import { IncomingMessage } from 'http' import { ParsedUrlQuery } from 'querystring' import { searchParamsToUrlQuery } from './querystring' import { parseRelativeUrl } from './parse-relative-url' import * as pathToRegexp from 'next/dist/compiled/path-to-regexp' import { RouteHas } from '../../../../lib/load-custom-routes' type Params = { [param: string]: any } // ensure only a-zA-Z are used for param names for proper interpolating // with path-to-regexp const getSafeParamName = (paramName: string) => { let newParamName = '' for (let i = 0; i < paramName.length; i++) { const charCode = paramName.charCodeAt(i) if ( (charCode > 64 && charCode < 91) || // A-Z (charCode > 96 && charCode < 123) // a-z ) { newParamName += paramName[i] } } return newParamName } export function matchHas( req: IncomingMessage, has: RouteHas[], query: Params ): false | Params { const params: Params = {} const allMatch = has.every((hasItem) => { let value: undefined | string let key = hasItem.key switch (hasItem.type) { case 'header': { key = key!.toLowerCase() value = req.headers[key] as string break } case 'cookie': { value = (req as any).cookies[hasItem.key] break } case 'query': { value = query[key!] break } case 'host': { const { host } = req?.headers || {} // remove port from host if present const hostname = host?.split(':')[0].toLowerCase() value = hostname break } default: { break } } if (!hasItem.value && value) { params[getSafeParamName(key!)] = value return true } else if (value) { const matcher = new RegExp(`^${hasItem.value}$`) const matches = value.match(matcher) if (matches) { if (matches.groups) { Object.keys(matches.groups).forEach((groupKey) => { const safeKey = getSafeParamName(groupKey) if (safeKey && matches.groups![groupKey]) { params[safeKey] = matches.groups![groupKey] } }) } else { params[getSafeParamName(key || 'host')] = matches[0] } return true } } return false }) if (allMatch) { return params } return false } export function compileNonPath(value: string, params: Params): string { if (!value.includes(':')) { return value } for (const key of Object.keys(params)) { if (value.includes(`:${key}`)) { value = value .replace( new RegExp(`:${key}\\*`, 'g'), `:${key}--ESCAPED_PARAM_ASTERISKS` ) .replace( new RegExp(`:${key}\\?`, 'g'), `:${key}--ESCAPED_PARAM_QUESTION` ) .replace(new RegExp(`:${key}\\+`, 'g'), `:${key}--ESCAPED_PARAM_PLUS`) .replace( new RegExp(`:${key}(?!\\w)`, 'g'), `--ESCAPED_PARAM_COLON${key}` ) } } value = value .replace(/(:|\*|\?|\+|\(|\)|\{|\})/g, '\\$1') .replace(/--ESCAPED_PARAM_PLUS/g, '+') .replace(/--ESCAPED_PARAM_COLON/g, ':') .replace(/--ESCAPED_PARAM_QUESTION/g, '?') .replace(/--ESCAPED_PARAM_ASTERISKS/g, '*') // the value needs to start with a forward-slash to be compiled // correctly return pathToRegexp .compile(`/${value}`, { validate: false })(params) .substr(1) } export default function prepareDestination( destination: string, params: Params, query: ParsedUrlQuery, appendParamsToQuery: boolean ) { let parsedDestination: { query?: ParsedUrlQuery protocol?: string hostname?: string port?: string } & ReturnType = {} as any // clone query so we don't modify the original query = Object.assign({}, query) const hadLocale = query.__nextLocale delete query.__nextLocale delete query.__nextDefaultLocale if (destination.startsWith('/')) { parsedDestination = parseRelativeUrl(destination) } else { const { pathname, searchParams, hash, hostname, port, protocol, search, href, } = new URL(destination) parsedDestination = { pathname, query: searchParamsToUrlQuery(searchParams), hash, protocol, hostname, port, search, href, } } const destQuery = parsedDestination.query const destPath = `${parsedDestination.pathname!}${ parsedDestination.hash || '' }` const destPathParamKeys: pathToRegexp.Key[] = [] pathToRegexp.pathToRegexp(destPath, destPathParamKeys) const destPathParams = => let destinationCompiler = pathToRegexp.compile( destPath, // we don't validate while compiling the destination since we should // have already validated before we got to this point and validating // breaks compiling destinations with named pattern params from the source // e.g. /something:hello(.*) -> /another/:hello is broken with validation // since compile validation is meant for reversing and not for inserting // params from a separate path-regex into another { validate: false } ) let newUrl // update any params in query values for (const [key, strOrArray] of Object.entries(destQuery)) { let value = Array.isArray(strOrArray) ? strOrArray[0] : strOrArray if (value) { // the value needs to start with a forward-slash to be compiled // correctly value = compileNonPath(value, params) } destQuery[key] = value } // add path params to query if it's not a redirect and not // already defined in destination query or path let paramKeys = Object.keys(params) // remove internal param for i18n if (hadLocale) { paramKeys = paramKeys.filter((name) => name !== 'nextInternalLocale') } if ( appendParamsToQuery && !paramKeys.some((key) => destPathParams.includes(key)) ) { for (const key of paramKeys) { if (!(key in destQuery)) { destQuery[key] = params[key] } } } try { newUrl = destinationCompiler(params) const [pathname, hash] = newUrl.split('#') parsedDestination.pathname = pathname parsedDestination.hash = `${hash ? '#' : ''}${hash || ''}` delete (parsedDestination as any).search } catch (err) { if (err.message.match(/Expected .*? to not repeat, but got an array/)) { throw new Error( `To use a multi-match in the destination you must add \`*\` at the end of the param name to signify it should repeat.` ) } throw err } // Query merge order lowest priority to highest // 1. initial URL query values // 2. path segment values // 3. destination specified query values parsedDestination.query = { ...query, ...parsedDestination.query, } return { newUrl, parsedDestination, } }