(path.dirname(target)) return fsCopyFile(path.join(this.distDirectory, usedChunk), target) }) )`flying shuttle payload: ${usedChunks.size + 2} files`) Log.ready('flying shuttle docked') } }