import { createNextDescribe } from 'e2e-utils' import { check } from 'next-test-utils' createNextDescribe( 'socket-io', { files: __dirname, dependencies: { '': '4.7.2', '': '4.7.2', 'utf-8-validate': '6.0.3', bufferutil: '4.0.8', }, }, ({ next }) => { it('should support without falling back to polling', async () => { let requestsCount = 0 const browser1 = await next.browser(next.url, '/') const browser2 = await next.browser(next.url, '/', { beforePageLoad(page) { page.on('request', () => { requestsCount++ }) }, }) const input1 = await browser1.elementByCss('input') const input2 = await browser2.elementByCss('input') await input1.fill('hello world') await check(() => input2.inputValue(), /hello world/) const currentRequestsCount = requestsCount await input1.fill('123456') await check(() => input2.inputValue(), /123456/) // There should be no new requests (polling) and using the existing WS connection expect(requestsCount).toBe(currentRequestsCount) }) } )