const os = require('os') const path = require('path') const execa = require('execa') const fsp = require('fs/promises') const prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes') const gzipSize = require('next/dist/compiled/gzip-size') const { nodeFileTrace } = require('next/dist/compiled/@vercel/nft') const { linkPackages } = require('../.github/actions/next-stats-action/src/prepare/repo-setup')() const MAX_COMPRESSED_SIZE = 250 * 1000 const MAX_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE = 2.5 * 1000 * 1000 // install next outside the monorepo for clean `node_modules` // to trace against which helps ensure minimal trace is // produced. // react and react-dom need to be traced specific to installed // version so isn't pre-traced async function main() { const tmpdir = os.tmpdir() const origRepoDir = path.join(__dirname, '..') const repoDir = path.join(tmpdir, `tmp-next-${}`) const workDir = path.join(tmpdir, `trace-next-${}`) const origTestDir = path.join(origRepoDir, 'test') const dotDir = path.join(origRepoDir, './') + '.' await fsp.cp(origRepoDir, repoDir, { filter: (item) => { return ( !item.startsWith(origTestDir) && !item.startsWith(dotDir) && !item.includes('node_modules') ) }, force: true, recursive: true, }) console.log('using workdir', workDir) console.log('using repodir', repoDir) await fsp.mkdir(workDir, { recursive: true }) const pkgPaths = await linkPackages({ repoDir: origRepoDir, nextSwcVersion: null, }) await fsp.writeFile( path.join(workDir, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify( { dependencies: { next: pkgPaths.get('next'), }, private: true, }, null, 2 ) ) await execa('yarn', ['install'], { cwd: workDir, stdio: ['ignore', 'inherit', 'inherit'], env: { ...process.env, YARN_CACHE_FOLDER: path.join(workDir, '.yarn-cache'), }, }) const nextServerPath = path.join( workDir, 'node_modules/next/dist/server/next-server.js' ) const traceLabel = `traced ${nextServerPath}` console.time(traceLabel) const result = await nodeFileTrace([nextServerPath], { base: workDir, processCwd: workDir, ignore: [ 'node_modules/next/dist/pages/**/*', 'node_modules/next/dist/server/image-optimizer.js', 'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer/**/*', 'node_modules/next/dist/server/lib/squoosh/**/*.wasm', 'node_modules/next/dist/compiled/webpack/(bundle4|bundle5).js', 'node_modules/react/**/*.development.js', 'node_modules/react-dom/**/*.development.js', 'node_modules/use-subscription/**/*.development.js', 'node_modules/sharp/**/*', ], }) const tracedDeps = new Set() let totalCompressedSize = 0 let totalUncompressedSize = 0 for (const file of result.fileList) { if (result.reasons.get(file).type === 'initial') { continue } tracedDeps.add(file.replace(/\\/g, '/')) const stat = await fsp.stat(path.join(workDir, file)) if (stat.isFile()) { const compressedSize = await gzipSize(path.join(workDir, file)) totalUncompressedSize += stat.size || 0 totalCompressedSize += compressedSize } else { console.log('not a file', file, stat.isDirectory()) } } console.log({ numberFiles: tracedDeps.size, totalGzipSize: prettyBytes(totalCompressedSize), totalUncompressedSize: prettyBytes(totalUncompressedSize), }) await fsp.writeFile( path.join( __dirname, '../packages/next/dist/server/next-server.js.nft.json' ), JSON.stringify({ files: Array.from(tracedDeps), version: 1, }) ) await fsp.rm(workDir, { recursive: true, force: true }) await fsp.rm(repoDir, { recursive: true, force: true }) console.timeEnd(traceLabel) if ( totalCompressedSize > MAX_COMPRESSED_SIZE || totalUncompressedSize > MAX_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE ) { throw new Error( `Max traced size of next-server exceeded limits of ${MAX_COMPRESSED_SIZE} compressed or ${MAX_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE} uncompressed` ) } } main() .then(() => console.log('done')) .catch(console.error)