import React from 'react' import Loadable from './loadable' const isServerSide = typeof window === 'undefined' export type LoaderComponent

= Promise< React.ComponentType

| { default: React.ComponentType

} > export type Loader

= (() => LoaderComponent

) | LoaderComponent

export type LoaderMap = { [mdule: string]: () => Loader } export type LoadableGeneratedOptions = { webpack?(): any modules?(): LoaderMap } export type LoadableBaseOptions

= LoadableGeneratedOptions & { loading?: ({ error, isLoading, pastDelay, }: { error?: Error | null isLoading?: boolean pastDelay?: boolean timedOut?: boolean }) => JSX.Element | null loader?: Loader

| LoaderMap loadableGenerated?: LoadableGeneratedOptions ssr?: boolean } export type LoadableOptions

= LoadableBaseOptions

& { render?(loader: any, props: any): JSX.Element } export type DynamicOptions

= LoadableBaseOptions

& { render?(props: P, loaded: any): JSX.Element } export type LoadableFn

= ( opts: LoadableOptions

) => React.ComponentType

export type LoadableComponent

= React.ComponentType

export function noSSR

( LoadableInitializer: LoadableFn

, loadableOptions: LoadableOptions

) { // Removing webpack and modules means react-loadable won't try preloading delete loadableOptions.webpack delete loadableOptions.modules // This check is neccesary to prevent react-loadable from initializing on the server if (!isServerSide) { return LoadableInitializer(loadableOptions) } const Loading = loadableOptions.loading! // This will only be rendered on the server side return () => ( ) } // function dynamic

(options: O): export default function dynamic

( dynamicOptions: DynamicOptions

| Loader

, options?: DynamicOptions

): React.ComponentType

{ let loadableFn: LoadableFn

= Loadable let loadableOptions: LoadableOptions

= { // A loading component is not required, so we default it loading: ({ error, isLoading, pastDelay }) => { if (!pastDelay) return null if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { if (isLoading) { return null } if (error) { return (


) } } return null }, } // Support for direct import(), eg: dynamic(import('../hello-world')) // Note that this is only kept for the edge case where someone is passing in a promise as first argument // The react-loadable babel plugin will turn dynamic(import('../hello-world')) into dynamic(() => import('../hello-world')) // To make sure we don't execute the import without rendering first if (dynamicOptions instanceof Promise) { loadableOptions.loader = () => dynamicOptions // Support for having import as a function, eg: dynamic(() => import('../hello-world')) } else if (typeof dynamicOptions === 'function') { loadableOptions.loader = dynamicOptions // Support for having first argument being options, eg: dynamic({loader: import('../hello-world')}) } else if (typeof dynamicOptions === 'object') { loadableOptions = { ...loadableOptions, ...dynamicOptions } } // Support for passing options, eg: dynamic(import('../hello-world'), {loading: () =>

Loading something

}) loadableOptions = { ...loadableOptions, ...options } // coming from build/babel/plugins/react-loadable-plugin.js if (loadableOptions.loadableGenerated) { loadableOptions = { ...loadableOptions, ...loadableOptions.loadableGenerated, } delete loadableOptions.loadableGenerated } // support for disabling server side rendering, eg: dynamic(import('../hello-world'), {ssr: false}) if (typeof loadableOptions.ssr === 'boolean') { if (!loadableOptions.ssr) { delete loadableOptions.ssr return noSSR(loadableFn, loadableOptions) } delete loadableOptions.ssr } return loadableFn(loadableOptions) }