import Head from 'next/head' import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css' import { connectToDatabase } from '../util/couchbase' export default function Home({ isConnected }) { return (
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Welcome to Next.js with Couchbase!

{isConnected ? (

You are connected to Couchbase

) : ( <>

You are NOT connected to Couchbase. Try refreshing the page, and if this error persists check the for instructions.

Note: if the database was recently started, you might have to re-start the app (in dev mode) or re-deploy to your serverless environment for changes to take effect. )}

Get started by editing{' '} pages/index.js

) } export async function getServerSideProps(context) { let connection = await connectToDatabase() const { collection } = connection // Check connection with a KV GET operation for a key that doesnt exist let isConnected = false try { await collection.get('testingConnectionKey') } catch (err) { // error message will return 'document not found' if and only if we are connected // (but this document is not present, we're only trying to test the connection here) if (err.message === 'document not found') { isConnected = true } // if the error message is anything OTHER THAN 'document not found', the connection is broken } return { props: { isConnected }, } }