import mongoose from "mongoose"; export interface Pets extends mongoose.Document { name: string; owner_name: string; species: string; age: number; poddy_trained: boolean; diet: string[]; image_url: string; likes: string[]; dislikes: string[]; } /* PetSchema will correspond to a collection in your MongoDB database. */ const PetSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: { /* The name of this pet */ type: String, required: [true, "Please provide a name for this pet."], maxlength: [60, "Name cannot be more than 60 characters"], }, owner_name: { /* The owner of this pet */ type: String, required: [true, "Please provide the pet owner's name"], maxlength: [60, "Owner's Name cannot be more than 60 characters"], }, species: { /* The species of your pet */ type: String, required: [true, "Please specify the species of your pet."], maxlength: [40, "Species specified cannot be more than 40 characters"], }, age: { /* Pet's age, if applicable */ type: Number, }, poddy_trained: { /* Boolean poddy_trained value, if applicable */ type: Boolean, }, diet: { /* List of dietary needs, if applicable */ type: [String], }, image_url: { /* Url to pet image */ required: [true, "Please provide an image url for this pet."], type: String, }, likes: { /* List of things your pet likes to do */ type: [String], }, dislikes: { /* List of things your pet does not like to do */ type: [String], }, }); export default mongoose.models.Pet || mongoose.model("Pet", PetSchema);