const fs = require('fs') const os = require('os') const path = require('path') const prettier = require('prettier') const execa = require('execa') const { bold } = require('kleur') async function format(text) { const options = await prettier.resolveConfig(__filename) return prettier.format(text, { ...options, parser: 'json' }) } const override = process.argv.includes('--override') const PASSING_JSON_PATH = `${__dirname}/turbopack-dev-tests-manifest.json` const WORKING_PATH = '/root/actions-runner/_work/next.js/next.js/' const INITIALIZING_TEST_CASES = [ 'compile successfully', 'should build successfully', ] // please make sure this is sorted alphabetically when making changes. const SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES = {} function checkSorted(arr, name) { const sorted = [...arr].sort() if (JSON.stringify(arr) !== JSON.stringify(sorted)) { console.log(`Expected order of ${name}:`) for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === sorted[i]) { console.log(` ${arr[i]}`) } else { console.log(bold().red(`- ${arr[i]}`)) console.log(bold().green(`+ ${sorted[i]}`)) } } throw new Error(`${name} is not sorted`) } } checkSorted(Object.keys(SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES), 'SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES') for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES)) { checkSorted(value, `SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES['${key}']`) } /** * @param title {string} * @param file {string} * @param args {readonly string[]} * @returns {execa.ExecaChildProcess} */ function exec(title, file, args) { logCommand(title, `${file} ${args.join(' ')}`) return execa(file, args, { stderr: 'inherit', }) } /** * @param {string} title * @param {string} [command] */ function logCommand(title, command) { let message = `\n${bold().underline(title)}\n` if (command) { message += `> ${bold(command)}\n` } console.log(message) } /** * @returns {Promise} */ async function fetchLatestTestArtifact() { const { stdout } = await exec( 'Getting latest test artifacts from GitHub actions', 'gh', ['api', '/repos/vercel/next.js/actions/artifacts?name=test-results'] ) /** @type {ListArtifactsResponse} */ const res = JSON.parse(stdout) for (const artifact of res.artifacts) { if (artifact.expired || artifact.workflow_run.head_branch !== 'canary') { continue } return artifact } throw new Error('no valid test-results artifact was found for branch canary') } /** * @returns {Promise} */ async function fetchTestResults() { const artifact = await fetchLatestTestArtifact() const subprocess = exec('Downloading artifact archive', 'gh', [ 'api', `/repos/vercel/next.js/actions/artifacts/${}/zip`, ]) const filePath = path.join( os.tmpdir(), `next-test-results.${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString(16)}.zip` ) subprocess.stdout.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(filePath)) await subprocess const { stdout } = await exec('Extracting test results manifest', 'unzip', [ '-pj', filePath, 'nextjs-test-results.json', ]) return JSON.parse(stdout) } async function updatePassingTests() { const results = await fetchTestResults() logCommand('Processing results...') const passing = { __proto__: null } for (const result of results.result) { const runtimeError = > 0 for (const testResult of { const filepath = stripWorkingPath( const fileResults = (passing[filepath] ??= { passed: [], failed: [], pending: [], flakey: [], runtimeError, }) const skips = SKIPPED_TEST_SUITES[filepath] ?? [] const skippedPassingNames = [] let initializationFailed = false for (const testCase of testResult.assertionResults) { let { fullName, status } = testCase if ( status === 'failed' && INITIALIZING_TEST_CASES.some((name) => fullName.includes(name)) ) { initializationFailed = true } else if (initializationFailed) { status = 'failed' } if (shouldSkip(fullName, skips)) { if (status === 'passed') skippedPassingNames.push(fullName) status = 'flakey' } // treat test-level todo as same as pending if (status === 'todo') { status = 'pending' } const statusArray = fileResults[status] if (!statusArray) { throw new Error(`unexpected status "${status}"`) } statusArray.push(fullName) } if (skippedPassingNames.length > 0) { console.log( `${bold().yellow(filepath)} has ${ skippedPassingNames.length } passing tests that are marked as skipped:\n${skippedPassingNames .map((name) => ` - ${name}`) .join('\n')}\n` ) } } } for (const info of Object.values(passing)) { info.failed = [ Set(info.failed)].sort() info.pending = [ Set(info.pending)].sort() info.flakey = [ Set(info.flakey)].sort() info.passed = [ Set(info.passed.filter((name) => !info.failed.includes(name))), ].sort() } if (!override) { const oldPassingData = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(PASSING_JSON_PATH, 'utf8') ) for (const file of Object.keys(oldPassingData)) { const newData = passing[file] const oldData = oldPassingData[file] if (!newData) continue // We want to find old passing tests that are now failing, and report them. // Tests are allowed transition to skipped or flakey. const shouldPass = new Set( oldData.passed.filter((name) => newData.failed.includes(name)) ) if (shouldPass.size > 0) { console.log( `${bold().red(file)} has ${ shouldPass.size } test(s) that should pass but failed:\n${Array.from(shouldPass) .map((name) => ` - ${name}`) .join('\n')}\n` ) } // Merge the old passing tests with the new ones newData.passed = [ Set([...shouldPass, ...newData.passed])].sort() // but remove them also from the failed list newData.failed = newData.failed .filter((name) => !shouldPass.has(name)) .sort() if (!oldData.runtimeError && newData.runtimeError) { console.log( `${bold().red(file)} has a runtime error that is shouldn't have\n` ) newData.runtimeError = false } } } // JS keys are ordered, this ensures the tests are written in a consistent order // const ordered = Object.keys(passing) .sort() .reduce((obj, key) => { obj[key] = passing[key] return obj }, {}) fs.writeFileSync( PASSING_JSON_PATH, await format(JSON.stringify(ordered, null, 2)) ) } function shouldSkip(name, skips) { for (const skip of skips) { if (typeof skip === 'string') { // exact match if (name === skip) return true } else { // regex if (skip.test(name)) return true } } return false } function stripWorkingPath(path) { if (!path.startsWith(WORKING_PATH)) { throw new Error( `found unexpected working path in "${path}", expected it to begin with ${WORKING_PATH}` ) } return path.slice(WORKING_PATH.length) } updatePassingTests().catch((e) => { console.error(e) process.exit(1) })